I read that one of the new playable Factions coming in the future will be the Cardassians. This excites me.
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
I read that one of the new playable Factions coming in the future will be the Cardassians. This excites me.
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
What are your thoughts?
The borg have a hive mind so you'd have no control over your character and as you watch him do mundane tasks inside a cube for hours on end
The fraction's storyline would have to resolve into what we currently have - an alliance of all species, so that future content is not fraction locked.
I continue to hope ever single day that cryptic will never ever add another faction to the game again...the romulan "faction" is a joke and only further fragments the players....imo they should be working toward merging the exsisting factions so they can work together more....not the other way around
adding more playable races I am not opposed to...but please no more factions...ugh
Ahem, now that that's out of the way... You'd have to be part of the Borg Cooperative to make being a Borg work. They have semi-independence in STO lore.
I always knew Cardassians would have been a playable faction in the future. And now it seems like a good time to finally introduce them. For Cardassia! :cool:
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
I would love a Cardassian faction, too, but they're not going to do it, since focus is on "combined" missions now that the huge war is over and everyone is fighting the P̶r̶o̶t̶o̶s̶s̶ Iconians.
Playable Borg are already in game if you're a lifetimer.
What would be accomplished in adding another Faction? 30ish levels of unique Content, which takes 10-15ish /played hours to get through - and then 30 levels of the same thing you are already doing. And then that topped by endless grinding of the same Missions over and over to fill out Specialization Ranks.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I read that one of the new playable Factions coming in the future will be the Cardassians. This excites me.
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
What are your thoughts?
As much as i would love to so the cardassians as a faction i just dont see it happening it seems cryptic is less interested in putting more content other then patrol missions in the game.
I would hope the developers would just come right out and say no were not adding cardassians or any other playable faction in this game...if they did that id be able to walk away from STO.
as it is i just sit hoping we get the cardis some day knowing deep down were not
The borg have a hive mind so you'd have no control over your character and as you watch him do mundane tasks inside a cube for hours on end
Yeah, like Progress Quest. Would crack me up...
Seriously. The game devs need to work on current factions, than to add new ones; let alone a Borg one. Borg faction would just not work at all, even if they tried - and that comes from someone who loves the Borg, as the enemies, so technically, anything Borg should make me happy, right? Well.. not in this case..
I'd love for people to get playable Cardassians, but, as a faction? Probably not, because really... KDF is neglected, Romulans could use a standalone faction of their own, before even thinking the game needs yet another faction, for which the devs probably don't have time nor resources.
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
What are your thoughts?
Yes to a playable Borg Cooperative faction or some other Liberated Borg faction. No to a Borg Collective faction. A Borg Collective faction would play exactly like the Mind Game mission except there is no one to save you at the end.
I read that one of the new playable Factions coming in the future will be the Cardassians. This excites me.
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
What are your thoughts?
We already have Playable Borg. Buy a Lifetime sub and you can roll one.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
We already have Playable Borg. Buy a Lifetime sub and you can roll one.
But the problem with that is that we are a Starfleet, KDF, or RR Officer that looks like a Liberated Borg instead of being a Liberated Borg. I think there is only one mission where the game actually acknowledges that your character is Liberated Borg. There is no trying to cope with all the victims that they assimilated. Liberated Borg are only Borg in looks only not where it counts.
first Cryptic needs to grasp the idea that you have multiple factions for diversity of experience-and by diversity we're not defining that as 'occasional monster-play and Contraband farming to support your Fed main.'
But the problem with that is that we are a Starfleet, KDF, or RR Officer that looks like a Liberated Borg instead of being a Liberated Borg. I think there is only one mission where the game actually acknowledges that your character is Liberated Borg. There is no trying to cope with all the victims that they assimilated. Liberated Borg are only Borg in looks only not where it counts.
That actually raises a question about Liberated Borg. Do they EVER show any hint that the free Borg are sad about being assimilated? Like ever? The only Borg I know who ever expressed any sort of emotion about it was Picard in First Contact. Hugh doesn't seem to care because he has like zero emotion, Seven just gets pissed that Janeway removed her without permission, Icheb and the kids never talk about it. It seems like nowhere in Star Trek history has a Free Borg ever gone, "These cyborgs took my life from me! I've lost everything to these monsters!" No, it's just "Meh. I'm free now."
For Q's sake, Danny Pink had more emotion as a Cyberman!
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
Has anyone got the link to where Cardassians have been announced as playable.
Been waiting since launch for this news though I get the feeling it will turn out to be something they would like to add but no idea if it will happen.
The last bloody thing we need is another faction. We have the big three who have always been in Trek. The focus should be on developing them further, primarily the Romulans and KDF, who have traditionally been pushed aside in favor of new Federation stuff.
We already have playable Borg. Every faction has liberated Borg PCs, boffs, and doffs. All we need is playable Cardassian species added to every faction, in the same manner as Lib Borg and Talaxians, and that's it. A playable Cardassian faction is unlikely as they have already realeased their most iconic piece of TRIBBLE *er* ship in a lockbox. That would have to be reconciled without removing what makes the ship far more special than it should be. Plus, other than the Cardassian struggle episodes,
As one has asked, where does this info come from? I have yet to ever hear of any confirmation they are planning to make Cardassian faction. They only ever said they plan to make them playable, but that could mean just as a species to play in the existing factions and not a faction unless otherwise stated.
first Cryptic needs to grasp the idea that you have multiple factions for diversity of experience-and by diversity we're not defining that as 'occasional monster-play and Contraband farming to support your Fed main.'
What DO you mean then? Special ships feds don't get? such as BoPs and Fek'lhri stuff?
Hmm... that reminds me, it'd be nice if the other Fek ships were playable.
The last bloody thing we need is another faction. We have the big three who have always been in Trek. The focus should be on developing them further, primarily the Romulans and KDF, who have traditionally been pushed aside in favor of new Federation stuff.
We already have playable Borg. Every faction has liberated Borg PCs, boffs, and doffs. All we need is playable Cardassian species added to every faction, in the same manner as Lib Borg and Talaxians, and that's it. A playable Cardassian faction is unlikely as they have already realeased their most iconic piece of TRIBBLE *er* ship in a lockbox. That would have to be reconciled without removing what makes the ship far more special than it should be. Plus, other than the Cardassian struggle episodes,
This post is the epitome of cool logic and understanding I have ever seen. Let's not bloat the store with more one note selections. We need more KDF/RomRep development!
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
I read that one of the new playable Factions coming in the future will be the Cardassians. This excites me.
What would excite me more, is Playable Borg.
How i would invision this, would be, you start out as a normal player of any faction. During the tutorial you encounter the borg, and fight them. You would eventually lose the fight, and get assimilated into the collective.
Now i understand that borg drones are slow but powerful on the ground. But borg ships are anything but. They could make it work i think.
What are your thoughts?
My main thought is: Where are you getting this information?
I think Cryptic/PWE has made it clear that this game isn't going to support faction based play much. The KDF and Fed war is being ended. Romulans must choose a side to support at level 10, etc..
Adding another faction to a game - where the two of the existing factions are already sorely neglected, just doesn't make sense.
I could see adding Cardassians as a playable species could be interesting. Especially KDF side where the female options are already so darned limited. It would make sense for the Klingon Empire to annex Cardassia.
Personally, I think that "side switching" should just be enabled and we can get it over with. You can do a series of special missions that would allow you change factions. We'd probably see a huge defection of KDF to Fed side though.
I'm still waiting for the rest of the Fek'hiri arc (im not, I know its never coming out). And I want further improvements to KDF and ROM.
I'm perfectly fine with three factions and no more. Thee Starfleet faction is well... You know, the KDF faction is fun but both empty and neglected (I like playing as a raging badass:(), and the Romulan faction has what has to be the BEST factional storyline of all three and I just ignore the faction im allied to and wear republic uniforms, fly Romulan ships, get an al Romulan/Reman crew, and get Romulan plasma weapons.
I like the Cardassians but I still remind myself that they are still their own faction and not part of the Federation. Just make the Cardassians a playable species and offer us Cardassian boffs, costumes, weapons, and a Keldon on the Lobi store. Honestly, there would be no difference if they were a separate faction.
Playable lib Borg faction?? No thanks, and I can manage FINE without becoming a lifer.
Dominion faction?? Sounds cool but you will find that you will just be a thrall to the Changelings and the Federation... and It really doesn't sound like fun to be honest
Let's just not bother with this thread okay? More playable SPECIES (free, not c-store/lifetime) would be nice but more factions? one word, two letters: NO
Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
The borg have a hive mind so you'd have no control over your character and as you watch him do mundane tasks inside a cube for hours on end
adding more playable races I am not opposed to...but please no more factions...ugh
Ahem, now that that's out of the way... You'd have to be part of the Borg Cooperative to make being a Borg work. They have semi-independence in STO lore.
Playable Borg are already in game if you're a lifetimer.
As much as i would love to so the cardassians as a faction i just dont see it happening it seems cryptic is less interested in putting more content other then patrol missions in the game.
I would hope the developers would just come right out and say no were not adding cardassians or any other playable faction in this game...if they did that id be able to walk away from STO.
as it is i just sit hoping we get the cardis some day knowing deep down were not
Seriously. The game devs need to work on current factions, than to add new ones; let alone a Borg one. Borg faction would just not work at all, even if they tried - and that comes from someone who loves the Borg, as the enemies, so technically, anything Borg should make me happy, right? Well.. not in this case..
I'd love for people to get playable Cardassians, but, as a faction? Probably not, because really... KDF is neglected, Romulans could use a standalone faction of their own, before even thinking the game needs yet another faction, for which the devs probably don't have time nor resources.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
Yes to a playable Borg Cooperative faction or some other Liberated Borg faction. No to a Borg Collective faction. A Borg Collective faction would play exactly like the Mind Game mission except there is no one to save you at the end.
We already have Playable Borg. Buy a Lifetime sub and you can roll one.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
But the problem with that is that we are a Starfleet, KDF, or RR Officer that looks like a Liberated Borg instead of being a Liberated Borg. I think there is only one mission where the game actually acknowledges that your character is Liberated Borg. There is no trying to cope with all the victims that they assimilated. Liberated Borg are only Borg in looks only not where it counts.
Haha, so true.
That actually raises a question about Liberated Borg. Do they EVER show any hint that the free Borg are sad about being assimilated? Like ever? The only Borg I know who ever expressed any sort of emotion about it was Picard in First Contact. Hugh doesn't seem to care because he has like zero emotion, Seven just gets pissed that Janeway removed her without permission, Icheb and the kids never talk about it. It seems like nowhere in Star Trek history has a Free Borg ever gone, "These cyborgs took my life from me! I've lost everything to these monsters!" No, it's just "Meh. I'm free now."
For Q's sake, Danny Pink had more emotion as a Cyberman!
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Doctor Who is that? :P
Been waiting since launch for this news though I get the feeling it will turn out to be something they would like to add but no idea if it will happen.
I dont see whats so exiting playing in specter mod.:D
We already have playable Borg. Every faction has liberated Borg PCs, boffs, and doffs. All we need is playable Cardassian species added to every faction, in the same manner as Lib Borg and Talaxians, and that's it. A playable Cardassian faction is unlikely as they have already realeased their most iconic piece of TRIBBLE *er* ship in a lockbox. That would have to be reconciled without removing what makes the ship far more special than it should be. Plus, other than the Cardassian struggle episodes,
Hmm... that reminds me, it'd be nice if the other Fek ships were playable.
My character Tsin'xing
This post is the epitome of cool logic and understanding I have ever seen. Let's not bloat the store with more one note selections. We need more KDF/RomRep development!
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
My main thought is: Where are you getting this information?
Adding another faction to a game - where the two of the existing factions are already sorely neglected, just doesn't make sense.
I could see adding Cardassians as a playable species could be interesting. Especially KDF side where the female options are already so darned limited. It would make sense for the Klingon Empire to annex Cardassia.
Personally, I think that "side switching" should just be enabled and we can get it over with. You can do a series of special missions that would allow you change factions. We'd probably see a huge defection of KDF to Fed side though.
No more playable factions PERIOD.
I'm still waiting for the rest of the Fek'hiri arc (im not, I know its never coming out). And I want further improvements to KDF and ROM.
I'm perfectly fine with three factions and no more. Thee Starfleet faction is well... You know, the KDF faction is fun but both empty and neglected (I like playing as a raging badass:(), and the Romulan faction has what has to be the BEST factional storyline of all three and I just ignore the faction im allied to and wear republic uniforms, fly Romulan ships, get an al Romulan/Reman crew, and get Romulan plasma weapons.
I like the Cardassians but I still remind myself that they are still their own faction and not part of the Federation. Just make the Cardassians a playable species and offer us Cardassian boffs, costumes, weapons, and a Keldon on the Lobi store. Honestly, there would be no difference if they were a separate faction.
Playable lib Borg faction?? No thanks, and I can manage FINE without becoming a lifer.
Dominion faction?? Sounds cool but you will find that you will just be a thrall to the Changelings and the Federation... and It really doesn't sound like fun to be honest
Let's just not bother with this thread okay? More playable SPECIES (free, not c-store/lifetime) would be nice but more factions? one word, two letters: NO
Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv
Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas