just got to lv50 what are the best torps to use untill i can get the reputations ones
it will take a while to be able to do advanced stf so i can get the mats for the grav and neut torps
anyone have some good ideas for a being 50 torp science boat help would be appreciated
just got to lv50 what are the best torps to use untill i can get the reputations ones
it will take a while to be able to do advanced stf so i can get the mats for the grav and neut torps
anyone have some good ideas for a being 50 torp science boat help would be appreciated
I would just take the free ones from episodes:
transphasics -> cluster torpedo and rapid reload torpedo from breen episodes, also the resonant torpedo from the featured episode (that one is also part of a set)
or the Vaadwaur cluster torpedo
While you level up the reputations, you will for sure get some free torpedoes as well, i.e. biomol. photons from the counter command rep and radiant quantums from the iconian resistance rep.
What ship do you fly and what is your build? Depending on how you play, other torpedoes might make sense, e.g. chronitons for the slowing effect (and they are quite cheap on the exchange) or the plasma emission torpedo, if you have high part gens.
that is my build not sure on equip yet still working on it but will use one dual beam in front and the kcb in back and either mines or turrets not sure yet
that is my build not sure on equip yet still working on it but will use one dual beam in front and the kcb in back and either mines or turrets not sure yet
If you are contemplating mines on the back, take a look at that breen cluster mission reward already mentioned,m drops 10 transphasic mines on breakup, and its free.
<center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day... Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
Pre-rep? Transphasics. Get a Cluster Torp and a pair of Rapids from the Breen Missions and/or you can play with the other two mission transphasic torps if you like(Adaptive and.. I forget the name of the new one from the Featured Episode).
I STRONGLY advise running the Breen 2-set for the massive transphasic damage boost.
Post-rep, you've got a lot of options ranging from Photons to Plasmas to Exotic/Radiation.
Transphasics are a good poormans/starter torp build. Use the breen stuff and the torp from the new features episode once you unlock it. And don't forget to get the breen 2pc set bonus rolling.
This. Add to it PEP (Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo) if you're going for a PGen build. From 50-57 the transphasics will serve you moderately well. By then, you should be getting a good feel for various mobs, and have at least one of the rep torps ready, along with rounding out your Sci abilities.
I would just take the free ones from episodes:
transphasics -> cluster torpedo and rapid reload torpedo from breen episodes, also the resonant torpedo from the featured episode (that one is also part of a set)
or the Vaadwaur cluster torpedo
While you level up the reputations, you will for sure get some free torpedoes as well, i.e. biomol. photons from the counter command rep and radiant quantums from the iconian resistance rep.
What ship do you fly and what is your build? Depending on how you play, other torpedoes might make sense, e.g. chronitons for the slowing effect (and they are quite cheap on the exchange) or the plasma emission torpedo, if you have high part gens.
that is my build not sure on equip yet still working on it but will use one dual beam in front and the kcb in back and either mines or turrets not sure yet
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If you are contemplating mines on the back, take a look at that breen cluster mission reward already mentioned,m drops 10 transphasic mines on breakup, and its free.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
I STRONGLY advise running the Breen 2-set for the massive transphasic damage boost.
Post-rep, you've got a lot of options ranging from Photons to Plasmas to Exotic/Radiation.
This. Add to it PEP (Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo) if you're going for a PGen build. From 50-57 the transphasics will serve you moderately well. By then, you should be getting a good feel for various mobs, and have at least one of the rep torps ready, along with rounding out your Sci abilities.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.