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Is anyone else tired of the bonus XP event?

mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
SO I started a new character because I wanted to enjoy the campaign again from start to finish, a significant part of that, for me at least, is leveling up at a steady pace, now from my experiences it goes something like this, if you just want to power level a character and you're not willing to buy XP boosts then you can do it in about three days, if you're looking for a more immersive experience and stop to read all of the text etc. then it can take about a week, (leveling to 50, that is, before all the Delta level gap BS begins). So we're not talking about WoW levels of grinding, there's really no need for XP boosts.

Every five minutes just lately, Cryptic gives us a bonus XP weekend, which means that if, like me, you generally go for a more immersive experience then you're screwed because with the bonus XP you can go from 0 to 50 in an afternoon, a day if you're taking it slow, so now I can't really enjoy the game FOR FOUR EFFING DAYS (it maybe wouldn't be nearly so egregious if it were only two) , is anyone else having this problem?

"We lasted another year, have an XP weekend."
"We released a couple of new ships, have another XP weekend."
"We ended the anniversary event (after a whole frikkin' month -.-), have another XP weekend."
"We had an XP weekend, have an XP weekend."
"We scratched an itch, have another XP weekend."

Is that what we're doing now? This self-congratulatory BS is really starting to lose it's charm. Every time I start a new character! :mad:

So count me out, I'll just wait until it ends and try again. -.-

I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
Post edited by mushariagain on


  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No I am not tired of these bonus XP Weekends. XP is so hard to get now that I play more when these are running than at any other time. Now if Cryptic had left the rate of leveling alone, instead of turning it into a year long slog, then imho you would have a point.

    I have been toying with the idea of starting a new toon, but then I remember the XP rate this game gives out. At that point I come back to my senses. 11 toons is enough for me.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

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  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So in a game where content scales to your level....
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I love the Bonus XP weekend event...it's frikken AWSUM.

    This is the best time to start another alt.
    For all you single Fed mains out there...start that Tac Orion female like you always wanted to but were ashamed to admit.
    Go ahead.
    She won't bite.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rezking wrote: »
    I love the Bonus XP weekend event...it's frikken AWSUM.

    This is the best time to start another alt.
    For all you single Fed mains out there...start that Tac Orion female like you always wanted to but were ashamed to admit.
    Go ahead.
    She won't bite...

    ... much. ;)
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No not particularly tired of XP event. Why? With the inbound nerf to Argala its one event I dent see the need to participate in.

    As far as “event” in general is concerned yea…. I think I’m getting a bit tiered of all of them. Considering how much cryptic uses this word I better check dictionary to check upon its meaning.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,260 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Not that I mind more XP but...

    It seems that friends, fellow fleeties, and myself used to play the game anytime because it was fun and now we grind events so we don't get left behind.

    The hourly events did far more to bring people together and add variety.

    In some respects these events seem overdone... some sort of twisted way to get more people to play versus ___ ?

    Scratches head.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The sad thing is that the XP weekends aren't a bonus anymore, they are a necessity, if they made levelling fluent then it would be a much more enjoyable experience and the XP weekends would be more of a bonus again.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    adamkafei wrote: »
    The sad thing is that the XP weekends aren't a bonus anymore, they are a necessity, if they made levelling fluent then it would be a much more enjoyable experience and the XP weekends would be more of a bonus again.

    The whole XP thing is a joke throughout the entire game tbh.

    I ran missions I'd left cause I had played them so many times on my main I decided why not on re run them on one of my alts to get some added xp to gain some spec points. . .

    Yes after two entire story arcs I gained THREE xp bars. .

    So I went back and looked at the xp rewards from them and what a shock I found I could get more xp from running Delta Patrols on normal mode in almost 1/4 of the time it took me to play the missions.

    I am not apposed to getting spec points slowly as part of an added incentive to play the game HOWEVER. . I would gladly accept this option if!!! The xp wasn't so insulting else where in the game.

    As it stands I used to log in for anything between 6 - 8 hours a day and enjoy the game but now I log in and think ok what do I do. . . As it's become such a chore to even move off ESD.

    After talking to a couple of fleet mates we all agreed we only really come on to chat to each other and mess with crafting and such as the areas of the the that once were fun now just have been drained and sto although still playable is like having a job.

    Funny thing is I still will not quit the game as it still holds an appeal to me. . So what are you to do. . .
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't see where immersion is broken by being higher level than missions. They scale with you. You can still do Level 1 missions at your Level 50.

    Is this a matter of how NPCs address you by rank? Then it's a different problem.

    XP weekends are fine, highly welcome, and always needed.

    Besides, did you know the max level is 60? And it kind of doesn't stop there.
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  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »

    Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same boat. I don't have a problem with a spec point taking a while to get if the process was fun and didn't feel grindy. What I've suggested in the past is that they take the average player's play time per day and calculate how much exp each thing needs to give (without grinding) in order to complete a primary tree just before the next tree is added, that way most people would get close to completing trees and it would be more fun (emphasis on the more there) yet at the same time progress for the majority wouldn't outpace production.
  • theredcomettheredcomet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    One issue is that the scaling is whacky and you find yourself against a comparatively much harder encounter than you should have gotten at the proper level.

    Cryptic never bothered to think that one through with the xp bonuses: 1-50 don't need em and 50-60 sorely need bigger boosts. (or for that matter just lowering the friggin xp requirements)
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same boat. I don't have a problem with a spec point taking a while to get if the process was fun and didn't feel grindy. What I've suggested in the past is that they take the average player's play time per day and calculate how much exp each thing needs to give (without grinding) in order to complete a primary tree just before the next tree is added, that way most people would get close to completing trees and it would be more fun (emphasis on the more there) yet at the same time progress for the majority wouldn't outpace production.

    What I personally do not get is i know of at least 3 people in game who have
    Without exploits/mega grinds who have managed not only to fill all their trees on mains and many alts but have managed to level all ships too.

    So I'm doing something wrong I feel.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    One issue is that the scaling is whacky and you find yourself against a comparatively much harder encounter than you should have gotten at the proper level.

    Cryptic never bothered to think that one through with the xp bonuses: 1-50 don't need em and 50-60 sorely need bigger boosts. (or for that matter just lowering the friggin xp requirements)

    I never got how the "level scaling" works tbh how they can justify rewarding 10-15k at lower levels yet when you hit 60 say less than 2k is fine.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Not me.

    XP weekend greatly helps people get their spec points.

    and, all the missions SCALE. So what if you do the first arc and are now level 35? Start the second arc and the enemy are level 35! The only issue I know of is you could get a little stuck waiting on your next ship (KDF issue?) for the first free ship as it is gated behind both a level up AND a quest, so you could be facing level 15 enemy in your starter ship, a little rough for new players (experienced players should still be fine).

    If not for the spec points, I would say we need more variety, but with the slow xp gain for those, I would welcome nonstop double xp for the next two years!
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    I never got how the "level scaling" works tbh how they can justify rewarding 10-15k at lower levels yet when you hit 60 say less than 2k is fine.

    First time bonus. The first time a character does any mission the xp is much, much, much higher. I have 1 level 60 who has done almost none of the story arcs --- he gets 10k or so for them. If he repeats one, its 2-3k. That is how it works. My grand plan was to save all the arcs for 60 to get more spec points faster doing different stuff, but the reward is too small so I actually stopped after a few story arcs and just do them when I want to now. It was a good idea but the payout was not worth the trouble.
  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    noroblad wrote: »
    First time bonus. The first time a character does any mission the xp is much, much, much higher. I have 1 level 60 who has done almost none of the story arcs --- he gets 10k or so for them. If he repeats one, its 2-3k. That is how it works. My grand plan was to save all the arcs for 60 to get more spec points faster doing different stuff, but the reward is too small so I actually stopped after a few story arcs and just do them when I want to now. It was a good idea but the payout was not worth the trouble.

    You won't get much trust me I waited for 60 and only got 3 xp bars from 2 story arcs that's why I do not get how it works as it changes with the level you are

    Or should I say the insane amount needed to get 1 spec point so the story arcs help but not as much as a hour in Delta helps
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    You won't get much trust me I waited for 60 and only got 3 xp bars from 2 story arcs that's why I do not get how it works as it changes with the level you are

    Or should I say the insane amount needed to get 1 spec point so the story arcs help but not as much as a hour in Delta helps

    Its just the very high cost of a spec point. The numbers are on-par ... its still 10k for a never done before mission, its just that at 60 10k is like 1/15 of a level, while at level 40, its an ENTIRE level.
  • rnaughtrnaught Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No, I'm not tired of the bonus XP event. The "bonus" XP events should be permanent, at least post lvl 50. The amount of XP needed to level from 50-60 is insane, add in the fact they want us to get Spec points (so we can all have a reason to buy the new "X" Spec tree based ships), but they make getting XP so slow. I believe that I have 13 Spec points so far and we're what, 4+ months into DR at this point? That's basically lvl 63.

    I won't be filling out any spec trees any time soon. If ever. The 50-60+ grind is just so boring that I just cannot find the interest to KEEP getting Spec points as the system is now. I don't mind them taking a bit of effort, but once it became a "chore" to get them, I lost interest. It's nice that whatever I do DOES get me closer to gaining a new Spec point. But, between all the bugs and the amount of XP needed and the fact all we have to do to gain XP anymore is replay stuff we've played to death and they keep nerfing/removing even THAT stuff...

    Eh, whatever. The Devs have shown they really don't care and they will do what they want. I'm sticking around simply because I have nothing better to do ATM. I'm playing less and less every day, pretty soon I may not be playing at all.
    noroblad wrote: »
    Its just the very high cost of a spec point. The numbers are on-par ... its still 10k for a never done before mission, its just that at 60 10k is like 1/15 of a level, while at level 40, its an ENTIRE level.

    I'm not sure what missions you are running, but at level 50+, I'm only getting around 4500 Skill Points for first run, non-replay missions. Some, like Cage of Fire in the Fed side Cardassian arc, only award 2700-ish.

    I still say what they need to do is remove the replay penalty. Let us play what we want without suffering. If they need to, put a timer on replay missions so that people don't just find one quick mish and run it to death. After all, they're doing that with the patrol missions starting tomorrow so why not do it with ALL the content? No more back to back Argala runs.

    I kinda wish now I'd gotten in on those but it just seems so boring. Oh well.
    Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day.

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  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No I am not tired of these bonus XP Weekends. XP is so hard to get now that I play more when these are running than at any other time. Now if Cryptic had left the rate of leveling alone, instead of turning it into a year long slog, then imho you would have a point.

    I have been toying with the idea of starting a new toon, but then I remember the XP rate this game gives out. At that point I come back to my senses. 11 toons is enough for me.


  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    noroblad wrote: »
    Not me.

    XP weekend greatly helps people get their spec points.

    That's how I spent the last one, grinding out the last 35 points I needed. But I held on to them and split them between the Intel and Command tree. I was planning on doing the same again this time round to get the remaining 20+ I need to complete what's left. But since there are a few changes currently in tribble that will take the 500+ patrols I ran through last time and make them to over 750 patrols needed this time. I think I'll go grind from level 63 to 65 in Rift.

    But I will say this, if the Dev's stopped playing around with a certain bat, and returned things to the way they were before this abomination known as DR then we wouldn't have the need to for so many events. Buts that's just my opinion.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    SO I started a new character because I wanted to enjoy the campaign again from start to finish, a significant part of that, for me at least, is leveling up at a steady pace, now from my experiences it goes something like this, if you just want to power level a character and you're not willing to buy XP boosts then you can do it in about three days, if you're looking for a more immersive experience and stop to read all of the text etc. then it can take about a week, (leveling to 50, that is, before all the Delta level gap BS begins). So we're not talking about WoW levels of grinding, there's really no need for XP boosts.

    Every five minutes just lately, Cryptic gives us a bonus XP weekend, which means that if, like me, you generally go for a more immersive experience then you're screwed because with the bonus XP you can go from 0 to 50 in an afternoon, a day if you're taking it slow, so now I can't really enjoy the game FOR FOUR EFFING DAYS (it maybe wouldn't be nearly so egregious if it were only two) , is anyone else having this problem?

    "We lasted another year, have an XP weekend."
    "We released a couple of new ships, have another XP weekend."
    "We ended the anniversary event (after a whole frikkin' month -.-), have another XP weekend."
    "We had an XP weekend, have an XP weekend."
    "We scratched an itch, have another XP weekend."

    Is that what we're doing now? This self-congratulatory BS is really starting to lose it's charm. Every time I start a new character! :mad:

    So count me out, I'll just wait until it ends and try again. -.-

    How many hours a day are you playing? Max leveling in a week (at least to 50) sounds like a lot of time invested per day. Slow it down to a few missions a night and maybe supplement with pvp at each rank to really get the feel ofthe ships. I was max capped when much of the content came out, it didn't diminish the content for me.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bonus XP weekend is da Bomb just like Dilithium weekend it made me feel like one of those guys that actually enjoyed going to work, like a dairy cow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqdEweB_bWg Well at least i was, waiting for the next XP event where STF's no longer grant XP bonus nor do sector patrols and doffing gives no XP WHATSOEVER. lol.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Doffing gives no XP? lolwut? If you choose assignments carefully you can easily get several thousand a day from doffs.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Doffing gives no XP? lolwut? If you choose assignments carefully you can easily get several thousand a day from doffs.

    yep, I get a Specialisation Token each week.

    I have doffed 4 characters from 11-50 and my main from 50- 6? since DR started. About one level per week.

    By the way, the OP hasn't appeared here since he started the thread. So either he was just trolling, or this was one of the most stupidest threads for some time. Well, as if this would mean very much here anyway..
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    SO I started a new character because I wanted to enjoy the campaign again from start to finish, a significant part of that, for me at least, is leveling up at a steady pace, now from my experiences it goes something like this, if you just want to power level a character and you're not willing to buy XP boosts then you can do it in about three days, if you're looking for a more immersive experience and stop to read all of the text etc. then it can take about a week, (leveling to 50, that is, before all the Delta level gap BS begins). So we're not talking about WoW levels of grinding, there's really no need for XP boosts.

    Every five minutes just lately, Cryptic gives us a bonus XP weekend, which means that if, like me, you generally go for a more immersive experience then you're screwed because with the bonus XP you can go from 0 to 50 in an afternoon, a day if you're taking it slow, so now I can't really enjoy the game FOR FOUR EFFING DAYS (it maybe wouldn't be nearly so egregious if it were only two) , is anyone else having this problem?

    Don't get why you have trouble with Exp weekends.

    The fragging content scale, so there is no problem going through it at high level. :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    Doffing gives no XP? lolwut? If you choose assignments carefully you can easily get several thousand a day from doffs.

    yep, I get a Specialisation Token each week.

    I have doffed 4 characters from 11-50 and my main from 50- 6? since DR started. About one level per week.

    By the way, the OP hasn't appeared here since he started the thread. So either he was just trolling, or this was one of the most stupidest threads for some time. Well, as if this would mean very much here anyway..

    The reason I haven't showed up here since starting this was because I couldn't handle so many replies from people who obviously hadn't read what I'd posted, asking questions that I had already answered.

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    SO I started a new character because I wanted to enjoy the campaign again from start to finish, a significant part of that, for me at least, is leveling up at a steady pace, now from my experiences it goes something like this, if you just want to power level a character and you're not willing to buy XP boosts then you can do it in about three days, if you're looking for a more immersive experience and stop to read all of the text etc. then it can take about a week, (leveling to 50, that is, before all the Delta level gap BS begins). So we're not talking about WoW levels of grinding, there's really no need for XP boosts.

    Every five minutes just lately, Cryptic gives us a bonus XP weekend, which means that if, like me, you generally go for a more immersive experience then you're screwed because with the bonus XP you can go from 0 to 50 in an afternoon, a day if you're taking it slow, so now I can't really enjoy the game FOR FOUR EFFING DAYS (it maybe wouldn't be nearly so egregious if it were only two) , is anyone else having this problem?

    "We lasted another year, have an XP weekend."
    "We released a couple of new ships, have another XP weekend."
    "We ended the anniversary event (after a whole frikkin' month -.-), have another XP weekend."
    "We had an XP weekend, have an XP weekend."
    "We scratched an itch, have another XP weekend."

    Is that what we're doing now? This self-congratulatory BS is really starting to lose it's charm. Every time I start a new character! :mad:

    So count me out, I'll just wait until it ends and try again. -.-

    so your bored of it WHY! any extra XP is good XP no???
  • mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    SO I started a new character because I wanted to enjoy the campaign again from start to finish, a significant part of that, for me at least, is leveling up at a steady pace, now from my experiences it goes something like this, if you just want to power level a character and you're not willing to buy XP boosts then you can do it in about three days, if you're looking for a more immersive experience and stop to read all of the text etc. then it can take about a week, (leveling to 50, that is, before all the Delta level gap BS begins). So we're not talking about WoW levels of grinding, there's really no need for XP boosts.

    Every five minutes just lately, Cryptic gives us a bonus XP weekend, which means that if, like me, you generally go for a more immersive experience then you're screwed because with the bonus XP you can go from 0 to 50 in an afternoon, a day if you're taking it slow, so now I can't really enjoy the game FOR FOUR EFFING DAYS (it maybe wouldn't be nearly so egregious if it were only two) , is anyone else having this problem?

    "We lasted another year, have an XP weekend."
    "We released a couple of new ships, have another XP weekend."
    "We ended the anniversary event (after a whole frikkin' month -.-), have another XP weekend."
    "We had an XP weekend, have an XP weekend."
    "We scratched an itch, have another XP weekend."

    Is that what we're doing now? This self-congratulatory BS is really starting to lose it's charm. Every time I start a new character! :mad:

    So count me out, I'll just wait until it ends and try again. -.-

    so your bored of it WHY! any extra XP is good XP no???

    Why do people keep asking this question? No, more XP isn't always good XP, it's only better between level 50 and level 60 where the level grind is absurd. The reason I'm bored of the xp events is made clear in the first two lines of my original post.

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    I can see your point, though from a slightly different angle. Bonus XP for new toons is annoying because while you level fast enough to keep up with the scaling, your gear does not. Not as much of a problem if you have hand me downs from your main toons (though unlikely they kept the middle stuff). I remember doing the Rom Rep missions while one of my boffs wore Mk IV gear. (You can do it though).

    At the same time I very much enjoy all kinds of bonus weekends. whatever they are. Though I have a different attitude than most in this thread, in that I don't think I need to level as fast as possible - I collect XP, I will level, the sooner the better, so bonus is welcome. No bonus: okay. Bonus: thankyouverymany.

    And I agree, although not entirely pertinent to the OP, that doffing is really helpful (don't let the display numbers fool you too much, real rewards at higher levels are way higher than what is displayed). When you know your missions, you can click through a daily run in less than 5 minutes even without optimizing, just knowing where the "good ones" are and starting them without worrying about missing out on better ones or optimal doff allocation. You can easily get 15k XP/day and 1.5k dili/day that way in almost no time. More when you click a bit more around (though diminishing returns apply). Get some bonus event and a lucky crit and 6k dili or 40k XP are within your reach with one set of missions (no relog to start new ones when one is completed). Dunno as much about the XP after the backscaling of the 12h missions, but the dili numbers stay correct.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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