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=/\= The Officially UNofficial STO survey/feedback thread =/\=

thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Now that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

Join Date: Sep 2008

Post edited by thegrandnagus1 on


  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.
    Ahhh another nagus poll..

    1)improving.. Where it should have been day 1
    2)doffing, stfs
    3)none really.. The f2p stuff is reasonable enough.
    4) reduce the z price on older t5 stuff maybe? Again its not unreasonable just makes it more appealling to get more life out of that stuff.. Whens the last time you saw a d'kyr flying around.
    5)give doffing some love.. More chains, delta quad nebulae, etc.
  • latiasracerlatiasracer Member Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1.) Getting better, but getting worse at the same time.The event ship changes are good, Doffing nerfs are terrible. Skating on thin ice :(

    2.) Just playing it. STFs, Patrols, Doff missions. Doing what a feel like.

    3.) How im being shoe-horned. I listed above what i liked to do, why the hell can't i do them and feel rewarded? A week is way to long to earn a single point, and i dont care what anybody at cryptic says otherwise. This is fact. Diversity is key. Players with freedom = Happy Players, Happy players = $$$

    4.) Specialization requirements CUT TO A THIRD. Extreme i know, but 50,000 xp is far more reasonable than 150,000! This might actually see ques become repopulated!

    5.) More systems, more patrols, more rewards!
    warp plasma can't melt neutronium beams
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Since Delta Rising I think the game has gotten much worse, with unbalanced abilities and a huge amount of grinding.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    PvP. I loved the challenge, the teamwork, the variety of builds possible and the unpredictability of your opponents.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    PvE in general I would say. The episodes are generally not that interesting and too few in number. The STFs are mildly interesting but you need to do them too many times to get any kind of reward that they become boring quickly.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    More intelligent AI, removal of timers, longer missions with real rewards instead of short missions that needs to be done 30 times and actual usual loot.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    PvP. That's all I ask for.

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    I have no illusions that what I want won't happen. Cryptic has decided to go in a direction I disagree with so I've stopped buying ships and playing the game. If ever Cryptic's dev team changes and they decide that PvP is a priority, I'll happily come back.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    I'd score it 6/10.
    -Graphics: 8.5/10. (for an mmo)
    -Sound: 7/10. Real quality just isn't there.
    -Gameplay Ground: 4/10. Ground combat is clunky at best. Movement feels very rigid and not fluent at all. Ground combat mechanics are very very uncontrollable, everything feels "laggy". There's no real skill in ground combat (when compared to other mmo's).
    Space: 6/10. While it looks great it's become very laggy for a while now. It's also suffering from typical ability/proc bloat. Meaning new things with special effects keep getting added on top of everything. Space combat has gotten a very chaotic feel.

    The game also severely lacks proper long term gameplay. No hubs with missions or 'daily quests' if you will. What we get for major expansions is a few hours of actual gameplay. Everything else that we get is locked behind time/paywalls.

    Quality of content is lackluster at best. New content updates clearly feel rushed and not thought trough at all. I could write a book about this but the forums are full of threads as they are.

    There also doesn't seem to be a clear direction. At one end you introduce REALLY grindy systems (specialisation trees, gear upgrades) and at the other end you focus so much on casual play with events. Who is the game supposed to cater to? Casuals, or more hardcore players? You're currently trying to cater to both and it isn't working.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Duty officers. Everything else has had the fun sucked out of it.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    The massive focus on pay-walling time. (read: Dilithium/zen). Also the rather large amounts of development time that's being spent on introducing new ships.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    Cut the price of everything on the zenstore by half. Cut the price of ships by 75%. See your revenue increase by over 300% (there's studies on this). Make the game less tedious to play by removing some of the giant dilithium sinks. When people have fun they will spent money. Making the game not fun is not going to get people to spent money.

    Another glarring issue: Group play (stfs) is currently ****. The effort-reward ratio is broken and I cannot believe you haven't fixed this yet.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
    New upper management. I'm sorry, but your lack of concise direction for the game is really troubling.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • jbmaverickjbmaverick Member Posts: 935 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) Still disappointed that the game keeps moving to a dps race. I also think there's a problem when the average player dps is an entire order of magnitude lower than what's considered "excellent" dps. Other than that, I'm fairly happy with the content additions, the variety of things that keep being added (both free and payed), and the continued attempts to make the game feel more like Trek.

    2) I guess I'd say the Featured Episodes. A lot of work seems to go into these, usually with something new and interesting that could potentially be used in additional content if it works well.

    3) Queued content, although it's a mixed bag. I enjoy missions that take more thought and tactics, such as Mine Trap, Starbase Incursion, and the more recent Gates of Gre'thor (at least Stage 2, Stages 1 and 3 are still a simple dps race), but unfortunately the people I play with regularly seem to be reluctant to move on from the old Borg STFs.

    4) Stop giving enemies insane health pools and instead give them defensive abilities that players have means of overcoming with proper ability builds. Attack Pattern Beta is used on almost every top dps ship because of the hull resistance debuff, so let the NPCs have some resistance buff powers. Give the Science captains a reason to use their Subnuc intelligently, give us a reason to have buff strippers in PvE. Give Tanks a reason to exist, and help them perform their role by improving the threat mechanic.

    5) I'd like to see the old Reputations expanded on, rather than new ones being continually added. Add new tiers to the Reputations, with corresponding gear. Give us a reason to run the old Queued missions (after they've been updated to address the above) other than they're familiar and an easy source of Dilithium. I maxed out my Omega Reputation ages ago on my main (I refuse to do repeated grinds on alts, they exist for me to see the other storylines and for things like Delta Recruit) and I see little point in running Infected yet again when I have yet another Reputation to work through.

    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    Nice game if you're into starship pron, which I am, and want to experience some Star Trek themed stories. Could have more emotional and moral depth than it usually has, though. In some ways, the game still seems more aimed at children than at adults. Or maybe it's aimed at adults, that don't' really want to bother with view-point challenging material anymore.
    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Flying with starships and blowing sh*t up.
    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    PvP. It can be really fun, and it had great potential, but without a careful eye to balance and ensure that all ships and careers are equally viable, and the seriously large amount of stuff you need to grind before you can hope to be competitive, it's basically ruined. There will always be hard core people playing it, but it can never live to its full potential.
    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    Finding a way where gear or ship power creep and grind has less to no impact on PvP, and ensure that the powers available in PvP are balanced. I am fine if that means tighter build
    restrictions and that certain abilities or gear are not available or work differently in PvP.
    I still want to be able to fly any ship I can fly in PvE, but I am fine if its stats are altered for better PvP balance.

    Then add some leaderboards and seasonal PvP rewards, and you got something exciting to play.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    Ship Interiors need to be a place where missions happen. I am okay if that means that every single bridge I ever bought is deleted from the game (no refunds).
    I'd probably even be okay if we were all forced into a single standard interior ship and bridge layout.
    I just want that Cryptic can use my ship interiors to tell the story in missions, just like the TV shows and the movies did.

    Also, Deep Space Nine Revamp.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    I'm too negative to give an unbiased opinion.

    See my signature. The same level of disdain that is given to the pvp community, I return it to cryptic management.

    I'm not asking for an unbiased opinion; everyone's opinion is biased in some way. I would simply ask that if you are going to reply, don't do it just to say you aren't going to give your opinion :P

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    WAR WAR WAR everywhere ! ! !
    *runs around in circles, laughing hysterically*
    (pretty annoying tbh)

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    ship/character tailor, Sector space travel (yes, BECAUSE it takes time :) )

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    - Ground Combat because it terrible chaotic and way to hectic
    - Space Combat (because of too much FX which is distracting)
    - FAW (because it's boring)
    - War propaganda posters (seriously guys?)

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    - Make own and other players Boff abilities FX toggleable (Space + Ground)
    - Remove beam and cannon weapon classification and make them all simply energy weapons with different [arc], Beam+Cannon Boff abilites would apply to all energy weapons.
    (let player choose which FX to use/ Cannon or Beam FX)

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
    - (Re)Introduce Exploration
    - more (any) Diplomatic missions
    - Aliens/Monsters/Anomaly of the week mission generator (within exploration system)
    - let us boldly go where no one has gone before (and NOT shoot!)
    - Give ships more meaning than pure combat. Flying a Big ship should give some benefit other than being a slow cumbersome and underpowered escort.

    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • crusader0007crusader0007 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    Participating before the close down :mad:

    1 - Needs better management and thanks for not calling players EXPLOITERS like D'angelo. However, same business plan just another face to go with it. Metrics rules over playerbase satisfaction.

    2- People. Love to socialize with my fleet mates, friends and yes ALL those who are not so friendly as well:eek:

    3- GRINDING is my least favorite. Needs to be balanced more. Either extreme is bad for the playerbase but sanity is somewhere in the middle.

    4 - Do real events with the least grinding once and for all. Cant believe what they did with the summer event 2016. Good thing is account wide but really you have to do so much GRIND to get it. A better transition period would have given some of us more time to adjust. If you want to have fun...GRIND for metrics :rolleyes:

    5- Cardassian or BORG expansion.

    Thanks for doing the job of a community manager and hope some of this feedback gets passed somewhow to a PWE community manager then to DEVS and EP. :D
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    Nice game, definately one of the better Star Trek games...but there are so many small problems that the sum of it simply gives the whole an unplesent taste.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Great F2P model, ships, ambient and design, multy layered aspect of the game: Ground, space, doff and now even sector space

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    PVP: great potential, historic battles with monster play (similar to LOTRO) could have made PVP interesting...as it is now, it must simply be ignored.
    Ground combat

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    PVP: Introducing histric battles where each player gets a premade ship. Battle of Wolf 359 for example: Fed players get Mirandas and other early 24th century ships and have to destroy a huge NPC cube...other team has borg probes and has to protect the cube.
    Ground: A cover system...less enemy NPCs but with more HP each (This is actually also good for space combat).

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
    More things to do in sector space: Pirate attacks, events like red alerts expanded...re-implementing things like klingon scout force, big dig, breaking the planet, ... as red alerts.
    More adventure zones like nimbus
    ship tailor options for colour of guns and shield visuals.
    rank cap at captain
    Go pro or go home
  • aesicaaesica Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    guilli88 wrote: »
    The game also severely lacks proper long term gameplay. No hubs with missions or 'daily quests' if you will. What we get for major expansions is a few hours of actual gameplay. Everything else that we get is locked behind time/paywalls.
    As a longtime wow player, I'm glad this game doesn't throw dozens of dailies at you. "Daily chores" is what I call them, because that's exactly what they feel like. Anyway, that aside, there's still plenty of "dailies" around if you know where to look. The last 2 open missions at kobali prime can almost count as dailies.

    - - -

    Anyway, the poll:

    1) Overall it's still good, but I'm really not fond of the fact that my alts are no longer worth playing. I thought the upgrade system would be a neat way to catch up my favorite older gear to what the current gear would be, but instead, it's used to boost all gear, past and present, to the point it's actually worth using. Awful. And the specialization system? This is pretty much the pestilence that's driving alts to extinction.

    2) My favorite aspect is probably the level of character customization. No other MMO that I've seen comes anywhere close to letting me customize my character's appearance with the level of detail this one does. It makes each person's character truly look interesting and unique.

    3) Least favorite? Definitely the specialization system, followed by the way in which the upgrade system was implemented. I like the idea of being able to make a max-level Federation Type 1 Phaser for kicks, but when I create current-content rep gear, I shouldn't have to upgrade it to Mk XIV as well. That's stupid. Finally, some of the delta missions have one-shot-only Mk XIII rewards that you can lose forever if you discard them. This is inconsistent with the previously-recurring theme that you can always replay a mission to get such a thing back (CRM 200, etc)

    4) Specialization could be made account-wide. It'd still be grindy, but at least this way, we could choose which character we grind it on, and grinding on one would benefit all the others. For upgrades, the system is fine, but moving forward, any new reputations added should offer Mk XIV gear. Finally, the unique rewards from Delta missions should be flagged as "Unique" (so you can only own 1 at a time) and made available through replays.

    5) I'd actually like to see a lot of things changed. If I was on the design team, I'd want to implement these:

    a) Everything mentioned in #4.

    b) Noncombat pets: Add a collection system for non-combat pets so they don't just tie up a crapton of bank space. Accolades and other things could be added as a result to add extra incentives for players to collect pets. Also, I'd want an equip slot of sorts on players and bridge officers, so each one could equip a pet that would always follow them around. Obviously, this may need to be disabled in pvp and areas where lots of players are fighting things.

    c) This may not be popular to some, but overall I think it's a good design move so I'm mentioning it anyway. Despite all of this game's queued content, people only ever run the same ones over and over.

    Change the queue system rewards so that each STF only awards the type of reputation mark associated with it (Omega for infected, Iconian for Brotherhood of the Sword, etc) instead of the "choice of marks" we have currently. Add a "Random Ground" or "Random Space" option that awards a choice of marks as a bonus reward on top of whatever the randomly-selected STF gives. To deter people from dropping out of STFs they don't like, only apply the 30 minute cooldown to people who bail early. Also, retouching the "bad" STFs to make them more playable would be a good idea too.

    Finally, Normal needs to give better rewards. Currently, a warm body/afker can get better rewards for doing almost nothing in the last 2 Kobali Prime open missions than someone in a Normal STF. (2 power cells/datacores + daily bonus marks) That's stupid.

    d) The "off-duty" uniform tab should offer everything in the "uniform" tab in addition to its own off-duty content.

    e) Remove Expertise entirely. It's literally a worthless currency. As someone who's leveled characters long ago, as recently as the Delta Recruit event, and everywhere in between, the only time Expertise has ever mattered is that brief level 10-20 period where you can't quite max out your bridge officers' abilities. That's IT. My current character has 3.5 million expertise and nothing to use it on.

    I could mention more, but that's getting away from the point of this thread as a quick poll.
    Rubberband Dance has been unlocked!
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OK, now that some other folks have answered, here are mine:

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Pretty good. Not perfect, but a lot of fun. The best F2P model on the market.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    Space combat and the foundry.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    Having to equip EV suits on my entire away team for certain missions.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Have a secondary slot for EV suits so you can always have one equipped on your player and/or Boffs, and have a one click button to swap.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    A Cardassian faction and more foundry support.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • captaintrueheartcaptaintrueheart Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    I feel like there are too many currencies and too much variation in what constitutes an efficient method of acquiring them. It feels like the systems in the game are being pushed way beyond their initial scope and as a result things just aren't smooth. The number of currencies and overall game economy feels like it's a monster constantly growing a new head.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    My character, my ship, my crew... Being able to customize everything about my character is amazing and I love it.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    RANDOMNESS in the lockboxes, crafting, etc... I hate rolling the dice with a burning hatred of a 1000 suns.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Similar to how they have a "finish now" button, I'd be content with a "Pay Now" button... if you want the top lockbox ship... pay this amount or gamble if you feel lucky. If you want a [CrtD]x3 it costs this amount or gamble if you feel lucky. If i know what I'm getting I'll spend money on it, I hate leaving it to chance with no idea what it will actually cost me.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    EXPLORATION! Yes, it's complex, hard, not fun, difficult to implement, blah blah blah... I loved exploration of the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3... Searching for things, finding new things, etc. Sure I can play Elite Queues to get Salvage for crafting, but what about searching through a recent battlefield for the stuff? I hate that the only way to really acquire top end gear is to get into the team based, dps-centric queues. Not everyone shares that taste in play style... I know it's hard but I have to believe there has to be a way to make it work, even if I can't specifically state the perfect way to do it in exact detail...

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    I get they need to make money, we all need money... and I would gladly pay for things that aren't ships! Character customization is a huge thing for people... I hate to put it out there but how many people would have paid Zen for swimsuits? That was a huge thing... great we didn't have too but there are other ways to make money than ships ships ships ships....

    Also, for me the socialization happens outside of combat missions... Who has time to chat while killing bugs or Borg or whatever else is in the "forced team" missions? If they want to really strengthen the community aspect of the game they should focus on overhauling the chat system, add some social type games into common areas that lend themselves to being played casually while chatting with others. I often wonder how many public channels I'm not in simply because I don't know what exists there?

    The game needs some strong diversification which reflects the vastly diverse audience it's targeting. The more this game tries to focus on being a MMO the more annoying it becomes... if it were to focus more on Star Trek, the more enjoyable I would find it.

    Overall I do like the game... just thought I'd share my two cents :)
    =/\= ================================= =/\=
    Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
    U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
    =/\= ================================= =/\=
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,630 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    1. I enjoy it - I wouldn't be playing and spending money and time creating/replying to threads supporting it if I didn't. :) I think the folks at Cryptic have done a good job despite all the hamstringing they have had (PWE demanding grinds, the awful launch time constraint and terrible corporate support (thanks Perpetual and Atari!) which held up the game from blossoming for YEARS, etc.)

    2. The Foundry and Cryptic episodic story content

    3. The grind overlay on everything these days (again, that's the PWE overlords at work - not Cryptic's fault)

    4. There are a TON of industry websites that have player friendly, profitable solutions to 'grinding' out there - just wish PWE would look at them. :(

    5. See my sig below. :P
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    1) best ever.
    2) return to story missions
    3) resetting Bo's and lag
    4) before releasing new features make sure they work.
    5) soloable battle/adventure zones
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Mommy ... . :(
    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    I've been getting into Intel ship stuff lately (it's been a convoluted and painful road) .
    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    My sig covers that , at least partially .
    The over focus on systems & powers .
    It seems to be coming at the expense of ... well everything else , and it concerns me that the top ppl @ STO right now may be overly technical folks who are pushing their "agendas" if you will , either consciously or otherwise .
    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Cryptic have tethered themselves to releasing ships with bundles of mechanics (and vice versa) .
    That tether needs to be cut .
    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    Different priorities by the Dev team .
    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    Lag ?

    Constant non-stop "adjustments" (nerfs) to our awards ?

    The lookout of around 8 FE's this year (which would point to a year-by-year decrease in story content 2 years in a row) , unless they are working on something for the end of this year ?

    Still no old Borg STF's in the game .

    Still no playable PVP for the masses .

    Wasted money on mostly mediocre voice acting .

    Metrics 4 the people and by the people ... .

    ... you know ... , the usual ...
  • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    The new episodes are fun. Cryptic designed ships are still ugly as sin. The current metagame (braindead spam of BFAW/AP beams ) sucks.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    Episodes and Space STF.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    The constant devaluation of ships I like. Paying to upgrade my ships (T5U style) to keep the game running is fine, constantly replacing my ship is not.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    If stuff like 5/3 weapon layouts get introduced, allow for upgrading of older ships.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    Full Rom faction, diversified storyline. Telling the story from different perspectives for blue, green and red.
  • eldioraeldiora Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Its in a really bad state, the grind is simply taking over every aspect of this game and instead of good content we get a new grind system with every new addition to the game.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    The Story Missions, closely followed by the Doff System

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    RNG Crafting/Upgrading

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?


    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    I would like a new Exploration aspect added

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.[/QUOTE]

    I would really hope we could get the Spec System Improved/Redone. I hate how I need to grind more and more and more levels and it takes forever for me to get those with every new spec added. It also kills any incentive to ever level up my alts.

    Please make Specialisation points account bound and let us redistribute them even if it has to be a paid c-store item.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    1. i could care less about sto at this point. i have always maintained the last few years that the game is nothing but a time waster and thats it.

    2. excelsior and miranda class ships. nothing else beyond that.

    3. grindathon.

    4. cryptic changing their ways... and mars is more likely to explode first...

    5. what i would like to see some "expansion" on is the removal of crossfire and those dinosaurs.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    Management is manipulating the gameplay stats in order to keep their jobs
    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Flying starships ... that's why I came here and why I am still here
    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    The gameplay. Read the reviews from release, they sound like today--the gameplay is terrible.
    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    Waste of effort to enumerate and I don't care if STO burns anyway
    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
    Designers that have a history and knowledge of space combat games
    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.
    Like to give a big shout out to Cryptic for crapping on my past purchases with DR, breaking PVP, and destroying any remaining semblance of balance
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Not that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Generally good. I like the story arc that is going on.
    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    Space Battles.
    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Alter the PUGing system so that there is no auto-fails. Also alter the awards so that they are better at each difficulty and sets you up for progression to the next difficulty level.
    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    Solo content that can net you the VR Mats for crafting so that I am not relient on others to craft. I wuld also like to see the game restructed to support pregression -style advancement through the STF's. I would like to see some missions that are specific to teaching you about how to do ship builds, what skills do for you, and a better training of the BOff and DOff systems.
    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    STO is finally rebounding from an ill conceived and rushed expansion. Many of the wounds inflicted on the players (e.g. Theft of spec points) are healing, while broken content is seeing fixes. Delta recruits served as a good way to generate interest in some of the older content in the game, and offered players generous rewards. The end of the Iconian story comes as a relief, as it's been drawn out far too long. The future seems to look better than the past year.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    As it has been for a very long time, ground STFs. Especially running with my fleeties in hybrid pug groups. Recruiting and training STFs along with new players remains the most satisfying goal in STO.
    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    The Voth. I hate them and everything the stand for.I hate fighting them, I hate looking at them, I hated them on Voyager, I hate them now. I also hate Dyson spheres.

    If I never entered another Dyson sphere, it would be too soon.
    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Wrap up the Iconian plot, come up with some other way to get to the delta quadrant, and send the Dyson spheres- and the voth- in to subspace where they belong.
    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    More STFs, more ground content, more ground sets, more costumes. I want to see Elite Borg STFs returned. Return the Borg to dominance as the key big-bad. More DS9- Both the IP and the physical location. Revamp the DS9 map. Return old removed content as optional legacy missions. Create more rare titles, costume pieces and vanity items for players who achieve difficult goals. Reward veteran loyalty, make spec points cheaper and/or create alternate ways to earn them (c store even). Release old emotes. Return monthly forum contests.

    I could go on.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Now that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    1) I enjoy it.

    2) Foundry

    3) PvP

    4) At this point.... a new map would be a nice start.

    5) More of the 5 part featured episodes. (Prefribly around the 50-60 level mark) Maybe something to do with the Kazon, Hirogen, Undine, Voth etc
    Typhoon Class please!
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'll bite. I didn't see this on Reddit, but since you also post there, you might do it to. Mostly because the forums are usually biased against Cryptic, while Reddit is biased toward them. Sometimes to the extreme. That way you might have a more "accurate" poll.

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    Depends, if we speak since DR, then I'd say slight improvement, but really minor.
    If we take a larger timeframe, then much, much worse.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Space barbie, the Romulan fraction (as a whole, I'm a Romulan fanboy, so I was happy to play it, still am, even with all the imbalance). Also FE.
    I'd say STF, but since PESTF is pretty much dead, the average pug can't make ISA properly, and the lag is killing it. So yeah, I used to enjoy STF. Before DR.
    Also, DOFFing was killed twice, and I barely use it nowadays. The first time was when they introduced their Vtech interface, and second one was when they killed XP recently.

    As you can see, the answer will vary if you ask before or after the DR.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    PvP. Powercreep, unbalanced gear and power, you name it. PvP was never really born on STO, but Cryptic did its best to kill it quickly.
    The grind, which is nowadays about 95% of STO.
    The cash grabs everywhere. From re-selling the same ship as T6 to OP powers on the cash shop/lobi, including various dil sink like the upgrind system or R&D. I wonder if there is something on STO that's not monetized. And that's probably because they haven't find a way to do so.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    Less grind. Less monetization. Think more of the customer, a bit less of money. I don't mean I want everything free, but you know, doing what you like and making money, instead of just doing a job for money. Which seems to be the case of a few devs, I'm specially looking toward a certain lizard, AKA "the PR nightmare".
    For pvp, quite frankly, I think it's doomed. I play pvp elsewhere, don't bother.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
    For once, I would like a seasons which is about balancing the mess they call a game, and fix bugs. No content, I don't care. Like balancing the faction (Romulan Academy for example, SRO,...), the weapons (Dual cannons ? What that ? DHC ? Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my BFAW !)...
    But to be honest, it would take more than a seasons. And it's not going to happen.

    More xp for 50-60.
    Specialization as an Alternate Advancement system. A real one, where you simply play the game and it fill itself. You know, like they have in other game. I haven't maxxed a single tree since DR, months ago, and not even touched the command one. Or commando. And I play almost daily.
    Basically do like they do on others game.
    At this rate, I should be able to max the one we have in about 20years. And before someone start "you don't have to max them...", ok, I'll have half of them in 10years. By playing daily, all events, a bit of doffing, and sometimes a STF. Better ?
  • astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, this is not an official thread, but it is officially unofficial. Now that we are all clear on that, let's talk about STO!

    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    1) Promising if the right fixes are made quickly.

    2) The Foundry mainly because it's the only way to be able to have diplomatic missions, plus it's good for rp, and the Intrepid and Galaxy remodels. The Mighty D'deridex is a favorite of mine as well.

    3) Power creep, endless flavor of the day traits and other gimmick ship/console skills that have really damaged (nearly destroyed) the pvp base and increase the ever growing gap between new and old players.

    4) To find a way to balance the ton of traits that our out there to be less cluttered I win abilities, maybe hold up off anymore reputations for a bit, until the current ones can be fixed, the grind can get to one after a while.

    5) Please add the old diplomatic missions back or maybe create new ones I really miss the option of not having to pew pew everything. canon romulan bridges and engineering sections that aren't so tardisy on the inside. the current singularity core would be better for a starbase *hint hint*
  • apsciliaraapsciliara Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?
    I feel that it's a bit grindy, but enjoyable.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    Space Barbies.

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?
    Time gates on everything.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?
    Better rewards for those daily reputation projects, decreased costs of reputation gear, maybe a single-time unlock project and then you can reclaim the gear from the reclaim store or the rep stores instead of throwing a whole bunch of resources at them again.
    Oh yeah, and reputation projects refunding your stuff if you cancel them.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?
  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?


    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    The ignore function

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    Other players

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    advanced ignore functions

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    more disco ball types
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
    95bced8038c91ec6f880d510e6fd302f366a776c4c5761e5f7931d491667a45e.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • elric071elric071 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    Better than it was right after DR release. Still not great, but getting better. I have really enjoyed the story telling of late, though. Even though it seems to be dragging along, I have really enjoyed the writing of the FE's leading up to and now into the Iconian War. Surface Tension is probably my favorite episode in this whole game and harkens back to some of the late DS-9 style story telling.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    Space combat. I love getting in any ship in my characters arsenal, setting it up and blowing the TRIBBLE out of enemies. Now while I agree it is not very "Trek", it is still fun as hell :)

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    Time gating. It takes way too long to get a character to it's maximum potential in the game. There is no time to play any of my alts anymore. I have 12 characters and I bet I only use two or three of them. I used to log in, before all the time gating, and think to myself what flavor of character do I feel like playing today. Then I'd pick one and go off to do the things in this game that I enjoy. Now when I log in, it's more like....which character do I need to grind a spec point out on today or which character do I need to grind out rep marks on today... This leads me to only play one or two characters and leave the others just sitting collecting dust because they are sooooo far behind the curve.

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    Delta Recruits did a good job of getting a new character the bonus stuff it needed to be competitive quickly. Perhaps now that I can get those rewards I earned with my 3 recruits (one of each faction) to give a leg up to some of my older alts that have been collecting dust for a year or so. So that was a good first step. I also think that the progression from 50+ is way too slow. Maybe giving a little better XP for ALL of the game content would ease up the daunting task of leveling those dusty alts.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    I'd like to see another faction. I don't particularly care what faction, I just love the story telling. For example, I'd love to see the story of how a simple Cardassian farmer/artisan/civilian/whatever became one of the most decorated Gul's in the Cardassian Union. I enjoy the story telling, cause let's face it, there won't be any new Trek on TV any time in the near future. All in all, I think Cryptic does a good job of telling a story IMO.

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    Please fix PvP. I know this is a very polarizing topic amongst the player base, but this game has such potential for good PvP. I know that it is a pipe dream, but p-p-please /puppydogeyes...

    Illigitimi Non Carborundum

    Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) What is your overall impression of STO right now?

    It does not revere Gene Roddenberry enough. He was both a prophet and a god.

    2) What is your favorite aspect of the game?

    Earning Dilithium, Marks and XP by playing through the same missions repeatedly. Diversity and variety are tools of Evil and must be stamped out!

    3) What is your least favorite aspect of the game?

    The fact some people apparently play this game for fun and entertainment. Star Trek is the most significant achievement ever of the Human Race. Fun has no place here, dammit!

    4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect improved?

    A complete removal of all fun from this game is a must to truly see Gene's (Hallowed be His Name! In His Service, we grind gladly!) vision through to the end.

    5) What would you like to see added or expanded in the future?

    A quick way to identify and remove the blasphemers and heretics who insist on attempting to derive enjoyment from what is so obviously intended to be a solo spiritual journey which celebrates this benchmark of Human ingenuity and sacrifice.

    In addition to the above questions, please feel free to add any other thoughts or comments you may have.

    More Disco Balls and Balloon Guns. We can never have enough. And make them cost 1 Latinum each. So everyone can get access.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was away for quitesome time - actually returned for the DR-event - so my take might be colored by that :

    1) the amount of grind has increased during that time ( there's grind involved for all stuff now it seems , last time I played - well before delta rising - the emphasis was on casual play )

    2) the IP itself .We might not like some stuff but it's still Star Trek and occasionally that still shows.

    3) ground combat is still crappy , and most defintely the notion with current devs we all want to engage in martial arts . It isn't Age of Wushu, guys ! And the need to grind needs to be lessened

    4) do away with the entire martial arts idea , that's not Star Trek ...and never will be . Make it far more attractive to do PvE-queues . No automatic fail , increase rewards for them ( it's ridiculous some dailies grant just as many marks or dilithium , you solve that by increasing rewards for one ..not by decreasing rewards for the other ! ) . Spec points should be far easier to earn, cut the requirement for that in half ( at least) . you can always add more tiers later on

    5) more feature episodes , i.e. more content . Thinking of more ways to make it a grinding-game does nothing to prolong interest in any game, quite the contrary . The current developers - or the management - place far too much emphasis on the short term profit , not on the future of this great franchise they have on their hands . I sometimes feel they don't realize enough what the possibilities are with the Star Trek franchise .

    recently we saw some changes that were good ( rewarding boxes with reputation marks was new for me ) and some that were decidedly bad ( nerfing doff-xp springs to mind) .

    They should also really start to fix the huge amount of bugs - some of which were already present years ago . It's not a very good promotion to first introduce the Delta recruitment event - to get folks into STO- and then have one of the story arcs thereof bugged very badly ( namely the Breen -storyline ) so they can't complete it ...
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