Very nice... first time I've seen anyone beat my 1,169.49 from a year and a half ago. I guess I'll have to dig out the corvette and see what new modifications I can make to it.
okay I actually watched that video to the end.. I have to try that :P I dont have nearly the amount of toys this guy has though. I can see speed trials being a cool minigame
Well damn oddly enough I have been playing with speed on my phantom and can get it to be about 360 and not compromising my setup for speed, but now i need to see what i could get out of it. Challenge accepted.
Keep corvette has hit 1618 impulse via [redacted].... and now I need to get rock and theory I might break 2k....
My rule is mk xii only, rep gear is allowed - no lockbox traits, ect though and the ship has to be usable in a pve scenario (to prevent just stacking nothing but speed increasers)
Also I saw a few mistakes in your spoolup - you need to know which are the flat speed increasers and which are multipliers - popping a multiplier too early gives less speed
Well damn oddly enough I have been playing with speed on my phantom and can get it to be about 360 and not compromising my setup for speed, but now i need to see what i could get out of it. Challenge accepted.
broken game is broken.When pvp players were talking about this pve players were debating dps vs borgs.
btw this problem exists because pve heroes (Kirk roleplayers with cruisers) wanted their cruisers to move like escorts.Devs listened and broke the game ....its working as intended.
Meh, I can't prove my claim as I can't videocapture.... if I posted my build, would someone replicate it and show true ludicrous speed for me? (of course it means all my secrets are gone..)
5% of that and is still broken.You probably have no idea how much speed you can get in this game .You can even break the "follow target " control.
You have no hobby used to be flying into a bugs alpha at ludicrous speed (600 or so impulse) - I'd move so fast their alpha was wasted as they'd lose the track and exit the dhcs arc before a full cycle could finish
My only nemesis was spread torps - no way to avoid them, no matter the speed
edit - Yeah, I'm that goit in the blood red corvette who liked to torment you bugs by making you waste your alphas
Meh, I can't prove my claim as I can't videocapture.... if I posted my build, would someone replicate it and show true ludicrous speed for me? (of course it means all my secrets are gone..)
Think of it is not as a secret - it's research, and you're publishing a new theory! You're open yourself up to peer review, which is a good thing! It's for the furthering of mankind!
Or at least STOkind.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
broken game is broken.When pvp players were talking about this pve players were debating dps vs borgs.
btw this problem exists because pve heroes (Kirk roleplayers with cruisers) wanted their cruisers to move like escorts.Devs listened and broke the game ....its working as intended.
You can't call a Risian Corvette a cruiser. Out of the box they're built for speed and maneuverability. It even comes with its own "Go FASTER!" button.
Now cruisers with RCS +ResAll Consoles that have twice the turn rate and a ton more resist than an escort you can complain about. Fleet "no downside" consoles FTW!
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
You can't call a Risian Corvette a cruiser. Out of the box they're built for speed and maneuverability. It even comes with its own "Go FASTER!" button.
Now cruisers with RCS +ResAll Consoles that have twice the turn rate and a ton more resist than an escort you can complain about. Fleet "no downside" consoles FTW!
there is nothing about rissian corvette there.You can get that speed in a cruiser.Pvp players used to do this ...well before everyone left lol
There's the Oberth console. It overcaps your engine(/shield/aux) power to 135. (temporarily)
That was something I was actually wondering about would that console and Override subsystem safeties stack ? was thinking that if so it would give more of a boost
Impulse capaticence cell (ICC), soliton wave (if you have the timing), dueterium surplus
*note- subspace wake could be used, but it makes the speed UI screwy - thus is omitted
Now, heres where most go wrong - you need to realise what are flat increasers and what are multipliers
Flat increasers:
Base speed
enhanced plasma manifold
dueterium surplus
So... heres the trigger process
From full speed (not impulse!), hit epte1 and the enhanced plasma manifold - now hit your multipliers (theory crafting: for soliton it might be best to activate it before epte, ect so the multiplier falls into the multiplier point)
Now activate A2d, APA3 ICC, dueterium surplus, apo then RnR (logically a2d and APA3 is best first as it lasts longest)
With that feel the need..the need for speed!
Now you too can troll bugs in kerrat
edit: mistakenly used my eng go faster build instead of tac who goes a degree faster
Now my Risian Corvette torpedo bomber needs a tune up.
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
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<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
yeah lol APO3 lol
I would also like to see his driver coil points. DC increases the the speed of APO if I'm not mistaken. (I know for sure DC boosts turn rate with APO)
My rule is mk xii only, rep gear is allowed - no lockbox traits, ect though and the ship has to be usable in a pve scenario (to prevent just stacking nothing but speed increasers)
Also I saw a few mistakes in your spoolup - you need to know which are the flat speed increasers and which are multipliers - popping a multiplier too early gives less speed
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There's no consoles that boost driver coil but I know there are warp cores that do boost it.
Engine Battery only gives extra engine power, but he was already maxed out. Maybe an Aux Battery would be better for the Aux2Dampener?
Override Subsystem Safeties is not avaialble on the Corvette, boosting energy past 125 (or 135?) would certainly help.
The aux battery would have helped by increasing the speed multiplier of aux to damp by a large degree
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Then it's a good thing he used one in the video...
btw this problem exists because pve heroes (Kirk roleplayers with cruisers) wanted their cruisers to move like escorts.Devs listened and broke the game ....its working as intended.
5% of that and is still broken.You probably have no idea how much speed you can get in this game .You can even break the "follow target " control.
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You have no hobby used to be flying into a bugs alpha at ludicrous speed (600 or so impulse) - I'd move so fast their alpha was wasted as they'd lose the track and exit the dhcs arc before a full cycle could finish
My only nemesis was spread torps - no way to avoid them, no matter the speed
edit - Yeah, I'm that goit in the blood red corvette who liked to torment you bugs by making you waste your alphas
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Or at least STOkind.
Right..when I'm on sto next, I'll type out my setting, powers, ect and lets see if I can't hit 2k impulse
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You can't call a Risian Corvette a cruiser. Out of the box they're built for speed and maneuverability. It even comes with its own "Go FASTER!" button.
Now cruisers with RCS +ResAll Consoles that have twice the turn rate and a ton more resist than an escort you can complain about. Fleet "no downside" consoles FTW!
there is nothing about rissian corvette there.You can get that speed in a cruiser.Pvp players used to do this ...well before everyone left lol
My character Tsin'xing
Yeah; got myself confused with turn-speed based on Engine power. :P
That was something I was actually wondering about would that console and Override subsystem safeties stack ? was thinking that if so it would give more of a boost
Burstorions Super corvette speed demon build
(please note this follows my build rules of rep items/traits allowed, lockbox not allowed*, mk xii only and it has to be a build that works in pve)
(*lockbox consoles that appear on a c-store ship are allowed)
(Please note, only relevant items have been noted, thus theres no info on torps, ect)
Class: tac
Weapon type - mines/torpedos with beam turret for doffed bos
doffs - 3xdce, 2xbo, 1x a2d
Uni lt - eng team, aux2damp1
lt com eng - epte1, aux2damp1, epts3
Lt tac - tt1, spread2
com tac - tt1, bo2, apo1 and apo3
ens sci - he1
Gear - 8472 rep engine, dyson warp core (I only have 3 points as I didn't want to waste combat stats)
skills: SEP - 7, SIT - 7, batteries 9
traits: warp theorist
space rep: adv engines
Specilizations: Rock n' roll
power settings - 90 aux, 125 engine, 50 shield, 50 weapon
Consoles and other
Impulse capaticence cell (ICC), soliton wave (if you have the timing), dueterium surplus
*note- subspace wake could be used, but it makes the speed UI screwy - thus is omitted
Now, heres where most go wrong - you need to realise what are flat increasers and what are multipliers
Flat increasers:
Base speed
enhanced plasma manifold
dueterium surplus
So... heres the trigger process
From full speed (not impulse!), hit epte1 and the enhanced plasma manifold - now hit your multipliers (theory crafting: for soliton it might be best to activate it before epte, ect so the multiplier falls into the multiplier point)
Now activate A2d, APA3 ICC, dueterium surplus, apo then RnR (logically a2d and APA3 is best first as it lasts longest)
With that feel the need..the need for speed!
Now you too can troll bugs in kerrat
edit: mistakenly used my eng go faster build instead of tac who goes a degree faster
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That looks like a fun build; I might have to try it sometime.
I've passed this along to a fleet mate who makes game videos, so we'll see if he's interested in showcasing your build and ludicrous speed in general.
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<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>