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Life Time Membership Sale!

johncampbell07johncampbell07 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
Everyone, HURRY!

Get your discounted price on Lifetime membership!

Sale ends "July 9th, 2014 at 10AM PDT".

I have a better idea. How about rewarding those dedicated Gold Members for the last five years, who've steadfastly paid for their membership, with an honorary Lifetime Membership?

Sounds great to me. Just be sure to make it happen this year, 2015. Preferably soon. :)

Post edited by johncampbell07 on


  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Too bad they didn't time this with the Delta Recruit event.

    Would have made them more money.
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    We are fighting the iconians this expansion. I doubt there will be more content. I really see no point in buying a lifetime subscription to "play forever", as PWE claims, when this game will be over soon. Flag my post as "doom thread". You know Im right.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    We are fighting the iconians this expansion. I doubt there will be more content. I really see no point in buying a lifetime subscription to "play forever", as PWE claims, when this game will be over soon. Flag my post as "doom thread". You know Im right.

    It has already been stated that there will be more content beyond season 10 so you've already been proven wrong.

    But you are entitled to your wrong opinion.
  • iamviperswhipiamviperswhip Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    And another one that happened 3 days after I paid full price.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    And another one that happened 3 days after I paid full price.

    never buy anything unless it's on "sale"...

    ships goes on sale unless you cant wait and need it now...

    bank slots, doff slots, character slots, ship slots... all can be on sale if you wait for it.
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Makes a mention of a new costume? Anyone seen anything of this?
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It has already been stated that there will be more content beyond season 10 so you've already been proven wrong.

    But you are entitled to your wrong opinion.

    Where was it stated?
  • ashrod63ashrod63 Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    Where was it stated?

    I'd advise you look to the various podcasts the devs go to. The over-positivity from the interviewers can get on many of our nerves but occasionally they get some useful information out. There is more content planned.

    Besides, why on earth would they kill the game a year before the 50th anniversary? It's the biggest marketing opportunity imaginable.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    Where was it stated?
    I ask the same thing about your "information" about the game closing soon. Where was it stated that the game's closing soon?
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I almost bought a lifetime during that sale but I wanted to see how DR was going to shake out.

    I do not regret spending the money on other things.

    The best thing of being gold is the respecs and DR is too alt hostile to want to make new captains.

    The recruit event got me to make some, I will give them that, but only one is going to get any resources spent on getting them equipped well enough to try stepping into anything above a Normal queue. Just getting things to mk XIV is expensive enough, let alone trying to get rarity increases on things like rep gear.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2015
    It has already been stated that there will be more content beyond season 10 so you've already been proven wrong.

    But you are entitled to your wrong opinion.
    takfel wrote: »
    Where was it stated?

    Ok, I believe I got this, back in a thread called "Season 11 and on?" TacoFangs posted this.

    While it's not definate on what there is going to be post S10, it does state pretty clearly that there is 'something' planned.
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I ask the same thing about your "information" about the game closing soon. Where was it stated that the game's closing soon?

    I never said it was stated anywhere. Learn to read.
  • coulomb2coulomb2 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Everyone, HURRY!

    Get your discounted price on Lifetime membership!

    Sale ends "July 9th, 2014 at 10AM PDT".

    I have a better idea. How about rewarding those dedicated Gold Members for the last five years, who've steadfastly paid for their membership, with an honorary Lifetime Membership?

    Sounds great to me. Just be sure to make it happen this year, 2015. Preferably soon. :)


    In all honesty, even if they pro-rated the cost based on veteran time I bet they would get a whole lot more sales. I pay $10/month, so to me the question becomes "will I still be playing another 20 months from now?" I honestly don't know (I hope to be, but you never know), so lifetime seems too risky. And furthermore, the longer you are subscribed, the less "things" lifetime actually gets you, that you didn't already have, which is a further disincentive.

    Will I pay $200 for lifetime now? Probably not. What would I pay for lifetime? I honestly can't say for sure. $150 (either just the sale or as a "veteran discount")? Possibly - I'd give it more serious thought. $100? I probably would jump all over that.

    What I can say is the "price point" I'll pay gets smaller the longer I'm subscribed, although it'll never go completely to zero (since, after all, there are perks you get that even someone subscribed for 1000 days doesn't get).

    The real question - and the tricky point - is that Cryptic's best strategy is the one that gets them more money. If I end up staying subscribed for two more years, Cryptic was right to not offer me a further discounted lifetime sub. If I end up leaving after eight more months, but would have gone lifetime if discounted to $120, then the discounted price makes them more in the long run.

    That said, I'll bet they have statistics (e.g. after reaching 100 day vet status, what is the average time before an account's subscription is cancelled; what about after 200 days?; etc...) that could tell them how to pro-rate a lifetime to likely make them more money long term.

    Plus, who's to say that if I wasn't paying that monthly fee, that I wouldn't actually just end up spending some or all of my former monthly fee on "goodies" anyway?
  • iamviperswhipiamviperswhip Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    tigeraries wrote: »
    never buy anything unless it's on "sale"...

    ships goes on sale unless you cant wait and need it now...

    bank slots, doff slots, character slots, ship slots... all can be on sale if you wait for it.

    Nah, I don't regret it, I wanted to play on the weekend, didn't want to pay a sub, so I just plopped down the money for membership. That's just the way the world works.
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    orion0029 wrote: »
    Ok, I believe I got this, back in a thread called "Season 11 and on?" TacoFangs posted this.

    While it's not definate on what there is going to be post S10, it does state pretty clearly that there is 'something' planned.

    Thank you. I did not find that post when I tried to search for future content with STO. It seemed to me since we are fighting the iconians, there wouldn't be anymore content. It was hinted in TNG and I think Voyager the Iconians were behind many unexplained problems. Even this game has suggested the Iconians are a big problem. I thought this would be it for STO.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    I never said it was stated anywhere. Learn to read.

    You did state that the game was closing as fact without any justification or proof, he/she was merely pointing that out.

    If the future don't make outrageous accusations without providing any kind of justification.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    I never said it was stated anywhere. Learn to read.
    Right, I'll get right on that when you have something worth reading aside from the game's shutting down soon.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You did state that the game was closing as fact without any justification or proof, he/she was merely pointing that out.

    If the future don't make outrageous accusations without providing any kind of justification.

    I stated my opinion STO would end after S10. I never said it was stated by PWE or Cryptic as a fact; an idea which was implied by blassreiterus' comment. Don't try to twist my words.

    You should learn to read. Maybe you'll understand the difference between OPINION and STATED FACT.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    I stated my opinion STO would end after S10. I never said it was stated by PWE or Cryptic as a fact; an idea which was implied by blassreiterus' comment. Don't try to twist my words.

    You should learn to read. Maybe you'll understand the difference between OPINION and STATED FACT.
    So, you stated an opinion that was disguised as a fact? that makes your statement suspect at best.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    I stated my opinion STO would end after S10. I never said it was stated by PWE or Cryptic as a fact; an idea which was implied by blassreiterus' comment. Don't try to twist my words.

    You should learn to read. Maybe you'll understand the difference between OPINION and STATED FACT.

    Hypocrisy doesn't look good on you, blaming someone else for errors you make yourself makes you look like a fool.

    Go spread your "End is nigh" propaganda somewhere else, you're making an idiot of yourself.
  • takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Dont feed the trolls. /facepalm
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    takfel wrote: »
    Dont feed the trolls. /facepalm
    Someone who is disagreeing with you is a troll now? Okay... on what planet does that even become a thing? Clearly, your opinion matters only to you, and that's fine. I disagree with the opinion.

    While this game may be shut down, the timing of such a thing is what is the real issue here. Some people actually hope it is sooner rather than later, clearly, you're one of those people. However, the devs are constantly working on this game, and they're still coming out with new content, most of the time on a monthly basis, sometimes on a weekly basis. So, yes, the game is shutting down as we 'argue' on the forums.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Someone who is disagreeing with you is a troll now? Okay... on what planet does that even become a thing? Clearly, your opinion matters only to you, and that's fine. I disagree with the opinion.

    While this game may be shut down, the timing of such a thing is what is the real issue here. Some people actually hope it is sooner rather than later, clearly, you're one of those people. However, the devs are constantly working on this game, and they're still coming out with new content, most of the time on a monthly basis, sometimes on a weekly basis. So, yes, the game is shutting down as we 'argue' on the forums.

    Well, considering you're 'beating a dead horse' since I've posted Dev statements proving that post S10 content is planned:
    orion0029 wrote: »
    Ok, I believe I got this, back in a thread called "Season 11 and on?" TacoFangs posted this.

    While it's not definate on what there is going to be post S10, it does state pretty clearly that there is 'something' planned.
    and takfel stated he was mistaken about his assumption:
    takfel wrote: »
    Thank you. I did not find that post when I tried to search for future content with STO. It seemed to me since we are fighting the iconians, there wouldn't be anymore content. It was hinted in TNG and I think Voyager the Iconians were behind many unexplained problems. Even this game has suggested the Iconians are a big problem. I thought this would be it for STO.

    I would have to agree, you are trolling him about this issue. (And no, I'm not calling you a troll, I'm stating that whether you're intending to or not, you appear to be playing the role of 'troll')

    I suggest to everyone (myself included lol) that we terminate this 'argument' and return to the base discussion of Lifetime Subscriptions.
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Dont feed the trolls. 3x /facepalm
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2015
    Dont feed the trolls. 3x /facepalm

    Agreed, and sound advice.

    Actually, this thread could probably be closed, since the original post basically pointed out a typo in a Dev Blog, which was corrected, so...

    Nothing else to talk about here. :)
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The lts is actually a pretty good deal during the sale if you plan on playing this game into the foreseeable future. While I'll be one of the first to say I'm not happy with certain things in the game. It's still fun overall and I still enjoy it. So if you plan on sticking with the game for a bit I think the lts is a good deal during the sale. You even get a t6 ship now which is a pretty nice addition.
  • centaurianalphacentaurianalpha Member Posts: 1,150 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    *sigh* If only PWE's secure site would respond, I could shell out the $200 US for the LTS. I thought it was only my browser, but, none of my available browsers can cut through the traffic(?) to get to the secure subscription site. Alas, too bad, Cryptic, you've fallen in with bad company... :(
    Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac
    Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
    Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
    Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
    STO player since November 2013
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    nikephorus wrote: »
    The lts is actually a pretty good deal during the sale if you plan on playing this game into the foreseeable future. While I'll be one of the first to say I'm not happy with certain things in the game. It's still fun overall and I still enjoy it. So if you plan on sticking with the game for a bit I think the lts is a good deal during the sale. You even get a t6 ship now which is a pretty nice addition.

    There's not really much benefit to being subscribed to STO.

    DR made alts impractical so the retrain tokens are more cheaply handled by a game time card for the off chance that you make a new captain and that game time card gets you all but the veteran benefits of being subscribed.

    Now being gold in CO gets you freeform access, all ATs, and new character slots whenever you hit 40. That's a sub worth having.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Another brilliant move by Mr. Rivera. And no, LOL, I wasn't being sarcastic: offer a T6 Veteran ship to go with Life-time status... and then put said Life-time status on sale! Well played, Cryptic.

    And my T6 Heavy Destroyer is actually an incredibly good ship, even without an 11th console.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    What's the point of the LTS anymore since it's a F2P game?

    - Free ship? Meh. I have tons of ships
    - Playable Talaxians? Meh. I'll never bother to get him/her to 60.
    - Special costumes with gold shoulders? Meh.
    - Includes costumes that otherwise cost $5? Meh.
    - 500 zen stipend per month? Meh. It would take 3+ years to get $200 worth of zen.
    - "Captain's Table for LTS Captains." Really? Does anyone even go there?

    Short of offering something insane like a new playable Cardassian faction, I would never buy the LTS.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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