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The Wishlist for Crypic to make for US...



  • rarebear1rarebear1 Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    I would love to see, like 5 minute intros for whenever you get a new starship. You go to Starfleet Academy and get on a shuttle that takes you to your ship. Also I think its much needed but skill point cap increase
    Proud Trekkie Favorite episode from TOS is The Doomsday Machine TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise VOY: Endgame part 1 and 2 DS9: Emissary ENT: Assmilation
  • dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    A revamp of the T6 Excelsior so the command hybrid slot is replaced with a pilot hybrid.
    Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?

    Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:

  • sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    My list:

    T6 Sovereign class - 99% sure to happen
    Playable Cardassian and Dominion factions - 50% sure to happen
    Dual (heavy) turrets - Not so sure if they will make this, but it would be good and easy thing to do.
    Separated weapon slots for torpedos, cannons/turrets and beams/banks - Pretty sure this won't happen (at least not in the near future), but since I want SFC3 style of weapon placing, I'm adding it to my list.
    Curly/wavy hairstyles - I don't know why they are not option already, but I do know that without this option I can't make good looking Klingon characters and I can't recreate Sikozu from Farspace either with her long wavy redhair
    Some ships from ST Armada - I mentioned them already in a ship wishlist thread (for example Federation Aegian, Cardassian Kulinor, Klingon Qeh'Ral, Romulan Griffin, Species 8472 Behemoth, Borg Tactical Fusion Cube...)
    More powerful cannon weapons - Now this is really an issue, since for example transphasic torpedoes are nowhere near the ones we've seen in Voyager. While I do not think it should be one shot one kill, I think it should at least deal 80% of damage to Borg probe, 50% damage to sphere, 25% damage to cube... Quantum torps should be buffed too, and phasers/disruptors of course.
    More powerful spinal lance - The current one we have on Galaxy X is ridiculously weak compared to what we've seen in the show. That weapon should slice the smaller/weaker ships in half without much effort and do a heavy damage to bigger/stronger ships.
    Galaxy X T6 treatment (redesign) - if standard Galaxy could receive one, I don't understand why Galaxy X can't. After all, they are of the same class so leaving Gal X like this for so long period of time does not makes sense and it's not fair to players using them.
    To make Romulans a real faction, since by now they should evolved into one. I have no issues with them being allies of FEDs or/and KDF, but being half of the faction like they are currently is just not right.

    There are probably more things I should mention, but these are the ones I could remember from the top of my head. The most important issues for sure.
    FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    dave18193 wrote: »
    A revamp of the T6 Excelsior so the command hybrid slot is replaced with a pilot hybrid.

    I don't really see the Excelsior being a nimble Cruiser...personally I think if any Cruiser was going to have the chance of a Pilot slot it would of been the Battle Cruiser and I was kinda hoping for this...but it never happened and get another Intel Cruiser. :(
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    dave18193 wrote: »
    A revamp of the T6 Excelsior so the command hybrid slot is replaced with a pilot hybrid.

    I don't really see the Excelsior being a nimble Cruiser...personally I think if any Cruiser was going to have the chance of a Pilot slot it would of been the Battle Cruiser and I was kinda hoping for this...but it never happened and get another Intel Cruiser. :(

    Its pretty nimble by cruiser standards, and Im not talking about pilot maneuvers, just a LTC or even LT Pilot boff slot. Reroute reserves to weapons has little to do with agility. Besides, "fly her apart" was originally from the USS Excelsior.

    Im just dreaming tbh. Its never gonna happen. My guess is the T6 Sovvy will get the Pilot slot, meaning the Excel will be lumbered as the worst of all the Command boff cruisers.
    Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?

    Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:

  • rarebear1rarebear1 Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    I want to be able to do L-4 manuvers. Like in Star Trek Enterprise.
    Proud Trekkie Favorite episode from TOS is The Doomsday Machine TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise VOY: Endgame part 1 and 2 DS9: Emissary ENT: Assmilation
  • solax79solax79 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    One word: GARAK
    99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
  • loading159loading159 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    T6 Fleet Advanced escort

    C-store version would include the "multi vector advanced module" console
    an upgraded version of the MVAM console OR special regenerative shields to work in conjunction with the starship trait. [MK XII(12) very rare (purple)]

    Fleet version would NOT include a console

    BOFF stations

    For the c-store T6 version. I am unsure how boff stations change for fleet T6 ships. (Possibly remain unchanged.)
    Commander Tactical/Pilot (current)
    Lieutenant Commander Science (current)
    Lieutenant Commander Engineering (lieutenant engineering upgraded)
    Lieutenant Universal (lieutenant tactical upgraded, similar to most T6 ships)
    remove ensign Tactical (removed, similar to most T6 ships.)

    Consoles for non Fleet Model
    Engineering: 2
    Science: 3
    Tactical: 5

    Consoles for Fleet Model

    Engineering: 3 (+1 from base model. same as the fleet T5 upgraded to fleet T5-U)
    Science: 3
    Tactical: 5

    2 device slots (as on current T5 ships)

    NO hanger bay

    Same stat % increases as other ships upgraded to T6, shields, hull, etc.

    Additional level of star ship mastery.

    Unlockable star ship trait should have stats to benefit the T6 advanced escort pets or (since the ship canon wise has special regenerative shields) something to boost shields when they are low.

    Ships graphics could be upgraded ( I just assume they would because most T6 ships have some special costume). Add the new typical looking nacelles for T6 ships. Obviously include the special separation feature, and fix it as well for when it re-connects.

    The main deflector graphics. Please, PLEASE use the "upgraded hull" graphic for it, not just all blue.

    Please take this seriously. I am seriously willing to pay 30 dollars for this and then another 5 for the fleet version. Hopefully so are others.

    Possibly promote it with Voyager somehow since that is the show it appeared in.
    Captain Moe
    U.S.S. Prometheus
    Fleet Multi Vector Advanced Escort
    Resistance is futile
  • sargathansargathan Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    -) STORY
    I mean a real attempt, like there was with romulus legacy episodes.

    For the lack of common sense at every corner we have now at the featured episodes, at least it is an attempt at something that resembles story. While i consider that an improvement over DR, which is probably not hard to accomplish, but come on... this could be better, so much better.

    you know, star trek and such. hum.. yea.
    so much potential in DR wasted, multiple races thrown into the grinder for no reason. "lack of imagination" is not even describing this non-existant imagination.

    those are obvious, multiple choice options that have no meaning at all, make no difference at all. why even bother?

    no, they are not so enjoyable i want to watch them 10 times in a row.
    i watch them the first time ofc, but for fock sake..

    -) UPGRADEABLE T5U to T6
    because the endless remake older ships gets stale over time. i have no interest to buy the same ship over and over again. make them upgradeable to make me feel less stupid.
    (that and to quote "T5U ships will not be obsulete")

    "why don't you have a fed char? go make one!"
    "why don't you have a t6 ship? go buy one!"
    "and to all the nay sayers, after all. club 47 was a full success."

    yea, that was the last stream i watched.
    shook my fist in anger at those comments.

    -) care for any notion that resembles balance
    -) bring back pvp.

    i could go on and on and on.

    but hey, it's not like anyone's gonna listen, and all those points have been stated over and over by people long before me anyway.

  • admirallindquistadmirallindquist Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Okay, so don't know if anyone else wants this, but have been spit balling this around my fleet. We have officers and lower tier ships that we never use after we get them. I think that we should be able to use them when we get to Admiral, which would make sense cause they are in command of fleets. Just be allowed to transfer an officer over to a tier one ship, be able to promote them to captain which would allow them to use all their abilities during combat. Then a tier 2 and 3, same deal as you level from 50 to 60, or 60 to 65, I don't know. But just make it like the Nimbus Distress call, a button to activate them and that way the screens around space dock and such don't get cluttered. So in the end you would have three lower tier ships following you around during combat, using your officers' abilities, which would allow you to use older ships and officers, instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. Also don't know if anyone else posted this, just every e-mail I sent told me to go to the forums and post this. It would just be fun, at least to me, to be able to use your officers more, and also use your ships you've amassed through out the game.
  • loading159loading159 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    Okay, so don't know if anyone else wants this, but have been spit balling this around my fleet. We have officers and lower tier ships that we never use after we get them. I think that we should be able to use them when we get to Admiral, which would make sense cause they are in command of fleets. Just be allowed to transfer an officer over to a tier one ship, be able to promote them to captain which would allow them to use all their abilities during combat. Then a tier 2 and 3, same deal as you level from 50 to 60, or 60 to 65, I don't know. But just make it like the Nimbus Distress call, a button to activate them and that way the screens around space dock and such don't get cluttered. So in the end you would have three lower tier ships following you around during combat, using your officers' abilities, which would allow you to use older ships and officers, instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. Also don't know if anyone else posted this, just every e-mail I sent told me to go to the forums and post this. It would just be fun, at least to me, to be able to use your officers more, and also use your ships you've amassed through out the game.

    I agree, but this should be a permanent feature. This was also supposed to be in game already according to the old update lists when the game was first released.

    I also think we should be able to use multiples of the same ship for space away teams. Let me have my own small fleet of advanced escorts and ill probably spend money to get more BOFFS for all of those ships.
    Captain Moe
    U.S.S. Prometheus
    Fleet Multi Vector Advanced Escort
    Resistance is futile
  • sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    Okay, so don't know if anyone else wants this, but have been spit balling this around my fleet. We have officers and lower tier ships that we never use after we get them. I think that we should be able to use them when we get to Admiral, which would make sense cause they are in command of fleets. Just be allowed to transfer an officer over to a tier one ship, be able to promote them to captain which would allow them to use all their abilities during combat. Then a tier 2 and 3, same deal as you level from 50 to 60, or 60 to 65, I don't know. But just make it like the Nimbus Distress call, a button to activate them and that way the screens around space dock and such don't get cluttered. So in the end you would have three lower tier ships following you around during combat, using your officers' abilities, which would allow you to use older ships and officers, instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. Also don't know if anyone else posted this, just every e-mail I sent told me to go to the forums and post this. It would just be fun, at least to me, to be able to use your officers more, and also use your ships you've amassed through out the game.

    I'm supporting this great idea!

    And adding some new ones to the list I forgot to mention in my previous post:

    Third ground weapon slot - one is for the rifle (long range weapons), second for the phaser/disruptor/plasma...gun and the last would be for melee weapons like bat'leth, lirpa...

    Totally customizable starships - current customization feels a little restricted. Instead of the one like we have now, it would be much better for us to be able to have completely customizable ships with variety of different parts (like nacelles, saucers, lower hulls, roll-bars...) and to be able to color them any way we want. That would practically mean that we could build our own designs. For example you could put saucer of Sovereign class, lower hull from Intrepid, upper pod or roll-bar from Nebula and nacelles from Akira class. I know, it sounds a bit revolutionary, but it would be much more fun than current customization and there would be plenty of different combinations.
    FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
  • yakodymyakodym Member Posts: 363 Arc User
    Crystalline entity-inspired space set: "Crystalline Fragment Launcher" (Launches a large crystalline fragment, that rams enemies, then breaks into small crystalline fragments, that return to the ship to apply recrystalisation buff), Crystalline Matter Conversion Beam Weapon, and an appropriate universal console. Set powers aimed at energy weapon resistance and full set enabling the absorption/shockwave ability. The set would also come with visuals similar to those of the Assimilated space set, except instead of borg attachments to the ship, it would display crystalline attachments.
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    I would like pay for a ship that has all the Device, Tactical slots etc filled. I'm lazy to grind for it. Why don't they allow you to buy enemy Bridge Officers that you can use on your ship. Like 1,000 Zen for typical Federation Orion Woman. Maybe 2,000 Highest Rank Federation Orion Woman
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Just thought I add why don't Crypt sell Skill Points or Level Up Upgrades to Zen Stores. So pay so much to level up to top rank. Say you start a new Character and don't want start from scratch buying level up to max rank would be good way to skip to highest rank.
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Want a T6 TOS Constitution Starship & T6 Constitution Starship with Bridge included. {The new one from recent Films}
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Please Cryptic add the Talosian system and add an explorable Talos IV.
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Just like add wish Cryptic would create a android Bridge Officer who looks like Data and have a Female Changeling Bridge Officer. That would be cool.
  • knightnbluknightnblu Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    Want a T6 TOS Constitution Starship & T6 Constitution Starship with Bridge included. {The new one from recent Films}

    Not going to happen, CBS won't allow it.
  • rickdankorickdanko Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    I want a free ship at Vice Admiral and Fleet Admiral
    They're not really gone, as long as we remember them
    Plasma Nugget

    I'm allowed to disagree.
  • crabbycabbycrabbycabby Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    A simple wish: Balance.

    In story vs action.
    In attack vs defense.
    In diplomacy vs war.

    In all things.​​
    Proudly F2P
  • solax79solax79 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    loading159 wrote: »
    Okay, so don't know if anyone else wants this, but have been spit balling this around my fleet. We have officers and lower tier ships that we never use after we get them. I think that we should be able to use them when we get to Admiral, which would make sense cause they are in command of fleets. Just be allowed to transfer an officer over to a tier one ship, be able to promote them to captain which would allow them to use all their abilities during combat. Then a tier 2 and 3, same deal as you level from 50 to 60, or 60 to 65, I don't know. But just make it like the Nimbus Distress call, a button to activate them and that way the screens around space dock and such don't get cluttered. So in the end you would have three lower tier ships following you around during combat, using your officers' abilities, which would allow you to use older ships and officers, instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. Also don't know if anyone else posted this, just every e-mail I sent told me to go to the forums and post this. It would just be fun, at least to me, to be able to use your officers more, and also use your ships you've amassed through out the game.

    I agree, but this should be a permanent feature. This was also supposed to be in game already according to the old update lists when the game was first released.

    I also think we should be able to use multiples of the same ship for space away teams. Let me have my own small fleet of advanced escorts and ill probably spend money to get more BOFFS for all of those ships.

    I suggested this as well, and I definitely think it would be a good progression to the game. All around the forums you'll hear rally cries of "Let us act like Admirals!", and this would definitely provide us an Admiral feel.

    I even suggested being able to send them on missions similar to Duty Officers, as well as having them act like the Nimbus Distress call. The gameplay for that would be just about the same, so I can't imagine it being too difficult to implement (I'm not a programmer, so what would I know of course).

    And think about how perfect it would work. You could give away old ships that you don't use any more, or buy new ones with Dilithium, the better ships costing more obviously. And if you want to drop a ton of ZEN on C-Store ships, that's your business.

    Plus we could finally promote our bridge officers to Captain. That's a plus, right?
    99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
  • vosorosvosoros Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Alright, here's my 2015 addition to the wishlist...

    1) Modernised Intrepid class design. Yes, I want a 25 century remodel skin for the long range science vessel as well as the original. Sort of like the Enterpirse A and its modern equivalent with is subtle tweaking of an iconic and classic starship and the defiant class and it's modern tweaking for the Sao Paulo class. The Bellerophon class is a little too innovative a take if you care to work with the intrepid/Voyager interior.

    Call it the Pioneer class (so long as I can still name my starship Pioneer) or some such if you like Cryptic, just...stay true to the original more than the Bellerophon or Pathfinder classes by making subtle tweaks and giving us the modern, whiter hull. ;)

    2) Type 6 (white) hull options for ALL shuttles. Come on, it's the 25 century way to go...

    3) C-Store sold admiral attire. I HATE being a admiral in the game and yet unable to get ahold of the official uniform to dress the part. So here's an easy money idea for you Cryptic. ;)

    OK, I guess that's all I have for now again other than to thank Cryptic folk for giving me a vanity pet dog I'd previously asked for...
  • trailztrailz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    So nice to see new and refreshing ideas.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    T6 Dyson destroyers with Pilot/Intel Hybrids in the Commander seats.

    T6 Wells..

    Or with season 11 the option to upgrade to T6 with Pilot/Intel available for sci ships.

    Bring in your Docked ships to do missions or zones like we do with the bridge officers on ground (at least 2).

    PVP with said docked inventory ships..So a 1v1 turns into a 3v3 with 2 players and 4 NPC player (outfitted) ships

    Add a cloaking module to zen store (for Feds) to be added to 1 ship per account.. This module for Roms or Klingons could allow for the use of certain fed t5 or t6 sci ships for them..Or the ability to convert a BOP/Warbird to the same layout and stats as a fleet Nova (minimum)

    Rework cannon abilites:
    1.) Move them down 1 seat (starting at ensign like beams)
    2.) Remove the damage drop off that is currently present for them (Like the Lobi tetryon Cannon)
    -The Travel time cannon bolts (avoidable outside 4k) have and narrower firing arc are enough of a restriction as it is-


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • boardman9boardman9 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    For those who like Carriers. (LIKE ME!!!) I got a carrier based idea for T5-T6.

    Bridge Officer Slots:
    Lt. Comander Tatical
    Comander Engineer
    Lt. Comander Science
    Lt. Comander Universal

    3 Tatical
    4 Engineering
    3 Science

    Turn Rate: 5
    Shield Rating:1
    Weapons: 2 Fore/2 Aft
    Hanger bay: 4
    +5 bonus power settings

    Cost: 3000 Zen or 5 fleet modules and 25k Fleet credits
  • boardman9boardman9 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Okay, so don't know if anyone else wants this, but have been spit balling this around my fleet. We have officers and lower tier ships that we never use after we get them. I think that we should be able to use them when we get to Admiral, which would make sense cause they are in command of fleets. Just be allowed to transfer an officer over to a tier one ship, be able to promote them to captain which would allow them to use all their abilities during combat. Then a tier 2 and 3, same deal as you level from 50 to 60, or 60 to 65, I don't know. But just make it like the Nimbus Distress call, a button to activate them and that way the screens around space dock and such don't get cluttered. So in the end you would have three lower tier ships following you around during combat, using your officers' abilities, which would allow you to use older ships and officers, instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. Also don't know if anyone else posted this, just every e-mail I sent told me to go to the forums and post this. It would just be fun, at least to me, to be able to use your officers more, and also use your ships you've amassed through out the game.

    That is a Cool idea. let me expand that a bit.

    Carrier pets now are very dumb. (IE. getting caught in explosions). Why have the Boffs be used as a flight leader and gives off buffs based on its skills? 1 boff per hanger bay. Carriers needed a bit more love in this game. As a carrier captain, I highly recomend it and something to look foreward to.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2015
    I like many people in this THREAD have LONG desired a return to EXPLORATION & DIPLOMACY. I was just talking about this two weeks ago on Fleet chat again before I saw the Season 11 announcement this week.

    The other common theme & desire I see is greatly improving & updating faction interiors with a more MODERN cannon 24th/25th Century feel. Bridges should reflect more bridge stations with panels that are refreshed to be more modern, interactive/changing diplays, with higher resolution images for a 24th / 25th century feel. Bridges include larger view screens to better showcase where a ship is in sector or system space, making other ships, planets, stars or starbases visable outside the with greatly improved sector & system maps. I'd like to see Crew Deck's refeshed with a primary focus on quarters for Captain & Bridge officers along with Ten Forward along with seperated Kitchen & Dining area. A dedicated Science Deck (with Scientific Research Areas, Sensor Analysis, Astrometrics, Starfleet Library, Medicine & Sickbay for treatment of real injuries. A Tactical Deck with Transporter Rooms, Armory, Cargo Bay, Hanger Bays, Docking Port & Brig. Recreation Deck with Hydroponics/Horticulture & Holodecks (With loadable mini missions). An Engineering Deck with Engine Room, Computer Core, Deflector Control, Shield & Energy Weapons, and Torpedo Room. With Interior packs able to update or refresh Bridge appearance or that of any room with far greater customization options like are available at Tailor for Captain & Bridge Officers.

    The original author of this post talked about idea's that also would not just improve the feel of the game but also create an opportunity for Cryptic to make money. I posted a DISCUSSION which I think would be a great opportunity:

    WIN-WIN Opportunity (Players & Cryptic) | Season 11 Free T5 Ship in Episode
    READ ORIG POST | Brief Summary - It's providing a Free T5 Faction Ship either tactical, science or operations which unlocks and is FREE and claimable upon them becoming level 50 which can be upgraded to T5U but unlike other T5 ships purchased or awarded in Lockboxes requires 2 Ship Upgrade Tokens not 1.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • psychoglorypsychoglory Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I would really like to have a T6/T7 Eclipse Intel Command Battle Cruiser, based on the Eclipse Intel Cruiser. I would buy one in a heart beat.
  • shrimphead2015shrimphead2015 Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    I don't know if this has been addressed before so forgive me if this is repetitive but honestly I would love to be able to have the opportunity to purchase a plasmonic leech console from either the lobi store or the cryptic store. If it was in the lobi store at least make it 150 lobi for it, if its from the cryptic store maybe less than what the klingon version is worth (since you get a ship with it or hell just add it to a fed ship at the same price).

    The lobi version would seem like a grind fest for the console just to get those keys (I admit that) but at least you have two chances to get it, either having amazing luck and getting it from the box or just saving lobi and getting it from the store, either way you would have to get a bunch of keys but at least it doesn't mean you're doing it all for nothing.

    I guess the same could be said if they went the cryptic store route, either you pay for the cryptic points out of pocket or grind for the dil to convert.

    I know it might not be a popular suggestion but you have alot of players with plenty of alts and at the insane prices other players have put on this particular console I can't see how anyone could get even one console for their main much less for their alts. Even if you could manage to scrape up the ec for it I would not be surprised by the time that happened the price would double. If there was another option it might even bring the ec price down and we wouldn't get all this price gouging.

    Anyway if there is something I missed or if another console is on the way that actually works better than plasmonic leech, I would love to hear about it.
    "There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
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