Current mission (Last updated 6/24/15)
Mission: TOS: The Mind Trap
Source: Verbal
Hey guys, as I brought up in a recent episode of Foundry Roundtable (, I want to put together a New Mission Strike Team of authors specifically playing new missions that are hurting for plays.
The purpose of this group would be to foster the community by providing support for new authors and new missions, even if it means we wouldn't get dil rewards since they're new.
I'll be keeping an eye out on these forums and SBUGC forums for new play requests. I suppose the way it will work is that I will find the mission and spread the word to everyone else to give it a shot.
Please include the following info:
- Your
- Best way to contact you to play stuff (this thread/email/twitter?)
For now I may just be using this thread to announce which one we should hit.
NOTE: This thread shouldn't be used for making mission play requests! I'll find you if you have a thread about it already.
I'll check this thread now and then, however in game is the next best thing.
I will provide you with my e-mail and or facebook aswell via PM.
here, or game mail. I don't check twitter enough for it to be efficient.
this seems like a good use for the FoundryTalk chat channel.
My character Tsin'xing
Some say I'm everywhere except the email.
All handles Neverwinter and STO: @Idiotamongus
For now i'll keep an eye on the thread but i guess i can also be found on skype
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
Oh and @starfarertheta, and this thread will work for me.
The intro can be five of us zip lining down that tunnel in dust to dust. :O
@Logitech007 is my twitter handle
Author: @Lazharra
Mission: "Exitus Acta Probat" Part One
Origin: /
Some of us have played this one already but as of this writing his mission is still in the review tab with 4 plays.
My in-game handle (for PMs): @NCC-89471
My Twitter handle: @NCC89471 (same as in-game but w/o the dash)
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
You can count me in as well (@stcaptainquirky). I already played "Exitus Acta Probat" Part One but I will keep an eye on this thread (or two as often as I can spare them
Author: @JAM007
Mission: A Bird in the Hand
Origin: The "Review Content" tab
Currently with 2 plays in Review Content.
I have a request though, could you post a link to the missions "request reviews" thread as well ?
It would be nice to know where to leave a more detailed review if we have some specific remarks on a mission.
Indeed. Usually I will link to any thread made about the mission in the "Origin" section of my post, however this one I just found while browsing Review Content. I suggest emailing the author in game if you have more specific feedback.
Author: @ralphgraphite
Mission: Hromi Return 1 - Epsilon Eta XI
In-Game Mail is probably the best method
Author: @rooster41000
Mission: Delta Mirror 1 of 3
All are currently in the review tab, most of this series have 1-2 plays each.
Author: @kerda
Mission: Forgotten souls: Remnants
My character Tsin'xing
Whoops! Fixed!
Author: @yellowsunwarror
Mission: Attention to Orders
Both can be found in the review section. Feedback is appreciated.
Maela of Tholia
Memory Alexandria
In game mail preferred.
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
Author: @zebgodwin
Mission: Trouble in Trimble
(poster courtesy of starfarertheta)
Title: [Ico] Ghost's Gambit
Author: NCC-89471
Faction: Federation
Level: 61+
Est. Length: 30 minutes (very rough guesstimate)
They've already struck the homeworlds of the Romulan Republic and the Klingon Empire.
Now, the Heralds have targeted the heart of the Federation.
Or... have they?
Starting location: Wolf 359 system (Vulcan sector, Beta Quadrant)
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
Glad to see this strike team is still active
"[Ico] Vital Systems" by admirison (door at Tellar Prime, Tellar Sector, Alpha Quadrant)
I've already queued this one up for one of my Feds.
"[Ico] Perils of Bilire" by patcrow (door at Afehirr Nebula, Gasko Sector, Beta Quadrant)
The author has noted that you can use Risian floaters in this mission.
"[Ico] Echos of the Dewans" by Admiral_Tade (does not specify a door, but description and initial dialogue suggest it is at New Romulus System, Azure Sector, Beta Quadrant)
Actually designed for Fed-allied Romulan Republic characters.
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page