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~ @drkfrontier's Crucible of Battle War Series [Remastered] ~

Hi all,

Greetings all!

I've revisited my Crucible of Battle War Series, and hope that some of those interested in the Foundry might give them a go. (I would try them out on normal, or advanced as I'm pretty sure the new Elite is pretty insane :))

Watch the Trailer

(Apologies for the "slowness" of the video! It was done when my pc's framerate was pretty damn shocking)



Episode 1, Storm Clouds (Featured)

Set amid the tumultuous intrigues of a dissident group known as the "Triumvirate", seeking to bring an end to Chancellor J'mpok's reign, a ruthless adversary has arisen from the ashes of Romulus.

Hesiod Severus is unforgiving in his loathing of the U.F.P, and the Klingon Empire alike.

Vowing to restore the Romulan Star Empire to greater glory, Hesiod will stop at nothing to uncover the mysteries of the "Totality", an ancient creature whose destructive power he will unleash to give birth to a new empire.

Duration: 45 min., Storyline | Grammar: US, Klingon | Combat: 31+ Challenging

[MissionInfo]* Started from the transporter panel in the First City.


Episode 2, Wounded Sky

As Chancellor J'mpok embarks on a journey to the Korba Du Re' Star Fortress, to broker a new alliance with King Slathis of Gorn, the treacherous Admiral Issarra declares martial law and seizes power on Qo'noS, declaring himself Regent over the Klingon Empire.

Forcing the hand of the High Council, whose loyalty is assured at the tip of a blade, Issarra scores his first major blow against the embattled Yan Isleth forces under the command of the loyalist General Semparri.

Amid this firestorm of civil war, the insane Romulan scientist, Hesiod Severus, is relentless in his pursuit of the Totality. Intent on unleashing a new Armageddon against the Alpha Quadrant, Hesiod is determined to see from the ashes, a new Phoenix arise.

Duration: 1 hr., Storyline/ Combat | Grammar: US, Klingon

[MissionInfo]* "Wounded Sky" can be started from the First City transporter panel.


Episode 3, Devil's Devout

The beleaguered forces of Chancellor J'mpok, commanded by General Semparri have withdrawn to Boreth, following Issarra's brutal seizure of power on Qo'noS.

Set against this backdrop of civil war, your crew continue their search to stop Hesiod Severus from unleashing the Totality.

Duration: 30 min., Storyline | Grammar: US, Klingon | Combat: 31+ Challenge

[MissionInfo]* "Devil's Devout" can be started from Boreth in the Omega Leonis Sector Block.


Episode 4, Seeding

The pursuit of Hesiod Severus continues, taking your crew into the very heart of the new Romulan Star Empire.

Duration: 35 min., Storyline | Grammar: US, Klingon | Combat: 41+ Challenging

[MissionInfo]* Started from the transporter panel in the First City.


Episode 5, Fires of Armageddon

Unsettled by the mysterious Prodigenator's warning, your crew prepare themselves for the transdimensional jump to continue their pursuit of Hesiod across the distant Galactic Barrier.

What dangers lie in store for you? And will you be in time to stop the fires of Armageddon…

Duration: 30 min., Storyline | Grammar: US, Klingon | Combat: 46+ Challenging

[MissionInfo]* Started from the transporter panel in the First City.


Disclaimer: It is recommended for novice players to play this mission first on normal difficulty. Advanced and elite is intended to provide sufficient challenge for experienced players.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hello, i will play your Klingon missions i am always on the look out to play new mission that i have not played b4.

    I do have a few Foundry missions my self all under the Federation. Check out: Logitech007 if you choose too.
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hello, i will play your Klingon missions i am always on the look out to play new mission that i have not played b4.

    I do have a few Foundry missions my self all under the Federation. Check out: Logitech007 if you choose too.

    I certainly will - thanks!

    I am always looking for some new adventures!
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,106 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Totality ... if I recall... that's the big Dark Matter life form that takes up 96% of the cosmos?
    Typhoon Class please!
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    admiralkirk7admiralkirk7 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hey, I can't find "Wounded Sky" in the foundry. Did you take it down or something?
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    lblackmoorlblackmoor Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Will definitely give these a play. :D
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