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R&D Research Project Improvements



  • justwanttobejustwanttobe Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am a long time player (from the exact day the game came out) and I returned about a month ago after being away for awhile (life related reasons).

    If this was brought up elsewhere already I apologize. I didn't see it mentioned so I am mentioning it:

    My character (main) was fully maxed out on the old R&D system (when it was all done at Memory Alpha. I came back into the game and there were some welcome changes such as it being a little easier to earn dil (of course there is also extra things to spend the dil on...no problem there). But to have a character that was fully maxed out (ALOT of hard work in the old system!) be forced to start all over and not get anything really worthwhile in the transition (a special doff was received...yay - sarcasm) is in my opinion rude to the players who have been playing, and sweating, thru the game system for awhile.
    It would not have been much work (in my opinion) to take players who were maxed in R&D, and given them maxed out R&D in the new system (with appropriate doffs to handle higher level requirements).
    I refuse to accept excuses, that I'm sure will be offered, like "This makes it fun for everyone", or "this makes everyone start out equally". It is NOT fun to bust our butts progressing thru the old R&D system while others do not, and suddenly all your hard work is gone and you have to start over. I don't want everyone to start out equally...I already did that back when I was pushing my R&D skills up, to be blunt I feel that everyone that was fully maxed on the old R&D system should be fully maxed on the new R&D system w/appropriate doffs to handle the higher level projects. Do I think it will happen the way I want it to? No. But I wanted to put my two cents out there.
    As to the amount of projects we can run at once? Yes, it is a nice change...for people starting out in R&D.
    The above is just my opinion. The game itself is still fun to play and I expect to play it until it is gone (which hopefully will not be for a long time).
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I posted this in the general forums but perhaps this is the better thread for it...

    I don’t know if this or similar has been discussed, but I’d really, REALLY, like to see an option for R&D schools 10+ to be able to deconstruct equipment for components and the possibility of learning a new schematic.

    i.e., although it would be expensive, I’d like to be able to get lockbox or reputation gear and deconstruct it, possibly learn a schematic to make similar gear (Corrosive Plasma, Thoron-Infused Polaron, etc.) I don’t think the craft gear should be necessarily as good as the lockbox/rep gear but having the ability to actually make specialized gear would be kind of awesome.

    Plus it would give us another opportunity to gain access to rare+ R&D components…

    Just a thought.
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  • mjarbarmjarbar Member Posts: 2,084 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't know about deconstruction of items from lockboxes or the lobi store as that would cease to make them special but I do support the idea of being able to deconstruct items you have made if you get [procs] you don't like - even if you don't get the dilithium back with it.

    At the moment you either have the choice of using what you don't want or selling it on the exchange where no one else wants it either, so you effectivly waste materials you worked hard for.
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  • kblskbls Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    well isnt this garbage fun, we're at the point where the game is so dead, that players cant even craft because there arnt enough players grinding to sell materials to start projects, I have 2 toons and ive killed the market to the point that its not worth buy materials, and playing the game under this 90% fail rate, is a joke. You (people who have sex in a vulgar manner) Idiots, are killing this game have fun finding jobs next year.
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    kbls wrote: »
    well isnt this garbage fun, we're at the point where the game is so dead, that players cant even craft because there arnt enough players grinding to sell materials to start projects, I have 2 toons and ive killed the market to the point that its not worth buy materials, and playing the game under this 90% fail rate, is a joke. You (people who have sex in a vulgar manner) Idiots, are killing this game have fun finding jobs next year.

    wow, are you ever so negative.

    I have no problems with fail rates, as they're like 2 percent for me... and yes I've pugged...

    maybe if you're failing so much, why don't you look at your own performance?
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    prierin wrote: »
    I posted this in the general forums but perhaps this is the better thread for it...

    I don’t know if this or similar has been discussed, but I’d really, REALLY, like to see an option for R&D schools 10+ to be able to deconstruct equipment for components and the possibility of learning a new schematic.

    i.e., although it would be expensive, I’d like to be able to get lockbox or reputation gear and deconstruct it, possibly learn a schematic to make similar gear (Corrosive Plasma, Thoron-Infused Polaron, etc.) I don’t think the craft gear should be necessarily as good as the lockbox/rep gear but having the ability to actually make specialized gear would be kind of awesome.

    Plus it would give us another opportunity to gain access to rare+ R&D components…

    Just a thought.

    Most gear is pure garbage and frankly, deconstructing it down to components would be way more beneficial than the current state of the game where 99% of drops are vendor trash.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    And here I've been putting in bug reports on slotting multiple research projects.

    Don't know how I missed this one.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
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  • gaulltgaullt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Suddenly I feel a lot less like this guy.......;..
    The Universe is a messy place, You are born a mess. Sustaining life usually involves cleaning up messes. You die and usually are a mess then too. All of these messes usually involve some blood- get over it.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bluegeek wrote: »
    And here I've been putting in bug reports on slotting multiple research projects.

    Don't know how I missed this one.

    Errrr...didnt you just necro a thread?!?


  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Errrr...didnt you just necro a thread?!?



    If there was a 30 day gap in posts, I didn't see one. Besides, as this was basically an official information thread I'd probably defer to Trendy whether to close or not.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bluegeek wrote: »
    If there was a 30 day gap in posts, I didn't see one. Besides, as this was basically an official information thread I'd probably defer to Trendy whether to close or not.

    Opps....discussing moderation...

    SELF REPORTED!!!111!!
  • gaulltgaullt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    IMO - It's a game.

    Not a sandbox game, per-se, but a game.

    Arbitrarily throwing up restrictions like you did with the science school projects (limiting them to 1) made me pretty much quit entirely. And seeing the 'pay $$$ to finish NOW' button. You removed the freedom of players to choose how they wished to progress in the game with the given feature.

    Now it's Dil Dil Dil everywhere you turn the massive huge dil singularity - which I guess is your way of monetizing dil. Dil for science projects, dil for fleet projects (and more still to actually purchase the goods you spent dil on to have access to)... And, all the while, the refine-gate on the stuff.

    All in all, I wish I had not wasted my money on the lifesub when it was on sale shortly after release - A good franchise horribly mishandled by a company not interested in profiting by the title, but bleed the fans dry with it.

    Increasing science slots to 3 doesn't ameliorate the issue - the freedom to choose a course is crammed between cattle panels with taser prods to keep the player in line.

    Yeah my feeling too.
    The Universe is a messy place, You are born a mess. Sustaining life usually involves cleaning up messes. You die and usually are a mess then too. All of these messes usually involve some blood- get over it.
  • yllbardhyllbardh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am a long time player (from the exact day the game came out) and I returned about a month ago after being away for awhile (life related reasons).

    If this was brought up elsewhere already I apologize. I didn't see it mentioned so I am mentioning it:

    My character (main) was fully maxed out on the old R&D system (when it was all done at Memory Alpha. I came back into the game and there were some welcome changes such as it being a little easier to earn dil (of course there is also extra things to spend the dil on...no problem there). But to have a character that was fully maxed out (ALOT of hard work in the old system!) be forced to start all over and not get anything really worthwhile in the transition (a special doff was received...yay - sarcasm) is in my opinion rude to the players who have been playing, and sweating, thru the game system for awhile.
    It would not have been much work (in my opinion) to take players who were maxed in R&D, and given them maxed out R&D in the new system (with appropriate doffs to handle higher level requirements).
    I refuse to accept excuses, that I'm sure will be offered, like "This makes it fun for everyone", or "this makes everyone start out equally". It is NOT fun to bust our butts progressing thru the old R&D system while others do not, and suddenly all your hard work is gone and you have to start over. I don't want everyone to start out equally...I already did that back when I was pushing my R&D skills up, to be blunt I feel that everyone that was fully maxed on the old R&D system should be fully maxed on the new R&D system w/appropriate doffs to handle the higher level projects. Do I think it will happen the way I want it to? No. But I wanted to put my two cents out there.
    As to the amount of projects we can run at once? Yes, it is a nice change...for people starting out in R&D.
    The above is just my opinion. The game itself is still fun to play and I expect to play it until it is gone (which hopefully will not be for a long time).

    I totally agree with this. I simply can't understand why was there a need to reset all from the ground??? Was it so difficult for Cryptic to hold account of each players R&D advancement so that they with a big red reset button threw all the players to the stone age?
    And they call this improvement? what a joke....lol
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