1. KAx USES 2 Kopy of FBP SO Teh EEMNRgy STuff ISnt MUCH OF a BIG DEEL.
2. KAX KARy a BRIdGE OFFicer thaT has 2 KOPY Of RSP, KAX CYCLE Tehm BETWeen FBP IF KAx In TrubblE
3. TEH VESTA BUBBLE THingY... Uh >.< U KNOW that ! konsOLE ITS aLL PURPLe AMd SOFt and OH GAWD kaX JUST LUV THat 4 Teh VISUAl EFFECT itS LIKE ALL TrANCe-TEknoIsh... OH WAIT!!!! ***stay on topiK STAy on ToPIK***STAY ON TOPIK*** >.<
OHHHH WELL IF PPL sHOOTin at KAx Maor (oh gawd MAor) With TRHanFAzik TPRpedoes MAinly Tehn KAX just EQUIPs a MONOTAnium that KAx GOt from THAt DILIuium MiNe by Deeeeep sPAce 9. AND REALLy HELps KAx STAy alive maor SO PPL kan shoot at KAx MAOR!
BUT.. Teh REEEL SEKret (frOm a TAktikal KAx PErSPEctive) is USing GO DOwn Fiting, and PRetending TO BE "in trubbLe" u Know What KAx MEEN? Like PPL tHinKin OKFG Look KAx in Trubble LETS FOkus on KAx n Stuff MAor and KAx is Leik ALL "YEs fokus KAx Kome to KAx KAx be Playing FAKe Inury KAx!!! ahahahaha Kry WOLF KAX!!!!1one!111 and POOf KAx RSP and uSE that QUANtum BUbble Thingy and GET aLL suoper TANKy and PPPl DissAPrear fast and REspwan and a few min later thAY aLl fall 4 it Again.
Yay! Kax is bax to the max!! Seriously though, all OPvP was mostly lame, but now with you back, there's something worth reading lol
Since you're running RSP, get the new trait off of the t6 galaxy. I'm getting some good hits with it on my scryer. It will make another reason to shoot at kax!!
WELL FiRSt OF aLL This IS Teh KLngons FAUlt, THEy Had a WAR AGainSt TRIbbLEs and APPARentLY MIsseD teh PLacE WheRE DIsEASEd TRIBblES MAke StARshiP HuLLs SIcK >.<
sO Ya!!! Its Liek HAVing A kold!! LikE U Ship Bein Sik!! TeheheheheeEE!!!!!
SO KAx WOndeRS if KAx Should Pak DAYkwILL Or NIteKWill TO CUre Teh COLD!! BEKause Tey is COmming to sHOot At KAx with Tis SKiLL!!
PaRT OF Teh BATTLEKAX AKtionPAx PlaYseT is Teh DOFF KeeL'eL WARp koRE enGineer, ANd kaX is WOnderin If He Kures Teh shiP COld as WELL as DAYkwill Or NIKWill WOuld???
SO LEts SAY KAx wouLD USe THis SKILL on some1 ELSE... HMM >:D AHhh EVIL KAX!! O.o
KAx WOUld Use Tis whEn Tey IS LOw on HEAlth AND WEnt THRouGh A feW CycLEs of UsIng ThEiR sKills, ANd THen GIve THem a Kold when THEir iMMune SYStem Was WEEK >:D
ANd TANk U fro SHOOoooooOOOOTInG AT KAX!!!!!!!1111oneone
I don't PvP much, but even I heeded the call occasionally when BaTTle KaX made the call in the OPVP channel in the past. Figured like a lot of other folks he got fed up with STO PvP and moved on; but I guess he's come back for a bit
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Battlekax tO ThE max!!!!
SupPer MetAlBaX aPPREciatiON TrhEad xD
Ah the good ol' times!!
Not first lol?!
i allways liked Kax
JOIN us in Star Citizen https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/INQ <
2. KAX KARy a BRIdGE OFFicer thaT has 2 KOPY Of RSP, KAX CYCLE Tehm BETWeen FBP IF KAx In TrubblE
3. TEH VESTA BUBBLE THingY... Uh >.< U KNOW that ! konsOLE ITS aLL PURPLe AMd SOFt and OH GAWD kaX JUST LUV THat 4 Teh VISUAl EFFECT itS LIKE ALL TrANCe-TEknoIsh... OH WAIT!!!! ***stay on topiK STAy on ToPIK***STAY ON TOPIK*** >.<
OHHHH WELL IF PPL sHOOTin at KAx Maor (oh gawd MAor) With TRHanFAzik TPRpedoes MAinly Tehn KAX just EQUIPs a MONOTAnium that KAx GOt from THAt DILIuium MiNe by Deeeeep sPAce 9. AND REALLy HELps KAx STAy alive maor SO PPL kan shoot at KAx MAOR!
BUT.. Teh REEEL SEKret (frOm a TAktikal KAx PErSPEctive) is USing GO DOwn Fiting, and PRetending TO BE "in trubbLe" u Know What KAx MEEN? Like PPL tHinKin OKFG Look KAx in Trubble LETS FOkus on KAx n Stuff MAor and KAx is Leik ALL "YEs fokus KAx Kome to KAx KAx be Playing FAKe Inury KAx!!! ahahahaha Kry WOLF KAX!!!!1one!111 and POOf KAx RSP and uSE that QUANtum BUbble Thingy and GET aLL suoper TANKy and PPPl DissAPrear fast and REspwan and a few min later thAY aLl fall 4 it Again.
AND THank u or sHOOoOoOOting AT KAX!!!!!!!!
Since you're running RSP, get the new trait off of the t6 galaxy. I'm getting some good hits with it on my scryer. It will make another reason to shoot at kax!!
Best description ever
WELL FiRSt OF aLL This IS Teh KLngons FAUlt, THEy Had a WAR AGainSt TRIbbLEs and APPARentLY MIsseD teh PLacE WheRE DIsEASEd TRIBblES MAke StARshiP HuLLs SIcK >.<
sO Ya!!! Its Liek HAVing A kold!! LikE U Ship Bein Sik!! TeheheheheeEE!!!!!
SO KAx WOndeRS if KAx Should Pak DAYkwILL Or NIteKWill TO CUre Teh COLD!! BEKause Tey is COmming to sHOot At KAx with Tis SKiLL!!
PaRT OF Teh BATTLEKAX AKtionPAx PlaYseT is Teh DOFF KeeL'eL WARp koRE enGineer, ANd kaX is WOnderin If He Kures Teh shiP COld as WELL as DAYkwill Or NIKWill WOuld???
SO LEts SAY KAx wouLD USe THis SKILL on some1 ELSE... HMM >:D AHhh EVIL KAX!! O.o
KAx WOUld Use Tis whEn Tey IS LOw on HEAlth AND WEnt THRouGh A feW CycLEs of UsIng ThEiR sKills, ANd THen GIve THem a Kold when THEir iMMune SYStem Was WEEK >:D
ANd TANk U fro SHOOoooooOOOOTInG AT KAX!!!!!!!1111oneone
anyhow, glad to c u around again.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
KAAaAAaaAaaAAX!!! Hey there! Been missin' ya around here! Welcome back FBP abuser
This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 30 seconds. dont care still posting, yolo
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Real Hell would be ESD.
mA gaWd Yes!!11!
poor virus
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You horny TRIBBLE! :P