- Neutronic Torpedo Spread II/III - is not working as intended, because the player gets up to 5 High Yield Torps at once. Has been fixed: At least nerfed a bit.
- Delta Reputation T2 Armor Penetration is not working as intended: -90 Resistance = 48,84% moar
damage in PvE Has been fixed correctly!
- Unique Items can be equipped several times: Just claim one Item and put it into the Upgrader - Reclaim it and equip both. Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Turrets with Scatter Volley: Doing way more damage as intended (CSV II/III) Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Intelligence Specialization T4 Opportunistic - is affecting ALL things except of Bridge Officer Skills. Even Fireworks and Weapon-Cooldown. Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Intel Trait "Predictive Algorithms" does not remove any Debuffs! Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Having Nukara-Reputation Shields equipped on a shuttle, still give the bonus on the ship you fly. Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Intel Ship Expose Vulnerability: Weapon Systems only removes Attack Pattern Alpha instead of all tactical Skills. Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- [Thrust] Only affects Turnrate - not the Flight Speed (*Tooltip is INCORRECT!!!) Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- 2-Piece Borg-Set Triggers the Reputation-Level-15-Trait "Give You All" (Dodge-Dodge-Dodge - in Space!) Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Eject Cryoplasma (4-piece-Breen-Set) is affected by Aux2Bat (It's a Set-Bonus!!!) Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Plasma Fire is boosted by [Dmg] Weapon Modifier and [+Beams] and/or [+Cannon] Consoles. Has been fixed correctly!
- Viral Torpedo can not be cleared right now. Even "Command Officer" - "Boost Morale" does not clear it! Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
- Command Officer - "Achilles' Heel" does not have a 30 second Cooldown. It's always up. Cryptic didn't say anything about that - so still available in the game!
*Delta Rising is the best Expansion Ever! And the people love it!*
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