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Some fixes heading your way and other FYIs

crypticgekocrypticgeko Member Posts: 87
I hope you are all enjoying STOs 5th anniversary. Our first 5 year mission is completed, and we look forward to the next 5 years.

I wanted to give you a heads up on some known issues that we are working on. Some of these were mentioned in other threads, but I wanted to repost to make sure the info got out.

Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.

There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

There is a known issue with the Omega mini game in Sol and a few other maps where you won’t get credit for the missions We have a fix and will get this one out as soon as possible. Until then, you can do your omega mini game on Star Fleet Academy.

We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.

There are other issues we are also working on, but these were some top issues that several people asked about and I wanted to let you know that we were aware and were working on them.


Al "Captain Geko" Rivera
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bump to make sure it gets onto the Dev Tracker

  • helgmornhelgmorn Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cheers for the update.

    Just dont forget Bajor as well in the Omega Particles minigame.

    Also, Tried Starfleet Academy, it was a no go after half an hour.

    Any chance of extending the Anniversary to compensate for the delays in completing the missions due to bugs?
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope you are all enjoying STOs 5th anniversary. Our first 5 year mission is completed, and we look forward to the next 5 years.

    I wanted to give you a heads up on some known issues that we are working on. Some of these were mentioned in other threads, but I wanted to repost to make sure the info got out.

    Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.

    There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

    There is a known issue with the Omega mini game in Sol and a few other maps where you won’t get credit for the missions We have a fix and will get this one out as soon as possible. Until then, you can do your omega mini game on Star Fleet Academy.

    We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.

    There are other issues we are also working on, but these were some top issues that several people asked about and I wanted to let you know that we were aware and were working on them.


    Al "Captain Geko" Rivera

    Geko thank you for the communication its very welcome and I do wish we'd hear from you more being the lead of STO...


    So just so I know and got this clear the Q mini game (omega particle mini game) can be completed from scanning the molecules within Starfleet academy alone thus meaning we don't have to travel to other maps???


    Only if we have the ESD (SPACE) as part of the mission requirements??

    As this is the only issue I've had with the anniversary event thus far...
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope you are all enjoying STOs 5th anniversary. Our first 5 year mission is completed, and we look forward to the next 5 years.

    I wanted to give you a heads up on some known issues that we are working on. Some of these were mentioned in other threads, but I wanted to repost to make sure the info got out.

    Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.

    There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

    There is a known issue with the Omega mini game in Sol and a few other maps where you won’t get credit for the missions We have a fix and will get this one out as soon as possible. Until then, you can do your omega mini game on Star Fleet Academy.

    We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.

    There are other issues we are also working on, but these were some top issues that several people asked about and I wanted to let you know that we were aware and were working on them.


    Al "Captain Geko" Rivera

    The minigame isn't the issue, it's the non-completeable daily mission due to particles that simply do not exist. So far there's Sol System Space and Bajor Space.

    Get that fixed and extend the anniversary to compensate us for your screwup. Or even better suggestion, just give us the gorram ship like you did in the first three anniversaries.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
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    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    starswordc wrote: »
    The minigame isn't the issue, it's the non-completeable daily mission due to particles that simply do not exist. So far there's Sol System Space and Bajor Space.

    Yeh that's what he's said not the mini game as a whole ((well that's how I read it))..

    And dude wayyy to wind someone up I am pretty sure none! Of this was intentional thus they deserve some leway surely....
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Please acknowledge Bajor Space as bugged. No dev response on the matter so far.

    It's blocking progress for everyone that made it to the second day of the Omega event.
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  • kazabokkazabok Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Only one of the spots at SFA works in place of the Sol system, it's the one tucked in the corner near Professor Neal Meyer, by the fence overlooking the bay.

    If that one isn't in your instance, change instances to hunt for it.
  • fauxpasiiifauxpasiii Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    FYI, you can now drop and reclaim the daily if you have Bajor, and it will give you a different set of locations. They pushed this sometime fairly recently, as I and many others dropped and reclaimed many tens of times and kept getting Andoria/Bajor/SB39, but now it doles out different ones.

    Thanks guys!
  • coraxdracocoraxdraco Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope you are all enjoying STOs 5th anniversary. Our first 5 year mission is completed, and we look forward to the next 5 years.
    They made you say that part. Didn't they?
    I wanted to give you a heads up on some known issues that we are working on. Some of these were mentioned in other threads, but I wanted to repost to make sure the info got out.

    Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.
    Better in ESD. Worse in all other omega particle areas. Wolf 359 just a few minutes ago was as bad with rubberbanding as ESD was yesterday.
    There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

    There is a known issue with the Omega mini game in Sol and a few other maps where you won’t get credit for the missions We have a fix and will get this one out as soon as possible. Until then, you can do your omega mini game on Star Fleet Academy.
    Except that's not the only known bug. There's also the fact that Q gave a daily mission with a requirement to collect omega particles in Bajor Space...which has no omega particles. This is perhaps the same bug where the text displayed isn't where the actual mission objective is located, but nobody found where that was supposed to be.
    We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.
    Yet another one that is just plain wrong. MANY BOFFs lost their skills. All intel officers lost their non-intel skills. Some BOFFs lost their "rare" skills and many more BOFFs lost one or more of their non-rare skills. This list is too long to mention.

    The fact that someone thought it would be a good idea to run a script on each player as they log in to "fix" their BOFF skills is totally beyond me. You DO have databases with all the BOFF skills listed for each player. You DID have maintenance where the servers were down and there was no interference from...say...many players logging in. Not ONE of you thought that you should run the "fix" script on the player databases during maintenance instead of running them as each player logged in? The only thing I can conclude is many of your employees did, in fact, think of that as being the FAR better solution, but management at Cryptic is so toxic that nobody spoke up for fear of reprisal. There is very clearly a SEVERE management problem at Cryptic at the moment.
    There are other issues we are also working on, but these were some top issues that several people asked about and I wanted to let you know that we were aware and were working on them.
    You actually listed more known issues than the "known issues" section of patch notes. It would really be much better if you had a thread that really carried known issues. Not some fake known issues blurb that doesn't even represent 1% of the known issues.

    Known issues created with this patch not mentioned above:
    Delay in using skills.
    Skill GCD feedback on toolbar no longer displays.
    Many skills had stealth nerfs to increase their cooldown.
    The formerly "rare" skills that could only be trained by other BOFFs now effectively removed from game unless you're lucky enough to already have your BOFFs trained AND they didn't get "fixed" to have them removed.
    The omega particle event finishes prematurely when someone else interacts with the particle when you're playing the mini-game
    The omega particle mini-game also has lag issues where the particles jump forward causing you to lose your tempo and miss all the particles that just "beamed" to the other side.

    I'm sure there are plenty of other ones. But those are just the ones I've personally had.
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I wanted to give you a heads up on some known issues that we are working on. Some of these were mentioned in other threads, but I wanted to repost to make sure the info got out.

    Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.

    There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

    There is a known issue with the Omega mini game in Sol and a few other maps where you won’t get credit for the missions We have a fix and will get this one out as soon as possible. Until then, you can do your omega mini game on Star Fleet Academy.

    We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.

    There are other issues we are also working on, but these were some top issues that several people asked about and I wanted to let you know that we were aware and were working on them.


    Al "Captain Geko" Rivera

    While I understand you're aware, working on them, etc., let me ask...

    We do still have the Tribble test server, right? Why wasn't that used to avoid all this, rather than having to fix so much now? Previous releases utilized it (I have the reward tribbles as proof) and there were far less issues on going live with them as I recall. I'm sure it could've helped, at least a little, with the issues at-hand.

    And considering that some of the anniversary event items are time-dependent (i.e. accumulating Qmendations by travelling the galaxy, that takes a while especially for multi-toon players like myself), much like with the Winter Wonderland having to wait a week or more for some fixes could pose a problem for those players that don't have 24/7 to spend playing. Will there be adjustments for that as well (I'M NOT ASKING FOR FREEBIES, just modifications to the timeframe/schedule/calendar/whatever)?

    EDIT: And I must applaud you and the team on a couple of DR/anniversary things. Ground is fun as hell. I'm detesting most space since DR, but Kobali Prime ground and the "Dust to Dust" mission rock. The latter is one of the best missions I've played lately, both in action and story (great integration of that loose end from Voyager). I like the difficulty setting on the mission (and VH isn't impossible but a great challenge) and, if it wasn't for the lag and rubberbanding getting me fried, it would've been flawless. MORE MAZES! MORE SLIDING PLATFORMS! :-D

    Just a footnote.
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    coraxdraco wrote: »
    They made you say that part. Didn't they?
    Geko is "they".
  • atymniusatymnius Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Many of you were experiencing lag/rubber-banding. A quick fix was put in place for this and that issue should be largely resolved now. A permanent fix will go out next week.

    Many thanks for the updates and for all the hard work on the anniversary, as well as on the fixes.

    In response to your post, I want to mention that -- logged in as my Federation Character, Atymnius -- as of about 6:15 pm Pacific Time on 30 January, I was still experiencing lag/rubber-banding and that it was WORSE than the lag I experienced earlier today and yesterday, and that lag was present in more areas than yesterday. Other users were also reporting lag on 30 January n zone chat.

    Lag was fairly consistent for me throughout the day, worsening until the STO game server finally came down.

    I was also disconnected twice between 2:00 and 6:00pm PT. The game client also crashed three times to desktop in the same period.

    Here are the areas where I experienced lag on 30 January:

    Starfleet Academy
    Vulcan system space
    Starbase K-7 (ground)
    Starbase K-7 (space)

    Starship Interior

    Sector Space:

    Sirius Sector Block
    Omega Leonis Sector Block

    In Borg Invasion Sector Block Defense (Daily):

    Orellius Sector Block
    Sirius Sector Block
    Omega Leonis Sector Block

    Many thanks once again and good luck.
  • penguin44ca1penguin44ca1 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Power/ability tray lag fix? This was on Tribble and reported a few weeks ago. Yet pushed to holodeck.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    coraxdraco wrote: »
    The fact that someone thought it would be a good idea to run a script on each player as they log in to "fix" their BOFF skills is totally beyond me. You DO have databases with all the BOFF skills listed for each player. You DID have maintenance where the servers were down and there was no interference from...say...many players logging in. Not ONE of you thought that you should run the "fix" script on the player databases during maintenance instead of running them as each player logged in? The only thing I can conclude is many of your employees did, in fact, think of that as being the FAR better solution, but management at Cryptic is so toxic that nobody spoke up for fear of reprisal. There is very clearly a SEVERE management problem at Cryptic at the moment.

    I want you to imagine how long that'd take and how annoyed you get at not having a running game for a bit longer. Database maintenance means you /can't/ run queries either. Theoretically, running them at login is actually cheaper in terms of time spent.

    You actually listed more known issues than the "known issues" section of patch notes. It would really be much better if you had a thread that really carried known issues. Not some fake known issues blurb that doesn't even represent 1% of the known issues.

    Known issues means "issues that they have been able to replicate.". There are probably a lot of unconfirmed issues that they are working on replicating.
  • admiralghostadmiralghost Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Another issue I want to bring up is the BOFF powers and Power Tray interface, the lag also somehow is effecting this as well. Clicking powers feels sluggish, and half the time you don't know if you used the power or not until a few seconds later. These few seconds are the difference between life and death.

    Before the patch and the power icons were changed, the button presses were flawless... Will you be working on this as well? Or am I just blowing out smoke?
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I discharged a Nausicaan, and my entire crew reset, and actually made my Hierarchy guy look like he had completely vanished.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
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  • coraxdracocoraxdraco Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want you to imagine how long that'd take and how annoyed you get at not having a running game for a bit longer. Database maintenance means you /can't/ run queries either. Theoretically, running them at login is actually cheaper in terms of time spent.
    I didn't say to run the script when they were updating the databases. I just suggested running the script whilst the servers were down for maintenance. Easily understood difference.

    Perhaps you are making the same error in logic that Cryptic did? You are prioritizing slightly more down time of a patch as being worse than inconveniencing players for days not to mention introducing script/lag errors that cause players' BOFFs to lose the skills (yes, I know about the "you have multiple learned skills per tier now from the script", but still some BOFFs lost skills.).

    The above lack of clear thinking is exactly what I am saying is the severe problem with Cryptic's management. With enough people in the room, such an obvious problem should have come up. Either they had one person implement the script without oversight (management problem) or they had the concept of the login script out to multiple people and nobody could think it through well enough to see the problem (management hiring problem) or multiple people knew and nobody said anything for fear of reprisal (management problem) or they concluded they didn't want to use the temporary disk space it would take to make the change which is the same priority you are using of choosing not finding a way to get more temporary storage space over trolling players (management problem).

    Known issues means "issues that they have been able to replicate.". There are probably a lot of unconfirmed issues that they are working on replicating.
    You clearly haven't read the "Known Issues" section of release notes. Let me help you out there:
    Known Issues:

    Foundry functions are not available at this time.
    The mini game for “Omega Molecule Stabilization” will occasionally finish in the middle of playing the game.
    Player will still receive credit towards the mission.
    A few lines of VO are missing from the episode “Taris”.
    The Captain’s chair on the bridge on the APU ship cannot be sat in.
    KDF players do not appear in the scoreboard at the end of a PVP match.
    (from http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1360841 )
    You're telling me that THOSE are the only issues they can replicate and all these other bugs can't be confirmed? I know. You aren't saying that, but if you aren't saying that then your text is nonsense.
  • intrepid31intrepid31 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    does anyone know when there going to get the omega mini games fixed so that you can actually finish them and are able to turn them in to Q for the rewards. I would like to take part in the 5th anniversary; I have been trying for two days now and have had to drop the mission because it won't finish. That's two days down the drain for four charactors, that comes to 320 Qmendations that can't i couldn't get because the mini game is not working correctly.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    intrepid31 wrote: »
    does anyone know when there going to get the omega mini games fixed so that you can actually finish them and are able to turn them in to Q for the rewards. I would like to take part in the 5th anniversary; I have been trying for two days now and have had to drop the mission because it won't finish. That's two days down the drain for four charactors, that comes to 320 Qmendations that can't i couldn't get because the mini game is not working correctly.

    I think you hit a wrong button. Two days of that is 80 Qmendations.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • coraxdracocoraxdraco Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    raventomoe wrote: »
    I think you hit a wrong button. Two days of that is 80 Qmendations.
    intrepid31 wrote: »
    That's two days down the drain for four charactors, that comes to 320 Qmendations that can't i couldn't get because the mini game is not working correctly.

    "two days" at 40 qmendations per day is: 2 x 40 = 80
    "for four charactors [sic]" at 80 per 2 days is: 80 x 4 = 320

    Someone hit the wrong button and perhaps their head.

    Edit: put "per day" instead of "per 2 days".
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    coraxdraco wrote: »
    "two days" at 40 qmendations per day is: 2 x 40 = 80
    "for four charactors [sic]" at 80 per 2 days is: 80 x 4 = 320

    Someone hit the wrong button and perhaps their head.

    Edit: put "per day" instead of "per 2 days".

    I didn't read the post fully...my apologies.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is an issue with all powers in the power tray going grey whenever you modify the tray. A fix for this is on the way by next week.

    I reported this bug on Tribble. I just want to clarify that this is not the only problem with the trays. In the same bug report, I noted two other problems:

    Tribble ticket #48,266: Space and ground trays do not refresh properly
    frtoaster wrote: »
    (a) Sometimes, when the user clicks an up or down arrow to change rows, not every slot in the changed row updates its icon. Moving the mouse pointer over a slot will force it to refresh.

    (b) Sometimes, the number indicating which row is selected fails to refresh. This can happen regardless of whether or not the slots refresh. Moving the mouse pointer over the number will force it to refresh.

    Another problem is that the tray overlay in shooter mode is broken.

    Tribble ticket #48,267: Tray overlay malfunctioning in shooter mode

    Also, the cooldown animations are no longer smooth. I believe all these problems have a common cause, as I explained in the post linked below.

    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Typical, fast to break things, slow to fix them.
  • picardocaptpicardocapt Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Please, return the foundry missions.

    Why are they 'switched off', out of the blue ?

    This is not to complain, but it is an opportunity for improvement.
    "To baldly go, where no one has gone before"

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    woodwhity wrote: »
    Typical, fast to break things, slow to fix them.

    Yes, very typical. In the entire universe. Breaking a glass takes milliseconds, fixing it may take hours or be impossible.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yes, very typical. In the entire universe. Breaking a glass takes milliseconds, fixing it may take hours or be impossible.

    Only they knew the glass was broken weeks ago. We told them so in the feedback on tribble. Seems no one even swept it up. Still laying on the floor shattered.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    helgmorn wrote: »
    Cheers for the update.

    Just dont forget Bajor as well in the Omega Particles minigame.

    Also, Tried Starfleet Academy, it was a no go after half an hour.

    Any chance of extending the Anniversary to compensate for the delays in completing the missions due to bugs?

    doubtful. but then again i havent been able to make any head way on the 40 qmend.. whatever, over the past few days because of it. it goes to the 26th of next month, and i need about 15 days perhaps to fill in the rest. its already the 31st now. so 10 days gap to get something out by, thats how long geko has got on his asap, but thats upto him.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Please, return the foundry missions.

    Why are they 'switched off', out of the blue ?

    This is not to complain, but it is an opportunity for improvement.

    The Foundry missions always switch off at the launch of a new season to allow for them to republish. With all of the back-end coding changes, this is necessary to keep them compatible with new systems. They should come back up in a week or two, if I had to guess.

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  • treking2treking2 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    We ran a fix-up on special Bridge Officers to replace old powers that a player may have deleted in the past. The fix-up works, however, if that Boff was on a station seat, its powers may be out of order and attempting to modify his powers may make things worse. If you simply unslot and reslot that BOff from his station, the problem should correct itself. A fix is on the way.
    Al "Captain Geko" Rivera

    Unfortunately, while this fix was stated by borticuscryptic in another thread, it simply does not work.
    I currently have only the default powers that the boffs initially came with on all boffs on all
    my toons, and slotting/unslotting/resetting/loading/unloading/etc does not change this.
    All other powers remain locked. This is simply unworkable.

    Please ROLL BACK the bridge officer abilities on all toons to what they were before the event.
    If you wish to add their initial default powers to what is unlocked but not currently slotted,
    that would be fine, but DO NOT change the abilities that they had before the anniversary event started!
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the update, Mr. Rivera.
This discussion has been closed.