I log in to play the Crystal Entity Event. The only reason most people are logging on today. Surprise Surprise. The event is bugged. You only complete it about half the time when you kill an Entity, and there is only an Entity in half of the event spawns. So basically you have to do 4 of them to get one completion.
It's bugged. They've made changes to it and not tested them, and then when the bugs were reported they've been slow to respond to it. Even though they knew there was a Crystalline Entity event coming up.
You made the mistake of thinking tor was a f2p game.
TRIBBLE advertising I agree... when you accept that TOR isn't a F2P game and just sub... its fine.
It is free-to-play though. They announced publicly that it would be going to that, and then they turned around and locked out a sizable portion of the game's functionality unless someone still subscribed. The big kicker is that they strip functionality from people who fall on hard times and have to let their subscription lapse, basically making it pointless to keep playing.
It is free-to-play though. They announced publicly that it would be going to that, and then they turned around and locked out a sizable portion of the game's functionality unless someone still subscribed. The big kicker is that they strip functionality from people who fall on hard times and have to let their subscription lapse, basically making it pointless to keep playing.
Don't disagree its a terrible model. Either go F2P or don't, can't argue that. Just saying as long as you accept its a Sub only game you can have fun in TOR.
I mean its not like blizzard will let you keep logging in if you fall on hard times.
I guess I'm saying blame EA and there TRIBBLE model... not Bio and there half decent no P2W no Super grind game. Don't get me wrong TOR isn't exactly my fav game in the world.... but ya Bio simply isn't on Cryptics level of incompetent. At least if something gets bug reported 1001 times, Bio doesn't make a big event around it. lol
I finished it on all 7 of my characters without issues, The op must be doing something wrong.
Then again, i did it on normal. If you just want the shard there is absolutely no point in doing it on advanced.
If you are doing it for the shard i would assume you are doing it for the reward and the 50k dilithium...
Man wtf kind of gibbersih is this......your comments make no sense...Why do normal when for a minimal increase in effort you can get the reward plus the extra dilithium and extra research materials...
think before you write....
I stand corrected..maybe you cannot muster the pew pew or play style to survive on advance..my bad.
Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
If you are doing it for the shard i would assume you are doing it for the reward and the 50k dilithium...
Man wtf kind of gibbersih is this......your comments make no sense...Why do normal when for a minimal increase in effort you can get the reward plus the extra dilithium and extra research materials...
think before you write....
I stand corrected..maybe you cannot muster the pew pew or play style to survive on advance..my bad.
His point is valid... if all you want to do is run though 10 toons and get it done to collect a shard... why bother with advanced.
And we all know its advanced that is bugged... cause Cryptic still down't have the map auto warp people out when they fail.... and when they do there to stupid to warp out.
Man wtf kind of gibbersih is this......your comments make no sense...Why do normal when for a minimal increase in effort you can get the reward plus the extra dilithium and extra research materials...
The extra time and effort is not worth the extra 3340 Dil such would generate. The extra amount is quite pathetic over a two week timeframe.
Umm, SOE still exists, they just stopped SWG, EQ and EQ2 still exist
When does EQN come out? Looks like that will be the next title that will seriously generate some amount of "this game will kill [insert other MMO title]."
I've ran three, the two on my FED were fine, as soon as I took my KDF into one, it had already failed. I stuck with it, did the job, rewarded with nothing. I then attempted to go again and warped into an empty map (along with a bunch of annoyed players who had also just warped into an empty map).
I would concur that it is a TRIBBLE poor job for a promotional event to be released that doesn't actually work. Cryptic need a new team of bug detectors, cause the current folk just aren't seemingly capable.
played CEA with my fed and fed/rom and all was fine but when I played CEA with my kdf I had a feeling it was wrong as the entity was there but no other enemy, destroyed the entity and no reward, replayed CE in normal mode and it was fine.
you would think they would ensure this obvious bug was gone before running the event however its hardly the end of the world it just takes a little longer then it should.
I guess the trick is if anything looks amis quit and start over asap or maybe if you find the bug is localised to the advanced version stick to normal for this event.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
You're doing it wrong.
They've dropped the ball here. No doubt about it.
Free Tibet!
It is free-to-play though. They announced publicly that it would be going to that, and then they turned around and locked out a sizable portion of the game's functionality unless someone still subscribed. The big kicker is that they strip functionality from people who fall on hard times and have to let their subscription lapse, basically making it pointless to keep playing.
Don't disagree its a terrible model. Either go F2P or don't, can't argue that. Just saying as long as you accept its a Sub only game you can have fun in TOR.
I mean its not like blizzard will let you keep logging in if you fall on hard times.
I guess I'm saying blame EA and there TRIBBLE model... not Bio and there half decent no P2W no Super grind game. Don't get me wrong TOR isn't exactly my fav game in the world.... but ya Bio simply isn't on Cryptics level of incompetent. At least if something gets bug reported 1001 times, Bio doesn't make a big event around it. lol
Then again, i did it on normal. If you just want the shard there is absolutely no point in doing it on advanced.
Ah, but BioWare is an EA slave. So they don't actually make any decisions any more. :P
For sure they plucking all the whales beautifully so incompetent? No.
It wouldn't be difficult to make the game better, to un-nerf the grinding, turn down upgrading costs, to add animations to game etc.
For example, they could add modifers to upgrading - but why should they, when all the jackasses are already payng them for an un-finished game?
Call it the least motivated mmo company?
Seems with the star trek fanatic whales all you gotta do is to put it up for sale and they going to buy it.
No reason to create any content when you don't have to! Or reply to your customers on your own forum
If you are doing it for the shard i would assume you are doing it for the reward and the 50k dilithium...
Man wtf kind of gibbersih is this......your comments make no sense...Why do normal when for a minimal increase in effort you can get the reward plus the extra dilithium and extra research materials...
think before you write....
I stand corrected..maybe you cannot muster the pew pew or play style to survive on advance..my bad.
His point is valid... if all you want to do is run though 10 toons and get it done to collect a shard... why bother with advanced.
And we all know its advanced that is bugged... cause Cryptic still down't have the map auto warp people out when they fail.... and when they do there to stupid to warp out.
The extra time and effort is not worth the extra 3340 Dil such would generate. The extra amount is quite pathetic over a two week timeframe.
In the time saved you could run a second or third alt though and make even more.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
Umm, SOE still exists, they just stopped SWG, EQ and EQ2 still exist
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
And don't say Funcom; at best, Cryptic and Funcom are equals.
When does EQN come out? Looks like that will be the next title that will seriously generate some amount of "this game will kill [insert other MMO title]."
Wouldn't even help. What they need is more hardware and better optimized databases, and a new ISP.
I would concur that it is a TRIBBLE poor job for a promotional event to be released that doesn't actually work. Cryptic need a new team of bug detectors, cause the current folk just aren't seemingly capable.
you would think they would ensure this obvious bug was gone before running the event however its hardly the end of the world it just takes a little longer then it should.
I guess the trick is if anything looks amis quit and start over asap or maybe if you find the bug is localised to the advanced version stick to normal for this event.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
My character Tsin'xing
4 with 4 yesterday a few hours after the patch and half an hour to spock statues on vulcan and NR. Qapla Spock *Raises a D'K'Tagh*.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I'd really like a new torpedo for my BoPs... but if this is how it's going to go, F*** it. It's not worth it for a new gimmick.
IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)