I know this has had to have been brought up before but here it goes again anyway. These Hard missions in the Defera ground battlezone need to be fixed. These bugs have been in for years and it is beyond ridiculous for me to have to bring this up now because they have not been fixed. The Powerplant was unable to be ran today because both instances of it were bugged out. The City quest has always been bugged making people waste time waiting for 7 minutes to do the quest and that is if it does not bug out in phase 3 and progress becomes stopped so you have to click another console and wait another 7 minutes.
There is no reason for quests that hundreds of people or more do every single day to be bugged out for years. Two of my guildmates spend thousands of dollars buying zen every year and we are about to go play something else if that helps to motivate anyone to take 15 minutes out of their lives to fix these quests. I normally don't rant on here but there is absolutely no justification for allowing quests that this many people do to continue to be broken for years.
And now with the addition to the elite compensation Defera is more abandoned than ever. People finally can get neural processors without the need to play in buggy zones. That is a relief.
Since we pay money to these people, I will ask for whatever fixes I feel like asking for.
Many people, especially those in small fleets, use this to get Omega Marks as well as Fleet marks under the two birds with one stone concept. Telling me to not complain about something that has always affected me and my friends is in no way helpful so how about you beam out of this thread.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
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Only that cryptic doesnt work as you are assuming.. , lets see i have a shop where i sell broken stuff, but when my clients return to me because they want me to repair that stuff i say , "no i have better things to do, like making new broken stuff", and since i already have my client's money, i dont care
Cryptic should delete the Zone, new players get a very poor impression and play these missions before the later end game content. From a business point of view this is very poor practice, why let players have what they know is going to be a poor experience. Of course the truth is that the current batch of coders do not understand the zone and can't fix it anyway!
1: Sometimes, the consoles won't activate at all.
2: The consoles activate, but the rest of the room doesn't activate.
3: If you kill the large Tactical drone at the start, the room will not finish, trapping you in the room.
4: If you kill the large Tactical drone before you kill the grenade turrets, the room bugs out.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Lol, no they never fixed it. None of the bugs. They "tried" to about 1 year ago, but they failed. Ive been experimenting the same bugs in powerplang and the city and temple since almost Defera was introduced. Defera is the most abandoned place in the story of the game, everybody knows it. Bugs are not always happening if you are lucky but they happen, a lot. I dont go to Defera since a few months ago, i really got tired of seeing the same glitches over and over again.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Who cares anymore xD. I dont need to "max" my fleet marks ammount. I prefer to have fun in the process, not the opposite.
Imagine if defera WASNT bugged and you COULD have fun doing it.
Isnt that better than being forced to play different content? Being able to CHOOSE?