Hey guys here is a first look - overview of the highly anticipated sector space revamp which is currently on Tribble.
What do you guys think of it?
Do you like it so far?
Check it out!

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iirc, earth is actually on the border between the alpha and beta quadrents
see what the devs will do, if they take our opinions and adjust it. still on fence if its "better".
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Also, did anyone else notice all of the new planets just north of DS9? Maybe a little hint hint for a future season? Looks interesting
Yes, according to Memory Alpha, the Sol system marks the border between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, but it also specifies that it is considered part of the Alpha Quadrant.
Thanks for the sneak peek!
it seems it was just easier for them to put it in the Beta Quadrant.
Free Tibet!
Instead, now they change when you cross one part of space (say Federation) into another (Klingon, to continue the example). Though admittedly, that's just how it appears for Sector Space ones; haven't tried Department yet
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Yep on Tribble since yesterday. Looks good so far.
very impressed... still a little iffy but almost there?
Doubled here!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
"Go and have a wee, the second act gets considerably weirder." -Tim Minchin
When they are no loading screens between sectors that alone makes things better then the current system.
It'll make a good reason to jet around the new sector map if nothing else.
It was addressed in the dev blog.
Mine Trap Supporter
That being said, I think the good work isn't finished. Pop-up missions would be awesome. Not ones where you fly up to a system and "patrol" it, but rather when you fly near a system a random mission can appear. You can choose to ignore it or do it for the chance of new random gear.
Yeah excatly finally no warping to sectors. And yes , the planets north of the DS9 as i said in the video are the rest of the Alpha Quadrant including Ferenginar, Teller, Betazed... and they will be included in some story content according to the Dev blog.
You say it like it's a good thing. But what if I'm at, say, ESD, and want to transwarp to Tau Dewa?! Or the Delta Quadrant? Or DS9? That's gonna be a long flight at Full Impulse.
Transwarp still works, I played around with it on Tribble. If you want to transwarp to DS9 it functions the same way it does right now on Holodeck. If you want to transwarp to Tau Dewa, then it takes you to a central location in that sector.
Basically, you only have to fly across the new sector map if you want to. All the other shortcuts to bypass it still exist for those who don't want to.
Mine Trap Supporter
Check the last couple of minutes of the video, its staying pretty much the same.
Cool. Thx.
I guess it kinda makes sense: the individual sectors still exist, it's just the borders between them that are gone. *nods*
Crafting materials are now gained through finding comets and derelict starships. They have discussed seeding Omega particles around the quadrant as rare spawns to continue the anniversary crafting as a (rare) opportunity to craft without dilithium.
I fully expect revamped exploration will probably involve random missions encountered while roaming around sector space.
They already have kind of implemented something like this. In addition to the regular Deep Space Encounters, there now seem to be named, possibly themed Deep Space Encounters, that show up on the sector map as red marks with a yellow outline. I did one that just involved shooting some Elachi ships, but it's possible both that there are others that will be a bit more involved and/or these new Encounters are still in their early stages/not yet fully implemented.
Speaking of not yet fulling implemented, it seems like Doffing on Tribble might be bugged currently. When crossing from sector to sector, it will briefly show the list of new Doffing assignments from crossing over into the new sector, before popping back to the assignments from a previous sector. I actually sat and watched this happen a couple of times, as I left the Doff window open when I traveled between sectors.
Again, everything is still very much WIP. The Delta Quadrant, as another example, is still divided into two sectors and has the old astrometric grid graphics.
Is there a post or such of a Dev discussing this issue ?
I'm asking as I was quite curious as to why they left the Omega Crafting ingame when no new supply for that crafting was talked about .
i'd imagine because crafting the omega kits takes quite a while and some of us are going to have a lot of traces, slivers and, fragments still in inventory when the anniversary ends
I for one would be pretty annoyed if I at least couldn't convert what I've got leftover