I have been waiting and waiting to see if the bug would get fixed, but it didn't and no one else seems to have posted about it so here it is.
this bug affects the the Fleet Aquarius when using the power Rock & Roll. there is no animation or effects. the Power does seem to activate properly, and I temporarily become immune to damage, but the ship does not do the roll animation.
Also, on my ODY bridge options the is a listing for Aquarius bridge. but the Aquarius Bridge is not listed for the Fleet Aquarius.
I do not own the regular Aquarius ship but since no one else seems to have posted about these two bugs, I am going to assume that they affect both the Aquarius and the fleet Aquarius.
NOTE: this is NOT about the Aquarius given with the Odyssey tactical cruiser console, but with the playable Aquarius that is bought at the fleet shipyard.
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
I've seen this happen with other ships; it is not a 100% reproduce rate, and I don't know how (other than hitting RnR, possibly in-combat) to accurately reproduce it - it's probably ~10-20% of the time.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
it is 100% of the time with this particular ship. It has never worked. not even on tribble. you see the ship speed up a little and you see the little hit markers say immune and miss, but nothing else. on all my other ships R&R works great. at first I thought maybe it was because I had not upgraded it to T5-U, but searching the forum indicated that once the pilot power was unlocked, it was unlocked for all ships regardless of tier. the bug occurs both in and out of combat. Once the servers go up again, I am going to see if Pedal to the Metal works properly on the ship.
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
as for the other bug I mentioned, I hope it's more of an oversight than anything else. I know that there was an episode that used the 1701-F's aquarius bridge asset's so I know why it's available for the Odyssey ships, but the bridge should also be available on the aquarius (and by extension, the fleet aquarius).
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
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Going to check my bridge options when I get home tonight, never knew I was supposed to have it so didn't miss it so far...