...lulz... isn't trolling considered to interfere with tos?! :rolleyes::D...
it's fine dude, too late already . may, if u guys get to design it really proper, the days of glory (did we ever had those?) will come back. until then i gotta tell u out of experience: don't hold ur breath .
Really? I mean, you know what is the state of the PVP in this game, you know that the company you work for has not plans in the near or far future to fix PVP and you came here and make jokes about it?
wtf idiot... if i had a car, first thing i'd do is run you over.
You are the biggest idiot this game has ever seen, worse than that ethereal planes ****, you can just go **** yourself, take your beautiful pve **** sci scort with boarding party and shove it up your useless behind... you, and you ****ing idiot dev friends, are the cause of the death of that game... i couldn't give less fuucks if i get banned honestly no ****s were given on our stupid dumb game learn from war thunder how to pvp honestly... good luck with the rest of the game lol you idiot ****ers... I'm just angry you and your idiot bacon coffee addicted bunch of hamburger eating "devs" ****ed up what could have been an awesome game.... no really, **** you.
oh and btw, pvpers are already angry and you're here attempting to troll them... my god you really have the brain of a brick.
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
I don't like PVP and even I think this comes off very poorly. It sounds as though a LOT of very legitimate concerns about the state of the game are being dismissed and mocked. Why did you do this?
And giotariz, do you REALLY think wishing Smirk dead is in ANY way appropriate to address his error here? That is not even slightly in proportion or even civilized. He made a stupid remark--he didn't kill your puppy. You "outdid" thoughtlessness with outright malice. If you want us to be dismissed as nutcases even more, you've accomplished your objective.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
wtf idiot... if i had a car, first thing i'd do is run you over.
You are the biggest idiot this game has ever seen, worse than that ethereal planes ****, you can just go **** yourself, take your beautiful pve **** sci scort with boarding party and shove it up your useless behind... you, and you ****ing idiot dev friends, are the cause of the death of that game... i couldn't give less fuuckz if i get banned honestly no ****s were given on our stupid dumb game learn from war thunder how to pvp honestly... good luck with the rest of the game lol you idiot ****ers... I'm just angry you and your idiot bacon coffee addicted bunch of hamburger eating "debs" ****ed up what could have been an awesome game.... no really, **** you.
oh and btw, pvpers are already angry and you're here attempting to troll them... my god you really have the brain of a brick.
Clearly I've been out done and the ban hammer will hit you first....Bravo dear GIO, was good to see you on here xD
And giotariz, do you REALLY think wishing Smirk dead is in ANY way appropriate to address his error here? That is not even slightly in proportion or even civilized. He made a stupid remark--he didn't kill your puppy. You "outdid" thoughtlessness with outright malice. If you want us to be dismissed as nutcases even more, you've accomplished your objective.
Do you honestly think there is anything we can actually do in a positive manner anymore? For God's sake a dev just trolled the PvP forums and is probably getting high-fives from the fan boys for it.
I agree that it was probably not a comment made out of malice or spite, hence my rather polite word usage. BUT a horribly timed post, with the general mood around here right now. My last post on the subject.
I think he is aware, and doesn't care in the slightest.
Well said
edit, new epic sig is OP, pls nerf1!11!!!!1
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Any time I see revamp, it translates in my mind to monetize.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Any time I see revamp, it translates in my mind to monetize.
Speaking of which, I am SOOOO excited to start paying dilithium to train bridge officers! Having been able to do it basically for free for the last few years has been an absolute joke! I mean c'mon, being able to try out new setups with just a quick trip to the BOff trainer, and for free?!?! No no, we need to pay for that, and wait behind 20 hour time-gates for it too! About time cryptic came in and finally put this HUGE EXPLOIT to bed!
there it stops due to it became more than obvious that pvp never will get the attention it deserves in any ONLINE-GAME............................................................:mad:
p.s.: better read it at least once before u delete this thread smirk! the better: print it and/or send it around via your inhouse email to everyone else at cryptic. but beware: u could learn and understand how it got where we are now :rolleyes:
I know where gio is coming from, but he could have done it better.
DR ruined a lot of friendships that were forged in sto and people are starting to move on. Smirk coming on here like that is like spitting in their faces unapologetically. Don't know if I can fault him, he's probably not even aware of the consequences of his action in this thread.
Do you honestly think there is anything we can actually do in a positive manner anymore? For God's sake a dev just trolled the PvP forums and is probably getting high-fives from the fan boys for it.
I think he is aware, and doesn't care in the slightest.
If you'd quoted the rest of my post you would see where I told Smirk how his comments looked and why it was not a good thing. There is a lot with DR that is very, very wrong and goodness knows I have put in a lot of time trying to detail the problems.
But that is not going to make me condone threats over a GAME, ever.
I agree that it was probably not a comment made out of malice or spite, hence my rather polite word usage. BUT a horribly timed post, with the general mood around here right now. My last post on the subject.
This is an example of an in-proportion response. It deals with the substance of the problem without threats or personal hate. You and I can acknowledge someone made a mistake without wanting horrible things to happen to that person.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Speaking of which, I am SOOOO excited to start paying dilithium to train bridge officers! Having been able to do it basically for free for the last few years has been an absolute joke! I mean c'mon, being able to try out new setups with just a quick trip to the BOff trainer, and for free?!?! No no, we need to pay for that, and wait behind 20 hour time-gates for it too! About time cryptic came in and finally put this HUGE EXPLOIT to bed!
The dilithium cost (200) has been reduced, as was the time (30mins) to craft the PADDs. You train a boff once and he will know that ability forever, so you don't have to fly back to esd to retrain your crew. Can't really see what to not like about that.
They way you've been doing revamps under your new (grind)master D'Angelo, I think most people here will agree with me when I say - you can keep your revamp.
The dilithium cost (200) has been reduced, as was the time (30mins) to craft the PADDs. You train a boff once and he has know that ability forever, so you don't have to fly back to esd to retrain your crew. Can't really se what to not like about that.
Before = no cost
After = dil cost
Maybe if it didn't cost millions of dil to upgrade one ship's worth of gear. Oh and god help you if your fleet's starbase isn't completed yet...
Maybe if it didn't cost millions of dil to upgrade one ship's worth of gear. Oh and god help you if your fleet's starbase isn't completed yet...
Before = time cost to actually move to whatever system you call home
After = maybe 1 days worth of dil to train your crew in everything they need (or don't)
So instead of perpetually repeating the same training process you do it once and be done with it.
...lulz... isn't trolling considered to interfere with tos?! :rolleyes::D...
it's fine dude, too late already
I don't like this tone.
The PvP crowd isn't pleased, and this isn't supposed to be funny. Treat your players with respect, please.
STO Screenshot Archive
Really? I mean, you know what is the state of the PVP in this game, you know that the company you work for has not plans in the near or far future to fix PVP and you came here and make jokes about it?
Not very profesional..
Not sure too many folks are in the mood to be teased like this. I used "teased" in place of several other, less polite terms that would be more apt.
This is just a blatent Middle Finger to the already dwindling PvP Community....He's even more of a buffoon than I thought....
....And this will deffintely get me banned - Say no to cencorship! xD
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
wtf idiot... if i had a car, first thing i'd do is run you over.
You are the biggest idiot this game has ever seen, worse than that ethereal planes ****, you can just go **** yourself, take your beautiful pve **** sci scort with boarding party and shove it up your useless behind... you, and you ****ing idiot dev friends, are the cause of the death of that game... i couldn't give less fuucks if i get banned honestly no ****s were given on our stupid dumb game learn from war thunder how to pvp honestly... good luck with the rest of the game lol you idiot ****ers... I'm just angry you and your idiot bacon coffee addicted bunch of hamburger eating "devs" ****ed up what could have been an awesome game.... no really, **** you.
oh and btw, pvpers are already angry and you're here attempting to troll them... my god you really have the brain of a brick.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
I don't like PVP and even I think this comes off very poorly. It sounds as though a LOT of very legitimate concerns about the state of the game are being dismissed and mocked. Why did you do this?
And giotariz, do you REALLY think wishing Smirk dead is in ANY way appropriate to address his error here? That is not even slightly in proportion or even civilized. He made a stupid remark--he didn't kill your puppy. You "outdid" thoughtlessness with outright malice. If you want us to be dismissed as nutcases even more, you've accomplished your objective.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Clearly I've been out done and the ban hammer will hit you first....Bravo dear GIO, was good to see you on here xD
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Do you honestly think there is anything we can actually do in a positive manner anymore? For God's sake a dev just trolled the PvP forums and is probably getting high-fives from the fan boys for it.
I think he is aware, and doesn't care in the slightest.
Throw some pepper out if you gonna toss salt. :P
Well said
edit, new epic sig is OP, pls nerf1!11!!!!1
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Oh and +1 to Gio's new sig, while it lasts. lol
Any time I see revamp, it translates in my mind to monetize.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Speaking of which, I am SOOOO excited to start paying dilithium to train bridge officers! Having been able to do it basically for free for the last few years has been an absolute joke! I mean c'mon, being able to try out new setups with just a quick trip to the BOff trainer, and for free?!?! No no, we need to pay for that, and wait behind 20 hour time-gates for it too! About time cryptic came in and finally put this HUGE EXPLOIT to bed!
they'll just read everything toxic and will just feel enstrenghtened in their (unintended?... makes it worse lol) crusade to desytroy pvp.
causality cryptic, causalitiy. and therefore lemme link havams sig, as it includes the beginning of this causal-chain...
there we go, cryptics history with pvp (for like the 1000th time):
2010-2011: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=233254
2012-2013: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=826171
there it stops due to it became more than obvious that pvp never will get the attention it deserves in any ONLINE-GAME............................................................:mad:
p.s.: better read it at least once before u delete this thread smirk! the better: print it and/or send it around via your inhouse email to everyone else at cryptic. but beware: u could learn and understand how it got where we are now :rolleyes:
If you'd quoted the rest of my post you would see where I told Smirk how his comments looked and why it was not a good thing. There is a lot with DR that is very, very wrong and goodness knows I have put in a lot of time trying to detail the problems.
But that is not going to make me condone threats over a GAME, ever.
This is an example of an in-proportion response. It deals with the substance of the problem without threats or personal hate. You and I can acknowledge someone made a mistake without wanting horrible things to happen to that person.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
The dilithium cost (200) has been reduced, as was the time (30mins) to craft the PADDs. You train a boff once and he will know that ability forever, so you don't have to fly back to esd to retrain your crew. Can't really see what to not like about that.
They way you've been doing revamps under your new (grind)master D'Angelo, I think most people here will agree with me when I say - you can keep your revamp.
I made a therad in the pew pew forums and Captoon Smurk replied to it.
Before = no cost
After = dil cost
Maybe if it didn't cost millions of dil to upgrade one ship's worth of gear. Oh and god help you if your fleet's starbase isn't completed yet...
as this is not the pr-section of the forums (lmao), probably only because one of his fanboyz pointed him here lol :rolleyes:...
Before = time cost to actually move to whatever system you call home
After = maybe 1 days worth of dil to train your crew in everything they need (or don't)
So instead of perpetually repeating the same training process you do it once and be done with it.