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need some help

philchapphilchap Member Posts: 269 Arc User
i been most t5-us. now decided to use eclipse class with tactial. i promoted my intel tac/sci to commander. purchase what could for each rank in manuals but tac only so one intel so need to her some regualar tzc manual?
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You can get science, tactical, intel, etc. training manuals in 4 different ways:

    1. From the Bridge Officer Trainer, this is the same person who used to train boffs. For Federation he is on Earth Spacedock in a room below Admiral Quinn. Cost is 250 - 500? - 5000 - 10,000 credits per manual.

    2. From the Exchange. The cost varies. Some rare skills will be expensive, over 100,000 credits.

    3. By scooping out the brains of bridge officers. If you have any boffs that have not joined your active list, you can right-click on them and "create manual." They are sent to Deck 13, the buzz saws whine, the scooper goes ka-thunk, the screams die down, and you have a new manual only slightly sticky with blood.

    4. Same as 3, but buying a boff from the exchange that has a skill that you want. Be sure to say "Not Now" instead of letting you join your crew. You get no manuals from murdering active boffs, only reserves.
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    philchapphilchap Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    maybe wasnt clear bought all the manuals from the trainer but when i beam back to ship onl one icon appear in her slot and he esign even she a commander
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    > maybe wasnt clear bought all the manuals from the trainer but when i beam back to ship onl one icon appear in her slot and he esign even she a commander


    Is this boff assigned to the Ensign universal station? That only lets you use the first rank power.

    For the tac seat, you need to do these things with the intel-tac boff, in the Skills window not the ship Station window

    - promote them
    - use the Learn button to have them read the tac manuals and learn the skills

    Once the tac boff has learned tac skills, go back to the ship Stations tab.

    - click on the boff on the left side to select them
    - click on one of the skill slots on the RIGHT side to see what tac skills the boff knows. Do that for each rank.
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    sirmaydaysirmayday Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    3. By scooping out the brains of bridge officers. If you have any boffs that have not joined your active list, you can right-click on them and "create manual." They are sent to Deck 13, the buzz saws whine, the scooper goes ka-thunk, the screams die down, and you have a new manual only slightly sticky with blood.

    4. Same as 3, but buying a boff from the exchange that has a skill that you want. Be sure to say "Not Now" instead of letting you join your crew. You get no manuals from murdering active boffs, only reserves.

    These were far funnier than they had any right to be. Bravo.
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    philchapphilchap Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i figured out what i was missing should known lol.
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