Just played House Pegh.........is that supposed to be stealth?
![:confused: :confused:](https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/resources/emoji/confused.png)
Let's check precedent:
Dragon's deceit : Not randomly killing redshirts in open corridors,use surroundings to advantage,disabling guards to make it look like malfunction
Stealth :Check
Empress Sela: Using a romulan undercover operative to sneak in weapons cache,no flashy boom boom
Stealth :Check
Revolution:Using inside man to get in,steal vaadwaur suits to blend in,switch codes with another ship to cover your own escape
Stealth: Check
House Pegh:Slipping through defenses.........and then start killing heralds in open corridors and the Kahless the dumbass going after the ultimate big bad,with a pointy stick,in PLAIN VIEW OF THE ENTIRE HERALD ARMY,compromising the mission!!
I mean seriously, the Klingons head ONE mission and they end up getting their Jesus killed?!And why oh WHY did we stop blasting that iconian(not the forum one) with omega power when we could have clearly finished it??
![:confused: :confused:](https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/resources/emoji/confused.png)
This mission holds the
Idiot ball harder than Divide et Impera :rolleyes:
...*shrug* now they have a martyr, i expect the number of new klingon recruits to skyrocket.
That's kinda how I looked at it too... Can't raise the alarm if they're dead...
Why would they make a omega facility to power their gates when the spheres already do it. Plot hole number 1. Why would the head of the klingons personally go on a mission with such a low chance of survival? Plot hole 2. The Klingons aren't adverse to stealth tactics they use cloaking tech to ambush and launch raid missions like in DS9, they could have nuked the facility from orbit or just beamed in a bunch of explosives. Plot hole 3.
They want to kill the iconian as a symbol, k, throw a bomb at the generator and beam out and blow it up, why rush into a room full of enemies with no tactical terrain advantage just to get murdered. Remember the motto of house peg was one well aimed blade > an army. So they arent about facing their enemy face to face for honor but about getting the job done, which they failed at massively. Plot hole 4.
The all powerful all important sword worth more than any klingons life is just left behind on the ground abandoned to save their own lives. Worf would have a fit. Plot hole 5.
I could keep going but its sorta obvious whoever wrote this episode wasn't thinking.
They're supposed to be honorable warriors, but how do they prefer to fight? They hide. They cower in shadow and then strike from the darkness.. it just always seemed more Romulan to me.
I like the idea of Klingons just running in and attacking, it was just silly that it was sold as a 'stealth mission' to begin with.
I have to admit, the plan was a little weird. 'Lets sneak in quietly and once we land we'll attack everything in sight.' Really didn't make much sense.
You sound angry.....ah,I know
*pulls out bird of prey plushie*
Show me on this toy where the Starfleet Cruiser touched you
Flagship - N.C.C.-99635-A U.S.S. Asterion
I support playable Typhoon class!!
Don't get me wrong, as a die hard Klingon fan your words hurt. That being said well played on BoP plushie. Best yet from a Feddy Bear. Well done.
I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
I guess that's the explanation that will have to do.
Ever since the first time I ever saw a Klingon ship cloak I thought.. that doesn't make sense. I always thought it would have made more sense to make the Klingon Ships outright superior in single combat to the Federation Star Ships but give the Federation cloak to even the field.
Instead, the show did it exactly backward. They gave the Klingons who have had space travel far longer, weaker vessels and had them hide to compensate. Very strange writing indeed.
TOS and even TMP era Klingons were based on the Mongolian Empire under Genghis Khan, the honour stick didn't come in until the Next Gen writers decided to make Worf a space samurai with anger issues.
Agreed 100%.
TNG is probably the most over rated Sci-Fi series of all time. It had some good episodes, but for every good episode there were 25 episodes of filler and TRIBBLE.
And Worf isn't a typical Klingon, most of what he knows about Klingon honour and culture he has simply read about. The other Kilingons we meet aren't really that honourable anyway, they just like to talk about it.
This. As someone who started out growing up watching TOS reruns, I totally understand the 'crude, barbaric, not-so-intellectual' angle on Klingons. That's really the way they started out. It wasn't until Worf started playing a bigger part in TNG that suddenly they got retconned and the whole 'warriors out for honor' culture came to be.
That said, yes, it's also true that the later seasons of TNG had a lot more Klingon content than TOS did, and thus could be considered the more definitive version of them. (Obviously that's what a lot of folks on these forums feel!) But there's certainly precedent out there for the sort of Klingons we tend to see depicted in Cryptic's game.
- looking at you sunshine -
The mission to destroy the reactors was a failure. Why we never blew the 2 (of 3) omega generators we had rigged is beyond me. Why our character wasn't working on rigging the third generator while Kahless was fighting is also beyond my comprehension.
Heck, with 2 of the 3 omega generators stabilized, the odds of the third one causing a chain reaction would probably be under 4 percent. Why didn't we blow up the last generator from orbit?
The dissapointing "stealth" aspect for me was the utter inability of the Klingons to adapt to the changing circumstances.
We needed Romulans for that one -.-
Just to add, and I can't remember which DS9 episode it was in but when asked about Klingon tactics and honor in war, Worf answered in war there is only honor in winning. Besides, if using Samurai honor, bear in mind trickeration, deceit and betrayal abounded in the Sengoku Jidai (look up the death of Oda Nobunaga) and its not like the Japanese and their code of Bushido refrained from surprise attacks in the modern era
What we see in the Axanar film when it comes out I suspect may be a much better look at Klingons into the TOS era. Looking forward to it.
But yea.... not one of the better KDF type missions.. The Glory Ride for Khaless is all well and good, but yea the moment my character doesn't swing into instant violence against an obviously insubordinate junior officer that iss having an issues keeping her mission face on, to the not so stealthy assault.
This is not one of the better KDF POV missions at all. It could have far more involving of the players character, besides a what felt like a very abbreviated into... Not sure what they were trying to invoke in the player, but even the feds should be disappointed after the virtuoso performance of a KDF NPC in the Doomsday device mission.
With only a little nuance, though, the society could be fleshed out quite a lot without sacrificing anything of the "warrior culture" thing. Doctors could see themselves as battling disease, research scientists as slaying ignorance, even farmers could say they do honorable combat with both parasites and starvation. Almost everything that a civilization needs done could be thought of as a form of war.
We try to make sense of things by filling in blanks with our imaginations, or even our aspirations about what we wish there were, but the reality is that much of it is a hodge-podge of ideas that conflicts at different places.
What Klingons were in TOS is not exactly what they were in The Search for Spock, which is not exactly what they were in TNG, and that extends into DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise - and, of course JJ. And 10 years from now when CBS gets around to making another Trek series they will probably be changed again.