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Are enough people still playing?

kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
Took a six month break, just checking in every now and then and today even with the summer event the game looks more desolate than ever. Counted roughly 3600 people on Risa, 600 at ESD/Academy and 200 at Qo'nos. Are there anywhere near 10-20k players on the server at peak times these days? Looking at the queues I wonder if it is even possible to play these any more?

This is just an observation and question really, no doom'n'gloom.
Post edited by kthang on


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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kthang wrote: »
    Are enough people still playing?

    Are enough people still playing...for what?

    For the game to exist? Yes.

    For them to make new content? Yes.

    For there to be people to queue with? Yes, depending on which queues are want to do, as always.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It's a special kind of Doom thread to spend your time counting players in every instance on multiple maps instead of actually playing the game.


    It's time to sing the Doom Song!

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    generalmocogeneralmoco Member Posts: 1,634
    edited June 2015
    I have no idea, and I really don't care... as long as I am able to play im good, as long as I am able to fly my ship... im all good...

    as far as I know... there is people, and if there is people... you have a game... and if you have a game... you can play it... and if you can play it... you are at least making money... and if your making money... there is a game... see where I am going... itz an infinite loop...

    but yer... there are people... still... until the game closes... thats for sure...
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    My estimate has around 20,000 very active players. Of course, not all of these will be on at a given time. In peak hours of an event like Risa there would be around 3000 steam, 4000 arc, 6000 ingame launcher. Of course these are rough estimates. If you look at averages on steam charts the monthly average is remarkably stable at around 2000 for a very long time.

    The queues are a different issue. I would say for the first couple weeks of Risa don't bother except for crystalline and the new Iconian ones.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Are enough people still playing...for what?

    For the game to exist? Yes.

    For them to make new content? Yes.

    For there to be people to queue with? Yes, depending on which queues are want to do, as always.

    For them to make new content, that is good. Though a low server population really affect the queues. I personally love playing those, and Mine Trap is one of my all time favorites but that hasn't really happened in over a year. And there are quite a few of those empty ones.

    I really wonder why not just take the ones that does not see any activity out of the game and refresh them with new ones or just cut down on the number of queues altogether to fit with a low-population game.
    My estimate has around 20,000 very active players. Of course, not all of these will be on at a given time. In peak hours of an event like Risa there would be around 3000 steam, 4000 arc, 6000 ingame launcher. Of course these are rough estimates. If you look at averages on steam charts the monthly average is remarkably stable at around 2000 for a very long time.

    The queues are a different issue. I would say for the first couple weeks of Risa don't bother except for crystalline and the new Iconian ones.

    Thank you, this is the kind of answer I was looking for.
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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kthang wrote: »
    For them to make new content, that is good. Though a low server population really affect the queues. I personally love playing those, and Mine Trap is one of my all time favorites but that hasn't really happened in over a year. And there are quite a few of those empty ones.

    I really wonder why not just take the ones that does not see any activity out of the game and refresh them with new ones or just cut down on the number of queues altogether to fit with a low-population game.

    Rather than *removing* queues, I would prefer if they created a bonus reward system and just rotated all the queues through the system. That way all of the queues would still be there for anyone who wanted to try to create a private group if there weren't enough people to pug, but it would also make certain queues more popular while they have the bonus. If we had that type of system, whenever Mine Trap of your other favorites had the bonus, you would almost certainly have plenty of people to play with.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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    chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I don't know man. I was walking around the other day and I didn't see anyone.
    Yes i know it was my bridge , but I should have seen one other person
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
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    crusader0007crusader0007 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm sure there will be more this weekend with the coming out of the Summer event.

    Another time for steam charts:


    Not bad...same as always but not as great as pre DR of last October.
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    kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Rather than *removing* queues, I would prefer if they created a bonus reward system and just rotated all the queues through the system. That way all of the queues would still be there for anyone who wanted to try to create a private group if there weren't enough people to pug, but it would also make certain queues more popular while they have the bonus. If we had that type of system, whenever Mine Trap of your other favorites had the bonus, you would almost certainly have plenty of people to play with.

    I like this idea. I really wish they found some way of revitalizing the old classics a bit, then again perhaps we'd end up like at the beginning when people had no clue which sector they belonged to and we'd have two sectors heavily defended and two lost from the start. ;-D
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,117 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015
    It's a special kind of Doom thread to spend your time counting players in every instance on multiple maps instead of actually playing the game.


    It's time to sing the Doom Song!


    But... but... what about... Dr. Doom's Doom Ray of Doom? :D
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    My estimate has around 20,000 very active players. Of course, not all of these will be on at a given time. In peak hours of an event like Risa there would be around 3000 steam, 4000 arc, 6000 ingame launcher. Of course these are rough estimates. If you look at averages on steam charts the monthly average is remarkably stable at around 2000 for a very long time.

    The queues are a different issue. I would say for the first couple weeks of Risa don't bother except for crystalline and the new Iconian ones.

    This seems very low.

    I've heard that in MMOs, the average playtime is generally around 20 hours a week but the median playtime per player is around 2 hours.

    We had queues during the DR event.

    The big impression I'm getting is that desktop MMOs as a whole ARE hurting. However, MOBAs are doing WORSE and the competition is too fierce on app games for it to be as worthwhile as most Wall Street investors think. Over the last year, PWE's investors wanted them out of desktop as much as possible and into mobile and I THINK Michael Chi is determined to buy his company out and take them private because he recognizes:

    A) PWE's strengths and competencies are not in mobile and doing mobile basically means so much subcontracting expertise and services they don't have internally that they make no money from it.

    B) Mobile is a crazy short term direction to go.

    I don't think the doors on STO are in real danger of closing anytime soon in part because an MMO is scaleable. It'd be more likely to see Cryptic get sold and a buyer would want their operation intact and live. I might be more worried about Champs; I think they've scaled about as much as they can. STO lost some employees over the last year in layoffs but they're nowhere near the skeleton crew from the content drought.

    I did various forms of guessing/tabulating around F2P launch and I guessed around 300k players a month then from reverse engineering lockbox drops, people who did instance counting, etc. Thing is, MMOs are volatile. Even sub games like WoW may have around 50% churn. The amazing thing there is that while their old boast of 12 million was a bit cooked as a stat, there probably are tens of millions in the U.S. alone who played it at least for a month. They're at about 60% of what they were at 5 years ago in terms of players.

    I'd guess STO has around 150k players. Maybe about 7-8k who spend money directly.

    There's going to be a new dominant desktop online game form in the next 5 years if desktop survives. For a variety of reasons, I think that will be a drift away from MOBAs and facebook games and back towards virtual worlds -- but it won't be exactly MMORPGs. In part because virtual worlds are a competency of the desktop. You can support mobile type games for desktop as a developer but that erodes the advantage and the market for desktop games. The core strength of desktop games is that users have insane amounts of RAM compared to mobile and console.

    I think for desktop publishers to really exploit their platform though vs. the next gen of consoles (which finally have 4+ GBs of RAM), we're going to need for the next generation of desktop games to be absolute RAM hogs. Games that target to have 8GB+ of RAM. Which means persuading PC owners to upgrade en masse (a tricky proposition) or...

    This is going to sound nutty.

    You know how companies are moving towards platforms like Steam and ARC? Also, mobile authenticators due to account hacking?

    Here's my prediction:

    USB 3.0 "mini consoles" will be the endgame of services like ARC. And they'll have something like 6-8GB of RAM soddered into the device, engineered to be exclusive for use in their particular services (kind of like how a Chromebook works but as a device peripheral).

    So you might have an ARC Card with a ton of RAM hard-soddered into it that is used exclusively for ARC services, including maybe a limited web browser partnered with a single VOD service provider like Hulu or Yahoo Screen or Amazon (who will foot some of the bill for the peripheral). And a built-in authenticator, of course.

    Each game publisher will have one. You'll probably be able to play traditionally for a long while but basic RAM requirements will go up on newer games, at a massive rate, because that's the big way desktop companies can compete will be to design RAM hog games. Consoles could theoretically do the same but will be more of a closed shop.
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    chemistrysetchemistryset Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    chalpen wrote: »
    I don't know man. I was walking around the other day and I didn't see anyone.
    Yes i know it was my bridge , but I should have seen one other person

    You won the i-net imo. Lol!
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for stupid people.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm sure there will be more this weekend with the coming out of the Summer event.

    Another time for steam charts:


    Not bad...same as always but not as great as pre DR of last October.

    eh, averrage players for May were down 15% from a year ago, peak players down 20%, thats a lot of players. That is before the usual summer drop-off in June/July. Risa stopped the bleeding (for now; all the events for the past 6 months have had very short bumps, people aren't staying through the events anymore, so the Risa bump may turn out to be quite small). They better have something big in the pipe, and soon.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    IMO the drop-off in players started with the removal of hourly events. People used to be able to grind stuff all day, do this for an hour, switch to the other thing for an hour after that, etc. When that was removed the number of people staying in the game really started to fall off. Then all the other punitive changes, just made it worse.

    Cryptic wanted to make it more grindy, the gameplay doesn't justify the effort
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You can't go by that alone.

    Depending on your hour when you took the numbers. Many people could be at work, school, college classes, or took off somewhere. Some places are out for the summer so they could be vacationing. Other parts of the world they could be sleeping and doing the same.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    farmallm wrote: »
    You can't go by that alone.

    Depending on your hour when you took the numbers. Many people could be at work, school, college classes, or took off somewhere. Some places are out for the summer so they could be vacationing. Other parts of the world they could be sleeping and doing the same.

    10pm CEST, prime time Europe. It is when most people are online before falling down drunk later on. World of tanks had 178k logged in on EU1/EU2 at the same hour, which is a fairly normal evening.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Steam is already selling their console and controller...they are taking orders for it as of last night when I looked at my steam account info
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    millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jkers wrote: »
    Steam is already selling their console and controller...they are taking orders for it as of last night when I looked at my steam account info
    Besides the OS, which is really just linux with the Steam software already installed, what does the console offer?
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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    whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    farmallm wrote: »
    You can't go by that alone.

    Depending on your hour when you took the numbers. Many people could be at work, school, college classes, or took off somewhere. Some places are out for the summer so they could be vacationing. Other parts of the world they could be sleeping and doing the same.

    Yeah, not to mention some of the gamers might be getting lucky! Oh wait, we are talking about gamers... :D
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'll have to take another look at it, Milli....just appeared when I logged off last night....was going to Che k it out some more anyway tonight....did see the price though.....$449. US
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    feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It's a special kind of Doom thread to spend your time counting players in every instance on multiple maps instead of actually playing the game.


    It's time to sing the Doom Song!


    <sniff> I miss Gir.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Also...saw that the steam console offered 1080p...connection to TV's....I believe 8 gigs ram....I'll look again tonight
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    paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Rather than *removing* queues, I would prefer if they created a bonus reward system and just rotated all the queues through the system. That way all of the queues would still be there for anyone who wanted to try to create a private group if there weren't enough people to pug, but it would also make certain queues more popular while they have the bonus. If we had that type of system, whenever Mine Trap of your other favorites had the bonus, you would almost certainly have plenty of people to play with.

    The queue problem is a complicated problem when you got public and private queues, time issues, event issues.

    STFs requires very few people to start. The problem is if you can find those right type of people during the time you are playing it. There is always a chance that stuff like Mine Trap are being done while you are sleeping by a group of people. Or if you are doing it at the same time zone, these people are not doing in public queues or if not just finished it when you started looking. This is regardless if the the STF is old.

    Players need to start looking for groups especially for old queues to play with or if you want adjust the time you play.

    Those who complain about queues just want to be spoonfed in playing queues and force everyone to play at their time of choosing and their STF of choosing rather than adjusting to what, how and when the community plays.
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,389 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kthang wrote: »
    Took a six month break, just checking in every now and then and today even with the summer event the game looks more desolate than ever. Counted roughly 3600 people on Risa, 600 at ESD/Academy and 200 at Qo'nos. Are there anywhere near 10-20k players on the server at peak times these days? Looking at the queues I wonder if it is even possible to play these any more?
    Nextnametaken? Is that you?
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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    IMO the drop-off in players started with the removal of hourly events. People used to be able to grind stuff all day, do this for an hour, switch to the other thing for an hour after that, etc. When that was removed the number of people staying in the game really started to fall off. Then all the other punitive changes, just made it worse.

    Cryptic wanted to make it more grindy, the gameplay doesn't justify the effort

    I agree. The removal of hourly bonuses really changed how I personally play the game. I use to get on check the hourly bonuses and play around that. I played very often during the bonus mark event often joining a lot of qs. Now I basically play by myself. It might as well be a single player game.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Rather than *removing* queues, I would prefer if they created a bonus reward system and just rotated all the queues through the system.

    The P1 team already suggested to Geko the rotating calendar / award system (that we had in the past) , but he nixed it .

    Question is why ?
    His ego & hatred of anything precived as "old content" ?
    The inability to think of anything without the term "new system required" attached ?
    Or was there a downside to the old calendar system that we don't know about ?

    ... who knows , maybe with the new hosts, P1 will do something different and go at it again on this topic ...
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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    chalpen wrote: »
    I don't know man. I was walking around the other day and I didn't see anyone.
    Yes i know it was my bridge , but I should have seen one other person

    you need to get out more, find some friends to ask to your bridge. Imaginary ones don't count.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    1080p is a resolution of 1920x1080, that True Full HD been on PC for quite a while.
    Most modern cards have HMDI, the GTX970/980 have HMDI 2.0 ports.
    8 GB of RAM? whats this? 2012? We have cards with 8 GB of VRAM now.

    I am not picking on your, I am picking in Steam selling a PC over its normal price because brand and marketing, you could build a PC with superior specs for that price.
    Don't get me wrong..I agree with your take on the Steam console....my PC is 10 times what this console is, I just saw it advertised, and the subject came up in this thread. I'm not a console person so....but no worries f2...I don't feel picked on.
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