I'm wondering if this thing is going to be stretched out indefinitely (as it has been) or if there's a plan to start onto a new path eventually?
There's lots more canon stuff they could be revisiting... I'm just not looking forward to fighting the Protoss, err... I mean the Heralds... who don't inspire any 'Trek' feel whatsoever. I'd much rather be seeing what the Dominion is up to... maybe expanding on what little we know of the Sheliak... encountering new species who's reputation precedes them, such as the Fen Domar...
There's lots we could be doing that doesn't involve World of Blizzcraft enemies. I'd just like to see this Iconian arc done with already.
Yes, Geko mentioned in a recent Priority One Podcast (pretty sure it was P1) that Season 11's plot is already pretty much fleshed out, with work already under way, not to mention there being big plans for 2016 as it's the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek...
I'm curious just how long the Iconian war will last. I figure they could probably drag it out for a year or two(in game time). :P
Look at the various "wars" and conflicts that have occurred in STO. At most they have gotten a few mission mentions, 2-3 multiplayer queues, then we move on. Remember the conflict with the Voth? Species 8472? Done and over with within a few dates with them.
The only things done differently were the original 2 conflicts of STO:
The Federation-Klingon War, the Borg Invasion.
Both conflicts suffered from Cryptic neglect, disdain, despite potential for some good stories and missions there. The Federation-Klingon War was barely touched and was summarily ended showing how dumb the Federation was. The Borg Invasion technically is still going on but nobody gives a ****.
Iconian War? We'll get a handful of missions, not all issued out in S10. We're going to get 2-4 instances between ground and space for multiplayer.
Then that's it. We'll next move onto killing the Q Continuum.
Neither war was neglected, or given any disdain by Cryptic.
The Borg Invasion simply ended
-We kicked their TRIBBLE out of Defera.
-We drove them out of Starbase 82.
-We found the cure for the Borg nanovirus.
-We prevented the Borg from altering the timeline.
-We went into the hive and killed the Borg Queen.
-We prevented the new Borg Queen from re-assimilating the Cooperative ships she needed to rebuild the Borg's decimated armies.
On top of all that, the Undine destroyed the Borg Unicomplex in fluidic space, and its highly likely that the Voth and Undine forces blew up the OTHER Unicomplex featured in "Borg Disconnected".
The Borg Invasion probably has more content for it then any other arc, and it was resolved.
Even Delta Rising showed the Borg getting DECIMATED by the Vaadwuar. They aren't a threat to anyone anymore.
We won, end of story.
Borg getting decimated by Vaadwaur was due to Iconian influence.
As seen before, we thought Future Janeway decimated the Borg with that virus. Did it destroy the entire borg? No, because they came back. They have more than one complex, since they set one up in Fluidic Space. The borg know that as long as there are species out there that can resist assimilation, they have to keep themselves from being wiped out.
This is probably the 5th thread asking the same this week.
Unresolved plots:
Gamma cuadrant
Cardassian faction
Dominon story arc revamp
Andromeda galaxy
Beginning of the temporal cold war
Sphere builders
Delphic expanse and xindi expansion
The traveller
Borg home planet and V'ger
The void
That ocean "planet"
Planet Aldea
Mirror universe
brand new enemies
The "son" of enterprise-E
whale probe
That quarria world with no automation.
More preserver stuff
Female caretaker
New romulus earquake
Silver blood
Those guys who attack people to their planet to exchange information
The list is incredibly long.
I would actually like to see the Dominion return as a major enemy. Despite Odo returning to them and ending the war in the Alpha Quadrant, they still pose a major threat to everyone. It's not like Odo reformed them over night into some peaceful Federation. Even the Iconians are giving the Dominion a wide birth, since their records indicate they intend to conquer the Alpha and Beta Quadrants for resources before taking they attempt to take on the Dominion.
Considering the Gamma Quadrant hasn't been added to the game yet, the war could always push us in that direction. Perhaps the war in the Alpha/Beta Quadrant doesn't go too well and we're forced to ask the Dominion for help?
I'm wondering if this thing is going to be stretched out indefinitely (as it has been) or if there's a plan to start onto a new path eventually?
There's lots more canon stuff they could be revisiting... I'm just not looking forward to fighting the Protoss, err... I mean the Heralds... who don't inspire any 'Trek' feel whatsoever. I'd much rather be seeing what the Dominion is up to... maybe expanding on what little we know of the Sheliak... encountering new species who's reputation precedes them, such as the Fen Domar...
There's lots we could be doing that doesn't involve World of Blizzcraft enemies. I'd just like to see this Iconian arc done with already.
It's the same plan they're had since Season 9.5 with the Doff/Crafting revamp and the introduction of the Equipment Upgrade system:
Monetize Everything!:eek:;)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
This is probably the 5th thread asking the same this week.
Unresolved plots:
Gamma cuadrant
Cardassian faction
Dominon story arc revamp
Andromeda galaxy
Beginning of the temporal cold war
Sphere builders
Delphic expanse and xindi expansion
The traveller
Borg home planet and V'ger
The void
That ocean "planet"
Planet Aldea
Mirror universe
brand new enemies
The "son" of enterprise-E
whale probe
That quarria world with no automation.
More preserver stuff
Female caretaker
New romulus earquake
Silver blood
Those guys who attack people to their planet to exchange information
The list is incredibly long.
*sigh*, I want the Kremin! When we got Temporal Science Vessels, I was SO hopeful for a massive temporal incursion season and a war with them.
And oh, but for not Absolutely. Every. Storyline to have been tied to the Iconians. Why can't there be multiple bad guys, instead of just one? The next thing is that the Iconians are behind the Borg...
Well, we could always go time travel, and do what they did in Star Trek Reboot (2009).
Go back in time and create a new future.
Hell, maybe even Spock will raise from the dead...
Maybe in this universe, we would be at war with all but the Ico's... XD
Well, we could always go time travel, and do what they did in Star Trek Reboot (2009).
Go back in time and create a new future.
Hell, maybe even Spock will raise from the dead...
Maybe in this universe, we would be at war with all but the Ico's... XD
I can only speak for myself but I'd rather not see another time travel in Star Trek.
There is always a plan for this game no matter what the plot is.
It's Star Trek. The story is never finished, even when you think it is. There are always stories to be told and rubes to be fleeced while telling it.
so long as that guy in the quote is around threatening that cryptic stays alive, those pesky iconians will never go away :P
to the point though, i was expecting the dev team to have gotten through the next bit of content by now, usually takes half a year in advance for the next load to clear. so towards the end of the year should be expecting something else. towards the end of last year, early this year there was some chat about an xpac this year, so maybe they have completed that? (assuming there was something to that effect or fairly close to it.
oh and the krenim. their temporal incursion never happened, obviously the vaadwuar conquered them and if the krenim did return then every other sector would of changed. so the vaadwuar storyline in temporal events will likely not happen.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
And oh, but for not Absolutely. Every. Storyline to have been tied to the Iconians. Why can't there be multiple bad guys, instead of just one? The next thing is that the Iconians are behind the Borg...
Honestly, the Iconians being behind everything makes sense, given that we've spent the last few years in an extended "Calling Gondor's Allies" plot. Everyone - the whole galaxy - has to pick a side.
It might be annoying from a "I know where this plot is going" perspective, but the trope has to be present for the story to work.
I can only speak for myself but I'd rather not see another time travel in Star Trek.
May I inquire why, Sir?
I am interested in the matter.
It would, to me seem, a good thing.
And I enjoyed (and still do) the missions that are in this form.
I think of the Specter arc for one.
Or the one where you become an altered individual, and have to escape the Tholian base.
I think theres definitely room for something post-Iconian War. But that all depends on two factors.
1.) The Limit of the Game Engine. At some point it might become too much trouble to add new things to the game. And at that point it might be more cost effective to end the game and move on to a new project. Maybe one that will bring in more revenue per quarter.
2.) The playerbase. Every game is on the slow march to death. Some faster then others, some almost immediately. At some point the game will have such a low population that Cryptic and PWE will look at it as no longer worth the investment. Theres no telling when and where that will be. And only PWE and Crytpic know for sure how many play and how many they would have to lose for them to flip the switch. But current development indicates that Cryptic is full speed ahead in regards to new content for the game.
The first one, the game engine issues will more than likely not cause the death of the game. Simply Cryptic putting it into maintenance mode. Atleast until the second issue arises. But the second issue could arise long before the first. Not that it will. The playerbase, our interest in the game and seeing new content, and coming back to take part in that content.. And enough players sticking around in between said content. Is what will drive Cryptic to provide us with more content. Atleast until they hit the hard limits of the engine.
This is probably the 5th thread asking the same this week.
Unresolved plots:
Actually in one of the early Delta Rising missions it is mentioned that the Vaadwuar decimated the Krenim. I was rather upset, it was just one little sentence and that was all.
Actually in one of the early Delta Rising missions it is mentioned that the Vaadwuar decimated the Krenim. I was rather upset, it was just one little sentence and that was all.
And what happened the last time the Krenim were 'decimated?'
I would actually like to see the Dominion return as a major enemy. Despite Odo returning to them and ending the war in the Alpha Quadrant, they still pose a major threat to everyone. It's not like Odo reformed them over night into some peaceful Federation. Even the Iconians are giving the Dominion a wide birth, since their records indicate they intend to conquer the Alpha and Beta Quadrants for resources before taking they attempt to take on the Dominion.
Considering the Gamma Quadrant hasn't been added to the game yet, the war could always push us in that direction. Perhaps the war in the Alpha/Beta Quadrant doesn't go too well and we're forced to ask the Dominion for help?
I really hope that it goes that way. The Gamma Quadrant gives us a huge unexplored territory and would give Cryptic a lot of room to expand the game. One of my biggest questions has always been, just how big is the Dominion? For all accounts in DS9 it is at LEAST as big as the UFP, but we don't know to just what extent.
If the Iconians are giving them a wide berth for now it seems to me that it is proably much, MUCH larger then the UFP, or any of the other Alpha/Beta powers. Maybe they control nearly the entire Gamma Quadrant itself? That would give them the resources they need to make even the Iconians a little nervous.
Actually in one of the early Delta Rising missions it is mentioned that the Vaadwuar decimated the Krenim. I was rather upset, it was just one little sentence and that was all.
It is also hinted in dust to dust that the krenim are still alive, as the voyager was in a secret mission in krenim space, devs usually hide their future plans in missions as Easter eggs, the tholian stuff was hinted in the 2800 for example.
I'm wondering if this thing is going to be stretched out indefinitely (as it has been) or if there's a plan to start onto a new path eventually?
Yup, once the Iconians are defeated we'll get....
"Maintenance Mode"
I'm guessing they'll wrap up continued development after the 50th Anniversary... Better to end on a high note than slowly let it die like other MMOs... Nothing lasts forever and I don't see Cryptic taking STO into "World's longest running MMO" territory.
My character Tsin'xing
So about 4 to 8 years in real time?
Look at the various "wars" and conflicts that have occurred in STO. At most they have gotten a few mission mentions, 2-3 multiplayer queues, then we move on. Remember the conflict with the Voth? Species 8472? Done and over with within a few dates with them.
The only things done differently were the original 2 conflicts of STO:
The Federation-Klingon War, the Borg Invasion.
Both conflicts suffered from Cryptic neglect, disdain, despite potential for some good stories and missions there. The Federation-Klingon War was barely touched and was summarily ended showing how dumb the Federation was. The Borg Invasion technically is still going on but nobody gives a ****.
Iconian War? We'll get a handful of missions, not all issued out in S10. We're going to get 2-4 instances between ground and space for multiplayer.
Then that's it. We'll next move onto killing the Q Continuum.
Borg getting decimated by Vaadwaur was due to Iconian influence.
As seen before, we thought Future Janeway decimated the Borg with that virus. Did it destroy the entire borg? No, because they came back. They have more than one complex, since they set one up in Fluidic Space. The borg know that as long as there are species out there that can resist assimilation, they have to keep themselves from being wiped out.
Unresolved plots:
Gamma cuadrant
Cardassian faction
Dominon story arc revamp
Andromeda galaxy
Beginning of the temporal cold war
Sphere builders
Delphic expanse and xindi expansion
The traveller
Borg home planet and V'ger
The void
That ocean "planet"
Planet Aldea
Mirror universe
brand new enemies
The "son" of enterprise-E
whale probe
That quarria world with no automation.
More preserver stuff
Female caretaker
New romulus earquake
Silver blood
Those guys who attack people to their planet to exchange information
The list is incredibly long.
But I won't hold my breath.
It's Star Trek. The story is never finished, even when you think it is. There are always stories to be told and rubes to be fleeced while telling it.
Considering the Gamma Quadrant hasn't been added to the game yet, the war could always push us in that direction. Perhaps the war in the Alpha/Beta Quadrant doesn't go too well and we're forced to ask the Dominion for help?
It's the same plan they're had since Season 9.5 with the Doff/Crafting revamp and the introduction of the Equipment Upgrade system:
Monetize Everything!:eek:;)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
*sigh*, I want the Kremin! When we got Temporal Science Vessels, I was SO hopeful for a massive temporal incursion season and a war with them.
Go back in time and create a new future.
Hell, maybe even Spock will raise from the dead...
Maybe in this universe, we would be at war with all but the Ico's... XD
I can only speak for myself but I'd rather not see another time travel in Star Trek.
so long as that guy in the quote is around threatening that cryptic stays alive, those pesky iconians will never go away :P
to the point though, i was expecting the dev team to have gotten through the next bit of content by now, usually takes half a year in advance for the next load to clear. so towards the end of the year should be expecting something else. towards the end of last year, early this year there was some chat about an xpac this year, so maybe they have completed that? (assuming there was something to that effect or fairly close to it.
oh and the krenim. their temporal incursion never happened, obviously the vaadwuar conquered them and if the krenim did return then every other sector would of changed. so the vaadwuar storyline in temporal events will likely not happen.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Honestly, the Iconians being behind everything makes sense, given that we've spent the last few years in an extended "Calling Gondor's Allies" plot. Everyone - the whole galaxy - has to pick a side.
It might be annoying from a "I know where this plot is going" perspective, but the trope has to be present for the story to work.
I am interested in the matter.
It would, to me seem, a good thing.
And I enjoyed (and still do) the missions that are in this form.
I think of the Specter arc for one.
Or the one where you become an altered individual, and have to escape the Tholian base.
1.) The Limit of the Game Engine. At some point it might become too much trouble to add new things to the game. And at that point it might be more cost effective to end the game and move on to a new project. Maybe one that will bring in more revenue per quarter.
2.) The playerbase. Every game is on the slow march to death. Some faster then others, some almost immediately. At some point the game will have such a low population that Cryptic and PWE will look at it as no longer worth the investment. Theres no telling when and where that will be. And only PWE and Crytpic know for sure how many play and how many they would have to lose for them to flip the switch. But current development indicates that Cryptic is full speed ahead in regards to new content for the game.
The first one, the game engine issues will more than likely not cause the death of the game. Simply Cryptic putting it into maintenance mode. Atleast until the second issue arises. But the second issue could arise long before the first. Not that it will. The playerbase, our interest in the game and seeing new content, and coming back to take part in that content.. And enough players sticking around in between said content. Is what will drive Cryptic to provide us with more content. Atleast until they hit the hard limits of the engine.
Actually in one of the early Delta Rising missions it is mentioned that the Vaadwuar decimated the Krenim. I was rather upset, it was just one little sentence and that was all.
IF they would go for a new engine.
And what happened the last time the Krenim were 'decimated?'
That little sentence was foreshadowing.
I really hope that it goes that way. The Gamma Quadrant gives us a huge unexplored territory and would give Cryptic a lot of room to expand the game. One of my biggest questions has always been, just how big is the Dominion? For all accounts in DS9 it is at LEAST as big as the UFP, but we don't know to just what extent.
If the Iconians are giving them a wide berth for now it seems to me that it is proably much, MUCH larger then the UFP, or any of the other Alpha/Beta powers. Maybe they control nearly the entire Gamma Quadrant itself? That would give them the resources they need to make even the Iconians a little nervous.
Let's stick to the stuff the game introduced and question its resolution. They aren't obligated to resolve or address -all- of that.
It is also hinted in dust to dust that the krenim are still alive, as the voyager was in a secret mission in krenim space, devs usually hide their future plans in missions as Easter eggs, the tholian stuff was hinted in the 2800 for example.
Yup, once the Iconians are defeated we'll get....
"Maintenance Mode"
I'm guessing they'll wrap up continued development after the 50th Anniversary... Better to end on a high note than slowly let it die like other MMOs... Nothing lasts forever and I don't see Cryptic taking STO into "World's longest running MMO" territory.
Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
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