I may not agree with what you said but you made a presence on the forums and that, I feel, warrants a thank you.
Others will seemingly leap upon this opportunity to bushwhack you, inadvertently shooting themselves in the foot by abusing perhaps the only dev to dare show his avatar in these forums. I just want to say that I appreciate your presence.
I dont always agree with your position but I do respect and appreciate your presence.
Ill reserve my other comments for the respective threads
what if i told you, it's not supposed to be a miracle, for a dev to show his face in his/hers own game? in an ideal world, at an ideal game studio, devs (or at least community managers) don't hide and come forward only when the rage hits their nerves. with an ideal game studio, "DR is the best expansion" sig-pic fiasco wouldn't even happen because they would have actually listen to the feedback, and act on.
so yeah, i'm happy that taco shows his face around us poor players, but this shouldn't be on a once-in-months-and-only-when-theres-mass-rage basis.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
what if i told you, it's not supposed to be a miracle, for a dev to show his face in his/hers own game? in an ideal world, at an ideal game studio, devs (or at least community managers) don't hide and come forward only when the rage hits their nerves. with an ideal game studio, "DR is the best expansion" sig-pic fiasco wouldn't even happen because they would have actually listen to the feedback, and act on.
so yeah, i'm happy that taco shows his face around us poor players, but this shouldn't be on a once-in-months-and-only-when-theres-mass-rage basis.
I know. As a previous forum mod for another game and a conduit between the devs and the playerbase I know.
However, no dev is going to willingly put their head into a dragon's den when they know their mere presence will incite a flame war.
what if i told you, it's not supposed to be a miracle, for a dev to show his face in his/hers own game? in an ideal world, at an ideal game studio, devs (or at least community managers) don't hide and come forward only when the rage hits their nerves. with an ideal game studio, "DR is the best expansion" sig-pic fiasco wouldn't even happen because they would have actually listen to the feedback, and act on.
so yeah, i'm happy that taco shows his face around us poor players, but this shouldn't be on a once-in-months-and-only-when-theres-mass-rage basis.
Agreed. And more importantly, it should be Captain Geko and some others. Not just some unfortunate Art & Environment Team member. And not just in an "ideal world," which doesn't exist. Here. In this one. In this not-ideal world, with this not-ideal game studio. Because it's about time that those who are doing their jobs well (Art team!) to be able to live in peace, and those who are responsible (Management, and possible a programmer or systems designer or two) to wade through the maelstrom they brought into being.
Agreed. And more importantly, it should be Captain Geko and some others. Not just some unfortunate Art & Environment Team member. >quoted stuff<. Because it's about time that those who are doing their jobs well (Art team!) to be able to live in peace, and those who are responsible (Management, and possible a programmer or systems designer or two) to wade through the maelstrom they brought into being.
^this (10chars)
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
I know. As a previous forum mod for another game and a conduit between the devs and the playerbase I know.
However, no dev is going to willingly put their head into a dragon's den when they know their mere presence will incite a flame war.
Would you?
That is why the "Ask a Dev" monthly questionnaire acted as a buffer between the Devs and the players .
Remove that , remove an EP who once in a while engaged the forumites , place harsh restrictions about stuff you as a Dev can / can't talk about , and you have what you have ... , a carefully controlled and woefully sterile environment , that is blustering with frustration from at times more then one side of the fence .
And while I too appreciate Taco's other engagements , I have yet to shake the feeling that the latest one about our "hurtful" sigs was ... somehow not quite right .
Thus while I can't point out exactly what "felt" wrong about it (without going into too many speculations) -- I'll put this idea forth :
How many times do we all (for the most part) say "Cryptic did ..." or "blah-blah-blah ... bad Cryptic is bad" .
All of these statements have one thing in common -- we never specify an individual at the company , thus from reading it purely on a superficial level , it sounds like we're talking about ... as Taco put it "the whole team" .
Thus my irreverent question would be : how come next to none of those thousands generalized comments against "Cryptic" got such a response from a Dev , but our little protest (that I assume the Devs want silenced) did ?
... and yes , the changes that came with DR destroyed my daily routine in STO , so they qualify as "hurtful" too ... , even if my routine is not the same as the next guys routine ...
Even if I dont agree at all with the course that STO has taken and even if my signature offends you, I am still going to thank you for your pressens on the forums, for take into consideration the players feels and feedback. I wish more devs (not only in STO, but in other games too) were like you.
Thus my irreverent question would be : how come next to none of those thousands generalized comments against "Cryptic" got such a response from a Dev , but our little protest (that I assume the Devs want silenced) did ?
First off, no one wants to silence you. As I've said before, you're free to say anything that doesn't violate the forum rules. That goes for your sig as well.
The reason the sigs got a response (which was just my own personal response, btw. Not an edict from on high) was just that they were the most abundant/persistent/obvious thing at the time. All of the "Cryptic Sucks," "Craptic," "Lazy Devs" stuff is equally tiring, but the sigs were just a little more in your (my) face about it, so that's what I chose to bring up. End of story.
But seriously enjoyment factor has dropped significantly by the playerbase.
And that's the sort of sweeping generalization that gets right up my nose. The "enjoyment factor" has dropped considerably for you; I'm still quite enjoying it, thank you.
I don't assume I represent everyone else - why do so many posters on here assume they do?
Clearly I'm a glutton for punishment. Glad people are pleased by that. :P
First off, no one wants to silence you. As I've said before, you're free to say anything that doesn't violate the forum rules. That goes for your sig as well.
The reason the sigs got a response (which was just my own personal response, btw. Not an edict from on high) was just that they were the most abundant/persistent/obvious thing at the time. All of the "Cryptic Sucks," "Craptic," "Lazy Devs" stuff is equally tiring, but the sigs were just a little more in your (my) face about it, so that's what I chose to bring up. End of story.
The sigs are getting quite tiring and old. It's like the lame joke about a Human, Klingon, and a Romulan walk into a bar...
And that's the sort of sweeping generalization that gets right up my nose. The "enjoyment factor" has dropped considerably for you; I'm still quite enjoying it, thank you.
I don't assume I represent everyone else - why do so many posters on here assume they do?
Lets see. If we have 10 players, all of them have fun with STO untill DR came out.
Now 6 keeps having fun with the STO but 4 dont have fun any more in STO. (thouse numbers are just examples, it can be 9 to 1 or 1 to 9)
Then the fun rate of the player base is lower than before. So again, what edalgo said was correct.
Proof please (Signatures do not count as proof)? I don't see any proof you are speaking for anyone else but yourself either.
You should reed the forums a bit more or talk with ppl in game. Go out of your bubble, there is a part of the commuinity that is unhappy, we dont know how many but is big.
But even so, that is off topic. Like I said before, I thanks Taco for been here, he had nothing to do with Geko actions.
Clearly I'm a glutton for punishment. Glad people are pleased by that. :P
First off, no one wants to silence you. As I've said before, you're free to say anything that doesn't violate the forum rules. That goes for your sig as well.
The reason the sigs got a response (which was just my own personal response, btw. Not an edict from on high) was just that they were the most abundant/persistent/obvious thing at the time. All of the "Cryptic Sucks," "Craptic," "Lazy Devs" stuff is equally tiring, but the sigs were just a little more in your (my) face about it, so that's what I chose to bring up. End of story.
First off responding to a earlier thread you posted where you felt insulted by general complaints against the Devs I believe I speak for a majority of posters here
I cant remember a poster complaining about the Art used in the game..............Almost everything I see is top notch...The exception being the 1980s arcade drop power ups on the voth battlezone that's just not star trek
The Devs in charge of mechanics...The Devs in charge of rewards..........The Devs in charge of how ships look..New ships...The devs in charge of concepts
These are the guys most are frustrated with and the Devs who wont show there faces
The Sigs are the only polite way posters can continually show there frustration with the game..If they didn't use the sigs the Devs would think well everything is really good now. when none of the issues we have are being addressed
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I know. As a previous forum mod for another game and a conduit between the devs and the playerbase I know.
However, no dev is going to willingly put their head into a dragon's den when they know their mere presence will incite a flame war.
Would you?
As a separate example, I'm watching devs appear on Star Citizen forums. Maybe it's the new-ness of it all: People are mostly courteous; the devs are engaged.
Devs need to set down some rules of engagement and get their collective, er... themselves onto the forums. Raise shields, have the moderators standing by, and start engaging.
Players have outlined various ideas for dev engagement in other threads. The lack of action isn't helping.
Kudos, btw, to Tacofangs for participating here. And to other devs, like crypticfrost and pweadamanteus, who jump in from time to time Thank you. Keep it up, please.
There's so much love for Taco that i am surprised that i have not yet seen any marriage proposals..
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
There's so much love for Taco that i am surprised that i have not yet seen any marriage proposals..
I think I did that a few months ago...
Anyway, Tacofangs, I have to say that a lot of the rage here is misplaced. People are angry about a complicated gameplay update, while your aspects of the game (art and environment) have been consistently meteoric in their rise in quality.
Seriously, Kobali Prime is not something I am capable of safely visiting with a full bladder. The DR art is unquestionably the best part of the expansion and you should be proud of yourself and your team.
To my fellow forumites: Stop blaming Tacofangs for queues, the upgrade system, Argala, Japori, 17x anything, Geko making specious comments, trolls, the grinder of grinding, intel ships, or whatever else it is that's driving you crazy today. Please. It's not his fault.
If some planet looks like a congealed mass of hamburger, that is his fault at least indirectly and you should notify him ASAP. But don't flame him for your personal ax to grind with Cryptic.
If some planet looks like a congealed mass of hamburger, that is his fault at least indirectly and you should notify him ASAP. But don't flame him for your personal ax to grind with Cryptic.
Hey! Hamburgeria III is supposed to look like that!
There's so much love for Taco that i am surprised that i have not yet seen any marriage proposals..
I've seen I think two. Also, the champions forum still is sad that star trek stole him and its been, what over two years now?
What does surprise me, is that we don't have a "forum minions of taco" fleet for his fan club. I suspect too many people would mistakenly think it was supported unfairly by cryptic if such a thing was started.
Back on topic, taco I also thank you for talking and bringing humor to the forums as well as beauty to the game. I was very happy to see that so many people were willing to drop the Sig just because you asked. To me that was a great sign, both for the players as people and for the health of the game long term.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
so yeah, i'm happy that taco shows his face around us poor players, but this shouldn't be on a once-in-months-and-only-when-theres-mass-rage basis.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
I know. As a previous forum mod for another game and a conduit between the devs and the playerbase I know.
However, no dev is going to willingly put their head into a dragon's den when they know their mere presence will incite a flame war.
Would you?
Agreed. And more importantly, it should be Captain Geko and some others. Not just some unfortunate Art & Environment Team member. And not just in an "ideal world," which doesn't exist. Here. In this one. In this not-ideal world, with this not-ideal game studio. Because it's about time that those who are doing their jobs well (Art team!) to be able to live in peace, and those who are responsible (Management, and possible a programmer or systems designer or two) to wade through the maelstrom they brought into being.
^this (10chars)
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
That is why the "Ask a Dev" monthly questionnaire acted as a buffer between the Devs and the players .
Remove that , remove an EP who once in a while engaged the forumites , place harsh restrictions about stuff you as a Dev can / can't talk about , and you have what you have ... , a carefully controlled and woefully sterile environment , that is blustering with frustration from at times more then one side of the fence .
And while I too appreciate Taco's other engagements , I have yet to shake the feeling that the latest one about our "hurtful" sigs was ... somehow not quite right .
Thus while I can't point out exactly what "felt" wrong about it (without going into too many speculations) -- I'll put this idea forth :
How many times do we all (for the most part) say "Cryptic did ..." or "blah-blah-blah ... bad Cryptic is bad" .
All of these statements have one thing in common -- we never specify an individual at the company , thus from reading it purely on a superficial level , it sounds like we're talking about ... as Taco put it "the whole team" .
Thus my irreverent question would be : how come next to none of those thousands generalized comments against "Cryptic" got such a response from a Dev , but our little protest (that I assume the Devs want silenced) did ?
... and yes , the changes that came with DR destroyed my daily routine in STO , so they qualify as "hurtful" too ... , even if my routine is not the same as the next guys routine ...
You don't deserve the flames of a few trolls and idiots. The rest of us really love you.
First off, no one wants to silence you. As I've said before, you're free to say anything that doesn't violate the forum rules. That goes for your sig as well.
The reason the sigs got a response (which was just my own personal response, btw. Not an edict from on high) was just that they were the most abundant/persistent/obvious thing at the time. All of the "Cryptic Sucks," "Craptic," "Lazy Devs" stuff is equally tiring, but the sigs were just a little more in your (my) face about it, so that's what I chose to bring up. End of story.
I don't assume I represent everyone else - why do so many posters on here assume they do?
The sigs are getting quite tiring and old. It's like the lame joke about a Human, Klingon, and a Romulan walk into a bar...
Proof please (Signatures do not count as proof)? I don't see any proof you are speaking for anyone else but yourself either.
Also, I still enjoy this game myself so yeah...
Lets see. If we have 10 players, all of them have fun with STO untill DR came out.
Now 6 keeps having fun with the STO but 4 dont have fun any more in STO. (thouse numbers are just examples, it can be 9 to 1 or 1 to 9)
Then the fun rate of the player base is lower than before. So again, what edalgo said was correct.
You should reed the forums a bit more or talk with ppl in game. Go out of your bubble, there is a part of the commuinity that is unhappy, we dont know how many but is big.
But even so, that is off topic. Like I said before, I thanks Taco for been here, he had nothing to do with Geko actions.
First off responding to a earlier thread you posted where you felt insulted by general complaints against the Devs I believe I speak for a majority of posters here
I cant remember a poster complaining about the Art used in the game..............Almost everything I see is top notch...The exception being the 1980s arcade drop power ups on the voth battlezone that's just not star trek
The Devs in charge of mechanics...The Devs in charge of rewards..........The Devs in charge of how ships look..New ships...The devs in charge of concepts
These are the guys most are frustrated with and the Devs who wont show there faces
The Sigs are the only polite way posters can continually show there frustration with the game..If they didn't use the sigs the Devs would think well everything is really good now. when none of the issues we have are being addressed
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
(holds up lighter)
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Also this.
And if any other Devs are reading... please come talk to us. Most of us value communication.
Devs need to set down some rules of engagement and get their collective, er... themselves onto the forums. Raise shields, have the moderators standing by, and start engaging.
Players have outlined various ideas for dev engagement in other threads. The lack of action isn't helping.
Kudos, btw, to Tacofangs for participating here. And to other devs, like crypticfrost and pweadamanteus, who jump in from time to time Thank you. Keep it up, please.
I think I did that a few months ago...
Anyway, Tacofangs, I have to say that a lot of the rage here is misplaced. People are angry about a complicated gameplay update, while your aspects of the game (art and environment) have been consistently meteoric in their rise in quality.
Seriously, Kobali Prime is not something I am capable of safely visiting with a full bladder. The DR art is unquestionably the best part of the expansion and you should be proud of yourself and your team.
To my fellow forumites: Stop blaming Tacofangs for queues, the upgrade system, Argala, Japori, 17x anything, Geko making specious comments, trolls, the grinder of grinding, intel ships, or whatever else it is that's driving you crazy today. Please. It's not his fault.
If some planet looks like a congealed mass of hamburger, that is his fault at least indirectly and you should notify him ASAP. But don't flame him for your personal ax to grind with Cryptic.
Hey! Hamburgeria III is supposed to look like that!
Thanks to those who were involved.
Thanks to those who made the point of speaking to the masses, when needed.
Sad, that certain mechanisms have made the game not fun anymore.
Sad, at the flip flopping on what was said on certain things.
Very sad, that the atmoshphere currently is not friendly to anyone, for the time being.
Hope, with all this...happening. There can be changes and growth for all.
Wait? Which sector is that planet in? I got 9 trillion metric tons of Hamburger Stroganoff to make for the party.
But seriously, thank you Taco for putting up with us in good and bad.
I've seen I think two. Also, the champions forum still is sad that star trek stole him and its been, what over two years now?
What does surprise me, is that we don't have a "forum minions of taco" fleet for his fan club. I suspect too many people would mistakenly think it was supported unfairly by cryptic if such a thing was started.
Back on topic, taco I also thank you for talking and bringing humor to the forums as well as beauty to the game. I was very happy to see that so many people were willing to drop the Sig just because you asked. To me that was a great sign, both for the players as people and for the health of the game long term.
Carl Sagan did a segment on Hamburgeria III once:
Joined January 2009