XP bonus weekend happen like twice a year or something. And only last... a weekend.
As for DOFF xp, the doff xp from doffing is not that high. The highest I've seen is 1.3K xp, for a 20h mission in the DQ. And since it last only a weekend, well,...
Usually it's around 100-200xp, which is very low.
And a game should not be balanced around special events. Special events are supposed to makes the game better, somehow.
You aren't very good at doffing for XP. I get thousands per day. part of it is having good crit chances. Critting will give a huge amount of xp for assignments that give a few hundred non crit.... especially Hamlet. But you can only do it once a week.
Watch this, and you'll see a large percentage of the most vocal posters on these forums. You might even see yourself in the character playing the game. If so... well consider yourself called out and consider a change in attitude for the better. Because seriously, folks, it's gone beyond embarrassing.
Y'know this was quite an interesting watch, now...
People want the best items, that's a given, if it wasn't true people would settle for Nissan Micras instead of Bugatti Veyrons.
Exploits such as the one explained in the video come about because the playerbase (not all but usually most) feel the amount of x reward (dil/ec/xp etc etc) doesn't match the amount of time they put into the game, granted there are people who do not work for whatever reason and play this for most of the day (yes I was once one of those people) these people don't really have a difficulty getting the stuff they want as they have all the time to get it, however when you come home from a long day at work and you get on your prefered game it's a bit disheartening when you realise how many hours/days/months/years it's going to take to get the stuff you want, granted it shouldn't feel like you need the 'best' gear, there should be an opportunity for players of all levels/skill/gear etc to take part in the game (both PvE and PvP) without feeling they are letting their team down.
However STO doesn't seem to cater toward that, they allow access to Normal and Advanced queues at practically the same level, why do a Normal when you can far more for a slightly tougher version of the mission when it takes roughly the same time to complete.
As mentioned in the video, the whole 'yes I can get those items in game but it takes forever' comment, in some ways, mainly for XP currently, does apply to STO, in which case I go back to my exploit comment, it's because the playerbase feel the amount of rewards doesn't reflect the time put in, I mean if you had to bench press a house for an hour for a loaf of bread and someone comes along and says 'hey, I know a way to get a loaf of bread by lifting a brick' and proves it, would you say 'no thanks, I'll just go back to bench pressing my house'? Well if you answered yes you're an idiot! Granted you could try and argue exploits are similar to criminal activity, why go to work when you can rob a bank and be richer faster, but it's because the threat of jail, or in Cryptic's case a ban is remote, chances are they'll change bank security rather than go through all the robbers punishing them.
As for the 'exploit to get the loot to do the raid to get the better loot' argument given, since Delta Rising was released it has been very unforgiving for those without decent gear, making it hard if not impossible to get by on it, making players upgrade all their stuff until they can scrape by, changing their stuff completely or stick to unrewarding missions.
Now for me, I like to play stuff in this game I enjoy, we recently managed to get to SBFD's going with the help of a lot channels and some very patient people, this mission isn't overly rewarding to a lot of end game players, but (at least for me) it is fun nonetheless, I also RP, achieves nothing in game most of the time but again I find it fun, that being said I also enjoy running events with the fleet, for the latter it's mostly the PvE queues now I could take Fed Toon 1 who currently has got all their stuff done as far as I want, which would get me no further than I already am or I could take Fed Toon 2 who doesn't have all the new stuff and get their rep' a little further along, but then say a friend wants help with a DQ patrol, yeah cool it's pretty fun doing patrols together, but wait KDF Toon 1 hasn't done the episode before so he can't do that and Fed' toons can't team with him, looks like he's on his own unless I then catch up to him on KDF Toon 1, which could take a while.
A recap:
Most players want value for their time, they don't want to have to do the same 5 missions to get x marks for the things for their ship, not only is there a limited amount of things to do for x mark but why spend an hour getting one mark when there's an option to get one mark a minute? especially when both are equally as fun.
STO doesn't have the variety to do something different all the time but still feeling like you're making progress.
I get the idea the video is getting at 'what's the rush just enjoy the game' but if I did that there'd come a point where the majority of the game is out of bounds for me, simply because I wouldn't have the gear or level to get to it, if I did I'd probably fail it due to the base gear required for it plus the end game stuff is the real fun stuff (for most), most of that (I think) doesn't unlock until around level 45, and there's not much to do before that that I would consider fun at this point.
I love the episodes don't get me wrong... The first few times around, but I've had to listen to Captain Kurland say his own name 15 times in Boldly They Rode enough now!
A briefer recap
for most the Time to Reward ratio is way off and the amount of content to get said rewards and spend said time doesn't match.
If Cryptic were to say ok, playing for four hours a day on elite ('cause let's face it anything less is just shooting fish in a barrel, again not really fun) it will take about a year to get from 1 - 60 I could live with that, as long as there was a year's worth of content to go with it, what we currently face (using the above example) is something like; playing four hours a day on elite will get you from 1 - 60 in a year but we only have about 4 months worth of content, 2 months worth of that content contributes to other things and won't even get you that far on your year journey of 1 - 60.
Of course the figures I've used aren't accurate, I'm not sure how long it would take but I hope I get my point across. I type as I think so sometimes my point can get lost in my thought trail!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
It would be a pvper that would miss the point. Let me say this slowly for you.
You don't have a horse in this race. Your words are unneeded. You no longer play this game so why do you feel some grand need to still whine about it?
It must be because you find whining over anything fun. If this was not the case you would be playing with your ED.
There is no point missed my friend. I posted because the OP completely missed the point of a joke. Somehow reading something into it when the joke is really aimed at people playing games like Destiny / STO / Pretty much any other PWE game... or any game you can think of with a grind to unlock the grind style games.
As far as not playing STO... yes I logged in 2 or 3 times in DEC I admit it... I'm not playing. Never said it was uninstalled frankly I have been pretty clear that I would come back if Cryptic ever came to there senses. (which means I log in a few times a month to flip a few things and make sure inflation doesn't eat my war chest lol) If Cryptic was smart they would start sending surveys to people that haven't logged in in weeks and ask them why and how they could improve the game.
For me its simple. The game went from a game where there was some grind... however they where mostly the type I could mostly ignore or not feel like I needed to rush. (Everyone expects a few grinds in fact we want them). However it has evolved into a game where you literally have to complete a grind to unlock a new grind... or X of a good chunk of one grind to make it possible to really get going on the next grind. You also now have to grind a bunch of resources in order to progress another grind. Its a point where there are just to many interlocking annoying grinds. I'm sorry but anyone that says... there is only a grind if you make one is full of it. I didn't design a rep / gear / leveling / spec / R&D system that all locked together and forced you to do it all if you wanted to be able to progress in game content... or be on par with other players for PvP for example.
Cryptic made those changes not me. They forced us to change the way we played to suit there taste... because it makes them more $. Don't kid yourselves. So there it is I left not because I hate Trek... or even STO. I left because Cryptic decided to force me to do a ton of stuff I really don't find all that fun so I could continue doing the stuff I was already doing that I was enjoying enough to stick around for 4+ years.
Oh FYI I don't play ED... I have been playing Eve when I feel like gaming. For the most part I have been working on a new book.
Do you know what I'm going to do when I max out my specialization tree? I'm going to stop playing the game.
Not really - it just sounds ridiculous doesn't it?
This is the dev's logic behind the slowed down leveling. They think once I've achieved everything I'm going to delete the game and never play again.
Who does that?
Seriously. When I got my Vulcan main maxed out (prior to DR), I started on my Romulan, when I got them maxed out, I maxed my Orion. When I hit the 'wall' I just branched out with different builds, getting omega sets for my away teams, working on achievements, playing foundry missions, and making more characters to play.
For me the fun starts when I get to the point where a character feels caught up on the new content. At the rate it's taking me to grind through spec points right now, it'll probably be a year before I get all the spec points just for my Vulcan. That's not fun, that's repetitive.
As is, most of my characters are just used for doff missions now, which is a real shame.
My character Tsin'xing
Y'know this was quite an interesting watch, now...
People want the best items, that's a given, if it wasn't true people would settle for Nissan Micras instead of Bugatti Veyrons.
Exploits such as the one explained in the video come about because the playerbase (not all but usually most) feel the amount of x reward (dil/ec/xp etc etc) doesn't match the amount of time they put into the game, granted there are people who do not work for whatever reason and play this for most of the day (yes I was once one of those people) these people don't really have a difficulty getting the stuff they want as they have all the time to get it, however when you come home from a long day at work and you get on your prefered game it's a bit disheartening when you realise how many hours/days/months/years it's going to take to get the stuff you want, granted it shouldn't feel like you need the 'best' gear, there should be an opportunity for players of all levels/skill/gear etc to take part in the game (both PvE and PvP) without feeling they are letting their team down.
However STO doesn't seem to cater toward that, they allow access to Normal and Advanced queues at practically the same level, why do a Normal when you can far more for a slightly tougher version of the mission when it takes roughly the same time to complete.
As mentioned in the video, the whole 'yes I can get those items in game but it takes forever' comment, in some ways, mainly for XP currently, does apply to STO, in which case I go back to my exploit comment, it's because the playerbase feel the amount of rewards doesn't reflect the time put in, I mean if you had to bench press a house for an hour for a loaf of bread and someone comes along and says 'hey, I know a way to get a loaf of bread by lifting a brick' and proves it, would you say 'no thanks, I'll just go back to bench pressing my house'? Well if you answered yes you're an idiot! Granted you could try and argue exploits are similar to criminal activity, why go to work when you can rob a bank and be richer faster, but it's because the threat of jail, or in Cryptic's case a ban is remote, chances are they'll change bank security rather than go through all the robbers punishing them.
As for the 'exploit to get the loot to do the raid to get the better loot' argument given, since Delta Rising was released it has been very unforgiving for those without decent gear, making it hard if not impossible to get by on it, making players upgrade all their stuff until they can scrape by, changing their stuff completely or stick to unrewarding missions.
Now for me, I like to play stuff in this game I enjoy, we recently managed to get to SBFD's going with the help of a lot channels and some very patient people, this mission isn't overly rewarding to a lot of end game players, but (at least for me) it is fun nonetheless, I also RP, achieves nothing in game most of the time but again I find it fun, that being said I also enjoy running events with the fleet, for the latter it's mostly the PvE queues now I could take Fed Toon 1 who currently has got all their stuff done as far as I want, which would get me no further than I already am or I could take Fed Toon 2 who doesn't have all the new stuff and get their rep' a little further along, but then say a friend wants help with a DQ patrol, yeah cool it's pretty fun doing patrols together, but wait KDF Toon 1 hasn't done the episode before so he can't do that and Fed' toons can't team with him, looks like he's on his own unless I then catch up to him on KDF Toon 1, which could take a while.
A recap:
Most players want value for their time, they don't want to have to do the same 5 missions to get x marks for the things for their ship, not only is there a limited amount of things to do for x mark but why spend an hour getting one mark when there's an option to get one mark a minute? especially when both are equally as fun.
STO doesn't have the variety to do something different all the time but still feeling like you're making progress.
I get the idea the video is getting at 'what's the rush just enjoy the game' but if I did that there'd come a point where the majority of the game is out of bounds for me, simply because I wouldn't have the gear or level to get to it, if I did I'd probably fail it due to the base gear required for it plus the end game stuff is the real fun stuff (for most), most of that (I think) doesn't unlock until around level 45, and there's not much to do before that that I would consider fun at this point.
I love the episodes don't get me wrong... The first few times around, but I've had to listen to Captain Kurland say his own name 15 times in Boldly They Rode enough now!
A briefer recap
for most the Time to Reward ratio is way off and the amount of content to get said rewards and spend said time doesn't match.
If Cryptic were to say ok, playing for four hours a day on elite ('cause let's face it anything less is just shooting fish in a barrel, again not really fun) it will take about a year to get from 1 - 60 I could live with that, as long as there was a year's worth of content to go with it, what we currently face (using the above example) is something like; playing four hours a day on elite will get you from 1 - 60 in a year but we only have about 4 months worth of content, 2 months worth of that content contributes to other things and won't even get you that far on your year journey of 1 - 60.
Of course the figures I've used aren't accurate, I'm not sure how long it would take but I hope I get my point across. I type as I think so sometimes my point can get lost in my thought trail!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
There is no point missed my friend. I posted because the OP completely missed the point of a joke. Somehow reading something into it when the joke is really aimed at people playing games like Destiny / STO / Pretty much any other PWE game... or any game you can think of with a grind to unlock the grind style games.
As far as not playing STO... yes I logged in 2 or 3 times in DEC I admit it... I'm not playing. Never said it was uninstalled frankly I have been pretty clear that I would come back if Cryptic ever came to there senses. (which means I log in a few times a month to flip a few things and make sure inflation doesn't eat my war chest lol) If Cryptic was smart they would start sending surveys to people that haven't logged in in weeks and ask them why and how they could improve the game.
For me its simple. The game went from a game where there was some grind... however they where mostly the type I could mostly ignore or not feel like I needed to rush. (Everyone expects a few grinds in fact we want them). However it has evolved into a game where you literally have to complete a grind to unlock a new grind... or X of a good chunk of one grind to make it possible to really get going on the next grind. You also now have to grind a bunch of resources in order to progress another grind. Its a point where there are just to many interlocking annoying grinds. I'm sorry but anyone that says... there is only a grind if you make one is full of it. I didn't design a rep / gear / leveling / spec / R&D system that all locked together and forced you to do it all if you wanted to be able to progress in game content... or be on par with other players for PvP for example.
Cryptic made those changes not me. They forced us to change the way we played to suit there taste... because it makes them more $. Don't kid yourselves. So there it is I left not because I hate Trek... or even STO. I left because Cryptic decided to force me to do a ton of stuff I really don't find all that fun so I could continue doing the stuff I was already doing that I was enjoying enough to stick around for 4+ years.
Oh FYI I don't play ED... I have been playing Eve when I feel like gaming. For the most part I have been working on a new book.
For me the fun starts when I get to the point where a character feels caught up on the new content. At the rate it's taking me to grind through spec points right now, it'll probably be a year before I get all the spec points just for my Vulcan. That's not fun, that's repetitive.
As is, most of my characters are just used for doff missions now, which is a real shame.