My KDF-aligned level 13 Rom Science Delta Recruit cannot run the Uneasy Allies mission. I can initially click the Hail button, see the initial mission dialogue, accept the mission, then click the Transwarp button. At that point, my ship teleports to the Hobus system but the mission is missing from my missions list and I can't enter the system nor is there a "start mission" dialogue box with Enter System button.
I tried to restart the mission from Missions "Featured Episode" tab of the Missions screen, but the Skip and Hail buttons are gray. If I click the mission from the "Overview" tab of the missions screen, the Event: Uneasy Allies popup screen appears with a green Hail and Transwarp button but the problem reoccurs as described in the paragraph above and the mission cannot be run.
I've even completed the original mission that gives me my first "token-bought" ship at level 10 (Centurion) as well as two missions after it but I still can't enter the mission.
My L12 KDF-aligned Romulan cannot start Uneasy Allies.
It says he needs to be L10 or choose a faction.
He also can't seem to use the duty officers that came with the Klingon DS9 bundle - it says he's not high enough level to use them, even though he already got his first Doff Pack from Centurion whaserface at Command and can assign them to missions and to the roster.
One work-around that worked for me is to access the Missions screen, click on the "Available" tab, and scroll down to the "Uneasy Allies" mission listed there. I then clicked the Hail button then the Transwarp button. At that point, I was able to enter the Hobus system and complete the mission.
also a frienmd told me that his non delta lvl 20 cannot start it
It says he needs to be L10 or choose a faction.
He also can't seem to use the duty officers that came with the Klingon DS9 bundle - it says he's not high enough level to use them, even though he already got his first Doff Pack from Centurion whaserface at Command and can assign them to missions and to the roster.
Roms need to complete the rom series mission "Bigger Picture" then they can do the featured episode. Wierd and annoying but can be worked around.