What would you like to see in the next fleet holding?
My suggestion is a fleet project time discount, in the style of Fleet Dilithium Mine's discounts on projects' marks and commodity costs. Earning higher tiers would cause the fleet's projects to complete more quickly, allowing members of both large and small fleets to finish their filled projects and earn credits more quickly.
What are your ideas and suggestions?
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
It holds all the fleet stores, doff stuff, ship stuff, etc. So I don't have to transwarp to various places (hello cooldown) to look if I need something or want something.
Centralise all the stuff you're giving us cryptic! One ui window with everything the fleet has to offer. Don't hide it on npc's spread across the galaxy!
I'd like to see a colony that grows as you level it.
This seems interesting. What services would the colony provide to the fleet, though?
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
Fleet Delta Outpost (Trade as main track, Espionage and Colonial sub-tracks)
Reduced Specialization XP requirement for next spec point (scaling with outpost tier)
Embassy-style engineering consoles (with delta themed bonus stats; Hirogen resiliency, Hierarchy sensors, etc)
Career Specific DOff recruit missions with new powers
Ultra-Rare DOff store (UR qualities of first round/original DOff powers)
Space and Ground Device store with reusable, tailored anti-species features (Anti-Borg Adaptation Suppressor, etc)
UR Kit Power Store with 2-4 modules per career, 2-4 modules per spec field
Costume Store with new full costume set and catalog of minor new options (earrings, hairstyles, belts, etc)
I would like to see the tech which places deep space encounters in sector space put to use for fleets.
Specifically I want a section of the Gamma quadrant left empty for fleets to explore by running projects, such as:
Deploy deep space Probe.
Send Survey team to uninhabited system.
Send Trade delegation to make contact with indigenous species.
Construct outpost.
As your fleet complete these special projects new locations could be revealed on the sector map for its fleet members. These would remain hidden and invisible to those who's fleets had not yet discovered them. Possibly becoming visible while your in a team with some one who's fleet has discovered them.
In this way we could get to be explorers again and fleets could offer content to their members as well as just shopping. Which is realy all we have now.
I'd like to see a colony that grows as you level it.
As much fun as I think this could be, I doubt that the game engine could sustain it for multiple fleets, unless it was stripped down to cardboard cutout simplicity. The most fun option for me would be something on the order of Sim City or Caesar with respect to colony growth dynamics, but without all the downside of bad decision-making consequences.
In lieu of something that dynamic, I'd be happy to see a functional holodeck, where Foundry missions could be run, perhaps with a reduced reward scale vs. the missions located in sector space.
A crafting workshop/research lab would also be very cool, if we were able to experiment with different combinations of mods to gear; maybe even testing the prototypes in the holodeck. Think of the alien weapons lab in the basement in District 9... :P
Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
I would like to see the tech which places deep space encounters in sector space put to use for fleets.
Specifically I want a section of the Gamma quadrant left empty for fleets to explore by running projects, such as:
Deploy deep space Probe.
Send Survey team to uninhabited system.
Send Trade delegation to make contact with indigenous species.
Construct outpost.
As your fleet complete these special projects new locations could be revealed on the sector map for its fleet members. These would remain hidden and invisible to those who's fleets had not yet discovered them. Possibly becoming visible while your in a team with some one who's fleet has discovered them.
In this way we could get to be explorers again and fleets could offer content to their members as well as just shopping. Which is realy all we have now.
This. A thousand times this. Much as I love fighting in the Star Trek setting, it is a tale first and foremost about exploration.
Kinda strange they forgo Delta and Iconian holdings...Perhaps they will wait till a Cardassian or Borg Cooperative expansion comes along? Then again STO defies any sense of logic. My fleet is topping 500 and would be awesome to have another holding to work on rather than to expand to another fleet extension.
Fleet Training Academy. Sure, there's some thematic overlap with other holdings, but that's true for all the holdings.
+ The ability to (EXPENSIVELY) train and promote (upgrade) your DOFFS so as to increase their quality or have them learn a different active-duty power, etc
+ Vendor selling the boff powers that you usually have to craft, for FC + Dil
+ Vendor selling VERY MINOR skill point gain buff (like 1% or 2% or something) consumables
+ Vendor selling new unique doffs
+ New personnel officer who offers the (species) Cultural Exchange and doff up/downgrinding assignments - you know, the stuff for which you'd otherwise go to your homeworld's academy
+ Contact with Recruitment assignments
+ Expertise sinks (does anyone ever run out?)
+ Other functionality thematically related to training/promotion/etc
Words cannot express how much I would combust with happiness at the ability to ugprade/promote my doffs.
Fleet Admiral L'Yern - Screenshot and doffing addict
Eclipse Class Intel Cruiser U.S.S. Dioscuria NX-91121-A - Interactive Crew Roster
Id rather see them fix the Captains Table first amongst a bunch of other things before they add another Holding. Maybe add a tier to the Embassy, DIl Mine or Spire. SOmething with the ability to get a Superior Operative trait with out having to use a Romulan.
A Exploration holding set up so players can colonize new worlds build player citys use diplomacy with new races
Star Trek stuff
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Reduced Specialization XP requirement for next spec point (scaling with outpost tier)
Embassy-style engineering consoles (with delta themed bonus stats; Hirogen resiliency, Hierarchy sensors, etc)
Career Specific DOff recruit missions with new powers
Ultra-Rare DOff store (UR qualities of first round/original DOff powers)
Space and Ground Device store with reusable, tailored anti-species features (Anti-Borg Adaptation Suppressor, etc)
UR Kit Power Store with 2-4 modules per career, 2-4 modules per spec field
Costume Store with new full costume set and catalog of minor new options (earrings, hairstyles, belts, etc)
A building in the colony could be an R&D lab that benefits that somehow also.
A library holding on Memory Alpha that emphasizes bonuses for the R&D and upgrade systems.
IF we could purchase a couple extra R&D slots the way we can purchase 3 doff slots at the embassy, that would be huge.
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
It holds all the fleet stores, doff stuff, ship stuff, etc. So I don't have to transwarp to various places (hello cooldown) to look if I need something or want something.
Centralise all the stuff you're giving us cryptic! One ui window with everything the fleet has to offer. Don't hide it on npc's spread across the galaxy!
Never have I seen an mmo so tedious as this one.
It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
All costumizeable for us. Including foundry maps.
Reduced Specialization XP requirement for next spec point (scaling with outpost tier)
Embassy-style engineering consoles (with delta themed bonus stats; Hirogen resiliency, Hierarchy sensors, etc)
Career Specific DOff recruit missions with new powers
Ultra-Rare DOff store (UR qualities of first round/original DOff powers)
Space and Ground Device store with reusable, tailored anti-species features (Anti-Borg Adaptation Suppressor, etc)
UR Kit Power Store with 2-4 modules per career, 2-4 modules per spec field
Costume Store with new full costume set and catalog of minor new options (earrings, hairstyles, belts, etc)
Specifically I want a section of the Gamma quadrant left empty for fleets to explore by running projects, such as:
Deploy deep space Probe.
Send Survey team to uninhabited system.
Send Trade delegation to make contact with indigenous species.
Construct outpost.
As your fleet complete these special projects new locations could be revealed on the sector map for its fleet members. These would remain hidden and invisible to those who's fleets had not yet discovered them. Possibly becoming visible while your in a team with some one who's fleet has discovered them.
In this way we could get to be explorers again and fleets could offer content to their members as well as just shopping. Which is realy all we have now.
As much fun as I think this could be, I doubt that the game engine could sustain it for multiple fleets, unless it was stripped down to cardboard cutout simplicity. The most fun option for me would be something on the order of Sim City or Caesar with respect to colony growth dynamics, but without all the downside of bad decision-making consequences.
In lieu of something that dynamic, I'd be happy to see a functional holodeck, where Foundry missions could be run, perhaps with a reduced reward scale vs. the missions located in sector space.
A crafting workshop/research lab would also be very cool, if we were able to experiment with different combinations of mods to gear; maybe even testing the prototypes in the holodeck. Think of the alien weapons lab in the basement in District 9... :P
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
This. A thousand times this. Much as I love fighting in the Star Trek setting, it is a tale first and foremost about exploration.
A village on New romulus, with the map around the same size.
Each project allows for a new building:
... and so on...
Each building can receive individual upgrades, so rather than rely on Tiers, you rely on a single entity, or a broad accessibility of services.
+ The ability to (EXPENSIVELY) train and promote (upgrade) your DOFFS so as to increase their quality or have them learn a different active-duty power, etc
+ Vendor selling the boff powers that you usually have to craft, for FC + Dil
+ Vendor selling VERY MINOR skill point gain buff (like 1% or 2% or something) consumables
+ Vendor selling new unique doffs
+ New personnel officer who offers the (species) Cultural Exchange and doff up/downgrinding assignments - you know, the stuff for which you'd otherwise go to your homeworld's academy
+ Contact with Recruitment assignments
+ Expertise sinks (does anyone ever run out?)
+ Other functionality thematically related to training/promotion/etc
Words cannot express how much I would combust with happiness at the ability to ugprade/promote my doffs.
Eclipse Class Intel Cruiser U.S.S. Dioscuria NX-91121-A - Interactive Crew Roster
Fleet planetary Colony. I like it.
I was opening this thread and thinking great more terrible ideas that just are filler for Fleets, and nothing good.
But the Fleet Colony idea really has some great potential if done right.
I'd love to see some brain storming on this idea on what all it could entail.
a red light district like on Qnos.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Put the Colony on Memory Alpha to give bonus to crafting.
Star Trek stuff
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Any of this not Delta themed (unless the colony is there):
A building in the colony could be an R&D lab that benefits that somehow also.