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after omega minigame mess, just put 1k qmendations into the mission

davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
and give out the ship for free.

thats the only apology you can make. just give it out for free instantly. you screwed a damn simple collect minigame, now give it out.

im really fed up with this quality of programming. you cannot programm a simple thing thats in line with minessweeper, so just dont try it.

put 1k qmendations into the dust mission and give it out for free.

i just cannot get how someone can be so INCOMPETENT at all to be unable to programm a small minigame.

again give out the ship for free without grind, and we are even.

until then i advice everybody not to spend a single cent in this game anymore until this madnes ends that there since DR now.

you released 5 features, NONE OF THEM IS WORKING.


you even had to make seperate threads for all the reports ...
Post edited by davideight on


  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    davideight wrote: »
    and give out the ship for free.

    thats the only apology you can make. just give it out for free instantly. you screwed a damn simple collect minigame, now give it out.

    im really fed up with this quality of programming. you cannot programm a simple thing thats in line with minessweeper, so just dont try it.

    put 1k qmendations into the dust mission and give it out for free.

    i just cannot get how someone can be so INCOMPETENT at all to be unable to programm a small minigame.

    again give out the ship for free without grind, and we are even.

    until then i advice everybody not to spend a single cent in this game anymore until this madnes ends that there since DR now.

    you released 5 features, NONE OF THEM IS WORKING.


    you even had to make seperate threads for all the reports ...

    Had they done this from the start I wouldn't be logging into swtor all the time. But they don't understand/care that their grinds suck the life out of the anniversaries in the first place.
  • suphoriasuphoria Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I think this should have been a given. Why did they think that it would be a good idea to force players to log in each day to play a speed-based mini game to 'celebrate' 5 years?

    The ship is an OK looking space-TRIBBLE - we just want command slots. We're going to do the daily because *we have to* but no one wants to, no one enjoys it, and NO ONE completes and it goes "that was worth it".

    Its like queuing up in the wrong line at the DMV. you sigh, you get back in the other line, and you pound sound in your head.

    All in all - Way to limp-noodle the 'give away'.

    And to top it off, players are unable to do the daily, so we lose day-one credit. High-quality.
  • captainzheicaptainzhei Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    How the hell does that minigame even work? I have tried twenty times on K7 to collect particles and I just don't get any points, and I don't know what constitutes succeeding in the minigame and what the fail conditions are.

    That, and my ships are resetting their trays and unequipping officers by themselves. AGAIN. And the server rubberbands worse than ever.

    Guys, devs, seriously. Can you apply an update that doesn't break EVERYTHING?
    Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F

  • isrorisror Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    How the hell does that minigame even work? I have tried twenty times on K7 to collect particles and I just don't get any points, and I don't know what constitutes succeeding in the minigame and what the fail conditions are.

    That, and my ships are resetting their trays and unequipping officers by themselves. AGAIN. And the server rubberbands worse than ever.

    Guys, devs, seriously. Can you apply an update that doesn't break EVERYTHING?

    That's the thing...It doesn't work. Its all Go Live QA. Ship it and let the customers find the bugs.
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    suphoria wrote: »
    I think this should have been a given. Why did they think that it would be a good idea to force players to log in each day to play a speed-based mini game to 'celebrate' 5 years?

    The ship is an OK looking space-TRIBBLE - we just want command slots. We're going to do the daily because *we have to* but no one wants to, no one enjoys it, and NO ONE completes and it goes "that was worth it".

    Its like queuing up in the wrong line at the DMV. you sigh, you get back in the other line, and you pound sound in your head.

    All in all - Way to limp-noodle the 'give away'.

    And to top it off, players are unable to do the daily, so we lose day-one credit. High-quality.

    This ^ is exactly why I don't play this game anymore. Its not that I don't like the game its that the devs feel some bizarre need to TRIBBLE me off withwith what I can only assume is a misguided attempt to cash in on greed.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Basically what seems to be happening is that the molecule is only able to be manipulated by one person at a time. If another person jumps on the molecule while you are on it then the system breaks and you get no credit, unless you get it at a particular time at which point you get the credit.

    Really the system should instance each molecule once an individual tags it so nobody else can jump in (as is always seen at start coordinator for winter race).

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • deathsremnantdeathsremnant Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2015
    This* Honestly its pretty sad how buggy this anniversary is (specially since most of it is rehashed content)...I understand the time gating is to increase metrics and force daily logins, but in the same aspect you're really just pissing off your player base...this probably wont even be fixed tmw and all you'll end up doing is "extending" the event...when you really should at least automatically drop another large chunk of Qmends down like 400....that gives you 10 days to fix this bug
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the mini mission is totally broke, how can you spoil a big event like this with such a poorly made mini game.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    dirlettia wrote: »
    Basically what seems to be happening is that the molecule is only able to be manipulated by one person at a time. If another person jumps on the molecule while you are on it then the system breaks and you get no credit, unless you get it at a particular time at which point you get the credit.

    Really the system should instance each molecule once an individual tags it so nobody else can jump in (as is always seen at start coordinator for winter race).

    There are so few particles this would make for an absolute nightmare.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yeah, this is the figurative straw for me. Off to Marvel Heroes for a little while until things are sorted. Don't care, liked the look of the Kobali ship, but seriously not worth all of this hassle over a game.
  • kdawgenigmakdawgenigma Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    you would think they would remember the scanning particle problems from a couple years ago. It caused problems when multiple tried to do it at once. Guess Cryptic forgot that this is a multi player game even though most of the content is released to be played solo.

    -Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
    -I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
    I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
    -The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Are they freaking kidding me with this minigame? A bugged guitar hero minigame is just what everyone wanted.

    Do the suits in charge understand what "testing" is? Do they not believe in testing because it would cost too much money?
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ran across esd, lagged up badly but got a omega trace part rewards to clear that even though it glitched moments after starting. headed to vulcan space and groun, got nothing there. headed to k7, didnt do space but ground i ran and did that a half a dozen times in a space of a few hours when players allowed it and a good jump on the spawn point at the right moment. nothing there either in all attempts.

    no rewards beyond that one trace on esd, the red trace. in all but one of my scans have i only reached the grand score of 15 points.. before another player took it off me.

    its much the same out on k7, players run in steal it away by accessing the part while another player is doing it. a result is that players are running through queues to get at it.. only to learn that the first come first server is the way its being played...

    more curious then anything over those hours, shame i had no corn for popping though, the k7 chat is pure gold is popcorn value.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • kury2kury2 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I am still wondering if the devs are foreign programmers locked in a little room or cannot count past two particles (they could be Navajo which would explain a lot and make it forgivable). I ran Dust to Dust with some difficulty but made it first try. Warped to Star Fleet where the lag was horrible but finally got the mini game. Tried the party crashers with no luck since lag kept me from chasing them. Tried the omega and after a dozen tries finally found an isolated particle in an unused holodeck. 10 tries in Vulcan space even with two unattended particles, finally got a score but no credit so decided to leave it till last. Went to DS39 where every particle had a dozen people around it cutting to the front. Finally got two (yes two) to spawn where I was the first one there and still got zero.

    Four and a half hours for a mini game and couldn't do it. I have deleted a couple of toons so down to 5 which all need to run the game. That is not going to happen. I am NOT spending 20 - 30 hours just to run 5 mini-games that I should be able to run with all 5 each day in a couple of hours.

    So, explain to me how this is a celebration of 5 years of programing.

    I have been here since beta and a lifetime subscriber since pre-release and I do not see where this is much of a celebration unless it is celebrating years of buggy minigames.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Anybody miss chasing mini Q's at the Academy? I do.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Anybody miss chasing mini Q's at the Academy? I do.

    Would have been so much easier. Instead someone had the bright idea to add a new minigame and not bother testing it. It's like the three stooges are in charge of development.
  • greyknigh7greyknigh7 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Anybody miss chasing mini Q's at the Academy? I do.

    Never thought I would ever say this, but.......I do miss that one, at least it sort of worked
    Live long, Hunt well
  • mercenary4hiremercenary4hire Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I agree with the author...this is really a shameful display and even on the 5th anniversary.
    Come on Cryptic..
  • gwassalorgwassalor Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2015
    Anybody miss chasing mini Q's at the Academy? I do.

    Heh, if you told me last year, I wouldn't believe it. But yes, I do.

    Anyway, launching Elite Dangerous and instantly I feel so free. No grind, no one is forcing me to do anything...
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So, in the official thread for this in the Bug Forums, Smirk asks that players with an opinion on this issue post in the General Section. This is not the first thread in General about this bug, in fact the first one I found was more descriptive in what was going on, and maybe even more constructive.

    Guess who closed it?

    I expect this one will get the same treatment, despite the fact we were TOLD to discuss it here.

    So, anyways, yeah. Wicked frustrating how it seems there was no real testing done on this before it went live. Are they really just trying to tick people off? I just don't get it. Broken Anniversary Game, Incomplete BOff Training System... Are there any major portions of this patch that are working as stated? Notice I didn't say Working as Intended, since I wonder more and more if he playerbase is just being trolled.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • letsfadeawayletsfadeaway Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    After the fiasco with "Tides of Ice" and it's accolades etc. I'd have thought they'd atleast try to do some serious QA on their upcoming events.

    There's a saying about history, mistakes and learning that comes to mind.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    After the fiasco with "Tides of Ice" and it's accolades etc. I'd have thought they'd atleast try to do some serious QA on their upcoming events.

    There's a saying about history, mistakes and learning that comes to mind.
    There's also a saying about repeating the same actions over and over but expecting different results. Something about a correlation with sanity...
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • raddamusraddamus Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What a mess. Celebrating 5 years of the game with this snafu. Cryptic should be ashamed :o
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A total mess and - on the 5th anniversary of all things - shows how utterly incompetent and uncaring Cryptic are about releasing shoddy, untested content. Its just painful they've gone to all this trouble and basically, the major part of the anniversary is unplayable.
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I agree.

    They have a beta testing server for this very reason: TO TEST **** BEFORE THEY RELEASE IT.

    Yeah, Cryptic? You know that little server you like to call "Tribble"? Why the HELL wasn't this tested on it?

    I think it would have been glaringly obvious that the minigame isn't working, at least not in space.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bergins wrote: »
    There's also a saying about repeating the same actions over and over but expecting different results. Something about a correlation with sanity...

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That, and my ships are resetting their trays and unequipping officers by themselves. AGAIN. And the server rubberbands worse than ever.

    That was happening to me all this week BEFORE the anniversary patch.

    What I did (because it's become such a headache) is used my in-game personal log to make detailed notes of which BOffs are in which slots (starship, shuttle, DOff department heads) so that when this inevitably occurs again I can look it up and re-slot them quickly without trying to remember which BOff I was using for what. Usually if I re-slot the correct BOffs on the first try, the toolbar goes right back to what it should (without having to move abilities around, it actually remembers to a point).

    Just a suggestion...but it still sucks that it happens in the first place.
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't even logged in yet today and you've already managed to mess up boff abilities once again and TRIBBLE up the omega particle mini game? Sorry to say this but the OP is right; the least you can do is apologize and make up for it by awarding us 1000 qmendations for the new mission. Unbelievable....
  • rupdistorrupdistor Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Maybe there are some Monkeys for Programming.And one for the Launch Button.:eek:
  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    "The 5th anniversary is the best one yet and the players love it......"
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