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Personality types on Ten Forward?



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    kuntelkuntel Member Posts: 16,484 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    INTJ "The Architect".

    I like it.
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    artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Analysts: INTJ The Architect. Good choice for my characters then, I took it for them and me and got the same type all the way through.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    60% Introverted. 54% Intuitive. 70% Thinking. 46% Prospecting. 11% Turbulent.
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Pretty interesting, as I work as an engineering technician.

    Edit: Wiki also says, INTJ's are among the rarest tested at 1-2%...
    Summary made quite a lot of sense to me.

    Edit2: either there's a lot of INTJ's drawn to trek, or the rarity comment in the link is off base.

    Lots of em here.
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Guess mine, I dare you.

    ...I double dog dare you.
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    jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type - but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

    INFP personalityBeing a part of the Diplomat (NF) personality group, INFPs are guided by their principles, rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Explorers), or practicality (Sentinels). When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honor, beauty, morality and virtue - INFPs are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and punishments. People who share the INFP personality type are proud of this quality, and rightly so, but not everyone understands the drive behind these feelings, and it can lead to isolation.

    All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    J. R. R. Tolkien

    That largely fits... :)
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i have always tested as intp, although i wonder if that result is due to confirmation bias.
    i think the mmpi is a far more accurate test. that one can be so accurate that its frightening.
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    farktoid5000farktoid5000 Member Posts: 72 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2015
    INTP. Huh, it changed again.

    > They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP.

    That's QA work in a nutshell. Spot on there, unfeeling brain robot.
    Follow your friendly neighborhood EQAH on Twitter! @CrypticEQAH
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,391 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Guess mine, I dare you.

    ...I double dog dare you.
    MLPQ-A "Godlike".
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Virtuoso (ISTP-A)
    ISTP Personality (“The Virtuoso”)
    I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.
    ---Harrison Ford

    ISTPs love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go. Often mechanics and engineers, ISTPs find no greater joy than in getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, just a little bit better than they were before.

    ISTP personalityISTPs explore ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. They enjoy having other people take an interest in their projects and sometimes don't even mind them getting into their space. Of course, that's on the condition that those people don't interfere with ISTPs' principles and freedom, and they'll need to be open to ISTPs returning the interest in kind.

    ISTPs enjoy lending a hand and sharing their experience, especially with the people they care about, and it's a shame they're so uncommon, making up only about five percent of the population. ISTP women are especially rare, and the typical gender roles that society tends to expect can be a poor fit - they'll often be seen as tomboys from a young age.
    Dare to differ

    While their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, ISTPs are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, ISTP personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. ISTPs can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.
    Rather than some sort of vision quest though, ISTPs are merely exploring the viability of a new interest when they make these seismic shifts.

    ISTPs' decisions stem from a sense of practical realism, and at their heart is a strong sense of direct fairness, a "do unto others" attitude, which really helps to explain many of ISTPs' puzzling traits. Instead of being overly cautious though, avoiding stepping on toes in order to avoid having their toes stepped on, ISTPs are likely to go too far, accepting likewise retaliation, good or bad, as fair play.

    The biggest issue ISTPs are likely to face is that they often act too soon, taking for granted their permissive nature and assuming that others are the same. They'll be the first to tell an insensitive joke, get overly involved in someone else's project, roughhouse and play around, or suddenly change their plans because something more interesting came up.
    Nothing is as boring as everyone agreeing with you

    ISTPs will come to learn that many other personality types have much more firmly drawn lines on rules and acceptable behavior than they do - they don't want to hear an insensitive joke, and certainly wouldn't tell one back, and they wouldn't want to engage in horseplay, even with a willing party. If a situation is already emotionally charged, violating these boundaries can backfire tremendously.

    ISTPs have a particular difficulty in predicting emotions, but this is just a natural extension of their fairness, given how difficult it is to gauge ISTPs' emotions and motivations. However, their tendency to explore their relationships through their actions rather than through empathy can lead to some very frustrating situations. People with the ISTP personality type struggle with boundaries and guidelines, preferring the freedom to move about and color outside the lines if they need to.

    Finding an environment where they can work with good friends who understand their style and unpredictability, combining their creativity, sense of humor and hands-on approach to build practical solutions and things, will give ISTPs many happy years of building useful boxes - and admiring them from the outside.

    Famous ISTPs:
    Clint Eastwood
    Milla Jovovich
    Frank Zappa
    Zachary Taylor
    Tom Cruise
    “Michael Westen” from Burn Notice
    “Jack Bauer” from 24
    “Indiana Jones” from Indiana Jones series
    “John McClane” from Die Hard series
    “Angus MacGyver” from MacGyver

    Hrmm, yeah, I don't like tests like these.
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    MLPQ-A "Godlike".
    Yessss yessss!!!

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    yuzralyuzral Member Posts: 160 Media Corps
    edited April 2015
    ISTJ-X as usual for me.
    Blatant self-promotion: Producer of the Delta Rising Tribble Timewarp, Foundry Frolics and more: http://www.youtube.com/user/Yuzral
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    moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I took the test and..well...

    *jerks a thumb over the shoulder to a destroyed, burning computer*

    I dunno what THAT means, but I'm gonna just go ahead and say you shouldn't try to figure me out ever again.

    *walks out of the thread, whistling "Goodbye Horses"*
    "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

    -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
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    icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    First time I took this test (this being my second), I was given "INFJ-T." And it fit better than the one I just got, INTP-T. But not by much. I appear to be a hybrid of the two.
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    lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I got an ESTJ-A Result ("The Executive")
    Extraversion - 49%
    Sensing - (Observant) 27%
    Thinking - 42%
    Judging - 37%
    Assertive - 20%
    ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, ESTJs often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I received a personality type of:
    ESTJ Personality (“The Executive”)

    Good order is the foundation of all things. — Edmund Burke

    ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, ESTJs often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    icegavel wrote: »
    First time I took this test (this being my second), I was given "INFJ-T." And it fit better than the one I just got, INTP-T. But not by much. I appear to be a hybrid of the two.

    That can happen. I always fall somewhere between INFJ and INFP and honestly neither profile seems by itself to fit me. Taking both together makes more sense.

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
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    rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    INTP-T. I've known this since like 2004
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
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    sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ISTP-A, the Virtuoso. This test actually gave my highest "assertive" score that I remember seeing, and the lowest "thinking" vs. "Feeling" ratio.

    I like the little cartoon engineer holding a power drill saying "Oh, I know how to fix this." That's definitely me. :cool:

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
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    sarreoussarreous Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I've taken a different version of this test twice before. The first time I was INFJ, the second time INTP. Both times were borderline INFP. More than two years have gone by since then, and the test was simply "Yes" or "No" instead of sliders. Maybe I'll take this one sometime soon.

    Matching my previous results with the categories on the linked site, I'm possibly a Logician, Advocate, or a Mediator.
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    g0vawkg0vawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I took the test twice;

    First time I was in a good mood, rather cheery, and got ISFP-T

    Second time I took it I was in a 'I'm gonna f**k **** up' mood and got an ESTJ-S.

    I went with the answers that felt right at the time so.. ~I think these two personality types reflect who I am rather well (for now anyway)
    It's not what is done or said but why.
    Words and actions may be judged, but motives?

    Motives are truth to a believer
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    bobsled624bobsled624 Member Posts: 267 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    ESTJ Personality (“The Executive”)

    Good order is the foundation of all things.

    — Edmund Burke

    ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, ESTJs often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

    Captain Mark Shranz | bIng 'aj Ro'Tal | erei'Riov Koval tr'Liun

    "Your fun is not wrong" -Jeremy Randal@borticuscryptic

    Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
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    gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sander233 wrote: »
    ISTP-A, the Virtuoso. This test actually gave my highest "assertive" score that I remember seeing, and the lowest "thinking" vs. "Feeling" ratio.

    I like the little cartoon engineer holding a power drill saying "Oh, I know how to fix this." That's definitely me. :cool:

    Some of it I could see. Other times, I wasn't sure if I was reading your profile or Jesu's ;)

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
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    rambowdoubledashrambowdoubledash Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am an Adventurer. ISFP-A.

    8% lean towards introverted over extraverted
    13% lean towards observant over intuitive
    24% lean towards feeling over thinking
    35% lean towards prospecting over judging
    19% lean towards assertive over turbulent.

    "Everyone is an artist, but not everyone knows it!"

    Sounds about right.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I got what I typically have gotten on these:


    In this case?

    ENTP-A: The Debater

    The Trek character I think we ENTPs most often get compared to is Q. This quiz cites Tyler Durden and The Joker as being in our archetype and I guess I can see the correlation to Q there.

    I have seen Kirk get labeled at ENTP but then I think there are basically several versions of Kirk who are practically different characters. I see early TOS Kirk, late TOS Kirk, early movies Kirk, late movies Kirk, and JJ Kirk as having five different personality types. I also think movies Picard has a different personality than TNG through Generations Picard but that nobody ever is refering to First Contact through Nemesis Picard (who you also see glimpses of in a couple of TNG episodes) when they talk about the character. Most people think of the introverted, principled guy who hates kids and emotes well for memes, not so much the guy who smashes display cases and loves fast cars and fast women.

    I think aging and balancing duty with his impulsive and egotistical streak was a BIG thing for Kirk that prompted big changes. Probably no other Trek character cared about aging or the limit of his own ability to bluff/cheat/win as Kirk. I think maybe Kirk was an ESTP under all that life experience but that situations and duty probably forced him to modulate and control a lot of those traits, such that he ended up forcing himself to behave like other types out of feelings of duty or personal responsibility or extreme grief/regret.

    Picard, meanwhile, was -- I think -- a hotheaded and impulsive guy who tended to let tragedies or missed opportunities in his life lead him to control or modulate those impulses. The further he gets from facing a tragedy, the more... well... ADHD and intense he could get. Interaction with the Crusher family, the artificial heart, his assimilation, and the loss of Robert/Rene tended to bottle up and make him more introverted and considered. I see him as an ENFP who life molded into an INTJ. We see the real man cut loose as Dixon Hill.
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