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Nothing in patch notes about Voth Dyson open ground fix

yorethelyorethel Member Posts: 125 Arc User
Nothing in the patch notes about a fix for Dyson Sphere/Voth open ground mission CTD fix. Any chance of someone at Cryptic giving us a heads up if this has been addressed or not before we get stuck there checking for ourselves?

It's been a nightmare trying to get Dyson marks for my Delta Romulan Science officer, as she needs the space set, also swapping some of my other Science guys gear with it tried today and got 5 CTD's in a row and almost got stuck there.

Not my system before anyone starts, I have a very high spec machine and 2 other fleet mates with slightly different but similarly high spec machines also reporting the same since around a month or so ago.
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,950 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Short term work around: avoid the Outskirts when possible. I've never had a crash so far in the City and Park.

    And this probably doesn't have anything to do with it (starting to suspect it though based on other stuff I'm seeing) do you have an Nvidia or ATI gpu?
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited May 2015
    This is unfortunate, since we're about to have bonus marks for seven days. I ain't touching the Dyson BZ with a 10-foot pole.
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    stararmystararmy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Do you think this is related to the similar problem happening in the Zaria system? Maybe it's some sort of texture issue?
    Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
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    rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Crypticfrost did make an announcement on another thread...


    Basically he said that he was able to reproduce it... and they are investigating.

    I too am getting it.. and so far that I've seen.. its in the Outskirts.
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,950 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    stararmy wrote: »
    Do you think this is related to the similar problem happening in the Zaria system? Maybe it's some sort of texture issue?

    I'm starting to think that. Since season 10 there's game-wide framerate issues particularly with certain busy ground maps (ex. Risa and New Romulus.) I've seen this affect the DBZ, but pertinently to this bug only in outskirts (though how texture/rendering driven framerate issues lead to crashes after killing enemies in one place but not others is beyond me.)

    However because there isn't a general uprising about hubs and missions becoming unusable there has to be some factor limiting it to a section of the population. Similarly, some people still appear to be able to not crash in outskirts (its not being neglected in the DGB runs I've done since S10.)

    My affected desktop has Nvdia, all the other people I've seen posting about framerate problems have Nvdia's, but my laptop (which has intel integrated graphics) is fine (I'll be testing for dyson crashes when the game comes back online.)

    If someone with an ATI reports problems then that theory's out the window, but until that happens I'm going to point the finger at a hardware specific graphics bug with fatal results in the Outskirts.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm starting to think that. Since season 10 there's game-wide framerate issues particularly with certain busy ground maps (ex. Risa and New Romulus.) I've seen this affect the DBZ, but pertinently to this bug only in outskirts (though how texture/rendering driven framerate issues lead to crashes after killing enemies in one place but not others is beyond me.)

    However because there isn't a general uprising about hubs and missions becoming unusable there has to be some factor limiting it to a section of the population. Similarly, some people still appear to be able to not crash in outskirts (its not being neglected in the DGB runs I've done since S10.)

    My affected desktop has Nvdia, all the other people I've seen posting about framerate problems have Nvdia's, but my laptop (which has intel integrated graphics) is fine (I'll be testing for dyson crashes when the game comes back online.)

    If someone with an ATI reports problems then that theory's out the window, but until that happens I'm going to point the finger at a hardware specific graphics bug with fatal results in the Outskirts.

    It also has to do with client-server communication if you ask me . It always happens on very busy maps and/or when switching characters or changing maps .
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    cassiusdiocassiusdio Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have the same problem with CTD in VBZ and i am running an ATI. Last crash was in the city while doing the V-Rex. Had no problems for like 20 min and then ...bam...CTD and after relog CTD right again.
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    yorethelyorethel Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm guessing I'm really unlucky then since when given the mission to cap a point it's always in the damned outskirts :eek:

    I shall try and do it and avoid outskirts and see if it works
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,950 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rikwessels wrote: »
    It also has to do with client-server communication if you ask me . It always happens on very busy maps and/or when switching characters or changing maps .

    I'm going to say that's probably not the case.

    Kuva'magh Ground (one of the worst affected) is not a busy map nor are busy maps those most affected by FPS drops (ex. Earth Spacedock). Similarly different sections of the same type in the same mission (which from a newtorking point of view should be identical) are differentially affected (ex. Blood of the Ancients, Dyson Ground Battlezone) and it always seems to track with the presence of plantlife and varied dirt textures (with the exception being the Dyson Battlezone Park, but that's let down by Outskirts, which again points to graphics processing issues, not networking).

    Another point is the problems on Risa. On any setting (assuming you're affected, which I suspect is a question of what GPU do you have) look towards the island and you have severe framerate drops. Look away and you have moderate frame rate drops verging on slight when you're 180 degrees away from the worst of it. Depedning on what's being rendered the problems change. Logging out, switching characters, networking conditions they have no real affect (with the bug(s) I'm referring to. You may have a stutter while things finish loading but that isn't out of the ordinary or prevents certain parts of the game from being played.)

    And the last point: space is completely fine.

    By all appearances and symptoms this is to do with graphics (possibly to do with how certain environmental art assets are handled), not networking.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,950 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My affected desktop has Nvdia, all the other people I've seen posting about framerate problems have Nvdia's, but my laptop (which has intel integrated graphics) is fine (I'll be testing for dyson crashes when the game comes back online.)

    And here's the result: no crashes. I had other issues that reminded me why I don't play STO on my laptop but the game was stable. I can even log onto the character I tested that with on my nvdia powered desktop PC, get an immediate crash trying to beam into outskirts, and then log back onto the intel powered laptop for eye-bleedingly low-res functional gaming.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    hatax2hatax2 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    High spec machine here as well, AMD 8350, 16GB RAM, ATI R9 280X and I get crashes in dyson battlezone. Was horrid to get marks for my delta toons, but as long as I avoided the outskirts all was good.

    I have a feeling its related to the same thing that gives horrid FPS on New Rom & Rom Command Center. Space seems all good, but something tells me there's an issue with a particular texture or graphic element in these areas.

    PITA and I hope they have some people looking into these issues. S10 went live a few weeks ago and yet here we are 2 or 3 patches later and the issue is still there...
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    rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm going to say that's probably not the case.

    Kuva'magh Ground (one of the worst affected) is not a busy map nor are busy maps those most affected by FPS drops (ex. Earth Spacedock). Similarly different sections of the same type in the same mission (which from a newtorking point of view should be identical) are differentially affected (ex. Blood of the Ancients, Dyson Ground Battlezone) and it always seems to track with the presence of plantlife and varied dirt textures (with the exception being the Dyson Battlezone Park, but that's let down by Outskirts, which again points to graphics processing issues, not networking).

    Another point is the problems on Risa. On any setting (assuming you're affected, which I suspect is a question of what GPU do you have) look towards the island and you have severe framerate drops. Look away and you have moderate frame rate drops verging on slight when you're 180 degrees away from the worst of it. Depedning on what's being rendered the problems change. Logging out, switching characters, networking conditions they have no real affect (with the bug(s) I'm referring to. You may have a stutter while things finish loading but that isn't out of the ordinary or prevents certain parts of the game from being played.)

    And the last point: space is completely fine.

    By all appearances and symptoms this is to do with graphics (possibly to do with how certain environmental art assets are handled), not networking.

    few remarks here :

    - space is not "fine " ... I have had CTD's while simply hanging around in sector space ( not even flying from a > b )
    - The Zaria mine map has no plantlife whatsoever , while the previous and next mission in the Breen arc have extensive amount of textures . For example : the first mission in the breen storyline has you beaming down into the city with lots of folks walking around, plants ,Breen throwing grenades etc. ...yet that map doesn't crash

    - I have seen in numerous threads - about the Zaria mission - both Nvidia and AMD GPU's have these issues ( so it's not a matter of drivers ) and at the exact same spot in that map ..

    The reason I think it has to do with network connection is the way the client behaves just prior to the CTD : it basically slows down and is visibly trying to update graphics and/or FX . That applies to both maps and when transferring between maps . In case of the latter you can see it by the pause of loading screen . You basically know you're going to get a client-crash by just looking at loading screen.That has nothing to do with the map, but with failure in communication .It even happens when switching characters : the map-load simply stalls and causes a CTD.

    If it was in any way ,shape or form related to directx - let alone with driver of your GPU- you'd experience it far more often , and you would see artifacts in your textures and similar stuff ...there's a possibility STO loads textures "on-the-fly " from the server and that's what's failing . In that case we would both be right :)
    or the loading of certain textures is triggered by a command from the server .
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