So I main a Fed-aligned Romulan Engineer. I've noticed something with my Bridge Officers that I'm finding quite annoying. Because I wanted desirable traits, I got all of my current set of Bridge Officers from the Exchange. When trying to make everyone's uniforms match, I've noticed that not all of my officers has access to the Rom/Fed it doesn't even show up as an option for them to choose. In fact, a few of them even have the Rom/KDF uniform as an option, and I don't understand why. Is there a way to tell in the Exchange if the Romulan is a Fed or KDF leaning officer BEFORE I buy? It's really annoying.
well... if yer willing to spend millions of ec on a boff, ya get what ya deserve...
this is additionally a downside for getting romulan doffs. i rarely go to romulus now and hence do not add romulan doffs from the personal vendor.
Despising your customers. Bad business practice. Like making custom rifles and sneering at the barbarians who buy them.
--Red Annorax
I dont despise them, I love em, still think they're fools
I'm starting to think that this "Tovan Khev", might be a village cop turned poltical officer.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Somehow never considered the village idiot part of my crew, not that it comes with any choice attached. If we consider not buying them from the exchange, getting Romulan bridge crew from the DOFF missions, tend to be slower than melting down an entire glacier, even at maximum planetary industrial output.
In the name of equilibrium, they fixed some TOS costume related bugs recently, so to say nothing is ever done, is an exaggeration. But we have to consider these are paid-for elements, as opposed to losing a ton of EC over buying the cat-in-the-bag from the exchange. That is just invested time that never comes back, and of lesser value no doubt!
Not always the case. My Orion "Liaison" BOFF (awarded by my ally) appeared instead of Tovan Khev on the bridge one day. Shortly thereafter, a uniformed FED officer (my main, on whose ship this occurred, is KDF-allied) appeared in that same seat.
Granted, this was over a year ago when it happened, so the bug has doubtless been patched by now.