The capture-points in the VGB have two features, which seem to add next to nothing to the experience - the voth antiproton turrets that keep spawning around the perimeter, and the mortar shots that once in a while fall into the area. Neither of these represent any threat at all - the turrets go down in a few shots, rarely doing any significant damage, and the mortars and their knock-down effect just interrupts the flow of the experience (so the only reason to keep dancing around the easy to avoid target areas is not to avoid death, but because it's just annoying to pick yourself up from the ground everytime)... They are nothing but annoyances, distractions that considerably lessen the fun factor of the point capture, and by removing/replacing them, the experience could possibly be improved by a considerable amount.
Don't know why the devs put the turrets in there, but for me their purpose is to easily finish the "turret killer" mission as KDF.
"im still pi**** off at the way the zone credits are dealt with though.
to this day you get people standing around doing nothing but triggering the higher spawn rates, and collecting the credits after the other player does the work to cap the point. "