Kill Sela, get the Imperial Warlords under their control, wage a war of terror against Elachi and Hirogen to the point where the thought of entering Imperial space fills their hearts with dread and their pants with...well you know, do a strong round of cleaning house for Tal'Shiar, and joining the Fed-Klingon-Republic forces in the fight against the Iconian threat.
Brainwashing almost to the point of a full-scale mindwipe. T'Thavrau's too disillusioned with the aristocratic stratified police state that the RSE was even before Hobus for it to happen otherwise.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Complete mind-wipe and reprogramming down to the individual neurons. D'trel is barely civil around the Shiar i'Saeihr Rihan anyway, she'd never join it.
Just point me to Sela's jail cell and I'm busting her out to be my face and D'tan and Obisek will be there by the end of the week.
But all joking aside my characters would have a harder time; my Romulan would would probably only Empire if D'tan tried to do something stupid like almost blowing up New Romulus again.
My Reman was Imperial but would only be again if Donatra came back.
The mass suicide of any and everyone who thinks the RSE was the G.O.A.T. Followed by my char discovering through a search of his ancestry he is directly related by bloodline to both S'harien and Sarek. Followed by a mysterious old desert hermit turning up outside his door with the Sword of the Raptor Star and talking all crazy about some sort of heroic quest to save a princess from the vile clutches of Hakeev's principal lieutenant. :P
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I created Tourik as an older character, and a former Tal Prai'ex officer, so to turn to the Empire it probably wouldn't take much.
He's a traditionalist, believes in Romulans (and Remans) standing as tall as they can and being proud to be Romulan (and Reman). He just barely accepts the presence of Klingons and Federation on Mol'Rihan - doesn't have any Federation presence on his ship - so any hint of integration with either would infuriate him. Though a diminishing of the Tal Shiar would be needed, certainly, considering the crimes of Hakeev. And that they're generally honourless compared to the proud Tal Prai'ex!
For my character, it would take proof: proof that the Empire is no longer what it was under Hakeev (because let's be honest, he was the real power behind the throne). He is (or at least was) a member of the Tal Shiar. While he did not approve of everything the pre-Hobus RSE did, he saw it as the best way for peace and safety. Besides, he was not a politician, he is a soldier, so that's not his job. When Donatra was coming to power he thought a bright new future was ahead for the Romulan people. Then she disappeared, and everything fell apart. He was sent to infiltrate D'Tan's resistance movement (likely to get him out of Tal Shiar business).
He has seen first hand what the organization he was once proud to serve has become, and it makes him sick. He is considered a traitor to the Tal Shiar for his actions. The Star Empire is gone. However, the Romulan Republic also disgusts him. Ideologically he is opposed to the Republic, he does not believe that a governmental system such as it has can adequately protect its people. In his heart, he will always be a proud citizen of the Romulan Star Empire, and he will fight and die in its name.
But all joking aside my characters would have a harder time; my Romulan would would probably only Empire if D'tan tried to do something stupid like almost blowing up New Romulus again.
Willingly joining a goverment based on supression and secrecy and ruled by a black ops military department? What could possibly go wrong, right? :rolleyes:
The remaining romulan "empire" has far too many nutcases in leading positions. D'Tan's republic may not be the ideal romulan goverment but it's still better than a bunch of power hungry warmongers who happily stab each others backs for the sake of satisfying their own ego.
Even if the hobus incedent wouldn't have wiped out romolus & remus the empire would've collapsed thanks to it's "leaders".
They'd have to kick out the Hirogen and Elachii, purge the Tal Shiar, reinstate the proper Romulan military, elect a new senate and Praetor, make peace with Federation and Klingons, help in the fight against the Iconian threat, make peace with the Republic and work towards reunification with the Republic-no matter what it takes- even if it means D'tan and friends get to be senators.
All in all, having them work towards something that could be considered actually constructive in regards to the future of the species and the Empire would be nice for a change. At least the Republic is doing that (even if it could be criticized for overly indebting itself to the Federation/Klingons, and overextending itself into the Delta Quadrant.)
Won't happen without powerful blackmail, or "Mind Games" level brainwashing shenanigans. The RSE has too much green blood on it's hands for willing defection.
However, reconciliation is not out of the question. But they have to be willing to put aside recidivism, admit their mistakes and crimes, and render up the guilty for trial. Like D'tan said, there are too few of us to allow the fighting to continue. But the aggressor has to be willing to accept that what's past is past.
Nothing could get my character to join the Empire.
I love the Romulan Republic, it's my favourite aspect of STO! I love New Romulus, I love that they want to leave their scheming, power-play ridden, vaguely Space fascist past behind and build a new society.
All that AND their officers get to dress like Han Solo! What's not to like?
Not even intensive brainwashing could get my character to follow Sela!
Fleeing Tal Shiar opression, Proconsul D'Tan leads a ragtag flotilla on a lonely quest...a shining planet known as Mol'Rihan.
The RSE as it is ? No. It's nowhere close to the old RSE, it just happen to have the same name.
The RSE as it was before Shinzon ? Yes.
From my Romulan point of vue, the old RSE was in need of some changes. For example having the Reman included as part of the Empire is a good thing. Breaking a bit the isolationism, and having diplomatic contact with the other civilizations is fine, as long as it's limited, and always to our advantage. You know, planting spies, inciting skirmishes and war amongst them when they start to be a threat (divide et impera), and stuff like that. Usual Romulan stuff.
She believe in a policed state, as i used to be, and think the Tal Shiar are the root of all the problems. They were created for a purpose, but they went power hungry as time goes, until they had more power than the senator themselves, acting as a faction inside the RSE, pulling the strings. We can clearly see they are hated by the military, and have control over the senators themselves during the Reunification issue.
Tal Shiar were created to protect the Romulan, but ended up protecting themselves. They were an unofficial splinter faction well before STO.
In short, a new RSE yes. Not the one it is now. Meanwhile, the Republic is a good alternative, and the survival of the Romulan comes first, there is enough time to speak politics later.
Honestly only my Tac Lib. Borg Rom Vikael is hardline Republic, and even she has some tendencies that wouldn't be out of place in the Empire. The main thing keeping her out is the belief that the Empire is old and inflexible, not to mention utterly corrupt and too full of self-serving backstabbers with no thought for the people. That last part is a bit hypocritical, though, since she got her position by self-serving backstabbing and isn't afraid in the least to plant a few daggers in some peoples' backs if it serves the Republic and rebuilds the Romulans into a strong, self-sufficient people.
Next hardest would be Jevelek, who really only joined the Republic because she strongly dislikes the Tal Shiar. She liked the Empire well enough, she thought the problem was their effectively unchecked Tal Shiar gestapo. The problem is, since the Tal Shiar are now synonymous with the Empire, there's no way she'd wind up joining them.
Then there's Noremak, who's literally only in the Republic because he felt his talents were wasted as a Borg research grunt with no room for advancement. He saw an opportunity with the Republic - his knowledge of Tal Shiar Borg operations makes him highly valuable, the young and crystallizing Republic would need scientists, and his experience in the command structure of the Tal Shiar gave him a skill he could really go places with. If the Tal Shiar offered him a powerful position in their ranks, he would definitely consider it... but they won't, because when he left, he sabotage a fairly important project they were doing just out of spite.
Well, Ta'nara has already switched sides from the Tal Shiar to the Republic. All it took was her accidentally uncovering evidence of the Iconians' manipulations, and a general dislike of Hakeev. Really, that's it. If not for either of those things, she would be busy espionaging the Republic to death right now.
It would be pretty hard for her to go back to the Tal Shiar at this point. Not only is she now considered to be a traitor by them, but she's become convinced that both the Tal Shiar and the RSE are broken beyond saving-- the best thing for the Romulan people, in her mind, is for both entities to be destroyed and remade from the ground up. She's not exactly a big fan of the Republic, but in her mind, a bunch of lilywhite idealists are still better than a bunch of willing pawns to an alien intelligence.
but she's become convinced that both the Tal Shiar and the RSE are broken beyond saving-- the best thing for the Romulan people, in her mind, is for both entities to be destroyed and remade from the ground up. She's not exactly a big fan of the Republic, but in her mind, a bunch of lilywhite idealists are still better than a bunch of willing pawns to an alien intelligence.
Glad Im not the only one with Romulans that feel like this. Hopefully we can tear both down and raise the banner of the Raptor Empire one day. Doubt it as long as the TRIBBLE at cryptic decide our fate tho
An'riel wasn't in a position of power or from a position of power in the old regime in any way, so she doesn't have an inherent interest in seeing the RSE's structures return to glory. The Empire certainly didn't do her a lot of good before the whole 'pawns of an alien power' thing and the Tal Shiar's puppet government threw her whole-heartedly into the Republic from the point of view of it 'not being the RSE'.
Ignoring that, the Romulan Republic seems to offer a great deal less social stratification, and that's generally been good for her, and she does think it's good overall for the Romulan (and Reman) people, so she's warmed up a bit towards supporting the Republic's social structures from the 'fine, yes, get along with Vulcan, will you let me go shoot Tal Shiar now?' phase she joined at. Her stronger association with the Remans and liaison with the Federation has also forced her to confront some inherent prejudices and she thinks the stronger degree of contact and openness are worth integrating into the base Romulan social structure.
The semi-mythical RSE of the old days of isolation would be more attractive, but the secret policed, corruption and heavily stratified Empire of the present held and holds little attraction. The Republic is a stronger, more vibrant entity, even before New Romulus.
Though she isn't sure how she'd answer personally if she was offered power on level with membership in the Senate earlier in her career. Now though, it'd probably be some pretty heavy brainwashing.
Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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But all joking aside my characters would have a harder time; my Romulan would would probably only Empire if D'tan tried to do something stupid like almost blowing up New Romulus again.
My Reman was Imperial but would only be again if Donatra came back.
He's a traditionalist, believes in Romulans (and Remans) standing as tall as they can and being proud to be Romulan (and Reman). He just barely accepts the presence of Klingons and Federation on Mol'Rihan - doesn't have any Federation presence on his ship - so any hint of integration with either would infuriate him. Though a diminishing of the Tal Shiar would be needed, certainly, considering the crimes of Hakeev. And that they're generally honourless compared to the proud Tal Prai'ex!
He has seen first hand what the organization he was once proud to serve has become, and it makes him sick. He is considered a traitor to the Tal Shiar for his actions. The Star Empire is gone. However, the Romulan Republic also disgusts him. Ideologically he is opposed to the Republic, he does not believe that a governmental system such as it has can adequately protect its people. In his heart, he will always be a proud citizen of the Romulan Star Empire, and he will fight and die in its name.
It is too expensive.
Because that haven't happened before .
The remaining romulan "empire" has far too many nutcases in leading positions. D'Tan's republic may not be the ideal romulan goverment but it's still better than a bunch of power hungry warmongers who happily stab each others backs for the sake of satisfying their own ego.
Even if the hobus incedent wouldn't have wiped out romolus & remus the empire would've collapsed thanks to it's "leaders".
All in all, having them work towards something that could be considered actually constructive in regards to the future of the species and the Empire would be nice for a change. At least the Republic is doing that (even if it could be criticized for overly indebting itself to the Federation/Klingons, and overextending itself into the Delta Quadrant.)
You didn't really read OP, right?
However, reconciliation is not out of the question. But they have to be willing to put aside recidivism, admit their mistakes and crimes, and render up the guilty for trial. Like D'tan said, there are too few of us to allow the fighting to continue. But the aggressor has to be willing to accept that what's past is past.
I love the Romulan Republic, it's my favourite aspect of STO! I love New Romulus, I love that they want to leave their scheming, power-play ridden, vaguely Space fascist past behind and build a new society.
All that AND their officers get to dress like Han Solo! What's not to like?
Not even intensive brainwashing could get my character to follow Sela!
This. I want him to die as I have killed(Well, ALL of us have killed) Hakeev. But slower. Much slower. Romulan torture is a dish best cooked slowly.
The RSE as it was before Shinzon ? Yes.
From my Romulan point of vue, the old RSE was in need of some changes. For example having the Reman included as part of the Empire is a good thing. Breaking a bit the isolationism, and having diplomatic contact with the other civilizations is fine, as long as it's limited, and always to our advantage. You know, planting spies, inciting skirmishes and war amongst them when they start to be a threat (divide et impera), and stuff like that. Usual Romulan stuff.
She believe in a policed state, as i used to be, and think the Tal Shiar are the root of all the problems. They were created for a purpose, but they went power hungry as time goes, until they had more power than the senator themselves, acting as a faction inside the RSE, pulling the strings. We can clearly see they are hated by the military, and have control over the senators themselves during the Reunification issue.
Tal Shiar were created to protect the Romulan, but ended up protecting themselves. They were an unofficial splinter faction well before STO.
In short, a new RSE yes. Not the one it is now. Meanwhile, the Republic is a good alternative, and the survival of the Romulan comes first, there is enough time to speak politics later.
Next hardest would be Jevelek, who really only joined the Republic because she strongly dislikes the Tal Shiar. She liked the Empire well enough, she thought the problem was their effectively unchecked Tal Shiar gestapo. The problem is, since the Tal Shiar are now synonymous with the Empire, there's no way she'd wind up joining them.
Then there's Noremak, who's literally only in the Republic because he felt his talents were wasted as a Borg research grunt with no room for advancement. He saw an opportunity with the Republic - his knowledge of Tal Shiar Borg operations makes him highly valuable, the young and crystallizing Republic would need scientists, and his experience in the command structure of the Tal Shiar gave him a skill he could really go places with. If the Tal Shiar offered him a powerful position in their ranks, he would definitely consider it... but they won't, because when he left, he sabotage a fairly important project they were doing just out of spite.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
"Let them die."
It would be pretty hard for her to go back to the Tal Shiar at this point. Not only is she now considered to be a traitor by them, but she's become convinced that both the Tal Shiar and the RSE are broken beyond saving-- the best thing for the Romulan people, in her mind, is for both entities to be destroyed and remade from the ground up. She's not exactly a big fan of the Republic, but in her mind, a bunch of lilywhite idealists are still better than a bunch of willing pawns to an alien intelligence.
The lilywhite idealists are pawns too, only to other pointy-eared species.
Hmmm, a Thaleron pulse to wipe out all the forum whine.
Then some of my Romulan/Reman characters might consider it.
Or maybe they would just consider themselves free agents at that point hard to say. :P
An'riel wasn't in a position of power or from a position of power in the old regime in any way, so she doesn't have an inherent interest in seeing the RSE's structures return to glory. The Empire certainly didn't do her a lot of good before the whole 'pawns of an alien power' thing and the Tal Shiar's puppet government threw her whole-heartedly into the Republic from the point of view of it 'not being the RSE'.
Ignoring that, the Romulan Republic seems to offer a great deal less social stratification, and that's generally been good for her, and she does think it's good overall for the Romulan (and Reman) people, so she's warmed up a bit towards supporting the Republic's social structures from the 'fine, yes, get along with Vulcan, will you let me go shoot Tal Shiar now?' phase she joined at. Her stronger association with the Remans and liaison with the Federation has also forced her to confront some inherent prejudices and she thinks the stronger degree of contact and openness are worth integrating into the base Romulan social structure.
The semi-mythical RSE of the old days of isolation would be more attractive, but the secret policed, corruption and heavily stratified Empire of the present held and holds little attraction. The Republic is a stronger, more vibrant entity, even before New Romulus.
Though she isn't sure how she'd answer personally if she was offered power on level with membership in the Senate earlier in her career. Now though, it'd probably be some pretty heavy brainwashing.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!