Well they also finally admitted yesterday that the [PvP Res] and [PvP Dmg] mods are broken and need to get fixed somehow so that kind of counts as paying attention to PvP.
The PvP mods have some other issues that are going to make it not possible to give them the correct in-line damage modifiers at this moment, but this shouldn't stop the crafted mods from getting the correct updates.
The PvP mods will require a more thorough rebuild in order to function in top form. In the meantime I'll talk to Gorngonzilla about what we want to do with them (i.e. do we want them to remain available? Turn them into something else? Try to shuffle time in the schedule to fix them sooner?)
Well nice of them to notice... at least they didn't argue for a few weeks that it did in fact work. This is the only game I have ever played where the devs will argue a bugs very existence. Anyway back to eve. lol
this was discovered when someone told borticus in a pod cast the other day. they had no idea before, its not that they knew and it was at the bottom of the list to fix. no cryptic employee goes near pvp, if they did, this would have been discovered by them day 1 of DR launch.
Ahem, Sorry, Acknowledge PvP... and Revamp it... Two things Cryptic will never do ever under any circumstances, ever, at all ever...
Well they acknowledged PvP in the Tribble patch notes, so you're patently wrong on that count. Also, Cryptic wants to implement a "PvP reputation", which one would think would accompany a PvP revamp, if not be one in and of itself.
Well they acknowledged PvP in the Tribble patch notes, so you're patently wrong on that count. Also, Cryptic wants to implement a "PvP reputation", which one would think would accompany a PvP revamp, if not be one in and of itself.
Your claims are illogical.
the only illogical thing here is your post .
That sto wiki keeps saying that since season 2.You are either new or a cryptic fanboy.
Well they acknowledged PvP in the Tribble patch notes, so you're patently wrong on that count. Also, Cryptic wants to implement a "PvP reputation", which one would think would accompany a PvP revamp, if not be one in and of itself.
Your claims are illogical.
They 'acknowledge' PvP every so often with a little thing like "Oh yeah, we consider PvP every time we add a new ship/ability!", but everyone knows that to be patently false. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in now.
There's a difference between that kind of 'acknowledge' and actually acknowledging it, in that there are huge glaring issues that they have not only ignored, but fostered. Also, blatant lies in regards to PvP development, going so far as to insult PvPers by calling them "14 year old mix/maxers" (thank Geko for that one).
Well they acknowledged PvP in the Tribble patch notes, so you're patently wrong on that count. Also, Cryptic wants to implement a "PvP reputation", which one would think would accompany a PvP revamp, if not be one in and of itself.
Your claims are illogical.
Lol, "After Season 8" = When the Iconians are defeated and peace returns to the galaxy. Goodbye STO.
Well they also finally admitted yesterday that the [PvP Res] and [PvP Dmg] mods are broken and need to get fixed somehow so that kind of counts as paying attention to PvP.
It doesn't even help at all that those mods, never mind they're situational to only one part of the game... It's that the mods don't even describe WTH they do on the item.
PVP Res: Res what? Everything? How much or how little?
It's bad enough that R&D is RNG. But when you throw mods in that don't tell what they do and only affect 1 part of the game, it's all rather pointless.
Well they acknowledged PvP in the Tribble patch notes, so you're patently wrong on that count. Also, Cryptic wants to implement a "PvP reputation", which one would think would accompany a PvP revamp, if not be one in and of itself.
That sto wiki keeps saying that since season 2.You are either new or a cryptic fanboy.
No need to get personal.
You made a claim that is contradicted my the very thing this topic is based on. That is illogical by definition.
And the wiki might have said that since season 2, but so what? The fact is, they have plans to revamp PvP, and the wiki, not to mention podcasts recorded since Delta Rising, documents them keeping their plans. Other very old plans have already been implemented, so we have examples for precedent.
They 'acknowledge' PvP every so often with a little thing like "Oh yeah, we consider PvP every time we add a new ship/ability!", but everyone knows that to be patently false. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in now.
How is that "patently" false when we can't tell what they consider? We only know what they tell us or what actually appears in-game. We have no idea when or how often they consider, but ultimately withhold content like PvP.
There's a difference between that kind of 'acknowledge' and actually acknowledging it, in that there are huge glaring issues that they have not only ignored, but fostered. Also, blatant lies in regards to PvP development, going so far as to insult PvPers by calling them "14 year old mix/maxers" (thank Geko for that one).
Yeah, I definitely think that comment was wrong for Geko to say.
I'm honestly not sure how you're defining "acknowledge" though, nor what the "blatant lies" are. Maybe I've seen them, but I can't remember any off the top of my head.
Lol, "After Season 8" = When the Iconians are defeated and peace returns to the galaxy. Goodbye STO.
I doubt that Iconians are actually meant to be an enemy we eventually get to fight. That is, unless there's a very large timeskip or we get some hax mac giffin or Q's help. IMHO.
You made a claim that is contradicted my the very thing this topic is based on. That is illogical by definition.
And the wiki might have said that since season 2, but so what? The fact is, they have plans to revamp PvP, and the wiki, not to mention podcasts recorded since Delta Rising, documents them keeping their plans. Other very old plans have already been implemented, so we have examples for precedent.
oh yea they plan that.You must be one of those people who think pigs fly if a farmer tells you .:rolleyes:
I feel sorry for you man, its like your walking into a drug den and you start talking about how drugs are bad for you to the people there LOL
wrong place to give that speech if you know what I mean:P
I wasn't giving a speech, I was trying to explain how I understand the positions addressed. Also, don't feel sorry for me. People are frustrated, and I understand. But I'm still going to provide my views as reasonably as I can. I'm not telling anyone that what they enjoy doing is wrong.
heres the deal, right now we got a lot of folks torn up pretty bad over the fact they worked hard for years to get where they were at, they bought ships, doffs, etc AND all that (for the most part) just got flushed down the drain
many are right back where they started in the beginning, not sure of what to build, not sure of what will work, and facing a lot of grind to get just the answers to those questions- a lot like what its like for a noob starting out in this game
cryptic hit the reset button, most all feel its the worst thing that has happened to this game ever (in a lot of ways, I do have to agree with them, it wasn't right to completely do away with t5, shame they had to come up with t6, I would have been happy with t5 intel and command ships, or all t5 ships just getting 11 consoles as the "big new thing"
I agree that they could have done things better in Delta Rising. It certainly wasn't anything I expected.
but anyways- your surrounded by folks that are pretty frustrated right now with the state of the game, many of our more vocal members have left the game, but still haunt the pvp forums so theres that added fun of post after post of "this game sucks, I know I told you guys that I quit a hundred times already... but ya I quit" LOL and theres also the fact that a lot of things that were just dropped into the game, it appears cryptic is not going to address any fixes really at this time (theres some pretty dominating combos out there right now, also some really goofy glitches as well)
So what if we're "surrounded" by people that have that view? I don't understand how it has anything to do with this topic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I definitely don't mean to put words in your mouth, but it almost seems like you're saying "everyone here is very very upset, so don't try talking sense into them". If that is what you're saying, sorry, but this is a message board, and alternative opinions and views belong here just as much as the most "vocal".
and as of the points of pvp being .........fixed? some say the coding for the map making is lost, others say cryptic doesn't want pvp to ever be in the spot light, others go to say melding the klink and fed cues is just simply not enough, while during all these years many of us have clung to hope of getting a brand new pvp cueing system- and yes... (*crys*) its.....been.... (*sobs*) ...YEARS!!
I understand that the wait is terrible. But I do not understand the rumors and putting off everything the developers say as lies or false promises. It seems highly irrational, and I don't see it as any excuse not to keep acting mature about the situation and treat your fellow human beings with respect.
so ya, in short- most feel at this point its a form of trolling to even talk about pvp fixes or coming updates, theres just simply been so many years of ONLY hope and no delivery- I love your gusto tho buddy- you are the next generation of pvpers that will go on to glory in the cues, fight the premade fights, dominate in kerrat, create those future builds, etc
reading your posts brought a sincere smile to my face as every older generation sees their own hopes and dreams carried along by the next coming generation
No, I'm not "the next generation of pvpers". I never enjoyed PvP in my almost decade-long MMORPG playing career. I do however wish to support my fellow STO players, PvPers or not. I have already realized that most is past reassurance. But when I come in and make an honest statement reflecting my views, if there is a demonstrably wrong retort directed at myself, I'm going to try my hardest to respectfully set the record straight.
final note: watch yourself on here, for some on the forums, there is no more star trek online- only trolling- good luck
That doesn't mean they're justified in "trolling", nor is it a reason for me to "watch myself". Trolling doesn't effect the game in any way, nor does it make their relations between them and the rest of the community better, nor does it give reason to their views.
You referenced to sto wiki rumors about possible pvp revamps as if they are officially true. You are either sarcastically trolling or insulting our intelligence! Congrats on getting the pvpers (whoever is left) so riled up, I guess...
I didn't mean to imply anything is "officially true". I just meant that IMO, it is reasonable to accept that PvP is still on the developer's 'things to revamp'. Yes, it does seem to be last on the list of things to revamp, but they do seem to be running out of things to revamp.
It's just my opinion, regardless. I just thought it would be reasonable enough for others around here to consider as well. Guess I was wrong. =(
I would wish you luck but you would probably just correct me for saying it LOL!!
(should have known I stepped on a grenade when a persons got "helpful links" under their banner as: the dictionary, logical fallacies, word generator, list of common English language errors, and LOL!!! (my favorite) big booty tutorial. )
I'm probably not right on everything. Or even most things. But if I'm not, I'd really like to know.
And I apologize if my links bothered you. They're only there to help.
if you take anything from the wiki about upcoming content seriously, your gonna have a bad time
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
When done competently, absolutely. When actually completed before release- definitely.
It's just you guys have such a track record of doing something half-arsed, not completing it, and leaving it that way for a year before you get around to even looking back at what you've done to see if there's anything that needs to be fixed.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Ahem, Sorry, Acknowledge PvP... and Revamp it... Two things Cryptic will never do ever under any circumstances, ever, at all ever...
mentioned this in another thread. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=21935961&postcount=32
Your claims are illogical.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
the only illogical thing here is your post .
That sto wiki keeps saying that since season 2.You are either new or a cryptic fanboy.
They 'acknowledge' PvP every so often with a little thing like "Oh yeah, we consider PvP every time we add a new ship/ability!", but everyone knows that to be patently false. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in now.
There's a difference between that kind of 'acknowledge' and actually acknowledging it, in that there are huge glaring issues that they have not only ignored, but fostered. Also, blatant lies in regards to PvP development, going so far as to insult PvPers by calling them "14 year old mix/maxers" (thank Geko for that one).
Lol, "After Season 8" = When the Iconians are defeated and peace returns to the galaxy. Goodbye STO.
It doesn't even help at all that those mods, never mind they're situational to only one part of the game... It's that the mods don't even describe WTH they do on the item.
PVP Res: Res what? Everything? How much or how little?
It's bad enough that R&D is RNG. But when you throw mods in that don't tell what they do and only affect 1 part of the game, it's all rather pointless.
I love that link.
"Refit Negh'var"
From Jan 2014!
You made a claim that is contradicted my the very thing this topic is based on. That is illogical by definition.
And the wiki might have said that since season 2, but so what? The fact is, they have plans to revamp PvP, and the wiki, not to mention podcasts recorded since Delta Rising, documents them keeping their plans. Other very old plans have already been implemented, so we have examples for precedent.
How is that "patently" false when we can't tell what they consider? We only know what they tell us or what actually appears in-game. We have no idea when or how often they consider, but ultimately withhold content like PvP.
Yeah, I definitely think that comment was wrong for Geko to say.
I'm honestly not sure how you're defining "acknowledge" though, nor what the "blatant lies" are. Maybe I've seen them, but I can't remember any off the top of my head.
I doubt that Iconians are actually meant to be an enemy we eventually get to fight. That is, unless there's a very large timeskip or we get some hax mac giffin or Q's help. IMHO.
Yes, it keeps claims that never come to fruition. It also removes anything that actually gets put into the game...
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
oh yea they plan that.You must be one of those people who think pigs fly if a farmer tells you .:rolleyes:
I agree that they could have done things better in Delta Rising. It certainly wasn't anything I expected.
So what if we're "surrounded" by people that have that view? I don't understand how it has anything to do with this topic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I definitely don't mean to put words in your mouth, but it almost seems like you're saying "everyone here is very very upset, so don't try talking sense into them". If that is what you're saying, sorry, but this is a message board, and alternative opinions and views belong here just as much as the most "vocal".
I understand that the wait is terrible. But I do not understand the rumors and putting off everything the developers say as lies or false promises. It seems highly irrational, and I don't see it as any excuse not to keep acting mature about the situation and treat your fellow human beings with respect.
No, I'm not "the next generation of pvpers". I never enjoyed PvP in my almost decade-long MMORPG playing career. I do however wish to support my fellow STO players, PvPers or not. I have already realized that most is past reassurance. But when I come in and make an honest statement reflecting my views, if there is a demonstrably wrong retort directed at myself, I'm going to try my hardest to respectfully set the record straight.
That doesn't mean they're justified in "trolling", nor is it a reason for me to "watch myself". Trolling doesn't effect the game in any way, nor does it make their relations between them and the rest of the community better, nor does it give reason to their views.
Why not ask me what I think instead of assuming it? I don't appreciate assumptions that are as uncalled for as that, and it really hurt my feelings.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
PvP Revamp you say?
Yes, we must revamp it!
You guys love revamps!
It's just my opinion, regardless. I just thought it would be reasonable enough for others around here to consider as well. Guess I was wrong. =(
I'm probably not right on everything. Or even most things. But if I'm not, I'd really like to know.
And I apologize if my links bothered you. They're only there to help.
Smirk, stop drinking coffee this late at night. :P
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
If it ment a game that was more fun then what we have now.. Go for it.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
he got a three day ban for telling the truth, lol.
Waves goodbye to all the fellow PvPers for the fun we had until it lasted.
(ric ffs, dont log into my account lel)
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
When done competently, absolutely. When actually completed before release- definitely.
It's just you guys have such a track record of doing something half-arsed, not completing it, and leaving it that way for a year before you get around to even looking back at what you've done to see if there's anything that needs to be fixed.
Everything needs to be fixed.
So don't give me that sass.