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Need Inspiration, creating a Delta Recruit

proteusrexproteusrex Member Posts: 62 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Ten Forward
Apparently, I've been away from the game itself for a long time.
Since then a lot of things have changed...

This Delta Rising thing landed, and apparently, it is the best expansion ever, and the players love it. On top of that I see a lot of changes to crafting, duty officer stuff and even the map between planets.

I'm a tad overhwelmed, and it feels like a brand new game, not necessarily a good thing.

Now there is this Delta Recruit event and I feel like I need to create a DR to not only re-learn key parts of the game, but to take advantage of the bonuses it offers.

This brings me to a bit of a creative issue.

For some reason, I can't just 'make a character'. I can't make a random sexpot character (Chesty LaRue) or duplicate an existing character (Mr. Spork) to play this new content. I need to develop my own character with a history, ambitions and a place in the world, I need something I can build off of, and hopefully write about.

I was hoping you guys could help me brainstorm a new character to get the creative juices flowing. I need some inspiration to fire up a part of my brain that has been dormant this last year.

Can you throw out a 'one line' character summary, or point me a tool for generating characters, or offer up any other thoughts or advice on brainstorming?
Post edited by proteusrex on


  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Alien - the first of your species to graduate from the academy of your faction. (Maybe the first to attend, maybe not...) Possibly even someone from the Delta Quadrant, who enlisted in Starfleet/joined the Republic/swore allegiance to the Empire in order to help defend your homeworld from the threat of the Iconians.

    For a Fed: You pass as Vulcan, but in fact you're Romulan - your parents are/were deep cover Tal'Shiar agents sent to Vulcan as spies, something you learned only after a routine genetic assay at the Academy. (Or you know you're Romulan, and have managed to hide this from Starfleet - so far.)

    My Delta Recruit, Ch'rowl, is an ambitious young Caitian who became a little intimidated when he found out just how much his ambitions are fated to be fulfilled.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lethean--You've been many things. Mercenary. Thug. Mind-for-hire. Mindhound. Captain.

    But what you are is a mindhound. You specialize in telepathy, using your lethal psionic powers to monitor the battlefield and kill foes. Whatever your other training, THIS is what you are first and foremost...you are bound through your own form of honor to serve the Empire, bound to hunt and kill the Undine wherever you find them. You've been trained for years in mental sniffing, combat, memory retrieval, interrogation...you are a master of the mental arts, and you know it.

    Nausciaan--Everybody underestimates your species. An anarchic mess of loosely-affiliated clans without central power or large-scale ship manufacturing, everybody thinks of your species and culture as dumb, uneducated, somewhat primitive boors.

    They don't realize the sheer level of engineering knowledge to keep those pirate ships running so incredibly well despite the lack of shipyards. They don't understand the medical knowledge obtained through lifetimes of mercenary work. They just don't get that Nausicaans are SMART.

    But you're going to show them. You've earned the Klingons' respect, and now you're going to earn everyone else's. By taking down the biggest game of all--the Iconians.

    I can come up with more tomorrow when I'm not sick and tired.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I often derive inspiration from things that shouldn't be in Starfleet at all, or shouldn't exist in the first place.

    1: Melati Kusumu - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Melati-Character-Sheet-332652431
    3: Meghan Eridian - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Eridian-Character-sheet-332855058
    4: Chuft - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/My-character-Chuft-332549648
    6: Drexela - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Drexela-character-sheet-332553962
    7: 7 of 13 - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/7-of-13-character-sheet-332855790
    8: Carnlan Rixx - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Carnlan-Rixx-Character-sheet-332653081
    9: Monica Rappaccini - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Monica-Rappaccini-Character-sheet-332855437
    10: Sekkoth - http://marhawkman.deviantart.com/art/Sekkoth-Char-Sheet-332652768

    Melati Kusumu: Fed alien(Orion/Kriosian) < neither is a Fed race
    Meghan Eridian: Fed Alien(Mirror Vorta) < also not a Fed race
    Chuft: Fed Caitian(Kzinti) < also not a Fed race
    Drexela: Fed Joined Trill(/Lib Borg)< unclear if this even COULD exist in canon.
    7 of 13: Fed Lib Borg(Terminator) < also not a Fed race, and out-of-universe
    Monica Rappaccini: Fed Human(with her own non-Borg cybernetics) < not the sort of person who is a model Starfleet officer. :P She's basically a mad scientist.
    Carnlan Rixx: Fed Bolian (Okay he's boring....)
    Sekkoth: FED Vulcan(/Romulan) < Romulan... not a Fed race
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Has Chuft-Captain been kicked in the ribs by an insane puppeteer yet?
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Are you looking Fed?

    Especially with Delta Recruiting and the vision of the future....

    Have a character who has some other interest, like art or planning to go into business as a freighter captain in the family business, and is planning a term in Starfleet to get some formal training and was then planning to get out.

    And then, suddenly, bam - the future you're a high-ranking Starfleet officer when you were some low-level peon. And that's all you know of the future. (Also, you apparently have a taste for the Odyssey uniform in the future) It's apparently very important, over your own desires, to go for that future.

    How do you cheat the future? Dare you?
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • jawz786jawz786 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Retired officer (who left to do other things) asked to re-enlist (new SF policy) due to the loss of officers in all the current conflicts as the Academy cant provide enough cadets/officers fast enough.

    Simple reason which could allow you to create as detailed a background as you want.
  • xarynn2058xarynn2058 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well if you're starting with a Starfleet character then you have a raw cadet to build from. How he/she responds to the events in the missions is up to you.

    Sometimes starting with a near blank slate and building the character from there is the most important part. You don't need a complex background and career from the start.

    My main (an L60 Human Tactical Officer dating back to the game's launch) started as a relatively unremarkable Ensign thrust into remarkable circumstances by the tutorial. He's now a recently promoted Rear Admiral (regardless of what the npc's in the game say) with a crew that's come a long way from the rookies that were posted to the rickety old Miranda class USS Seattle.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A one-liner, you say?

    Hm...I based my DR on single line too. There's this fanmade Trek movie named Axannar coming up and it has an older female captain played by Kate Vernon. During the war with the Klingons, they nicknamed her "Queen b.itch w.... of the Federation" due to how annoying she was to fight.
    So that became the basis for my toon.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You could also go Romulan...

    Basic idea: Ex-Galae s'Shiar Rihan (Romulan Star Navy/Romulan Grand Fleet) officer. You were a soldier, a proud defender of the empire. You had a family back home, a spouse and two daughters almost of military age, proud to follow in their parent's footsteps. Life was good. Life was GREAT.

    Then Hobus happened.

    Your family is dead. Most of your comrades were killed in the post-Hobus strife. You have seen the Tal'Shiar, not your allies in the best of times, turn to dark and vile methods in their desperation. Some of your surviving comrades, driven mad by loss, hate, and rage, turned to them.

    You? You're just tired. You want to forget. Why fight anymore? There's no point, with the Empire a fractured, despotic shadow of itself, and the Tal'Shiar running rampage. Nobody stands for real Romulan courage and honor anymore. So you set yourself down on a farming planet and plan to live off the radar until you die.

    Then Hakeev and his Elachi come.

    You never liked the Tal'Shiar, but now you loathe them. They just won't leave well enough alone, and now they're selling out your people to monsters. You may not be a Unificationist, but D'tan and his people stand for something better than that half-breed pretender Sela and the traitor Hakeev. You've got a purpose again, something to fight for.

    And by the Elements, you're going to fight for it until you die.

    You are Rihan. You are a soldier. You are the legacy of ch'Rihan.
  • ailmereailmere Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    For Starfleet you could have Rimmer from Red Dwarf, a pompous, selfish moron who wishes for glory, he will cheat, lie, betray his friends and sell his entire family off for a promotion.

    Romulan could be your character had a decent life, a prosperous general, and at the height of their career Hobus, Romulus and Remus are destroyed, and they are left as a disgraced general who can either become a pirate or become the raving loonatic of some small moon offered a chance to become a proud general once more in exchange for his moon Mister Whoops.

    Klingon could be Crazed madman given the opportunity to work up to becoming psychotic commander of a battle group and kill for his own twisted entertainment who would adore the chance to torture his enemies and show his scary truths to everyone as he would pillage, plunder and break every rule in existence.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Has Chuft-Captain been kicked in the ribs by an insane puppeteer yet?
    He;s been kicked by a variety of races, not sure about puppeteers. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I started out by listing combinations of Species, Classes, and Specializations for each faction.

    My first Delta recruit was a Joined Trill Engineer (Fed). I like the idea that when this character gets to 60 with loaded Reps and progress on the Spec tree that it will feel like a person who's lived through several lifetimes and has a lot of experience. Granted, not everyone gets this race option but you could fake it. I spent a bit of time writing two-line descriptions of Dexx's former hosts.

    I then created a Ferasan Tac, simply because there was a sale on races and I already had a Caitian on the Fed side. For this character, I decided that I would try to close in for melee combat whenever possible. It's a bit more challenging than using a ranged weapon as many of the bad guys refuse to stand still.

    Both characters I have given personality quirks and I've even written bios for some of their BOFF's. One of Dexx's BOFF's is technically a liberated Borg, but I've decided she's a representative of the Cooperative sent by Future Janeway.

    My 3rd was a throwaway Saurian Engineer I started for the sole purpose of playing through with my boys. He probably won't see much play time and might end up deleted.

    I have every intention of starting a Rom or two by the end of the Recruiting event, to be played through at some later date.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
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  • proteusrexproteusrex Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the ideas so far! I'm really enjoying this, and it's got my head spinning with possibility, as well as challenging me to make something of my other alts.

    jonsills wrote: »
    For a Fed: You pass as Vulcan, but in fact you're Romulan - your parents are/were deep cover Tal'Shiar agents sent to Vulcan as spies, something you learned only after a routine genetic assay at the Academy. (Or you know you're Romulan, and have managed to hide this from Starfleet - so far.)

    I like this one. Makes me think of 'The Americans'. Of course, I haven't watched the show, all I know about it is from TV commercials and light internet research.

    worffan101 wrote: »
    Nausciaan--Everybody underestimates your species. An anarchic mess of loosely-affiliated clans without central power or large-scale ship manufacturing, everybody thinks of your species and culture as dumb, uneducated, somewhat primitive boors.

    They don't realize the sheer level of engineering knowledge to keep those pirate ships running so incredibly well despite the lack of shipyards. They don't understand the medical knowledge obtained through lifetimes of mercenary work. They just don't get that Nausicaans are SMART.

    But you're going to show them. You've earned the Klingons' respect, and now you're going to earn everyone else's. By taking down the biggest game of all--the Iconians.

    This is great. I wasn't thinking of a KDF character, but this guy has been stewing in my brain all night. Even if he doesn't become my DR, I feel like he may end up in my work somewhere.

    I often derive inspiration from things that shouldn't be in Starfleet at all, or shouldn't exist in the first place.

    My main 'Merrik' was born outside of Trek. I created him in some of my other stories. He's a Proteus-lifeform created by some artificial stem-cells that makes him a shapeshifter. I was able to massage him into canon (my head canon at least) by making him a silver-blood lifeform based off of the Voyager episode 'Demon'. That said, I feel like I need to make my characters fit in to canon somewhere. I enjoy tying parts of their lives into bits of obscure Trek.

    Also, is Monica based off the Marvel villain?

    And then, suddenly, bam - the future you're a high-ranking Starfleet officer when you were some low-level peon. And that's all you know of the future.

    This gave me a great idea for a LC theme. :)

    xarynn2058 wrote: »
    Sometimes starting with a near blank slate and building the character from there is the most important part. You don't need a complex background and career from the start.

    True, many characters get to be pretty awesome starting from scratch, but it hasn't worked very well for me in the past. Khellest, my Klingon alt, was a blank slate when I created her, and despite getting through most of the KDF content, she's still pretty blank. A few of her BOFFS became more prominent characters in my fics than she has. Maybe I'm not Klingon-savvy enough to find her voice, or what, but I'm constantly trying to re-invent her and come up blank.

    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    Hm...I based my DR on single line too. There's this fanmade Trek movie named Axannar coming up and it has an older female captain played by Kate Vernon. During the war with the Klingons, they nicknamed her "Queen b.itch w.... of the Federation" due to how annoying she was to fight.

    I just discovered Prelude to Axanar last week, I loved the documentary style of the video. That last line "Stardate 2245.1, the D7 enters the war." gave me goose-bumps. I can't wait for the Axanar to be released.

    worffan101 wrote: »
    You could also go Romulan...

    Reminds me a bit of my Romulan alt. Khaile was a TOS era Centurion. (I picture him being one of the random background extras in 'The Enterprise Incident') who moved up the ranks to a pretty prominent position. At some point, he becomes disillusioned with the Tal'Shiar believing they have lost their way. Speaking up against them means the end of his career, and threatens his life. He disappears, and settles on some out of the way planet with is wife. Together they live the 'old-farmer' lifestyle until his wife dies and then he just gives up. Eventually, he is pulled back to the living when he learns of Hobus, and sets out to find his family (who also went into hiding from the Tal'Shair). On his quest, he ends up fighting to rebuild the Romulan way.

    I like him a lot, but have never been able to write him, probably because of my lack of knowledge about Romulan culture. Speaking of, can you guys point me to a 'crash course' on Romulan culture. there seems to be a lot I don't know, most of it revolving around the language. What is a ch'Rihan anyway?
    ailmere wrote: »
    For Starfleet you could have Rimmer from Red Dwarf, a pompous, selfish moron who wishes for glory, he will cheat, lie, betray his friends and sell his entire family off for a promotion.

    This might be hard for me to do. I've had a few Dnd Characters like this, and I just can't seem to play the role. That said, this character would make an excellent foil for Merrik in a 'Buddy Cop' ULC.

    bluegeek wrote: »
    For this character, I decided that I would try to close in for melee combat whenever possible. It's a bit more challenging than using a ranged weapon as many of the bad guys refuse to stand still.

    Hadn't thought of that... Up til now, I just throw whatever gear/weapons i want on my alts. I suppose if I'm going to the trouble of creating the character, I should at least 'play' them closer to their characters... Seems obvious when I type it here, but man, never thought of it before.

    Thanks again!
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    proteusrex wrote: »
    I like him a lot, but have never been able to write him, probably because of my lack of knowledge about Romulan culture. Speaking of, can you guys point me to a 'crash course' on Romulan culture. there seems to be a lot I don't know, most of it revolving around the language. What is a ch'Rihan anyway?

    ch'Rihan is the place of the Rihan--the Declared. In other words, the planet Romulus.

    Rihan is an old High Vulcan word that means "Declared", and is the central term of Romulan identity. A Romulan, male or female, is a Rihanha; a group of Romulans are Rihannsu, and the cultural group/subspecies is Rihanh.

    Protogoth is a huge Romulan fan, and can help you a lot more than I can. Message her in game or on the forums, she's a wonderful person and an invaluable wealth of resources.

    Also, read Diane Duane's Rihannsu series. They are the best licensed novels ever written, truly great books in their own right, and well worth the read even if you don't need to know more about Romulans. Plus, they're chock-full of Rihan lore, language, and culture.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    proteusrex wrote: »
    Reminds me a bit of my Romulan alt. Khaile was a TOS era Centurion. (I picture him being one of the random background extras in 'The Enterprise Incident') who moved up the ranks to a pretty prominent position. At some point, he becomes disillusioned with the Tal'Shiar believing they have lost their way. Speaking up against them means the end of his career, and threatens his life. He disappears, and settles on some out of the way planet with is wife. Together they live the 'old-farmer' lifestyle until his wife dies and then he just gives up. Eventually, he is pulled back to the living when he learns of Hobus, and sets out to find his family (who also went into hiding from the Tal'Shair). On his quest, he ends up fighting to rebuild the Romulan way.
    Also vaguely reminiscent of one of my old alts, Nniol tr'Keiniadh. He was once a sublieutenant in the Star Navy; the political officer on his ship was then-Major Hakeev. One day, during routine maintenance, Nniol found a coded transmission coming from Hakeev's terminal - that wasn't aimed anywhere in Romulan space. He took his suspicions to the ship's Commander, who died shortly thereafter of a mysterious pressure-suit failure during an EVA mission. Then he told the executive officer - who died of an alien disease. The ship was ordered home, where most of the senior personnel were abruptly relieved of duty and accused of conspiracy against the Star Empire. What sealed Nniol's fears was the transport crash, of a vehicle that should never have failed, and which destroyed his seat in particular (luckily, he was returning from a visit to the head at the time). Seeing how the wind was blowing, Nniol took the first transport out of Romulan space, and spent several decades working whatever space jobs came up. Eventually D'vex found him, between jobs and seeking answers at the bottom of a mug of bloodwine on Drozana Station, and persuaded him to come to Virinat and start a new life there. And then Hakeev came... It took some time to persuade Nniol that Hakeev hadn't come for him in particular.
    I like him a lot, but have never been able to write him, probably because of my lack of knowledge about Romulan culture. Speaking of, can you guys point me to a 'crash course' on Romulan culture. there seems to be a lot I don't know, most of it revolving around the language. What is a ch'Rihan anyway?
    ch'Rihan is the name of the homeworld in the Rihannsu language, commonly translated into Fed Standard as "Romulus". The sister world, "Remus", is more properly known as ch'Havran. Source for this, and a lot of the rest of the Romulan culture as it's commonly treated in our stories, is from Diane Duane's Rihannsu novels - by the time I've finished typing this, I have no doubt someone will have posted a list of the titles.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    proteusrex wrote: »
    Also, is Monica based off the Marvel villain?

    She's actually NOT the only character of mine who uses the name of a Marvel comics character. Melati is too. But Melati doesn't share anything with the character beyond name. I actually once had someone comment in zone chat because Melati Kusuma is the name of a flower species... apparently the comic book character is named after a flower... heh.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    proteusrex wrote: »
    I like him a lot, but have never been able to write him, probably because of my lack of knowledge about Romulan culture. Speaking of, can you guys point me to a 'crash course' on Romulan culture. there seems to be a lot I don't know, most of it revolving around the language. What is a ch'Rihan anyway?


    Very intense world-building, fits in greatly with what we see in TOS, but...

    My Enemy, My Ally, one of my personal favorite of the pocket books was written in 1984, with the one with the serious worldbuilding came out a month before Encounter at Farpoint, and they aren't something paid attention to in TNG for the state of the Romulans.

    And at that point, it was assumed Romulans were on both worlds, no Remans. Also, Romulans were the 'if we could overcome distrust we could get together because we're really very similar' species, and less 'evil police state'.

    The language and some of the references in STO call back to them, especially in terms of the original exodus and the Swords. D'Tan seems to like some of the imagery, which is fair, since as bad as Romulan politics were at the time (Romulan proles used to send swords to their Senator as a polite request for an honorable suicide) it's better than the police state period.

    That said, it's the most coherent picture of Romulan culture basically ever and they're very well written, so they're definitely a great source for references, just the 'canon' history did not appear to go quite the same way. The 'Mnhei'sahe' concept of Romulan honor is very important to defining the Romulan Republic in STO.

    Ael is so badass it'd be a shame if she existed in universe, because she failed pretty totally if she did, sadly. :(
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    ailmere wrote: »
    For Starfleet you could have Rimmer from Red Dwarf, a pompous, selfish moron who wishes for glory, he will cheat, lie, betray his friends and sell his entire family off for a promotion.

    Have you been peaking at my new Fed Alt?


    Such a shame we can't have photonic captains :rolleyes:.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • k20vteck20vtec Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    For my DR-event, I headcanon that my fed-main(if you have one) got his memory wiped at some Point after he received the going-back-in-time mission in tutorial, so he have no idea he went around the galaxy collecting iconian stuff. So the normal fed-story is the "adjusted" version of his memoy, while the DR-events are what really happend. As for potential temporal paradoxes, well TRIBBLE that, we cant even go to our nearst planet so stop worring about temporal paradox.
    Hast thou not gone against sincerity
    Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
    Hast thou not lacked vigor
    Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
    Hast thou not become slothful
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If I weren't otherwise bogged down with university work (and had the Zen with which to make an extra character), I would have considered making a Delta Recruit. As it is, I don't see any point-- the bonuses that my other characters would get don't seem that big.

    Back on topic: really, just go with whatever race you like the background of the most, or you think looks coolest to you. Otherwise, for the sake of originality, I would suggest you go for races no one else ever seems to go for. Federation players, for instance, seem to gravitate towards Humans, or Human-like species (Betazoids, Trill, Bajorans) and Andorians. But I hardly ever see Tellarites, Benzites or Bolians walking around. Similarly, the KDF seems to be populated mostly by Gorn and Orions: its rare to see a Nausicaan or Lethean character.

    Of course, there's the limitless options of an Alien character.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Vice-Admiral Vazlav is a Tellarite. :)

    And you don't need Zen to start a Delta Recruit, unless you want to buy a playable race you don't have access to yet - everyone got a free character slot.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If I weren't otherwise bogged down with university work (and had the Zen with which to make an extra character), I would have considered making a Delta Recruit.
    You get one Delta Recruit Slot for free.
    As it is, I don't see any point-- the bonuses that my other characters would get don't seem that big.
    Let's see. You get a s.it ton of marks of your choice, a holographic engineering Boff, another s.it ton of R&D materials and components of all kinds of quality, a ground device, a space device, a starship trait and 10k dil. And you can claim all of this on every character you have.
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    You get one Delta Recruit Slot for free.

    Let's see. You get a s.it ton of marks of your choice, a holographic engineering Boff, another s.it ton of R&D materials and components of all kinds of quality, a ground device, a space device, a starship trait and 10k dil. And you can claim all of this on every character you have.


    Okay, I clearly need to make a Delta Recruit now. Which means it's now my turn to hem and haw over what character archetype/race to use. I could go for a Betazoid and create Talas Adara, but I've already killed him off in-story, so...

    OP: When all else fails, use some of your favourite characters in fiction as (loose) inspiration. For instance, I may or may not have a Romulan alt who bears an uncanny resemblance to Star Lord...

    Alternatively, promote one of your first officers! If you have a BOFF who you really like, make a Delta Recruit version of him/her and say that they've finally been promoted to Captain instead of being Rikered for most of their careers.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Centauri oppressor*, I recommend that you go with a Lethean. I've been playing one, and they are SO fun. I can disintegrate people with my MIND!!!

  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Did someone let the Narn in? I thought I smelled a distinctive odor around here.

    I could make a Lethean, except I doubt I could make one that I'm nearly as satisfied with as I am with Ressic.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Did someone let the Narn in? I thought I smelled a distinctive odor around here.

    I could make a Lethean, except I doubt I could make one that I'm nearly as satisfied with as I am with Ressic.

    Centauri Prime will burn once more beneath the vengeance of the Narn, Drakh-controlled "Emperor"!

    Try a Nausicaan, then. They look super cool.

    Nausicaan science officer? That could certainly be fun.

    Alternatively, try a Reman if you haven't already. They unlock for free with Romulan rep tier 5, and the Mind Drain is just as fun as Rapture.
  • proteusrexproteusrex Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Alternatively, promote one of your first officers! If you have a BOFF who you really like, make a Delta Recruit version of him/her and say that they've finally been promoted to Captain instead of being Rikered for most of their careers.

    Hadn't considered that.... But rolling that idea around in my head has been fun. Not only would it help develop a character that I really like and never gets much attention, but it would allow me to change up my main's senior staff.
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Did someone let the Narn in? I thought I smelled a distinctive odor around here.

    I could make a Lethean, except I doubt I could make one that I'm nearly as satisfied with as I am with Ressic.
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Centauri Prime will burn once more beneath the vengeance of the Narn, Drakh-controlled "Emperor"!

    Try a Nausicaan, then. They look super cool.

    Nausicaan science officer? That could certainly be fun.

    Alternatively, try a Reman if you haven't already. They unlock for free with Romulan rep tier 5, and the Mind Drain is just as fun as Rapture.

    Reman is an interesting idea. Other ideas I was considering include:

    -A Klingon (possibly Liberated Borg)
    -A Vorta*
    -A Vaadwaur*

    *Though this would require endless grinding for race-appropriate ships, weapons and clothing.

    OP: Another option, if you're willing to go through the grinding for it, is to RP as another race/faction. For example, I know of one poster who created a Hirogan toon and boffs, and managed to get Hirogen weapons, armour, and a ship for them.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Reman is an interesting idea. Other ideas I was considering include:

    -A Klingon (possibly Liberated Borg)
    -A Vorta*
    -A Vaadwaur*

    *Though this would require endless grinding for race-appropriate ships, weapons and clothing.

    OP: Another option, if you're willing to go through the grinding for it, is to RP as another race/faction. For example, I know of one poster who created a Hirogan toon and boffs, and managed to get Hirogen weapons, armour, and a ship for them.

    Vorta would only really require replaying 2800 a lot and buying a Jem'Hadar ship--there are like 4 options now, so it'd be tough but doable.

    Vaadwaur would be significantly harder and you wouldn't have appropriate armor but you would have the Lobi uniform.

    I dunno about a Klingon unless you break the mold and go Eng or Sci. Both of those provide a lot of RP options.

    Speaking of Vorta, BTW, when can we expect another chapter of Suspect? I'm super excited!
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Centauri oppressor*, I recommend that you go with a Lethean. I've been playing one, and they are SO fun. I can disintegrate people with my MIND!!!

    It's even more fun when you do ground with an all Lethean mind **** squad.
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