Hello, i am having an issue where I can't transfer human Intelligence Boff to fellow engineering captain (I want to train Boff in EPtW3). Bug or intended?
Max. One-Hit: 114,966 (Quantum Torpedo - Salvo II (Federation Typhoon Class Battleship))
1. I logged into my Federation character Nikolay
2. I am in Earth Space Dock
3. I selected fellow captain and clicked trade
4. In trade menu when I try to drag in Intelligence boff, without gear, I received message (character name) cant be transferred
5. I can transfer other Boffs to other captains normally as before update.
Max. One-Hit: 114,966 (Quantum Torpedo - Salvo II (Federation Typhoon Class Battleship))
I've heard the opposite, that ALL Intel boffs cannot be traded.
Cryptic, you've royally screwed up the training system now. Something needs to be done ASAP to address the archaic necessity of trading boffs in order for another captain to be able to train them. Another captain (captain 2) should be able to train my boffs without me (captain 1) needing to trade them.
If you're unable to work out the mechanics for captain 2 training an object owned by captain 1 then maybe a tradeable 'training token' could be generated by captain 2 and given to the other captain. If you (irrationally) fear an economy developing with said trading tokens being sold on the exchange, keep in mind that ANY captain would have unlimited ability to generate these which would crash the market overnight. At worst, you could make them an account-bound item like reputation tokens, thus encouraging players to diversify and have 1 alt of each profession that could generate the tokens and transfer them to themselves via the account bank.
Alternatively, captain 2 could cast a 60-second aura on captain 1 that allows captain 1 to train the boff in that ability themselves, again without requiring a trade.
Or you could add all captain-trainable-only skills to future RNG boffs so they could be gotten on the exchange or via luck.
Or you could pull the nuclear option and forgo the entire 'hard to find' rank III skills system and allow the boff trainer at the major social hubs to train all rank III skills.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
either restrict some rank 3 abilities to class completely and totally or provide a better system for transferring them
So I forked over the zen for the ops pack right? And part of the new age of ships is to swap through them and earn/unlock mastery traits like trading cards, but when it's time to build the sci loadouts for my tact captain I either loose Zet (efficiency,pirate) and the intel sci guy (efficiency,15,000 freaking zen) So I can train Gravity Well/Tyken's Rift 3. OR, heaven forbid, I actually dare to make use of my intell stations and earned/purchased Boffs and go without the top tier skills in eng/sci class on tact, or visa versa.
Not to mention there's only 1 truly Tactical ship in the pack fed side, meaning the rest lean more on engie and sci skills than a tact cap normally might, so how is a tact cap supposed to be able to both collect the best boffs AND proper skills -AS IS THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME?- How can a Sci toon get FaW3 and Subsystems Override on the same boff if it's bound? It's not like there's a restriction on cross-training, just a wonky system in the way of it.
Seems like introducing something as simple as request training button within the "right click player" menu along with "trade" and "private message" would be pretty... well, simple.
Man, what the heck! I'm having the same issue. This is so frustrating not being able to trade this bridge officer for training! (The BO is one i purchased from the guy near the trainer in ESD for EC - BO: Male, Human, Sci officer.) Come on Cryptic! What were you guys thinking?! Fix this already.
1. I logged into my Federation character Nikolay
2. I am in Earth Space Dock
3. I selected fellow captain and clicked trade
4. In trade menu when I try to drag in Intelligence boff, without gear, I received message (character name) cant be transferred
5. I can transfer other Boffs to other captains normally as before update.
As far as I know any other Intelligence officer Acquired throughout the Game Content will probably be Tradeable.
Can you tell us where you acquired the Bridge Officer, along with it's Gender, Species and Career?
Cryptic, you've royally screwed up the training system now. Something needs to be done ASAP to address the archaic necessity of trading boffs in order for another captain to be able to train them. Another captain (captain 2) should be able to train my boffs without me (captain 1) needing to trade them.
If you're unable to work out the mechanics for captain 2 training an object owned by captain 1 then maybe a tradeable 'training token' could be generated by captain 2 and given to the other captain. If you (irrationally) fear an economy developing with said trading tokens being sold on the exchange, keep in mind that ANY captain would have unlimited ability to generate these which would crash the market overnight. At worst, you could make them an account-bound item like reputation tokens, thus encouraging players to diversify and have 1 alt of each profession that could generate the tokens and transfer them to themselves via the account bank.
Alternatively, captain 2 could cast a 60-second aura on captain 1 that allows captain 1 to train the boff in that ability themselves, again without requiring a trade.
Or you could add all captain-trainable-only skills to future RNG boffs so they could be gotten on the exchange or via luck.
Or you could pull the nuclear option and forgo the entire 'hard to find' rank III skills system and allow the boff trainer at the major social hubs to train all rank III skills.
Joined January 2009
it's confusing and weird
either restrict some rank 3 abilities to class completely and totally or provide a better system for transferring them
So I forked over the zen for the ops pack right? And part of the new age of ships is to swap through them and earn/unlock mastery traits like trading cards, but when it's time to build the sci loadouts for my tact captain I either loose Zet (efficiency,pirate) and the intel sci guy (efficiency,15,000 freaking zen) So I can train Gravity Well/Tyken's Rift 3. OR, heaven forbid, I actually dare to make use of my intell stations and earned/purchased Boffs and go without the top tier skills in eng/sci class on tact, or visa versa.
Not to mention there's only 1 truly Tactical ship in the pack fed side, meaning the rest lean more on engie and sci skills than a tact cap normally might, so how is a tact cap supposed to be able to both collect the best boffs AND proper skills -AS IS THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME?- How can a Sci toon get FaW3 and Subsystems Override on the same boff if it's bound? It's not like there's a restriction on cross-training, just a wonky system in the way of it.
Seems like introducing something as simple as request training button within the "right click player" menu along with "trade" and "private message" would be pretty... well, simple.