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Give your top 10 MMORPG to date.

hawkwing43hawkwing43 Member Posts: 1,701 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Ten Forward
I been look at different list on this topic, and really I figured why not talk about it here.

Out of all the MMO games you have played, it makes no difference to me if the game is still active or not, so name your 10 ten MMORPG.

Let's here is people.

Post edited by hawkwing43 on


  • freakshow046freakshow046 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. City of Heroes

    The only one that would matter would be the one at the top of the list, and for me, that would be CoH.

    Here is a great post that someone wrote giving characteristics that made it so wonderful, granted you'll see some recognizable traits that are shared here (since it was also originally a Cryptic game) no other MMO can compare.


    And NCSoft never gave a reason to why they shut it down, the game was still turning a profit!
  • rooster707rooster707 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    #1: LEGO Universe. I'm still mad about that getting shut down.

    After that, Destiny and STO, in no particular order.

    ...And that's it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    #1: STO

    I actually haven't played that many MMOs though so, enh...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • edited May 2015
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  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. City of Heroes

    The only one that would matter would be the one at the top of the list, and for me, that would be CoH.

    Here is a great post that someone wrote giving characteristics that made it so wonderful, granted you'll see some recognizable traits that are shared here (since it was also originally a Cryptic game) no other MMO can compare.


    And NCSoft never gave a reason to why they shut it down, the game was still turning a profit.

    I think the resources City of Heroes used went towards further developing **** and Guild Wars 2 and creating Wildstar.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. Champions Online - the only game I bought an LTS for. Currently, my roster has 32 champions on it, but thanks to Turando's challenge, I'll be adding a 33rd soon - 34th if the Variable Robot costume set ever actually becomes good.

    2. Star Trek Online. The F2P has held my interest for a good four years now.

    3. WoW. It has its issues, mostly with forcing you to do group content with people who don't want to be your first group (kind of like the old employment paradox, where before you could get hired for a job you needed experience at the job), but the gameplay is engaging for at least short burst. (Just don't ever stop and ask yourself how all these pigs are living without major internal organs like livers, or why vultures are carrying glasses of cold milk.)

    4. Neverwinter. The gameplay is entertaining, but I hate the control layout, and you can't change it. Might give it a shot on console, if I ever get an XBone.

    5 - 19: Held for future good (or at least okay) games.

    20. DDO. It begins as an okay D&D simulation, but quickly becomes even more repetitive than Gary Gygax's worst nightmares (and almost as repetitive as Dave Arneson's).

    21. SWTOR - the worst F2P experience I've encountered yet (if you don't lay out some cash, you can't use the mail).
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Diablo 2, played that for 12 years. (Some may argue its not an mmo, but it certainly felt like it.)
    Then STO.

    I bought Everquest a long time ago, but being 10 or 11, I never had a credit card...so I never got to play it. But still have the CD.
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I play STO, and SWTOR. That's it. I tried WOW, DDO, LOTRO, and Neverwinter. The only one I play on rare occasion, is NW.I seem to like my swords, and sorcery play on console (gasp). Really like the Dragon age games, and Elder scrolls.
    EVE is awesome! It is the worst game ever, teaching people that being a backstabbing, lying ,sociopath is the only way to be successful in life. So by awesome, I mean it's for DBags.
    BSGO, uninstalled in a week. Marvel universe online, better graphics in X-man legends on my PS2.Another short lived interest of mine.

    I guess that other than STO, and TOR, I just am not a fan of MMO games.
  • icerose20icerose20 Member Posts: 18,379 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Another vote for COH (City of Heroes) for best.

    then STO then SWTOR.
    Ancient Griffon insult

    That one is so stupid, he lost a Rock/Paper/Scissors game to a Pony.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Diablo 2, played that for 12 years. (Some may argue its not an mmo, but it certainly felt like it.)
    Then STO.

    I bought Everquest a long time ago, but being 10 or 11, I never had a credit card...so I never got to play it. But still have the CD.
    As a long time D2 player, and modder, I can help with your confusion. :D

    D2 is classified as a MOG not an MMO due to it's lack of a persistent world and limited multiplayer support. It is of course, nearly the same as an MMO except for those key differences. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ladeetladeet Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. Anarchy Online
    Still online, sadly it's made by Funcom. Talk about great ideas and then letting them rot ... Still the best when it comes to character customization (i mean skill and such, not graphics).
    2. Eve Online - sadly time consuming/unfriendly to new players, but a blast if you get into it's endgame
    3. Age of Conan - best skill based pvp out there
    4. Star Wars The Old Republic
    4. Elder Scrolls Online
    5. Star Trek Online
    6. Lord of the Rings Online

    All that i've played for a longer period of time (6+ months).
  • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. City of Heroes

    The only one that would matter would be the one at the top of the list, and for me, that would be CoH.

    Here is a great post that someone wrote giving characteristics that made it so wonderful, granted you'll see some recognizable traits that are shared here (since it was also originally a Cryptic game) no other MMO can compare.


    And NCSoft never gave a reason to why they shut it down, the game was still turning a profit!

    All these years later, and the fact that its gone still hurts
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. City of Heroes

    The only one that would matter would be the one at the top of the list, and for me, that would be CoH.

    Here is a great post that someone wrote giving characteristics that made it so wonderful, granted you'll see some recognizable traits that are shared here (since it was also originally a Cryptic game) no other MMO can compare.


    And NCSoft never gave a reason to why they shut it down, the game was still turning a profit!

    Ow... right in the feels. Now honestly, I haven't played 10 MMOs, but my list looks something like this:

    1: COH
    4: Final Fantasy 11. My first.
    5: Lord Of The Rings Online. Fo breadth of story, it has Cryptic's offerings beat hands down, but its other limitations put it only barely ahead.
    5.1 STO
    5.2: Champions Online. This could have been so much more, but Cryptic dropped the ball again and again.
    6: Final Fantasy 14. Very pretty, but oh so very limited.
    13: DCUO, or as is frequently called, Sidekicks Online.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Dark Age of Camalot
    Elder Scrolls
    Star Trek Online
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    1. swtor, because the community reps are always helpful at least to me they are, they are always open and honest with their community. they try to help where they can. the story experience for the mmo is something unique other games just cant match. and so i put some money in every 2 months for sub status because to me it is number 1 without a match.


    1.world of tanks, its just plain annoying, same thing all the time and everytime.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Only got 9, if I've played any others they were so bad I can't even remember them.

    1. WoW - Currently not playing due to several things I absolutely hate about WoD, but in general its the one I go back to most frequently.

    2. Pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies - This game was awesome as far as customization, crafting, factions, guild features, player made stores, player housing and cities ... the list goes on and on. It could have used a few tweaks here and there (after a couple years most planets started to look like Courascant due to player housing, and becoming force sensitive was a grind that even Cryptic would complain about), but overall the only real problem was the lack of instances and story based quests.

    3. City of Heroes - This one is tough ... lets just say 3 through 6 are at the same level in terms of how I feel about them. This one is far and away the best Super Hero themed MMO ever made, and I find myself wishing I could still play it several times a year. Hopefully the purchase attempt goes through to bring it back.

    4. STO - If your on this board, you know this game. I love it (except ground combat, please revamp it), but it also exemplifies everything I hate about F2P models. This is also the MMO that has disappointed me the most in its lifetime, in terms of frequency.

    5. SWtOR - Decent MMO, love the emphasis on story content ... I just wish I could play the character style I want (Commando using carbines as a ranged DPS ... seriously why is this combo forced to melee!?!)

    6. LOTRO - Rivals SWtOR in terms of story content, only game I can think of where customization allows you to have the look of armor your character cannot equip, unfortunately the last time I played was after they changed the skill trees and it seemed like spec roles were way too rigid.

    7. Everquest 2 - The only thing I like about this game is the betrayal quest line mechanic, I wish other games (particularly WoW) offered this functionality.

    8. Champions Online - I tried so hard to like this game when X-Men: DoFP came out and I needed my super hero fix ... but I honostly hate everything about it, ESPECIALLY the action-RPG style combat system. If it had a more traditional MMO combat system, I might be able to tolerate it.

    9. Post-NGE Star Wars Galaxies - This one absolutely SUCKED. First, the patch was announced only a couple days after an expansion and only a couple days before going live, without public testing of any kind. Second, the patch removed 90% of what made the game fun, with the create-a-class character style converted to a WoW style class system. Jedi went from being a status symbol to a normal class and combat itself was changed to be closer to what STO has on the ground. The ONLY positive was the introduction of a very long quest line. I have never seen another game self destruct with such an epic level of fail. THE worst MMO development decision in history, IMHO
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. STO - Despite its fallings, it is my go to game
    2. Destiny - Same say it isnt, I don't care, it is a fun game
    3. SWTOR - In terms of story, its the best, but the end game and the gear progression gets dull
    4. Neverwinter - On the PC, its the biggest in your face f2p game, but on the console, it is suprisingly tame in comparison.
    5. Defiance- The game started out horribly, but it got much better, however lately it is suffering from an obvious small dev team.
    6. WOW - I love the game play and universe, but with playing the top 4 games, I just don't have the time to put in the game
    7. DCUO - I enjoy the game for the universe rather gameplay
    8. Champions Online - Its Ok
    9. TESO - Played the Beta and seen it was ok, but will probably pick it up on X1
    10. Firefall - I was lost at times, this was before the big revamp, but loved the story and graphics. Will revisit it in the future.
  • steamwrightsteamwright Member Posts: 2,820
    edited May 2015
    1. City of Heroes

    The only one that would matter would be the one at the top of the list, and for me, that would be CoH.

    And now I finally take notice of your forum name and avatar. :cool: Yes, it is definitely your favorite.

    1. CoH easily tops my list, too. I've never experienced elsewhere the fluid combat that I did in it. On my martial artist, I could use the ninja run to charge a crowd, vault over them using a barrel roll, do a 360 leg sweep to knock them all off their feet, and follow up with a well placed eagle claw completely demolishing the closest opponent. Swift and, if well controlled, completely fluid. It was magic to watch. I've also never been as attached to my characters in other games as I was to my main characters in CoH.

    2. Firefall. the little MMOFPS that refuses to die (despite severe mishandling by the previous leadership). Firefall is not perfect, but almost daily when I play, I read some new guy's chat saying "How did I not know about this game before? I love it!". I feel the same way. Firefall also has fluid combat, and refreshingly places more emphasis on skill than on having elite gear to win (though you can eventually win/craft that if you so desire). It doesn't hold tightly to the traditional tank/healer/dps (though it does have the trio), requires only one character (who can easily interchange up to 16 class battleframes), and can be challenging for solo players at upper zones. You'll not snooze through them.

    3. WoW. I've played it off and on since 2005. Yeah, it has Disney graphics and a ton of grind, but most great MMO concepts are adapted by WoW, and that makes for an interesting experience. WoW had the most fun I've every gotten from non-instanced PvP, though sadly my last venture back had few such events. Even Crossroads was not getting attacked every 15 minutes.

    4. STO. Not much to say since y'all know it well. Love the space combat.

    5. SWTOR - not enough to hold me to the game, but it was an enjoyable experience. My biggest gripe was ridiculous amounts of unnecessary travel and travel cut scenes often taking many minutes when it should have been implied of all that was involved, and instead transition us in seconds.

    6. LOTRO. Love the parallel story you play to the book story. I like what they've done with the regions. I find (at least through Rivendell) they grind way to much, but I still enjoy going back into the game every once in a while.

    7.Tabula Rasa. This may be surprising on a top ten list, but I beta'ed it, helped build the wiki for it, and played it, warts and all, up to the day they so completely overhauled the classes that you had to start again to learn them. Great graphics, interesting storyline, fun classes (the old way), fantastic fun using the LOGOS system and fighting to retain control points in order to do missions. In short, Tabula Rasa had real potential that was terribly squandered by those that made the product. I still wish someone would buy up the license, put a good team on an overhaul, and resurrect this title.

    Honorable mention to: Champions Online, Wildstar -- I've played both of these and found them enjoyable. Also Marvel Heroes, which technically is an MMO, but which feels more like an arcade game.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    STO is the only one that i still play.

    WoW: No interest in Orcloads of Draenor. Unsubbed the moment that TRIBBLE was announced. I hate Draenor...

    Neverwinter: The grind burned me out. And the recent prospect of having to ditch my hardearned stuff due to the increased level cap and start grinding from scratch was the final nail in the coffin.
    You think grinding for a T6 ship is bad?? Try grinding for a 1000 Zen Item in NW...

    SWTOR: I find the F2P model downright offensive because it makes me feel branded as a bad person for not paying...

    EVE: The truest virtual world in existence. Too bad it's another subber. Can't afford those right now.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,829 Community Moderator
    edited May 2015
    In no particular order:

    STO (My Go to game)

    Neverwinter (Actually enjoy my Hunter Ranger, and she actually DOESN'T have red hair.)

    Destiny (FINALLY got to play it and it was fun)

    Defiance (Rollin' around the Bay Area shootin' Hellbugs and Volge. ^^)

    TOR (Might dust off every once in a while as I love my Smuggler...)

    WoW (God I miss my old Draenei Paladin, but I'd probably have to relearn how to play all over again since I missed out on a couple Epxansions. Only had up to Burning Crusade until I got a week that bumped me up to at least Lich King. Miss exploring Azeroth and outrunning Horde Hunters on Azuremyst server. Ret Pally FTW when you accidently aggro an opposing faction NPC as a low level character exploring the area XP)
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. STO (yeah, i love the mix of ground and space and of course Star Trek.)
    2. Dark age of Camelot (although i'm not a PvPer, i loved that game for it's rich game world and its references to real world mythology)
    3. Age of Conan (wonderful made game, if only the game would be like the first 20 levels. You're too much dependent on other players)
    4. LotRO (I love tolkiens works, but the games prize model is just meh.)
    5. Champions online (i would love to have the motivation to play it more then just a couple of hours, before i lose interest)
    6. Guild Wars 2 (Game looks awesome theorethically, but it's just too chaotic for my taste.)
    7.-9. yet to come.
    10. WOW (it's more like a love-hate thing. Sometimes i love it because of it's size and scope. But on the other side its cartoonishness is just not my thing)

    I haven't yet encountered a MMO i really hated, because i thoroughly get informed about a MMO i'm going to try.
    But to be honest, i'm not much of a MMO player in the first place. I play games because i want to get immersed into the game world. And since MMOs tend to have huge gameworlds (or the right license) with masses of things to do i end up with playing MMOs all the time, lol.
    What i really hate are games that don't give you any room to explore the game world yourself or game that are finished after 10-20 hours.

    If any of the above mentioned games (even the "old" Dark age of Camelot) where single player games (you know NPCs instead of other players and so on), i would probably still play it today.

    Why does it censor the abbreviation of Dark age of Camelot?
    I get just **** instead of D a o C (without the space between the letters).lol.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No particular order (just alphabetical), cause I'm not going to bother scoring them and such.

    Anarchy Online
    Asheron's Call
    Auto Assault
    City of Heroes
    Earth and Beyond
    EVE Online
    Star Wars Galaxies
    The Secret World
    Ultima Online
  • rooster707rooster707 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Destiny (FINALLY got to play it and it was fun)

    Are you on Xbox One by any chance?
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1 Anarchy Online
    2 Dark age of Camelot
    3 Earth & Beyond
    4 City of Heroes
    5 Auto Assault
  • edited May 2015
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  • hawkwing43hawkwing43 Member Posts: 1,701 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ok there are a few good ones on those lists. Now I will add mine.

    1. Ultima Online - My very 1st MMO, and before the great divide it was the best. The PvP was great, if you killed too many people your guy was flagged red. Noting like running for a group of red PKERs in that game. PKERS meaning player Killers. Of course people got mad due to the fact you could lose everything you had on your body and in your pockets. But to me that is what made the game great, the risk vs rewards, and the chance to lose it all with one wrong step. The cities were the safe zones, and all you had to do was say GUARDS, and watch the bad guys get one hit killed. And of course the other players would in turn loot the body. lol

    2. SWG - He is a game that got crafting right, and I still miss it today. Along with the non-combat careers you could do. They were great social jobs people did in the game. Dancing and band anyone?

    3. WOW - I was ok for awhile, not only my kids play it, and I do every blue moon.

    4. SWToR - Love the story telling, I just wish it was more like SWG. oh well.

    5. STO - Love the space, not so much the PvP still needs an over haul.

    6. City of Heroes - was great for what it gave you, and the combat was nicely done.

    7. Dark Age of Camelot - Loved this game at the time, just wish it had a little bit more to it to hold me.

    8. DCUO - It's ok for a hero type game, just wish it wasn't all fighting, and it had a few more hero rescues and villain being bad type missions.

    9. wildstar - I like this game when I was in beta, but not enough to pay for it. lol Might try it again once it's F2P.

    10. ESO - I like the look, but the mission need a lot of work.
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1. 2015 STO
    2. 2014 STO
    3. 2013 STO
    4. 2012 STO
    5. 2011 STO
    6. 2010 STO

    Its still all Ive ever played. Never bothered to even play 1 minute of the Star Wars game, waited for public opinion, and that scared me off from starting an account. Not that STO deserves such loyalty, Im just not an MMOer. Im just here for the little Star Trek the game gives me.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    As a long time D2 player, and modder, I can help with your confusion. :D

    D2 is classified as a MOG not an MMO due to it's lack of a persistent world and limited multiplayer support. It is of course, nearly the same as an MMO except for those key differences. :D

    Always a pleasure bumping into a fellow D2'er hehe.
  • stoltsstolts Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    icerose20 wrote: »
    Another vote for COH (City of Heroes) for best.

    then STO then SWTOR.

    This is not related to the post but great Avatar. Giganta and Garganta are awesome :D
    DC Comics should purchase the rights for Garganta from AC Comics and those two should teamup :cool:
    1. 2015 STO
    2. 2014 STO
    3. 2013 STO
    4. 2012 STO
    5. 2011 STO
    6. 2010 STO

    Its still all Ive ever played. Never bothered to even play 1 minute of the Star Wars game, waited for public opinion, and that scared me off from starting an account. Not that STO deserves such loyalty, Im just not an MMOer. Im just here for the little Star Trek the game gives me.

    Agreed. With no new Star Trek this game is all that is left. The JJ Trek... its sad but at least its something.

    1. 2015 STO
    2. 2014 STO
    3. 2013 STO
    4. 2012 STO

    Only been playing since 2012 when it went free-to-play.
    The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
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