I'll stick with PC thanks. Most consoles these days go online and I can still do offline games with the PC if I want. Also keyboard and mouse > controller.
Ahahahahaha, oh, that's rich considering the issues plaguing some big name releases. Skyrim on the PS3 or GTAV on launch, for example.
Indeed. It has been more than 10 years since Consoles could openly and correctly claim that their games aren't buggy like PC games can be. Just look into any gaming site and reviews for games. Console games are plagued by the same amount of TRIBBLE that PC games are.
Even performance issues despite the game being developed on a static set of specifications LOL
This isn't like the days of 16-bit gaming and the PS1, PS2 era. In those days, developers had to make sure their stuff works when it ships. Nowadays they just ship and (possibly) worry about fixing it later
In this regard, Console and PC gaming is in the same exact boat. Welcome aboard, mates!
So would you believe this rather than facts on how many years pc has been around?
Pc gets better with age by next 5 years pc will become even better. So how does this say facts?
When all pc does is Evolve over time..
No matter what this guy says pc will be around for a long time I mean Amd and intel will keep coming out with new hardware making pc better..
So stop being a fanboy and Believing what others say and look at facts no matter what you say.
You still need pcs to make games and Graphic Stuff All big company's have pcs and use them for creating video games..
I don't have those fancy phones I rather use my pc because it is the exact same thing..
And I build Pc for 16 years I never had many problems I could not fix ...
Sorry but it true can't replace something that been around for a long time and pc will get better.. I don't use phones to play games I hardly use a phone for gaming because I got my pc for it.. I just have old Government phone cell phone it is free..
I hardly text to I rather have people call me then text .. I rarely text on my phone.. I am not hooked on my phone 24 7 texting people
The poster was being facetious as the article he linked to is nearly 9 years old and stated computers would be on their last legs within 5 years.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
The poster was being facetious as the article he linked to is nearly 9 years old and stated computers would be on their last legs within 5 years.
Thank you.
In actual fact, people were proclaiming the death of the PC even before this article. Laptops, phones, consoles, ipad, cloud... All were going to kill the personal computer.
Yet, here I sit in front of my desktop 28" monitor happily computing away!
(As a note, computer sales have slumped because of two things: Upgradibility, and the fact that unless you are a serious gamer, 3d artist, or musician, a computer from 5 years ago is as capable of running Word or reading e-mail as it was 5 years ago.)
The only reason consoles get on paper more games is they are pushed Companies like Sony, Microgreed can get a huge cut of the game's income on top of the monthly network fees and the cost of the console itself. They get the whole package revenue wise but are quickly obsolete as far as technology goes while a PC you just pop the case and throw in the latest graphics card or whatever. With the console your stuck with whats in it. Every wonder why Halo is now console only? its so Microgreed gets money from XBox Live, teh sale of the XBox and the sale of the game. No more no less.
STO devs (producers and managers included) are probably just being lazy, I would love to pretend that it is just Perfect World's interference but I can't see them having that much of a stranglehold over the game. We're in a self-destructive phase of STO development at worst, apathetic at best.
Is the processor that was in widespread use during the time of the gameboy still in use for gaming? No? PC sucks then.
Oh, you get to count the current PC as being the same as all previous PCs while notching up a kill for each separate console system...
Evidently, you're not very knowledgeable about PCs.
The GPU would be a far better component to target if you're going to make this point. I've upgraded my graphics card(s) 3 times while everything else in my computer is over 8 years old, outliving the XBox 360 and PS3, while still running everything at equal or greater quality.
I think people misunderstood the purpose of the post.
The post wasn't about whether the console was better as a product than the pc, the post was about the types of communities and how they handle the products (ie games) and what happens to the games when they come out.
NWO has had it's share of problems but the game is getting fixed mainly in part because of the demands of the public. The public on the gaming side doesn't let things like endless lag, rubberbanding, etc etc continue. This is partly due to partnering with the console makers who then becomes partially responsible for the games but it's mainly due to the people involved in the community.
Things go very viral very quickly on the console side whereas here on the PC MMO genre we see people saying that there's nothing wrong with STO there's nothing bad about endless lag bubbles or rubberbanding or the pricing model or the lack of concern for bugs that have been in the game since launch (and this is evident in the types of replies I've received by people who think there's nothing wrong with STO to this day according to their post history).
Every title to date has changed on the console even before launch because of the console audience. Even Destiny has changed dramatically from it's original launch.
Face it, PC MMO gamers take too much for granted and don't do enough to demand quality they deserve. If you've ever posted advocacy for the woes of the developer or said something like "it's really not that bad" or "it's not better on the other side" in one of your posts than you're part of the problem.
Indeed. It has been more than 10 years since Consoles could openly and correctly claim that their games aren't buggy like PC games can be. Just look into any gaming site and reviews for games. Console games are plagued by the same amount of TRIBBLE that PC games are.
Even performance issues despite the game being developed on a static set of specifications LOL
This isn't like the days of 16-bit gaming and the PS1, PS2 era. In those days, developers had to make sure their stuff works when it ships. Nowadays they just ship and (possibly) worry about fixing it later
In this regard, Console and PC gaming is in the same exact boat. Welcome aboard, mates!
Thank you.
In actual fact, people were proclaiming the death of the PC even before this article. Laptops, phones, consoles, ipad, cloud... All were going to kill the personal computer.
Yet, here I sit in front of my desktop 28" monitor happily computing away!
(As a note, computer sales have slumped because of two things: Upgradibility, and the fact that unless you are a serious gamer, 3d artist, or musician, a computer from 5 years ago is as capable of running Word or reading e-mail as it was 5 years ago.)
Evidently, you're not very knowledgeable about PCs.
The GPU would be a far better component to target if you're going to make this point. I've upgraded my graphics card(s) 3 times while everything else in my computer is over 8 years old, outliving the XBox 360 and PS3, while still running everything at equal or greater quality.
The post wasn't about whether the console was better as a product than the pc, the post was about the types of communities and how they handle the products (ie games) and what happens to the games when they come out.
NWO has had it's share of problems but the game is getting fixed mainly in part because of the demands of the public. The public on the gaming side doesn't let things like endless lag, rubberbanding, etc etc continue. This is partly due to partnering with the console makers who then becomes partially responsible for the games but it's mainly due to the people involved in the community.
Things go very viral very quickly on the console side whereas here on the PC MMO genre we see people saying that there's nothing wrong with STO there's nothing bad about endless lag bubbles or rubberbanding or the pricing model or the lack of concern for bugs that have been in the game since launch (and this is evident in the types of replies I've received by people who think there's nothing wrong with STO to this day according to their post history).
Every title to date has changed on the console even before launch because of the console audience. Even Destiny has changed dramatically from it's original launch.
Face it, PC MMO gamers take too much for granted and don't do enough to demand quality they deserve. If you've ever posted advocacy for the woes of the developer or said something like "it's really not that bad" or "it's not better on the other side" in one of your posts than you're part of the problem.