Hard level of power plant in Defera is totally bugged. I'm teamed but no option to start. Yes, we have the missions and all that. None of the rooms work.
Typical - fix a few things and a few more things break.

EDIT: City is also bugged, you can start but no reward given.
Ticket ID #3,351,251.
It's a shame, I kinda like the idea and look of defera, but the missions feel totally outdated, unrewarding and sometimes a bit of a drag (like tagging those bloody monuments or knocking on those doors when nobody bothers to open).
(Unless you want to call him a space ogre, not really that accurate..he's more of a dinosaur.)
Works as intended, I think.
And things seem to be working..ish for one round. And then they weren't. Still bugs off and on, can't complete PP.
*Yes, knocking on the doors take FOREVER. They need to slightly tweak that. But they won't.
1) A group enter the room and activate the console (in this case the room and the console are not bugged yet).
2) The room activate and the Elite borg came out.
3) The Elite borg receive so much damage that he die before being able to came back to its force field and complete the action/animation (this should not happen, but since the equipment is so much better now than before it happen more and more often)
4) Room is broken and players are forced to beam up since they cannot exit or continue (the entrance is blocked by a force field)
This give ---> 5) After every player beamed out the force field that block the room disappear. Unfortunately this leave the room bugged (in the sense that it cannot be activated again).
Again, I am not sure if this is exactly what happen. A confirm would be nice.