Hi guys having a problem with my laptop playing STO. something is causing the screen to turn black and flash in patchs white. the whole laptop will then crash and the system will reboot and go back to the User logon screen. I could be in game for maybe an hour or 5 mins. does any1 have any ideas if this is a software issue or a hardware issue?
You can improvise by using e.g. a book underneath the rear end of the laptop. Just make sure you don't cover any exhausts and that as little of the book as possible is actually touching the laptop. You want air around the thing, not a desk and not a book.
Basically it sounds like overheating to me. Try getting some air between laptop and desk: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Sa9xZ2xa--/18s3p5qvvc1ympng.png
You can improvise by using e.g. a book underneath the rear end of the laptop. Just make sure you don't cover any exhausts and that as little of the book as possible is actually touching the laptop. You want air around the thing, not a desk and not a book.