So they finally going to make the sector space into a huge map?. From what I remember looking that a map in the wikia of Star Trek STO is currently missing like two or three sectors in the Alfa quadrant which includes the ferengi homeworld. Well if they do here comes the bugs
Functionally, star clusters and Dyson sphere assignments are similar; the only appreciable difference is that star clusters have a waypoint you can auto-navigate to.
Star cluster assignments are a better example, because they're already located in sector space. Adding or removing waypoint navigation is relatively inconsequential to the discussion. Taking a mechanic that's been integrated into system space and slapping it into sector space is likely a recipe for even more bugs.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
Functionally, star clusters and Dyson sphere assignments are similar; the only appreciable difference is that star clusters have a waypoint you can auto-navigate to.
Star cluster assignments are a better example, because they're already located in sector space. Adding or removing waypoint navigation is relatively inconsequential to the discussion. Taking a mechanic that's been integrated into system space and slapping it into sector space is likely a recipe for even more bugs.
Too late? Too early?