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Upcoming Item Change for Season 10

flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
Captain, long range sensors are picking up a massive Wall of Text headed on a collision course.

First, here’s the TL;DR: We have removed a ton of items from the game, but nothing should have changed for your characters. Be on the lookout for inventory slots containing a black box that cannot be moved or deleted. Also be on the lookout for items have either incorrectly changed into a different item, or have the wrong mark level, quality, or mods. Please report any of these issues to us in this thread so that we can fix them on Tribble as quickly as we can.

And now for the Wall o’ Text:

As a part of the Season 10 update, we’ve made a very large, but hopefully invisible change to the items in your inventories. This change should arrive on Tribble sometime today. Explaining this change will require a little bit of history and a brief look into how we make items in Star Trek Online.

When Star Trek Online was first developed, we made the decision to make every permutation of every item in the game as a separate item object. For example, we made one Phaser Sniper Rifle item for every mark level, quality and mod combination that could possibly exist. If we imagine that there are 12 mark levels, 4 qualities (Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare), each getting a different number of mods, and then 5 mods on top of that (Damage, Crit Chance, Crit Severity, Knockback and Damage Over Time), with Knockback and Damage Over Time only being allowed to appear once per item no matter how many mods it can have, we get…

12 common Phaser Sniper Rifles,
12 * 5 Uncommon Phaser Sniper Rifles,
12 * 3^2 + 12 * 4 + 12 * 3 Rare Phaser Sniper Rifles and
12 * 3^3 + 12 * 3 + 12 * 3^2 + 12 * 3^2 Very Rare Phaser Sniper Rifles.

Add all of that together, and we have 624 different Phaser Sniper Rifles. But we also have 6 different damage types that all have their own Sniper Rifles, which itself is just one of 12 different types of ground weapons. In total, this adds up to 44,928 different items for Ground Weapons alone.

There’s more than just ground weapons of course, we also had to make items for all the different types of Ground Armor and Ground Shields. Then we move on to Space, where we have nearly as many Space Weapons, plus Shields, Deflectors, Engines, Warp Cores, Consoles…

It’s a ton of data. Fortunately, we did not have to generate all of this data by hand; we made tools that automated the process of making these items. But these tools, and the sheer number of items we had to create using them did not come without other costs. Server startup times on Star Trek Online were significantly slower than our other games, and any tool we created that had to interact with our item data was hindered by the sheer amount of data it had to process.

We knew this was a problem, but it was a problem we lived with for four years, until we started talking about increasing the level cap for Delta Rising. We were facing the prospect of adding two new mark levels of equipment on top of what we already have, which would cause an even further increase in the number of items we have. Additionally, we wanted to rework crafting and create a new item upgrade system. Both of those tasks were going to be very difficult to accomplish with our current method of making items.

We decided to invest the necessary time to make a new item system to help accomplish all of the above tasks. We took a very hard look at how we were creating items, and built a new set of parameterized “Dynamic Items” that could accomplish the same goals as our old automated item creation tools. The idea was that instead of needing 624 different Phaser Sniper Rifles, we could create just one Phaser Sniper Rifle that has a set of rules that tell us things like how many and what mods it gets based on quality, and how powerful it is based on its mark level. The quality, mark level and mods on the item would no longer be stored on the items we created as developers, but would instead be stored in the database on the server.

With these new Dynamic Items, adding in Mark 13 and Mark 14 was easy. Upgrading an item from Mark 10 to Mark 11 was as simple as adding 1 to the mark level of that item in the database. Similarly, the new crafting system could now very easily vary the mark level, quality and mods of any items being created.

This was great! We accomplished our main goal of making our Crafting and Upgrade systems possible to develop, while also enabling us to easily add higher mark levels and qualities with relative ease compared to how we had to do it before. But that still left us with two big problems: First, all of the items in your inventories were from the old system, and would not work in the new Crafting and Upgrade systems. Second, we still had hundreds of thousands of items choking our server’s load times and slowing down development of the game.

These two problems, as it turned out, were interconnected. We needed to allow you to upgrade any item you wanted to, whether it was one of the new Dynamic Items or not, but we also wanted to remove all of the old items from the game now that they are no longer needed. To facilitate this, we created a conversion system.

When you attempt to upgrade an item, if it is not already a Dynamic Item, we try to transform it into one. Once the item is transformed into a Dynamic Item, it can be upgraded as normal. If the conversion is successful, none of the stats on the item will have changed. The only indication that anything has changed at all, in fact, is a subtle change in the item’s icon.

For the most part, this system already works well. The vast majority of items in the game can be converted and upgraded successfully. Those items that do not convert successfully can usually be fixed with a simple repair operation, and we can then update the conversion process to account for any mistakes we made.

We’ve been using this conversion system ever since the Crafting and Upgrade system launched more than half a year ago, and it is finally time to take the next step. The change we are pushing to Tribble today will remove over 160,000 items from our data, and will add automated conversion to the new Dynamic Items for any data that we deleted.

What this means for you is that the game’s overall size will be a few hundred megabytes smaller than it would have been without this change, and loading times should be slightly faster. What this means for us is that development will be faster and easier, and we can that much more rapidly and efficiently bring you more content.

However, there is the chance that we missed something important in our item conversion process. If we did miss something, it would manifest in one of two ways: Either the item will appear as a black box in your inventory that cannot be moved or deleted, or the item will either be incorrect as a whole, or will have incorrect quality, mark level or mods. If you see any of those problems on Tribble, please let us know immediately in this thread.

We want to make sure that once Season 10 arrives on Holodeck that all of your items are exactly as you left them. We’ve done a substantial amount of testing to try to make sure we didn’t miss anything. However, the sheer amount of data makes it physically impossible for us to test every single item we deleted, which is why we’re asking for your help and understanding. We have done our best to make this change as seamless as possible, but we want to be as certain as we can be that we did this right.

And if you lasted this long into the post, thank you for reading my massive Wall o' Text! Let me know if you have any questions, I'll do my best to address any concerns.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
Post edited by flyingtarg on


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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    this sounds great! would this reduce the massive server lag STO has been experiencing?
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    this sounds great! would this reduce the massive server lag STO has been experiencing?

    I sincerely doubt this would have any impact on any server lag you're experiencing. For the most part, the servers are running at the full speed we expect them to run. Any sources of lag you're experiencing are likely not related directly to the server processes themselves, but are more likely due to network issues unrelated to the actual server hardware or processes.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    I sincerely doubt this would have any impact on any server lag you're experiencing. For the most part, the servers are running at the full speed we expect them to run. Any sources of lag you're experiencing are likely not related directly to the server processes themselves, but are more likely due to network issues unrelated to the actual server hardware or processes.

    Sooo am I right in thinking that no items are going to be removed from game just swapped out to new ones so to speak if I am making sense
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    And if you lasted this long into the post, thank you for reading my massive Wall o' Text! Let me know if you have any questions, I'll do my best to address any concerns.

    Was a pretty interesting read - that explained pretty well what happened there with some of the items when dropped into the upgrade window and they would "change" even f they didn't change (some might just be a change to the listed Rank or nothing at all). So it's going to be along those lines...but for everything in the game, eh? Nero: UPGRADE EVERYTHING! Kinda - sorta, without the upgrade - just the conversion to dynamic. Interesting...

    Hrmm, that would also potentially address any of the lurking inconsistencies on items that were generated but not updated where wee bits here and there might be off then too, yeah? Cause instead of the potentially faulty data in the object itself, it will be pointing to the same data that other similar objects would be sporting, eh?

    Course, I'm biting my tongue on the question of just how dynamic that system might be...in allowing...er...customization of mods on things. Ahem, I'll shhhhh on that for the moment and just say cool, thanks for letting us know - the technical wall o' text stuff is always fun to read. :D
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    mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited March 2015
    This is all well and good... does this mean that items, such as the Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedo, will be upgradeable?
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    If this in the long run will allow us to CHOOSE YOUR MODS in Crafting and Upgrading, then it's a huge step in the right direction.

    Regardless, I already like this change.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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    jheinigjheinig Member Posts: 364 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    mhall85 wrote: »
    This is all well and good... does this mean that items, such as the Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedo, will be upgradeable?

    In and of itself this process does not make an item upgradeable. Dynamic items can be upgraded, but only if they have an upgrade definition set up that tells the engine how to upgrade them. Items that don't have an upgrade definition will still not show an upgrade option.
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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    I sincerely doubt this would have any impact on any server lag you're experiencing. For the most part, the servers are running at the full speed we expect them to run. Any sources of lag you're experiencing are likely not related directly to the server processes themselves, but are more likely due to network issues unrelated to the actual server hardware or processes.

    well, network requires a lot of information to process. The game for me does not lag when there's just me and a mate doing storyline, but if we bring in a wide range of people with different stuff, especially rainbow boats, we end up with lag. While not exactly related to Cryptic and your servers, it's a lot of information to be going back and forth.

    This seems to reduce the amount of information, it could help with the lag. It'd also explain why Cryptic sees good activity but someone who has to be routed through certain networks get serious slowdowns.

    It's a good idea and I'm curious to see if this will help with that.

    I'm also curious to see the rage that will occur during the transition so of course I'll help with tribble.
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    Sooo am I right in thinking that no items are going to be removed from game just swapped out to new ones so to speak if I am making sense

    Correct. We're not actually deleting items from your character, we're just changing them to point to different item data and then updating them to store all the information about your items on the database.
    Hrmm, that would also potentially address any of the lurking inconsistencies on items that were generated but not updated where wee bits here and there might be off then too, yeah? Cause instead of the potentially faulty data in the object itself, it will be pointing to the same data that other similar objects would be sporting, eh?

    No promises on that front. For the most part, the items that were deleted were all fairly consistent in how they worked. But there might be a few things that were inconsistent or not working correctly before that were changed to work correctly after.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So does this mean the Uncommon Disruptor Mk VII DHCs [Acc]x2 will finally stop dropping?
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So, for those of us who don't port all of our characters over to Tribble on a regular basis...

    Assuming that the item change goes live on Holodeck and we have an item you missed in the conversion, that's in our inventory or in our banks...

    Do we lose that item permanently?

    What should we do with our items in advance of this change to help insure that we're not stuck with a black box taking up one of our bank slots?

    Does this change affect anything besides equippable gear? (Say, food, commodities, tribbles, Boff candidates overflowing from the candidate roster, etc?). To put it another way... what's the definition of "item" in relation to this change?
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I got a good question, have you thought about getting rid of small and medium items like hypos, power cells and shields, replacing them with just the large ones? Also going through the tribbles and redoing them so you get lesser numbers of tribbles?
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    bluegeek wrote: »
    So, for those of us who don't port all of our characters over to Tribble on a regular basis...

    Assuming that the item change goes live on Holodeck and we have an item you missed in the conversion, that's in our inventory or in our banks...

    Do we lose that item permanently?

    What should we do with our items in advance of this change to help insure that we're not stuck with a black box taking up one of our bank slots?

    Does this change affect anything besides equippable gear? (Say, food, commodities, tribbles, Boff candidates overflowing from the candidate roster, etc?). To put it another way... what's the definition of "item" in relation to this change?

    No, it won't mean you lose that item permanently. We have a few systems in place that can help fix broken items once we find them. If this change makes it to Holodeck and we missed something, we can make the appropriate data fix, and there will be a way to force a "retry" of the conversion for any items that were broken.

    This only affects equippable gear. Does not affect food, commodities, tribbles, boffs or devices.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Here's a list of issues with item upgrades on Holodeck, ones that can't be upgraded or convert to the wrong item:


    I'm not sure how outdated it is, but it's a nice checklist of things to be on the lookout for when copying to Tribble.
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    toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Nice and informative post.

    I'm looking forward to that change.

    Off the top of my head, I'd recommend checking old Aegis sets, old Borg weapons (ground and space) and Nukara environmental suits. Those were (are) behaving less than standartly. I could note that Borg weapons, for instance, don't get a rarity increase in damage for the Borg mod currently (AKA they behave like blue weps, only with 3 mods).

    Also, I see quite a few people unhappy about certain build techniques going out of the window with making all gear items dynamic. :D
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
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    salacnar070890salacnar070890 Member Posts: 425 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    tk79 wrote: »
    If this in the long run will allow us to CHOOSE YOUR MODS in Crafting and Upgrading, then it's a huge step in the right direction.

    Regardless, I already like this change.

    The Choose you own mod should not come to this game

    1st. of all the dpsers will calculate what the best mod is for more dps
    2nd. i removes the fun of RNG
    3rd. the exchange whill get heavily inflated with expensive items
    =/\=Priority One Armada=/\=
    32 | Introvert | ADD (W/O Hyperactivity) | He/Him | Hetro-Demisexual | 6’9” ft-in tall | Avatar by: foodcu_be | Gunpla | STO | Yu-Gi-Oh!
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    Here's a list of issues with item upgrades on Holodeck, ones that can't be upgraded or convert to the wrong item:


    I'm not sure how outdated it is, but it's a nice checklist of things to be on the lookout for when copying to Tribble.

    Some of those have been fixed internally. I know QA has had their eye on that list, because they've sent me several bugs from that.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How does this affect item visuals?

    Let'S stay with the example of the federation sniper rifle.

    A Standard Mk II rifle will look pretty plain and some might argue it is the best looking version.
    if you replace that by higher mark and quality version those item visuals will have added doodads and at a certain point holographic blinkies added on top of it.
    If there is now only one version of the item in game with dynamic stats, which visual will it have?
    (I wouldn't minf, just teh basic one as I (and many others) loathe the holographic TRIBBLE on higher level versions) :)
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    No, it won't mean you lose that item permanently. We have a few systems in place that can help fix broken items once we find them. If this change makes it to Holodeck and we missed something, we can make the appropriate data fix, and there will be a way to force a "retry" of the conversion for any items that were broken.

    This only affects equippable gear. Does not affect food, commodities, tribbles, boffs or devices.

    Thanks! Good to know!
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    timelord79 wrote: »
    How does this affect item visuals?

    Let'S stay with the example of the federation sniper rifle.

    A Standard Mk II rifle will look pretty plain and some might argue it is the best looking version.
    if you replace that by higher mark and quality version those item visuals will have added doodads and at a certain point holographic blinkies added on top of it.
    If there is now only one version of the item in game with dynamic stats, which visual will it have?
    (I wouldn't minf, just teh basic one as I (and many others) loathe the holographic TRIBBLE on higher level versions) :)

    The Dynamic versions of the ground weapons vary their appearance by their mark level, same as the old versions. That was actually a big challenge when making the Dynamic Item system. Ground Weapons are special because they change appearance completely as their mark level increases.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    2nd. i removes the fun of RNG

    RNG is needed and can be fun in the right places. But crafting and upgrading have enough crutches that RNG just makes it aggravating.

    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

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    gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Choose you own mod should not come to this game

    1st. of all the dpsers will calculate what the best mod is for more dps
    2nd. i removes the fun of RNG
    3rd. the exchange whill get heavily inflated with expensive items

    1) Min/Maxers already have calculated the best mods for DPS.
    2) You're the only person I've come across to consider the RNG based system "fun". I may not have heard from a fully representative sample, of course, but there's enough dislike of it out there for me to consider your opinion to be very much a minority one.
    3) The Exchange will correct, as such things do.

    Edit: as for the original post -- very glad to see communication that lets us peek "under the hood". The data format change makes a lot of sense and I hope it goes smoothly for you.

    I'll be sure to do new copies of my characters to Tribble once this hits, and report any problems I see.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Nice read, I personally like these updates.
    Sometimes it can be more interesting to see the reasoning behind the changes. Rather then just covering what will be changed.
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    umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    The Dynamic versions of the ground weapons vary their appearance by their mark level, same as the old versions. That was actually a big challenge when making the Dynamic Item system. Ground Weapons are special because they change appearance completely as their mark level increases.

    I'm confused.

    Perhaps I can ask you to confirm an example?

    Say I'm a Romulan Republic character.
    1. I purchase a Mk I wide beam plasma pistol from a Romulan ground weapon vendor (either on the flotilla, or New Romulus Command)
    2. I grab one of these juicy Omega tech upgrades and apply them along with a 1.5 research multiplier. Then I get to upgrade my item repeatedly with chances of getting it up to Epic.
    3. Low and behold, Mark VIIIish, and my pistol is epic [ctrD]x2 [CtrH]x2. I was fairly lucky.
    4. I keep upgrading said pistol until it reaches Mk XIV.
    Question: Does the Wide Beam Plasma pistol retain its appearance back when I purchased it at Mk I, or does it change to match with the 'latest' appearance had for such weapons, which is now the unattainable Mk XI Dilithium store appearance model of those weapons?
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Captain, long range sensors are picking up a massive Wall of Text headed on a collision course.

    First, here’s the TL;DR: We have removed a ton of items from the game, but nothing should have changed for your characters. Be on the lookout for inventory slots containing a black box that cannot be moved or deleted. Also be on the lookout for items have either incorrectly changed into a different item, or have the wrong mark level, quality, or mods. Please report any of these issues to us in this thread so that we can fix them on Tribble as quickly as we can.

    And now for the Wall o’ Text: -snip-

    Wow, this is fantastic news! In addition to the benefits you describe it could also open up the possibility of allowing us to upgrade to specific modifiers as well as allowing us to change modifiers on our gear (for a price obviously).

    Right off the bat the items that probably won't take your changes well is the old Season 5 [Borg] gear as we can't safely upgrade them in the new system without losing the [Borg] modifier.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
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    flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    umaeko wrote: »
    I'm confused.

    Perhaps I can ask you to confirm an example?

    Say I'm a Romulan Republic character.
    1. I purchase a Mk I wide beam plasma pistol.
    2. I grab one of these juicy Omega tech upgrades and apply them along with a 1.5 research multiplier. Then I get to upgrade my item repeatedly with chances of getting it up to Epic.
    3. Low and behold, Mark VIIIish, and my pistol is epic [ctrD]x2 [CtrH]x2. I was fairly lucky.
    4. I keep upgrading said pistol until it reaches Mk XIV.
    Question: Does the Wide Beam Plasma pistol retain its appearance back when I purchased it at Mk I, or does it change to match with the 'latest' appearance had for such weapons, which is now the unattainable Mk XI Dilithium store appearance model of those weapons?

    It will change to match the "latest" appearance. So all Mark 11 Wide Beam Plasma pistols will look the same, but will all look different from the Mark 2 version.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
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    architect13architect13 Member Posts: 1,076 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    624 phaser rifles . . . Are you challenging the player base to collect all? Challenge accepted!
    Have you tried the new forum on your phone?
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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i like to collect things. particularly things that are either hard to find or are no longer obtainable. i already lost a heap of missions due to changes, and now i fear i am going to lose items from my banks. with no easy way to get all those items into tribble... it makes me worry.

    i also need to say that i really like the overall tone of the OP. i love it when people get a bit technical and talk about why and how and all. keep doing that :)
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    teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    It will change to match the "latest" appearance. So all Mark 11 Wide Beam Plasma pistols will look the same, but will all look different from the Mark 2 version.

    That sucks you know. Most of the early weapons look so much better than their later counterparts
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    frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have to say that this update is quite scary. I haven't upgraded anything since the upgrade system went live, so every piece of equipment I own will be replaced with a new version that hopefully won't be bugged. I even own items that you can no longer get in the game, such as the old anti-Borg guns from before the Omega rep.

    Flyingtarg, out of curiosity, how are the TP values for items stored? Two items with exactly the same mark, rarity, and modifiers could have different TP values, depending on how much was spent upgrading the items. For example, Alice's Phaser Sniper Rifle Mk XII could have a different TP value than Bob's Phaser Sniper Rifle Mk XII. It seems to me that every instance of an item (not just every permutation) would need separate storage. You can use programming technobabble in your explanation if you wish; I'll probably understand it.

    P.S. Why isn't this thread stickied?
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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