Can get to Character selection screen, pick my main, level 60 and try to log in, game crashes out, no error message, just the error report pop up.
Drivers are up to date, checked this weekend.
Seems to be only one of my characters doing this. All the others load fine. Unfortunately it is my main that won't load. It happens to be in the Sol System, and it is that point in the loading dialogue that it crashes.
Carin@huskerklg is the character that I can't load.
Ya same thing happened to me today, right after I got the new war patch. I was frustrated enough to uninstall and then re-install the game to see if it would fix the problem. working on the last patch now as I am typing.
I'm having the same issue with one of my characters. Where is your character at the moment in the game? Are they in the alpha quadrant by any chance? That's where my engineer is. When he was at ESD I could log into that character no problem but now that he is the alpha quadrant it crashes every time I try to load him up.
I think Cryptic are going to fix this tomorrow. They mentioned something about fixing maps that cause the game to crash.
I'm uncertain if this is the same issue or not. I am unable to load several of my characters. On the character select screen, their ships and bridge officers will not load/display correctly. For one of the affected characters, not even the character will display, I just see the bright pillar of light effect. If I try to enter the game with any of these characters (click 'Play'), the loading screen comes up, then I get the red message 'Server Not Responding' with the running time count. That just keeps on going -- after a couple minutes, I hit ALT-F4 to close the game. (The longest I waited was 360 seconds -- so 6 mins.)
So far, I've tried exiting the game and restarting it -- no change. Then I used the 'Force Repair' option in the launcher and let it verify all the game files. Still no change.
I can log back into the game and provide a list of the specific character names and info, if that'd be a help.
The above all display the character on the load screen, but not the ship or bridge officers.
Aleris@Ayradyss -- Lt. 6 Eng -- Romulan Liberated Borg -- Tau Dewa Sector Block (Delta Recruit)
This last character doesn't even load the character appearance -- I just get the pillar of light. (I assume due to the location.)
They're all low-levels, but still, I would very much like to be able to play them again, rather than delete and re-roll. Especially the Delta Recruits, which can no longer be created, I think? (And Porter is basically a 'mule' character so it'd be a bummer to lose his bank/inventory. Alera has some event rewards that aren't available now, and so on. Really don't want to re-roll any of them.)
Same with mine ones. I logged with my Delta Recruit, he first appeared in Gamma Orionis then got redirected to the new Sector Space. Right after I choose to continue the mission I was playing before the patch, the game crashed. Then I logged in with my main character on the surface of Risa. It went ok but when I entered new Sector Space the game crashed again. I was able to log into Sector Space for a few times and once I was even able to start the Blood of the Ancients and it crashed in the middle of a fight. Also, it seems that not all Herald ships appeared correctly (some were just marks on my screen, no hull visuals except effects).
I feel no need in filing the report. Tech support here has complications in understanding what I am trying to say, so I let it be until they fix things, which appears to come with today's patch.
I think Cryptic are going to fix this tomorrow. They mentioned something about fixing maps that cause the game to crash.
So far, I've tried exiting the game and restarting it -- no change. Then I used the 'Force Repair' option in the launcher and let it verify all the game files. Still no change.
I can log back into the game and provide a list of the specific character names and info, if that'd be a help.
Sol system of Alpha.
But yeah characters that are loading are in the Beta Quad.
DX11 mode in STO/NW is...very very buggy. And that's being nice about it.
Razira's Primus Database Page
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
No change.
My other characters in Sol are loading just fine.
Safe mode, changing to DX9, none of that is changing that problem.
Alera@Ayradyss -- Lt. 6 Sci -- Starfleet Alien -- Earth Spacedock
Porter@Ayradyss -- Lt. 2 Eng -- Starfleet Human -- Earth Spacedock
Tsarra@Ayradyss -- Lt. 3 Sci -- Starfleet Alien -- Earth Spacedock (Delta Recruit)
Andromeda@Ayradyss -- Lt. 4 Tac -- Romulan Alien -- Romulan Flotilla (Delta Recruit)
The above all display the character on the load screen, but not the ship or bridge officers.
Aleris@Ayradyss -- Lt. 6 Eng -- Romulan Liberated Borg -- Tau Dewa Sector Block (Delta Recruit)
This last character doesn't even load the character appearance -- I just get the pillar of light. (I assume due to the location.)
They're all low-levels, but still, I would very much like to be able to play them again, rather than delete and re-roll. Especially the Delta Recruits, which can no longer be created, I think? (And Porter is basically a 'mule' character so it'd be a bummer to lose his bank/inventory. Alera has some event rewards that aren't available now, and so on. Really don't want to re-roll any of them.)
I feel no need in filing the report. Tech support here has complications in understanding what I am trying to say, so I let it be until they fix things, which appears to come with today's patch.