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So What Is the Current Verdic For Season 10 Pass or Fail ??



  • demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Guys, if you're getting lag have you considered doing a trace route? I've had ZERO problems other than the occasional rubber banding, nothing I would consider "game breaking" in any normal use of the term. It might have nothing to do with Cryptic's servers but an error further down your line. I was getting AWFUL packet loss and latency a couple weeks ago, turned out to be one of BT's junctions in Birmingham giving me 80% packet loss (or there about's).

    Don't be so quick to lambast Cryptic when it might be something entirely out of their control.

    Well, it's true isp's do have equipment failures etc. but...

    Monday - No noticable rubber banding, snr or lag
    Tuesday - stealth s-10 prepatch - rubber bands snr's and dc's like mental
    Wednesday - ditto
    Thursday - another s-10 prepatch - even more rb/snr/dc
    Friday-Monday - ditto
    Tuesday - Season 10! - constant snr/rb/dc, directx11 fubar shader crashes, general weapons grade lag
    Wednesday - emergency fix patch - ditto on Tuesdays problems
    Thursday - ? Waiting to find out how bad it still is...

    Only way people suffering from this mess seem to have found to reduce it is to use the unreccomended proxy settings in the launcher, some find setting EU proxy works, some find setting US proxy works.

    You're right, it MIGHT be something out of their control, but I find the timing suspicious, they update their server connectikons for all their games and blam MY internet fails, but only when I play STO ?

    Yeah right...
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Dunno... Can't play yet... Never had crash issues 'till the S10 release... Tried to warn them it was gonna happen, in the Tribble issues, but those always get ignored...

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    crm14916 wrote: »
    Dunno... Can't play yet... Never had crash issues 'till the S10 release... Tried to warn them it was gonna happen, in the Tribble issues, but those always get ignored...


    There is no Tribble Server, only Zuul

    Actually I have to agree on the lag here, did an infected normal and failed optionals, not due to dps but due to the fact we were rubberbanding so bad that one moment I was looking dead on at a generator the next I was 2 km away from it and the transformer itself needed to be shot at while somehow the nanite spheres were like a few feet away as well and I never even saw them come out of the gate.

  • gigaman123gigaman123 Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sector Revamp: 10/10, been wanting this since season 1
    Story: 2/10, Why didn't Starfleet go to the preservers before hand?
    Combat Against Heralds: 5/10, They are average
    Rewards for Missions: 1/10, Completely useless to me.
    Iconian Resistance: 7/10, I'll give it an Ok.

    Overall: 5/10, The season is "Meh" At least for now. Hopefully the next featured Episode(s) will have better story, and the Heralds will be better in combat
    Veteran of STO, had it for 5 years. Unfortunately, my Original account is gone.

    "Make it so" - Captain Picard

    Build I am working for my Federation, Klingon, and Romulans.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jstewart55 wrote: »
    Three years in, I still fail to understand why even an enemy grunt has more health than I do.

    They do not have the hull resists nor shield damage reduction that we do. They do not make use of hull heals and shield heals like we do. They do not make use of defensive or offensive abilities like we do. They do not do the damage that we do. They do not attack as often as we do.

    So...tada...they are what they are.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Subspace map long overdue. They still need to unify the quadrants

    Gameplay still sucks. Ultimate Baddie of the Week design theory still sucks. Two FEs then Grind Until Your Eyes Bleed design theory still sucks.
  • stelakkhstelakkh Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The sector space revamp was desperately needed, and certainly is a huge plus - with one caveat.

    The destination list is now enormous. It might help if the planets were separated back into tabs on the list just so it's easier to find what you're looking for. It's not a huge thing, but I saw it and thought, "Well, this'll be a bit of a pain," but it's less of a pain than having to load sectors when the servers are choking because there's 3 people playing (this may be an exaggeration of the server problem).

    And FINALLY, after five years, Tellar exists in STO. You can't land on it, but there are now all five founding worlds of the Federation in the game.

    And then there's the episodes.

    After the build-up to the Iconian War, well... it sucks harder than a hooker at a rodeo.

    The story is hackneyed and predictable, with writing that's horribly contrived. I have seen short stories written by 7th grade students (the missus is an English teacher) that are better written, more interesting, and superior in dialogue and plot than the schlock in these two episodes.

    And, well, there's only two of them. It took about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, and I was done with "Season 10."

    So kudos for the sector space revamp. Shame about the episodes.

    Guess I'll go play Elite Dangerous until Season 11.
    Actual Join Date: August, 2008
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Sector space revamp: Great and love the details. Been needing this for a long time.

    FEs: I hadn't done them yet. Due to I'm not lv60 and just got done with Take Down to end the Vaadwuar story. Now to get to Lv60 and see the others.

    Iconian Rep: They only did it for the group players. Not enough solo mission for those players. So I'm forced to do a Kobali mission over and over if I want to do it. At least the other Reps gave me options.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • shamoul12345shamoul12345 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, i always look for good point's in everything i found in every season other than mine dil/EC/Mark's there is always something to do.

    I have found mark's wise, in a way there are only a few way's to get this, with every season there is other way's to farm mark's in your'e ship, for instance:

    Dyson Mark's=you go to the dyson sphere/ground battle zone
    Undine Mark's=you go to the Undine sphere/ground battle zone
    Delta Mark's=You go to the delta quadrant/kobani battlezone

    What is there for the Iconian Mark's. 3 PVE's and the bug hunt elite?? 1 trouble with that, 2 words
    Rage Quitter's the penalty's don't seem to deter them, and that's it, you have to wait for 30 mins..for another go..
    1 good thing is the fact you can buy the actual iconian sphere's with marks is a good thing and i think that is cool..But that is the only good thing for a none way to mine Mark's

    I like the new episode's and i am looking forward to more and hope that all the bugs/lag's are fixed.

    So Story i say 8/10:)
    Mark collection 3/10:(

    i say to the dev's DO A HERALD SPHERE or if you want to increase the use of the rest of the systems make it so the patrols give marks out, even if its only 10 mark's and a tiny bit of dil its a start, and only you can rage quit a patrol.

    Anyway hope to see you guys in game and good luck
  • oceansongoceansong Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    in my opinion the new content is a bit dull, the AI and power of the heralds in ground and space is too strong to be fun and too annoying as there's too much placate and "bang you're dead" all at once.
    while i understand that blood of the ancients is to establish the credentials of the iconians as godlike, it's too depressing, plus the rewards for repeatedly dying and re-spawning don't make it worth the time. same goes for the stf's, too buggy and laggy to be enjoyable.
    so after trying it a couple of times i will be avoiding the rest of this storyline, bring on season 11.
  • kaptain90kaptain90 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hi Guy and Gals of STO

    I was wondering ??

    Does or can't STO's Season 10 live upto the Romulan Expansion. In getting most of the the STO player base that tried the Romulan Expansion Season to say it was very well done ??

    Or is the Romulan Expansion to high a bar to reach.

    Personal note. I bloody forgot what they call the Season they added the Romulan as a play able character race class.

    this season is a massive failure as gaming goes: missions are impossible to complete, there is cheating across the board, the server is down a lot, and there are more bugs than you can count. it's a good thing this is free or else you could sue the creator(s) for theft! i love star trek but this game is really pushing me away from playing any more ST games, needs major fixes ASAP!!!!!!
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2015
    the 2 story missions were nice for 1 play then forget content

    The 3 STFs I consider fails warping around too much too many cut scenes too many fails requiring too much team cooperation , Very pug unfriendly they will end up being fleet private match Qs only , like a lot of other Qs already are

    sector space revamp is a step in the right direction but is still tiny compared to what it should be.........however a huge betterment over what we had

    A new rep system......................Yawn

    overall a wasted effort except for sector space
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Season 10...well it was a nice idea on paper...

    Sadly I don't think they understand what a WAR is, its not one single silly skirmish that's for damn sure.

    Should be Iconian red alerts popping everywhere, an actual ground and space battle zone I mean dinosaurs got one....why cant Iconians?

    Voice overs are fine and dandy but when its for the one mission here or there, it just doesn't have the same punch or feel or something..

    KDF First city should have been revamped to reflect the war somehow...

    The cutscenes for every little thing has gone too far...Soon we will have cutscenes with the characters blowing their nose while in the middle of a battle.

    The one positive I can take away is, they didn't cut experience earnings further.

    Im thinking of asking china for a bank loan to buy the studio itself.

  • aelogriaaelogria Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Major fail. Cryptic shows their ineptitude for dealing with anything gaming with Season 10. Slow to patch major bugs. Slow to patch existing bugs. The average Cryptic silliness.

    @Desdecardo since 2008.
  • nh3rdnh3rd Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    New content is not rerunning old content looking for easter eggs and releasing 3 new missions to hold us over however long it takes to waste more money on actors from the shows when there are things in game that need far more attention. The constant XP nerfs so I gave up on spec points. STFs are lagged so bad I can't run them for any level of enjoyment. The new maps would have been fun otherwise.

    So yeah. I can't give it any credit even though if they had taken care of some of the biggest issues it would have been ok. But the games current direction seems to be nose dive toward the nearest sun.

    Addition: The one plus out of season 10 is the space revamp. That was one thing the game desperately needed.
  • blackmoonblackmoon Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They need top re work these episodes for Iconian invasion

    1) Blood of the Aincient- Did Sto forget you were visited by the future you and warned about iconian invasion and being that future you already did the episode since they are from the future. Would it not of made more sense for a ship to warp to perservers transport them off the planet prior to inviasion starting ? or even saving everyone on Starbase. Less not forget too New Romulus is only at this point 3 weeks old if your a romulan player that is because was it not your captain who found New Romulus and you were say 10th level than. So this episode does not make sense how it plays out.

    2) Why bother flying through rings on a track only to get a bridge officer ability that for one you cannot use at all unless you have a new ship which is not out yet. 2 your 10th level it is totally useless 3) what does this have to do with invasion and where did delta flight come from to begin with.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Its good.

    1. The game's plot has finally gotten somewhere.
    2. The episodes are well written, well acted, and well designed. This is easily cryptic's best stuff.
    3. The PVE's are on the higher end of the quality scale, discounting mission-fail side objectives.
    4. The new sectors blocks finally make space feel space-like. For a space MMO that's a huge plus (and it would be better if we had the foundry back in sector.)
    5. And lastely, the herald are fun to fight. Tune down space power frequency and base ground damage and these guys are easily the highlight of STO gameplay. Demanding, but in some other sense than one-dimensional damage sponge.

    What we need now are
    1. More episodes in the very near future (I know more are coming but for what's been setup those need to be delivered quickly, else lose all momentum)
    2. Herald in sector encounters.
    3. Iconian marks in the Dyson Ground Battlezone.
    4. War-poster wallpapers.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    massive fail

    hugely disappointing
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I realy liked the missions and the delta stuff but couse of all the nerves of xp its a fail.
    Specilization trees/ships that use 30 specilization points of 158.000 a piece = 4.740.000 xp.
    With the nervs you must be happy with 2000 xp for a replay mission, thats 2.370 missions for 1 x 30 spec point tree.
    There are 3 x 30 point trees and 1 x 15 = 8.295 missions to fill it up, thats a new kind of grinding !!.
    At least the up comming nervs to doffing will save me a lot of time, don't need to look for the good doff missions around the maps, all doff missions going to suck. Just park your ship some place and select all missions without reading.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Lag and CtDs, that's what i see.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This far? Good.

    There is a real sense of progress, as much as the format will allow. Throwing Iconian alerts all over the shop may sound good, but I'd guess it would be a technical headache to constrain them only to alts of a certain level of progress.

    The Heralds are a decent villain-of-the-week; the fact that they are not very Star Trek looks-wise actually works in this case as they come across as a novel, alien threat. OTOH, other posters have noted that advanced aliens posing as mythical entities is a Trek standard. At the very least, their use of Intel powers makes them a different threat to others.

    Cryptic are actually making good on their promise to make more Klingon-themed (if not KDF specific) content. I actually don't mind grinding this rep since it is my Klingon alts fighting in defence of their homeworld - what could be better? It's particularly nice to give the Fed-Klink an excuse to go home.

    Powercreep is still going on, but with PVP now very dead aside from an insular minority, it's actually utterly irrelevant. Pick what you like, play it intelligently, and you'll be fine; a phaser-toting T5U ship is perfectly viable.
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    honestly i cant relaly call this a season release just due tot he lack of content released at the time, more a larger update than a season release

    we got

    - Sector space revamp (sorely needed and amazing job)

    - 2 new Missions ( not the greatest missions ever but not bad either)

    - 3 new STF's ( yet to play through )

    whiel the release was a good one i dont think there is enough content in this release to justify calling it a season releaes, but good update anyway.
  • firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i think it's a step to the right direction but as long as the devs don't adress and solve the XP grind issue i won't call anything a success.
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Overall I have not been engaged with Season 10 as much as I would have hoped.

    I concede that it is not possible to cater to everyone each season, nevertheless, I would have preferred if more resources had been spent on delivering a more holistic approach to content delivery beyond that of the currently popular "dive-in, dive-out" form of content consumption which many MMOs are currently pursuing.

    I can't honestly say the season failed though, but it badly underachieved in my expectations of what could have been delivered during this pivotal point in the storyline (and game's age).
  • amezukiamezuki Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This season could have consisted of nothing other than the sector space revamp, and it still would've been an epic win for me. That one change alone... I love it more than words can express. Obviously that opinion is not universal.

    Really dislike the changes to Red Alerts; the whole "blind transwarp to a location we won't tell you beforehand" is just a flat-out inane and indefensible piece of design. But the new DSEs are a breath of fresh air compared to the old.
    Fleet Admiral L'Yern - Screenshot and doffing addict
    Eclipse Class Intel Cruiser U.S.S. Dioscuria NX-91121-A - Interactive Crew Roster
  • chandlerasharichandlerashari Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    As in i passsed it lawl.

    In all seriousness, its an ok update. Will be playin the feature eps :)
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