If you take a look at the holdings for each subfleet their levels all reflect the levels of the Alpha fleet. E.G. Alpha with everything maxed shows Starbase Tier 5, now select the gamma fleet, even if it's a Tier 0 fleet it still shows Tier 5, same for all the other holdings. Please correct, thank you.
When i look at my fleet trough Armada it shows projects that i haven't selected and projects that are selected doesn't show !! I wonder if a other fleet donate's to those project what will happen with that stuff !!!
Sure am! Pretty new to the forums so I might not have had my dev flair on yet, hopefully the Cryptic in the name gives it away though.
Do you care to share HOW did YOU fixed it???
I was going to report this bug, but since you've already fixed it, I'm not going to bother. There is another bug though: The "Armada" tab shows fleet level 0 for some fleets. These fleets can't be level 0, because some of the projects that they've slotted are tier 2 or higher. The bug doesn't affect every fleet. If you need examples, look at the armada that Sarine@frtoaster belongs to on Holodeck.
Yup, another known issue on our radar. As far as I know another dev is either currently working on it or has a fix already, but I'll double check that today. Either way, should be fixed soon ^^
I wasn't able to reproduce this bug today, and I didn't see a patch, so either the bug is intermittent or you guys patched something server-side.