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New science captain, scryer help

neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
Got a delta recruit science Captain completed, and going to be using the scryer that came with my delta pack. Needing some build advice. Now, if I understand correctly, it's not a good idea to carry both tykens and grav well at the same. I think I'd like to concentrate on the cc play from grav well and debuffs. I'd like to use phasers to stick with the fed theme as I understand that the beam type doesn't matter much since I'd be more aux based anyways. I will have access to all reps by end of month due to sponsorship tokens, as well as access to high end fleet and spire gear. Mostly using for solo and maybe advanced stfs. Plasmonic could be used, as I have one on another character I haven't used yet. But I would like to go without it if possible. What sets would be good, weapon and gear wise? Aiming for beams and torps. Kinda confused as to what's a good set of b off skills as well. Any help would be appreciated
Post edited by neversetdrum on


  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sounds like you'd be after an exotic damage/CC build. This means that on the skill allocation side you need at least 6 points in both particle generators and graviton generators. Ideally once you reach lvl 15 in the sci crafting school the particle manipulator trait, plus conservation of energy and one other space trait that escapes me at this time that boosts exotic damage.

    As for sets I run the Solanae deflector (obtained via Step Between Stars) which has the highest part gen rating of any deflector in game and the Solanae warp core that came in the 4th anniversary DSD (now only available for 600 lobi). The 2-pc grants a shield power bonus. If you can't get your hands on that core whatever aux boosting core with your preferred stats will do. As an alternative to the Solanae is the Counter Command deflector -- not as big a bonus to partgens but has so smallish bonuses to energy weapons and projectiles.

    For the shield and engine I use the adapated MACO stuff -- engine gives a nice healthy bonus to engines, shields and aux and the 2pc gives a boost to aux power and torp damage.

    As for weapons if you are going for a phaser build the Counter Command ordinance sets with the consoles and torpedo. Alternatively the Dyson grav torp is tried and true and its console also works nicely. Or the crafted particle emission torpedo works well too.

    Otherwise load up on consoles that boost part gens -- typically since you'd have access to fleet gear, 4x embassy consoles in the appropriate flavor plus the crafted exotic particle exciter.

    But my biggest piece of advice is that the secret to the Scryer is making use of the intel powers. I use the Hierarchy Sci/Intel boff you get as a mission reward in my Cmdr Sci/Intel slot using OSS1, Ionic1, SS1 and GW3. When I get a parsed battle I am always pleasantly surprised at how good my DPS is -- especially when I am in the presence of more tactically oriented ships that should equal or outperform me.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're right tykens and GW are a bad combo.
    They put each other on cooldown.

    Go with GW 1 & 2
    And TBR 1 & 2 (with pull doff Graga Mal)

    And listen to the previous poster. Good info there.
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks, that'll give me a good start. I had already taken particle gens and gravitons in preparation. Is it good to go all beams, 1 torp? Or another setup? And where is the best place to find grav scientist doff for aftershocks? ?
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    To add to the list of helpful stuff for Scryer haven't just built out one.
    fore - Gravemetric torp, thoron infused poloron and neutronic torp( delta weapon set)
    Aft - kinetic Cutting beam, omni directional poloron, plasma particle emission torp.
    Consoles that are important:
    RCS crafted console with prtg and field exciter crafted console with prtg will help you get to 400 prtg for 100% critical chance with particle manipulator. The isometric charge console is great because it's boosted by prtg. The bioneural gel pack.( for 3 set delta weapon set bonus Isokinetic cannon)
    Isokinetic cannon is a MUST for exotic damage with particle manipulator trait which will always make that attack critical and it's boosted by particle Gen skill.
    OSS3 which give a nice power boost to all systems especially aux to keep it made. I also use 2x emergency power to aux for the added prtg and graven skill it gives. I have also used energy siphon to help keep power levels up( can be switched for TBR depending on doffs) Also ionic turbulence is really nice to keep guys trapped in the grav well.
    Deflector officers are great cause it will reduce the 1min CD on GW to more manageable numbers.
    Also the president trait all hands on deck can help reduce the number a bit more.

    I forgot the name but there is a xindi doff I believe that on use of epta ability you gain exotic damage.

    Also warp core engineer for even more boosts in power. So I have so much power that a leech isn't necessary for my build.

    Hope this helps.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Depends on what you are aiming for. Are you aiming to use your CC abilities to pin down mobs for a beam barrage or are you planning on using your exotic damage abilities to melt hull and bypass shields?

    If you plan on using you exotic abilities for direct hull damage (that bypasses shields) then you'll need your Aux power up high, which may mean you'll have problems keeping weapon power (and damage) up. If that's the case, go with more torpedoes at the front and a few beams for subsystem targeting. It won't break records in DPS but it'll be a fun and challenging ship to fly.

    If you want sheer damage, then you can forgo the torps and focus on grav gens instead of particle generators. That way you will have powerful CC abilities (though not that damaging). You can then use BFAW to take down all of those mobs stuck in your Grav Wells.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks, that'll give me a good start. I had already taken particle gens and gravitons in preparation. Is it good to go all beams, 1 torp? Or another setup? And where is the best place to find grav scientist doff for aftershocks? ?

    Well, you can buy one off of the Exchange of course. But the best way to get a free blue and a chance to get free purples versions is by doing the Colonization Support Chain missions in the Eridan Belt which is located in the Iota Pavonis Sector Block. Completing the 7 chain missions will reward you with a blue Grav Doff, and it will open up a new "Support Colonization" mission that random appears which will reward you with a refugee on a normal success. If you get a critical success, then you will be rewarded with a purple Grav Doff.

    The "Support Colonization" mission can allow you to get multiple purple Doffs since the mission randomly reappears after a while. It is one way to fill your Doff slots with purple Doffs. Click link below for a list of specific purple Doffs rewards in the various Colonization Support Chain missions.

  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you are going for a Part Gen build, you might also want Graga Mal. I haven't checked the exchange prices for him, and he can get quite expensive, but he can really help you dish out some good exotic DPS.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    With only two tactical consoles, you will be relying a lot on your science abilities to debuff and also do exotic damage when flying the Scryer.

    I too have the DR Ops Pack, but I am currently flying the Dauntless. I am still fitting out that ship, but afterwards I will switch over to the Scryer so that at least I can get the Scryer's mastery trait. Just like you, I am currently using phasers. Not sure what I will use for the Scryer... maybe Polaron... maybe not...
  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Tbh I've never attempted the torp heavy build that a lot of sci players like as well. But I do like the isokinetic canon. Does a lot of damage and has a reasonably short cooldown and I don't feel like you really have to sacrifice to get it -- unless you really don't like polaron weapons.

    As for getting >400 partgens, I really feel that is one of those things that is easier said than done. To get about 400 requires expensive crafted and upgraded consoles on top of the usuals. It is doable but expensive. I think I am sitting around 350-370 with what I have -- and that is with VR/UR Mk XIV stuff. Same thing with Graga Mal -- while useful he is a pricey DOFF. Plasmonic leach may well still be worth it, but I don't know how much it runs these days. When I picked it up before DR went live it ran me 33mil ec (give or take a few million).

    As for beam heavy vs. torp heavy that comes down to personal preference. I always found the idea of a torp heavy build odd and avoided them as such -- but there are totally viable and pretty powerful torp heavy builds out there too.

    Personally I am not running into issues with power management. Between the plasmonic leach, plus all the power bonuses I am chasing from the set bits I can maintain my power levels where I want them. Granted I am probably trading off a bit since there are better engines and shields out there.

    Finally the aftershock gravemetric scientists comes as a reward for completing the Eridan Belt colonial chain and criting the Support Eridan Belt missions.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    desertjets wrote: »
    As for sets I run the Solanae deflector (obtained via Step Between Stars) which has the highest part gen rating of any deflector in game

    Edit: The set deflector with the highest Part Gens in game. You can craft regular deflectors with +50 science skills that are innate to each type of deflector. I have a +50 flow caps one myself since I'm a drain boat junkie.
  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Edit: The set deflector with the highest Part Gens in game. You can craft regular deflectors with +50 science skills that are innate to each type of deflector. I have a +50 flow caps one myself since I'm a drain boat junkie.

    I stand corrected. Do I need to ask how many deflectors you crafted before you got the one with the mods you wanted?
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    All good info. I'll get to work on that grav doff. Hopefully will get lucky with a crit and get early. Graga Mal I could probably buy, and since I like that the Dyson grav torp had that photon look, that might be a good way to go. Maybe 2 beams and torp up front, and 2 beams and torp in the back with gw and tbr. Still deciding on leech, as I'd prefer to put it on my engineer if I can spare. I'll have to play around with my settings
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Edit: The set deflector with the highest Part Gens in game. You can craft regular deflectors with +50 science skills that are innate to each type of deflector. I have a +50 flow caps one myself since I'm a drain boat junkie.

    Interesting. I might try that. I might get something better than the Solanae since I don't use it for the set bonus anyway. Thank you for posting.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Edit: The set deflector with the highest Part Gens in game. You can craft regular deflectors with +50 science skills that are innate to each type of deflector. I have a +50 flow caps one myself since I'm a drain boat junkie.

    Quick (off topic) question, did you need to get a x2 mod at mkII to get it up to 50? Thanks!
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    desertjets wrote: »
    I stand corrected. Do I need to ask how many deflectors you crafted before you got the one with the mods you wanted?

    Got lucky, about 15 only. Now that I got it to Mk XIV, the Solanae is indeed the best. Crafted ones max out at +40 bonus. Seems when the devs made the solanae, they basically made it innate part gens plus [PrtG]x3 which is not possible crafting. They should let all mods in crafted deflectors go to x3 and not just [Sen]. Another way they limit science. Why the heck DPS gets a pass with the mods going up to x4 (CrtD in particular is up to crazy heights), but deflectors are stuck back in x2 land even if they make one off rep ones that are awesome.
  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Got lucky, about 15 only. Now that I got it to Mk XIV, the Solanae is indeed the best. Crafted ones max out at +40 bonus. Seems when the devs made the solanae, they basically made it innate part gens plus [PrtG]x3 which is not possible crafting. They should let all mods in crafted deflectors go to x3 and not just [Sen]. Another way they limit science. Why the heck DPS gets a pass with the mods going up to x4 (CrtD in particular is up to crazy heights), but deflectors are stuck back in x2 land even if they make one off rep ones that are awesome.

    That is not actually bad at all. While I appreciate the brainless easiness of the crafting system -- I don't necessarily like the randomness and time wastingness of it. I feel like I spent more time crafting and upgrading gear for my Delta than actually playing the game in the past few days.

    If you can wait till Step Between Stars than the Solanae is excellent for its intended role. But I can see that crafting may be the best way to get the right deflector for drain builds. I realize the JH stuff is there and free (albeit @ Mk XI) but whenever I look at the deflector I can't help but feel that the grav gen mod is such a wasted mod.
  • farseeridranelfarseeridranel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're right tykens and GW are a bad combo.
    They put each other on cooldown.

    Go with GW 1 & 2
    And TBR 1 & 2 (with pull doff Graga Mal)

    And listen to the previous poster. Good info there.

    The CD between GW and TR is 15 seconds. That is quite reasonable actually. You pull targets together with GW, use energy siphon, tachyon beam, subsystem targeting etc, cast TR (shields should be down by now) and finish them with a nice torpedo spread. The CD between GW1 and GW2 is what? 40 seconds? You can achieve that with deflector officers as well with just one copy of GW.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I find TR works quite well with GW3, even though they share a cooldown. As mentioned it's only 15 seconds and if you've got deflector doffs you can knock most cooldowns down by a fair bit.

    Drop GW3 on targets and spam them with torp spreads etc, then if you're quick you can drop a TR on them before the grav well expires and shut them down. Plus if you have the aftershock grav well doff you could easily be looking at an extra 4 grav wells spawning, meaning that TR is going to work even better with the enemies pinned down even longer.
  • farseeridranelfarseeridranel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Edit: The set deflector with the highest Part Gens in game. You can craft regular deflectors with +50 science skills that are innate to each type of deflector. I have a +50 flow caps one myself since I'm a drain boat junkie.

    Did you craft that one? Is it a tachyon deflector mk XIV [flwc]x3 ? I was trying to craft one of those, but gave up at some point.
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Little bit of an update. I did wind up just buying a Grav Scientist for the GW3 and 2 deflector officers of purple quality. Can you stack a 3rd? As to the conversation about TR, I did put points in Flow Caps just incase I wanted to go with a Plasmonic leech, but it doesn't really seem I need it with OSS, and I've put max power into Aux. Is it a good idea to put power next into weapons, or something else? I got the Solanae Deflector and got it upgraded to XIV to max out particle gens. Next going to work on Embassy consoles to help boost. Should I get the ones that do -Thr or +Thr? I didn't think I'd want +Thr since I'm not going to be tanking.

    I've got Tier IV for Delta rep and will probably get the Neutronic Torp, the Bio Neural Gel Pack, and then the Polaron Beam so I can get Iso Cannon as I've heard lots of good things. Working on Fleet credits to get a spire Core as well. Still thinking 4 beams with Phasers for the Starfleet look, and then the polaron Beam in back for the Cannon 3pc, with the Neutronic Torp up front. Any thoughts?
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you are planning to run 5 energy weapons then yes, you will want to put power into weapons next. With Leech, you should be able to gain enough power to bring all your levels above 75 to take full advantage of an AMP warp core.

    I believe you can stack a third deflector officer (I think I did once before) but I could be mistaken. You can probably try with a common deflector officer in your roster to be sure before you spend EC on another purple DOff. If you can get AHOD down the line, you may not need those deflector officers anymore though (I ditched mine).
  • farseeridranelfarseeridranel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You can equip 3 deflector doffs. For all types off Doffs you can equip either one (e.g. gravimetric scientist or warp core engineer) or three (e.g. deflector doff or damage control engineer).

    If you can use OSS, then use it. It can bring up your aux to 160+ for a while. Exotic damage and science ability effect (e.g. the drain from energy siphon) depend on aux. More aux, more magic :)
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