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Perhaps it is time...



  • lealundlealund Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Most pvp communities have friction mostly because people get mad when they encounter someone that they cannot kill these people are special needs... I have made friends with most people in the game but some just hate to get owned in a game. You need to get over this!

    pvp community in sto died when special needs was able to compete! The devs simplified the game so bad that any kid can be some what good by using op items. More difficult means more intelligent people and usually these people can see logic not all but most.

    Every update they come out with op stuff so people buy it then they nerf it then come out with another op skill/ship/console bla bla and people have to trash their old nerfed op item to get the new shiny that cost $$!

    I was able to use skill to win fights most of my ships pre DR were blue/green mkxi gear with hardly any rep Hannibal gave me the hardest fights I really had to time everything perfect against him because he was also skilled in that escort. The DR update made it so skill went out and repeat spam was even more powerful. Spam ss, fbp, torp spread whatever he who gets the lucky crits off wins!

    Now you need the gear and the rep to do it so 99% of your game play is grind rest is pvp...

    Why is the comunity dying?!... Let me recap special needs can compete, spam/gear can over come skill, long ours grinding same missions over and over to get new rep/skill to spam, and the last people seam to think their pixels are REAL!!!!???...

    Horizon i miss our fights :(

    How depressing. I played STO regularly for about 3 years then walked away about 2 years ago. Pay-to-Win was one of the things that turned me off. In my season it was the Jem Haddar attack ship that was the must-have item. I'd been half-heartedly considering a return to the game. Not looking good though...
  • dant158#3249 dant158 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The writing was on the wall for pvp in STO as early as the Rhode Island.
  • illoominartiilloominarti Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Perhaps it's time to wooohoooooooo!!! :D
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    dantrainor wrote: »
    The writing was on the wall for pvp in STO as early as the Rhode Island.

    i remember the push back and disdain for that, that cryptic would sell such a plainly better ship, that the different but equal rule for new ships was about to get totally blown out. then lol F2P, with is just another word for powercreep and micro transactions. then the odyssey and bortas came out with TEN CONSOLES /wrists

    ya, game has been slowly succumbing to those wounds ever since.
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited March 2015
    Perhaps its time...... for me to quit this game.

    Oh wait.

    This happened already 2 months ago

    How could I forget

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    PVP does seem completely dead. Can't get a game going even if you wait in line for hours.

    PVP will be completely dead when the Devs go to the EVE rejects inc. (aka the DPS wizards league) for their QA needs .
    Its too late for STO PVP, was too late a year ago and then they doubled down on it

    They cannot balance the game, the whole revenue model is built on powercreep for $$, they cannot balance and still make money, there's no way out

    The pre-DR attempt by some players to create a one-size-fits-all "vanilla PVP" seemed to show that the basic elements for fun and equal footed PVP is still there to be enjoyed .

    But I get that being on equal footing is not everyone's cup of jawa .
    Thing is, at the point we're at now, I think that we can ask for one of two things:

    Either we can continue the one uproar after the next as more OP BS gets introduced, while at the same time bleeding the PVP player base dry .

    Or ... we can accept that the care bears have won both by numbers and by Cryptic's intent, and we can ask for a cookie cutter type PVP system that will appeal to the care bears -- namely ships that you can choose from that have pre determined permanent loadouts .

    ... and since neither choice is "the best" , we're left with which choice is the worst ...
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Nope Cryptic is not the one to blame about pvp.They make pvp in neverwinter.Geko hates pvp and designed the game so only roleplayers like it (they dont need balance or friends )

    I bet you will say but how can you prove that.

    well you can't see kdf on the scoreboard but they fixed the uniforms ,the chair on the bridge ,they removed everything that annoyed rolelplayers (not only party amps but also baloons from party poopers).The game is designed @roleplayers and like i said it will never work ...they are probably happy with the lol number of players they have now.

    Umm, lolno. There are several issues with this post.

    1) As someone who enjoys story content and RP-type stuff more than PvP or even PvE, they haven't been treating us particularly well, either. No Origin bridge, they've officially said that they don't want to have to make any more KDF story content, etc. Argh.
    2) Fixing uniforms and bridge chairs is really really easy stuff, usually just model issues or maybe a missing object flag. Issues you discuss (balance, KDF scoreboard issue) are coding things, and apparently PvP uses code from a long time ago that the current devs don't even understand how to use. As for balance, getting that right requires development hours of playtesting and tweaking to ensure that nothing has unintended repercussions, and I don't think their stupid deadline system gives them time for that, normally.
    3) No, it isn't designed for roleplayers. If it was, then for one thing we'd have the ability to actually fly our ships from our bridges, the exploration system would've been a primary development priority, there would be full interiors on every ship, and we wouldn't have nearly the amount of PvE queued content we currently have, nor the massive load of weapon variations and combat powers and systems. Hell, ship weapons would probably be always the type that matches the ship.
    4) If they really did have a "lol number of players," they'd probably get the message and start changing things. However, the people I see complaining about stuff on this forum always seem to be the same ones, not the majority of the playerbase... It seems to me that the majority of the playerbase are just zombies that buy every new shiny because "OMG IT'S SO COOL :D"... Which is the only possible explanation for why Cryptic's current model works at all.
    5)The party TRIBBLE was annoying, shut up. :P
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Should they remove PVP? Nope.

    Should they improve PVP with Balance? Yep

    Will they improve PVP? Doesn't look like it.

    Do I still have hope/believe in the Development of STO and its PVP? No.

    Should we open a betting pool to see which will happen first, STO's doors close, or a PVP Update? Probably.

    While I can't predict what will happen in the future, the opinion I have on the topic is that PVP should not get removed from the game, since it still has a function, despite what us forum trolling players, weather former or current, believe.

    How ever it is, to me, a shame that it really only serves a purpose as a testing ground to help find possible PVE Balance issues, instead of using it to actually PVP. :(

    The most promise that STO's PVP had, was when Cryptic was actually going to give rewards to a tournament... until they pulled the support..

    Been a lifer for over 5 years.. Played A few of Cryptic's games in the past, starting with the now dead City of Heroes.. I had such hope for STO when I heard Cryptic was going to be making it. I thought "City of Heroes was awesome, they can't mess up a Star Trek IP!".. 5 years later I'm wondering.. "How the heck could they not have gotten STO and its PVP System wrong??"
    But then I remember.. Not only is this not the same Cryptic.. The Ferengi took over a long time ago.. Wouldn't be surprised if every single Rule of Acquisition could be fully applied with STO.

    So no, I don't think they should just remove PVP.. I don't think its time to do so.
    What I do think it might be time for, is a Revamp of STO, from the ground up. Including a revisit to PVP and what it means to STO. A Shame that's a pipe dream, would cost them too much time, and would not cater to possible lazy programing that seems to be more relevant at times in STO then most other games.

    I would love to see STO take a new direction.. And give us a PVP combat system and balance we could be PROUD of. I won't say that it will never happen.. Even though I might have above previously been giving my opinion that I felt it might never happen.. And even though to me it FEELS like it won't.. I'll give them one more possible chance of optimism, and HOPE it will.

    If only the current feeling of greed involved in STO wasn't feeling like its making Gene Roddenbury roll in his grave.. Then again, I should stop there.. I know i'm not really a "Fan boi" of Sto. I'm not a "Trekkie.." or "Trekker" I just loved watching the show.. and loved PVP Up until around 2012-2013.. Now.. I still love the show.. too bad I hate what PVP has become thanks to PVE.

    Yeah, that's it..that's all I wanted to rant about.. since that really is more of a Rant with one of those.. Too long walls of text.. Oh well.. I would like to at least wonder what ever happened to Tron fighting for the Users? Did he get corrupted by the machine too?
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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