What I am trying to do is push up the DPS on this ship so that I can get through the rest of the DR and be effective in Advanced to get the crafting mats and the new DR Battery currency so that I can get the Delta Space and Ground Gear.
I am operating on a shostring budget. I am in a fleet, but not everything is unlocked. So I may or may not have access to fleet gear.
My play style is generally solo pve and pugging queues so don't need to worry about PVP at all.
Officer skills are kind of a mess.
See if you can work in..
OSS in an intel slot, for weapon power cap bonus.
Eng team, or something, to ignore the OSS debuff above (swap for your hull heal maybe).
Tac officer, lose something for an attack pattern beta?
Consider intel skill: turbulence which stacks with beta
consider eng skill, power to weapons
Consider a 4 DBB forward weapon payload, or 3 DBB and torp.
Consider one copy of a beam overload with the duty officer that makes your attacks bypass shields upon use of overload. The blue ones are not extremely expensive, and purple is only *moderately* expensive.
That is just a start, but feedback before doing additional surgery on it..
consider an omni aft beam. If you can produce the mats, I will be happy to mash the button to craft it without charge. This would take some time but would be well worth it if you are satisfied with your damage type.
if you can stack
pattern beta
power to weapons
override systems
backed by FAW/surgical on a group or overload on a boss or bosslet, you will be amazed at how just officer skills changed your damage output.
Edit good catch below me
every single tac console should be for your beams. Period.
If you can, pick up some rep consoles. Most unlock at tier 2-3, and while they cost dil, they are worth it. If you need help to pick them, say so, but look at them and pick for yourself if you can, to learn from the process of choosing. Your special ship lance console is universal, move it out if you use it, or toss it in the bank if you find it to be weak. MOST weapon consoles are too long a cooldown to bother wasting a console slot... if its like my maha, its a strong spike damage and long cooldown, but still not worth it.
-Use only +phaser damage consoles in the tactical slots if you plan on using phasers. These tac slots are quite precious, so match them up with the appropriate damage bonus consoles to get the most out of them
-Use Beam Fire At Will x2 (or 1 if you plan on using Aux2Batt) instead of Beam Overload for higher sustained DPS.
-For BOFF skills, here is what I would recommend using: Override Subsystem Safeties 1, Ionic Turbulence 1, Transport Warhead 1 or Surgical Strikes 1, Torpedo Spread 3, Attack Pattern Omega3, Engineering Team 1.
Ionic Turbulence is quite a game-breaking ability if you can pull targets together via Projected Singularity console (or Gravity Well in other Lt.Cmdr Sci equipped ships).
Override Subsystem Safeties 1 pushes weapon power levels past 150 on my ship -- this adds an extra +50% damage if you normally run weapons hot at 125. Just have Engineering Team ready just in case your shield subsystem goes down afterwards. Stack this with Ionic turbulence to really punish your target.
Honestly, the ship is pretty scattered and you have a couple of overlapping cooldowns that result in skills that are probably not available often, and a couple other skills that net result probably aren't doing much. The intel torp skills are iffy for example, particularly since you already have real torp skills. Viral Impulse Burst is kinda cool to use but not sure its much help to your setup. And without Tac Team, Hazard Emitters, or an anti-tractor ability (Vaadwaur love their tractors), I'm guessing survival is somewhat of an issue?
Here's a rebuild idea thats basically the same ship just tidied up.
Doffs would be 2-3 Damage Control Engineers plus whatever else you like (Conn Officer for Tac Team maybe, or Maintenance Engineer and Dev Lab or the ST/ET cooldowns, letting the Phantom's trait take care of TT). Power settings would be Weapons maxed, then high Engine power to keep up with the fast Vaadwaur ships without having to use EPTE, while Shields energy you could set to 20-25 and still end up running high due to the EPTS. Consoles I left grade unmarked just get what you can, and though the Graviton Pulse Generator is kinda cool you don't really have the skill setup to make it shine and so replacing it wouldn't be a bad idea (I'd go for the Bio Neural Gel Pack or the Assimilated Module personally). Lastly on weapons, since you're running a Surgical Strike build, CrtD mods are your friends and should be used whenever possible.
And note I'm not claiming this is a super minmax build, but rather your build in your budget just 'helped out.'
reginamala78, survival is an issue when I run Solo in the Delta Quadrant.
The Graviton Pulse Generator, has not been as useful as I had hoped it to be, so it's an easy thing for me to change.
As for rep gear, I have almost all the rep gear from Counter Command and down. I don't have all of the peaices for the Omega Reps, but that has been slowly worked on.
The weapons are the ones that I have that seemed to be the best. I didn't have very many cannons, so went with the best beams that I had.
Based on what everyone has written so far, I will relook at my boff's and doff's and re-arrange. And I will look over my other ships and see if I have some +phaser consoles.
The Lance I have used in a very effective manner and I really like. And it doesn't seem to be a very long cool down for me.
(just a side note I am Tier 5 in every rep and have Level 16 in Beam crafting. And LOADS of mats because I haven't really built anything. But I can start trying to build what I need.)
I do usually run with weapon power at 125.
I had put in my skill tree and the traits that I have active. I wanted to make sure that I choose well there too.
Once I get home I will look at what I can change right away and update it here.
I don't need the ship to be super min/maxed cause I can make up fior it in piloting. As the ship stabnds now, I have been able to take first place in Advanced CC and seem to pull around 5.2K DPS in Advanced Borg STF's (any of the space ones consistantly).
Thanks for all the advice, will let you know later tonight of all the changes.
For weapons i have this set up as a beam boat so i can keep flying at max speed and not really lose my arc on target,also to keep my defense up as well.
En-Uni: EPTE
LTC -Tact: TT1,TT2,APO1
Com Intel/Tact IT1,OSS2,APO1,SS2(working on 3)
LT Intel/Sci: HE1,ST2
For doffs:
2x dmg ctrl engineers,
2x energy weapon officer(reduce CD on beams) sidenote: the beams and cannon version both work with Surgical Strikes
1x warp core engineer for power boost
1x conn officer to reduce CD on evasive.
I do have some copies of abilities but only because there are situations where reprocity doesn't proc and i want to at least keep my defenses up. When it procs then the abilities do become redundant but id rather have it than not. The only thing is running a single copy of SS does hinder damage when it doesn't but the trade off is i have survivability by rarely getting hit.
For my defense except for maxing the intel tree which i am working on, i think i got as much + defense gear as i can get without sacrificing too much DPS. I got the eclipse trait,(+22%), pattern recognition (+6%), elusive (+10%), Counter Command engines(+5%), Counter Command Deflector(5% set bonus with engines), Dyson Res All Engi Console VR mk14 (+2.8%)
APO gives bonus defense and i usually have that running as much as i can, also keeping evasive up adds another I think 25% so it right now peaks over 200 at max but stays about 130-150 during a fight.
Don't mix phasers and disruptors. If DPS is your problem, pick one weapon type and stick to it. You can buy new weapons, exactly the kind you like, cheaper than upgrading mismatches. And if you can't spend ANY money, you can still get something closer to what you want from farming mission rewards ( http://sto.gamepedia.com/Episode_replay ). But building your starship by cleaning out the garage is always gonna end up messy. Picking up the right Mk12s is worth more than the wrong Mk14s.
Don't mix phasers and disruptors. If DPS is your problem, pick one weapon type and stick to it. You can buy new weapons, exactly the kind you like, cheaper than upgrading mismatches. And if you can't spend ANY money, you can still get something closer to what you want from farming mission rewards ( http://sto.gamepedia.com/Episode_replay ). But building your starship by cleaning out the garage is always gonna end up messy. Picking up the right Mk12s is worth more than the wrong Mk14s.
I plan to replace the disruptor with a Omni phaser once I get the resources to do it. Which should be tomorrow for the Dililithium (only thing I am short on besides EC)
As for damage modifiers on the weapons: avoid [dmg] - its the worst modifier you can get in the long-term.
I would love to be able to control what mods I get, but I can't. SO I am trying to work with what I got. I don't have the EC to go and buy what I want. And I can't manufacture Bio-Molecular Phasers as far as I know. And doing the Counter Command Rep hourly nets a random component with random mods. Which makes it really hard to build this ship.
look in the exchange for stuff with mixed mods, like [acc][CrtD][CrtH] or any combinations containing these - the mixed ones are usually quite cheap and already work better than the [dmg] - stuff.
My latest setup still sports green Mk XII [CrtD] - disruptor arrays i got for ~10000 EC / piece.
look in the exchange for stuff with mixed mods, like [acc][CrtD][CrtH] or any combinations containing these - the mixed ones are usually quite cheap and already work better than the [dmg] - stuff.
My latest setup still sports green Mk XII [CrtD] - disruptor arrays i got for ~10000 EC / piece.
Last night when I looked on the exchanged, the search function could not bring up a single bio-molecular phaser beam of any kind. And phasers quickly went up in price. with only dual heavy phasers being within reach of my EC's. ( only have a couple million ec's).
So I am guessing that people are not selling Bio-Molecular Phasers. And getting more is going to cost me Undine Marks at this point.
Last night when I looked on the exchanged, the search function could not bring up a single bio-molecular phaser beam of any kind. And phasers quickly went up in price. with only dual heavy phasers being within reach of my EC's. ( only have a couple million ec's).
So I am guessing that people are not selling Bio-Molecular Phasers. And getting more is going to cost me Undine Marks at this point.
bio molecular phasers/disruptors are ONLY from the undine rep boxes or for dilithium from the rep store.
If you want a certain mod you need to spend dilithium or play the hourly lottery wit the rep boxes and hope for the best.
Surgical Strikes is better than FAW imho, so iwould drop FAW and replace with APO1
I would switch your science stations drop Kinteic magnet, and get HE1, OSS2 instead.
Drop the directed energy tact consoles and get phaser ones, they will increase your phaser damage more.
There is a good engineer console from Dyson Rep which is Res All and has 2.5% defense on it which is ideal for phantom as you wan your defense as high as possible cause of reprocity. The best thing to do in phantom is to keep moving and have a high defense as possible. That way you wont die as often.
Also you need to think about abilities to get out of tractor beams and holds, like APO and polarize hull, it would help in your survivability. One thing i noticed in flying the phantom is getting held down is death for this ship but if you can keep on the move you will be fine. I sometimes even forget about healing cause i usually dodge most things coming at me.
I am working on getting more phaser relays. So still using what I have. I have noticed that to stop is death too. What about going to the thorium polarons, is that good idea? I have purple mark xii in all styles of beams. Just wondering. And I have the polarons in cannons too.
rule of thumb: dont mix damage types. Either go full phaser or full disruptor or full polaron. As soon as you have uniform damage type weapons, start changing the directed energy modulators to the specific damage consoles (phaser relay / disruptor induction coil / polaron phase modulator)
other rule of thumb: do not mix beams and cannons/turrets.
change your diburnium armor to neutronium alloy for more damage resists.
(If you don't have at least 2 purple DCE DOffs or 3 blue DCE DOffs, go EPtW2/EPtW3 for offense, EPtS2/EPtS3 if you really need it.)
Spam Tac Team and EPtS/EPtW whenever they're off cooldown. This gives you power levels, hardened shields, and automatic shield distribution. Make sure you're not spamming the Redistribute Shields command because it interrupts firing cycles, and TT should handle that anyway.
Alternate between FAW3/APB3 and FAW3/APB1 every 20s. (If you have a Zemok DOff, go APO3 instead of APB3. If you have the Delta Rising pack, stick with APB3 and use the SDO DOff that heals you when you attack with APB active.)
Sync an OSS with the FAWs whenever possible. Firing FAW at 165 Weapon Power melts things. It also increases your durability when you're at over 140 Shield Power. When OSS is about to expire (around 1-2s left) activate Eng Team to negate the subsystem offline. You'll basically be activating Eng Team very 20s, so it's a steady source of healing that way.
Do not reserve Eng Team as a hull heal, use Hazard Emitters for that purpose. You don't want an important subsystem (like Shields!) to go offline with no way to bring it back up. Use Sci Team as a shield heal. Both of those latter abilities are also for debuff clearing. Go ST1/HE2 if you're having more trouble with hull than shields.
However, if you find your hull dropping but your shields are mostly fine, the problem is most likely your Covariant shields. The Nukara Shields with the Nukara Deflector is preferred. Given the large amounts of Attack Patterns in play, the Romulan Engines (which boost Attack Pattern skill) is also recommended. Grab a Fleet warp core with [AMP] when you can, especially if you're carrying two copies of OSS. You'll pretty much always get 4 subsystems above 75 power due to OSS. You're likely to want the Plasma (or whatever) cores from the Spire that reduce power drain.
Use 6 beam arrays with the KCB for this. Alternatively, use 4 DBBs with 2 Omni-directional arrays and the KCB, but that's only possible with AP weapons. My personal preference is 5 RomPlas arrays, 1 Experimental RomPlas array, and the KCB. Zero-Point console is good even aside from the set bonus.
The above should score over 15k easily.
Using cannons is also possible, going with CSV2 instead of FAW3, but it will be more difficult to do good DPS as the difficulty in positioning properly is higher. You're also a little more squish, because when you use Beam Arrays with FAW you can stay at full throttle while circling your victim, which maxes out your Defense bonus. don't stop moving!
(If you don't have at least 2 purple DCE DOffs or 3 blue DCE DOffs, go EPtW2/EPtW3 for offense, EPtS2/EPtS3 if you really need it.)
Spam Tac Team and EPtS/EPtW whenever they're off cooldown. This gives you power levels, hardened shields, and automatic shield distribution. Make sure you're not spamming the Redistribute Shields command because it interrupts firing cycles, and TT should handle that anyway.
Alternate between FAW3/APB3 and FAW3/APB1 every 20s. (If you have a Zemok DOff, go APO3 instead of APB3. If you have the Delta Rising pack, stick with APB3 and use the SDO DOff that heals you when you attack with APB active.)
Sync an OSS with the FAWs whenever possible. Firing FAW at 165 Weapon Power melts things. It also increases your durability when you're at over 140 Shield Power. When OSS is about to expire (around 1-2s left) activate Eng Team to negate the subsystem offline. You'll basically be activating Eng Team very 20s, so it's a steady source of healing that way.
Do not reserve Eng Team as a hull heal, use Hazard Emitters for that purpose. You don't want an important subsystem (like Shields!) to go offline with no way to bring it back up. Use Sci Team as a shield heal. Both of those latter abilities are also for debuff clearing. Go ST1/HE2 if you're having more trouble with hull than shields.
However, if you find your hull dropping but your shields are mostly fine, the problem is most likely your Covariant shields. The Nukara Shields with the Nukara Deflector is preferred. Given the large amounts of Attack Patterns in play, the Romulan Engines (which boost Attack Pattern skill) is also recommended. Grab a Fleet warp core with [AMP] when you can, especially if you're carrying two copies of OSS. You'll pretty much always get 4 subsystems above 75 power due to OSS. You're likely to want the Plasma (or whatever) cores from the Spire that reduce power drain.
Use 6 beam arrays with the KCB for this. Alternatively, use 4 DBBs with 2 Omni-directional arrays and the KCB, but that's only possible with AP weapons. My personal preference is 5 RomPlas arrays, 1 Experimental RomPlas array, and the KCB. Zero-Point console is good even aside from the set bonus.
The above should score over 15k easily.
Using cannons is also possible, going with CSV2 instead of FAW3, but it will be more difficult to do good DPS as the difficulty in positioning properly is higher. You're also a little more squish, because when you use Beam Arrays with FAW you can stay at full throttle while circling your victim, which maxes out your Defense bonus. don't stop moving!
Reprocity makes building this ship vary depending on the situation where having double abilites becomes redundant. I agree on most of the boff layout except i prefer Surgical Strikes over FAW. I like it cause i have my targeting set to attack the closest thing without having it selected, which kind of makes SS behave like FAW but when i select a target all my beams hit one target which is awesome.
SS isn't as good for bumping up DPS, though. It's like cannons, in that it's possible but requires greater piloting ability.
Reciprocity isn't reliable enough to build around unless you're able to hold aggro, though it does depend on who you're flying with. I wouldn't want the aggro necessary to build around Reciprocity if I'm flying around in a Phantom with a Tactical captain.
For more survivability you could use two Conn DOffs so you can put Eng Team on that universal, and go EPtS1/Aux2SIF/EPtW3 on the Eng. Having three Tac BOffs instead of two means an extra SRO trait, though.
Latest Changes to build. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=flcikengerv4_0
Testing shows a little growth to DPS but greatly increased survivability. I think as I put in new phaser relays and maybe find a good beam array to replace the dual beam, that the dps will improve. And practice wit this build will help too.
you should consider dropping the torp and the turret from the CC set too, since the 3- and 4- set bonus is quite weak/situational. replace them with additional beam arrays and your dps will make a jump upwards. practice broadsiding when you have full beams.
trait-wise drop the shield penetration in favor of the armor penetration. most enemies have more HP than shields.
another thing you could try: replace the OSS2 with ionic turbulence. it lowers the resistances as well and you should get decent results in combination with APB. Another thing: i would swap the EptW2 + A2SIF II to EptW3 + A2SIF I
Reciprocity isn't reliable enough to build around unless you're able to hold aggro, though it does depend on who you're flying with. I wouldn't want the aggro necessary to build around Reciprocity if I'm flying around in a Phantom with a Tactical captain.
Reciprocity is very reliable, and it's absolutely perfect for beamscorts. I've never had a problem keeping all Tac and Intel abilities at global. Though it's best to use FAW to pick up aggro, and zip around at max speed. I used this build. Acutally, I found that Reciprocity is so good at maintaining global, I was wasting boff seats running FAW and Surgical Strikes (as they share a cooldown). So I switched my seating around a bit.
My build though has a lot of bells and whistles, and has enough investment in defense (embassy boffs) and FAW + DEM goodness (marion) that it's clearly out of the range of the OP.
I've taken to the Eclipse lately. Whatever the Phantom can do, the Eclipse can do better. If you have the DR Pack, I'd highly suggest switching to that ship. Honestly, cheap DPS is only really available to cannons. Otherwise you're looking at some big investments to making beams put up serious numbers. Surgical Strikes is a decent budget minded answer though, as it is essentially a multi-beam overload effect.
Total costs (at the time of this post):
5 Mk XII U Disruptors: 150k
4 Mk X R Disruptor Coils: 600k
2 Mk X VR Neutronium: 800k
2 Mk X VR Field Gens: 500k
3 R Damage Control Engineers: 2.7 million
1 R Matter Antimatter Engineer: 100k
1 R Fabrication Engineer: 600k
- Alternatley, replace Reverse Shield Polarity with Auxillary to SIF 2 and run a -
1 R Warp Core Engineer (Remove Debuff Variant): 400k
So assuming you have none of this, it'll cost about 5 million ec. That's far cheaper than those dilithium rep guns in the long run. My suggestion would be to sell some bulk materials on the exchange to raise the capital. Or if you have the Zen, a few keys would do it.
Then look up the Hilbert Guide, set up the spacebar keybind (a little bit down the page, you're looking for spacebar.txt). This will help you focus on piloting effectively at max speed to keep your defense up.
Finally, no clicky console (the lance) will ever be better than a constant passive stat boost. Clickly consoles are pretty much solely good in PvP. Though I will say, if it's fun to you, go ahead and use it.
Reciprocity is very reliable, and it's absolutely perfect for beamscorts.
Again, it depends on who you're running with.
My Fed Eng's JHDC and my Rom Eng's Scimitar both do ~40k DPS. In spite of that, I don't have aggro more than at best 30% of the time because I'm running with DPS channel people.
My Fed Eng's JHDC and my Rom Eng's Scimitar both do ~40k DPS. In spite of that, I don't have aggro more than at best 30% of the time because I'm running with DPS channel people.
I'll grant at that level it probably doesn't work full time. I just roll with fleetmates and 10/20k channel members. The only time I have a problem is if there's only a single target left, like the Tac Cube at the end of Infected Space.
See if you can work in..
OSS in an intel slot, for weapon power cap bonus.
Eng team, or something, to ignore the OSS debuff above (swap for your hull heal maybe).
Tac officer, lose something for an attack pattern beta?
Consider intel skill: turbulence which stacks with beta
consider eng skill, power to weapons
Consider a 4 DBB forward weapon payload, or 3 DBB and torp.
Consider one copy of a beam overload with the duty officer that makes your attacks bypass shields upon use of overload. The blue ones are not extremely expensive, and purple is only *moderately* expensive.
That is just a start, but feedback before doing additional surgery on it..
consider an omni aft beam. If you can produce the mats, I will be happy to mash the button to craft it without charge. This would take some time but would be well worth it if you are satisfied with your damage type.
if you can stack
pattern beta
power to weapons
override systems
backed by FAW/surgical on a group or overload on a boss or bosslet, you will be amazed at how just officer skills changed your damage output.
Edit good catch below me
every single tac console should be for your beams. Period.
If you can, pick up some rep consoles. Most unlock at tier 2-3, and while they cost dil, they are worth it. If you need help to pick them, say so, but look at them and pick for yourself if you can, to learn from the process of choosing. Your special ship lance console is universal, move it out if you use it, or toss it in the bank if you find it to be weak. MOST weapon consoles are too long a cooldown to bother wasting a console slot... if its like my maha, its a strong spike damage and long cooldown, but still not worth it.
-Use only +phaser damage consoles in the tactical slots if you plan on using phasers. These tac slots are quite precious, so match them up with the appropriate damage bonus consoles to get the most out of them
-Use Beam Fire At Will x2 (or 1 if you plan on using Aux2Batt) instead of Beam Overload for higher sustained DPS.
-For BOFF skills, here is what I would recommend using: Override Subsystem Safeties 1, Ionic Turbulence 1, Transport Warhead 1 or Surgical Strikes 1, Torpedo Spread 3, Attack Pattern Omega3, Engineering Team 1.
Ionic Turbulence is quite a game-breaking ability if you can pull targets together via Projected Singularity console (or Gravity Well in other Lt.Cmdr Sci equipped ships).
Override Subsystem Safeties 1 pushes weapon power levels past 150 on my ship -- this adds an extra +50% damage if you normally run weapons hot at 125. Just have Engineering Team ready just in case your shield subsystem goes down afterwards. Stack this with Ionic turbulence to really punish your target.
Honestly, the ship is pretty scattered and you have a couple of overlapping cooldowns that result in skills that are probably not available often, and a couple other skills that net result probably aren't doing much. The intel torp skills are iffy for example, particularly since you already have real torp skills. Viral Impulse Burst is kinda cool to use but not sure its much help to your setup. And without Tac Team, Hazard Emitters, or an anti-tractor ability (Vaadwaur love their tractors), I'm guessing survival is somewhat of an issue?
Here's a rebuild idea thats basically the same ship just tidied up.
Doffs would be 2-3 Damage Control Engineers plus whatever else you like (Conn Officer for Tac Team maybe, or Maintenance Engineer and Dev Lab or the ST/ET cooldowns, letting the Phantom's trait take care of TT). Power settings would be Weapons maxed, then high Engine power to keep up with the fast Vaadwaur ships without having to use EPTE, while Shields energy you could set to 20-25 and still end up running high due to the EPTS. Consoles I left grade unmarked just get what you can, and though the Graviton Pulse Generator is kinda cool you don't really have the skill setup to make it shine and so replacing it wouldn't be a bad idea (I'd go for the Bio Neural Gel Pack or the Assimilated Module personally). Lastly on weapons, since you're running a Surgical Strike build, CrtD mods are your friends and should be used whenever possible.
And note I'm not claiming this is a super minmax build, but rather your build in your budget just 'helped out.'
The Graviton Pulse Generator, has not been as useful as I had hoped it to be, so it's an easy thing for me to change.
As for rep gear, I have almost all the rep gear from Counter Command and down. I don't have all of the peaices for the Omega Reps, but that has been slowly worked on.
The weapons are the ones that I have that seemed to be the best. I didn't have very many cannons, so went with the best beams that I had.
Based on what everyone has written so far, I will relook at my boff's and doff's and re-arrange. And I will look over my other ships and see if I have some +phaser consoles.
The Lance I have used in a very effective manner and I really like. And it doesn't seem to be a very long cool down for me.
(just a side note I am Tier 5 in every rep and have Level 16 in Beam crafting. And LOADS of mats because I haven't really built anything. But I can start trying to build what I need.)
I do usually run with weapon power at 125.
I had put in my skill tree and the traits that I have active. I wanted to make sure that I choose well there too.
Once I get home I will look at what I can change right away and update it here.
I don't need the ship to be super min/maxed cause I can make up fior it in piloting. As the ship stabnds now, I have been able to take first place in Advanced CC and seem to pull around 5.2K DPS in Advanced Borg STF's (any of the space ones consistantly).
Thanks for all the advice, will let you know later tonight of all the changes.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
for mysetup in that post is:
For weapons i have this set up as a beam boat so i can keep flying at max speed and not really lose my arc on target,also to keep my defense up as well.
En-Uni: EPTE
LTC -Tact: TT1,TT2,APO1
Com Intel/Tact IT1,OSS2,APO1,SS2(working on 3)
LT Intel/Sci: HE1,ST2
For doffs:
2x dmg ctrl engineers,
2x energy weapon officer(reduce CD on beams) sidenote: the beams and cannon version both work with Surgical Strikes
1x warp core engineer for power boost
1x conn officer to reduce CD on evasive.
I do have some copies of abilities but only because there are situations where reprocity doesn't proc and i want to at least keep my defenses up. When it procs then the abilities do become redundant but id rather have it than not. The only thing is running a single copy of SS does hinder damage when it doesn't but the trade off is i have survivability by rarely getting hit.
For my defense except for maxing the intel tree which i am working on, i think i got as much + defense gear as i can get without sacrificing too much DPS. I got the eclipse trait,(+22%), pattern recognition (+6%), elusive (+10%), Counter Command engines(+5%), Counter Command Deflector(5% set bonus with engines), Dyson Res All Engi Console VR mk14 (+2.8%)
APO gives bonus defense and i usually have that running as much as i can, also keeping evasive up adds another I think 25% so it right now peaks over 200 at max but stays about 130-150 during a fight.
I am going to do some upgrading of those components and then will try to update it again.
I don't have the ability to train Intel skills at this time.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
I plan to replace the disruptor with a Omni phaser once I get the resources to do it. Which should be tomorrow for the Dililithium (only thing I am short on besides EC)
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
the officer trainer at your home base has intel skills.
I can't tell what you changed. It looks the same to me.
Tested it and the dps picked up 1K already....but hull fails a lot. Is there way to up survivability without sacrificing dps?
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
I would love to be able to control what mods I get, but I can't. SO I am trying to work with what I got. I don't have the EC to go and buy what I want. And I can't manufacture Bio-Molecular Phasers as far as I know. And doing the Counter Command Rep hourly nets a random component with random mods. Which makes it really hard to build this ship.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
My latest setup still sports green Mk XII [CrtD] - disruptor arrays i got for ~10000 EC / piece.
Last night when I looked on the exchanged, the search function could not bring up a single bio-molecular phaser beam of any kind. And phasers quickly went up in price. with only dual heavy phasers being within reach of my EC's. ( only have a couple million ec's).
So I am guessing that people are not selling Bio-Molecular Phasers. And getting more is going to cost me Undine Marks at this point.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
bio molecular phasers/disruptors are ONLY from the undine rep boxes or for dilithium from the rep store.
If you want a certain mod you need to spend dilithium or play the hourly lottery wit the rep boxes and hope for the best.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
With my kyak-load, I don't think they are within reach:D
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
Don't feel bad, I myself have to operate on a RC sized level!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
But it seems to blow up a lot.
I also noticed that I have some decent Thorium Infused Polaron Heavy Cannons. Should I switch to those?
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
Surgical Strikes is better than FAW imho, so iwould drop FAW and replace with APO1
I would switch your science stations drop Kinteic magnet, and get HE1, OSS2 instead.
Drop the directed energy tact consoles and get phaser ones, they will increase your phaser damage more.
There is a good engineer console from Dyson Rep which is Res All and has 2.5% defense on it which is ideal for phantom as you wan your defense as high as possible cause of reprocity. The best thing to do in phantom is to keep moving and have a high defense as possible. That way you wont die as often.
Also you need to think about abilities to get out of tractor beams and holds, like APO and polarize hull, it would help in your survivability. One thing i noticed in flying the phantom is getting held down is death for this ship but if you can keep on the move you will be fine. I sometimes even forget about healing cause i usually dodge most things coming at me.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
other rule of thumb: do not mix beams and cannons/turrets.
change your diburnium armor to neutronium alloy for more damage resists.
Try this (with 2-3 blue or purple Damage Control Engineer DOffs):
LCdr Tac: TT1/APB1/FAW3
Cdr iTac: OSS1/OSS2/FAW3/APB3
LCdr Eng: ET1/EPtS2/EPtW3
Lt iSci: HE1/ST2
Ens Uni: TT1
(If you don't have at least 2 purple DCE DOffs or 3 blue DCE DOffs, go EPtW2/EPtW3 for offense, EPtS2/EPtS3 if you really need it.)
Spam Tac Team and EPtS/EPtW whenever they're off cooldown. This gives you power levels, hardened shields, and automatic shield distribution. Make sure you're not spamming the Redistribute Shields command because it interrupts firing cycles, and TT should handle that anyway.
Alternate between FAW3/APB3 and FAW3/APB1 every 20s. (If you have a Zemok DOff, go APO3 instead of APB3. If you have the Delta Rising pack, stick with APB3 and use the SDO DOff that heals you when you attack with APB active.)
Sync an OSS with the FAWs whenever possible. Firing FAW at 165 Weapon Power melts things. It also increases your durability when you're at over 140 Shield Power. When OSS is about to expire (around 1-2s left) activate Eng Team to negate the subsystem offline. You'll basically be activating Eng Team very 20s, so it's a steady source of healing that way.
Do not reserve Eng Team as a hull heal, use Hazard Emitters for that purpose. You don't want an important subsystem (like Shields!) to go offline with no way to bring it back up. Use Sci Team as a shield heal. Both of those latter abilities are also for debuff clearing. Go ST1/HE2 if you're having more trouble with hull than shields.
However, if you find your hull dropping but your shields are mostly fine, the problem is most likely your Covariant shields. The Nukara Shields with the Nukara Deflector is preferred. Given the large amounts of Attack Patterns in play, the Romulan Engines (which boost Attack Pattern skill) is also recommended. Grab a Fleet warp core with [AMP] when you can, especially if you're carrying two copies of OSS. You'll pretty much always get 4 subsystems above 75 power due to OSS. You're likely to want the Plasma (or whatever) cores from the Spire that reduce power drain.
Use 6 beam arrays with the KCB for this. Alternatively, use 4 DBBs with 2 Omni-directional arrays and the KCB, but that's only possible with AP weapons. My personal preference is 5 RomPlas arrays, 1 Experimental RomPlas array, and the KCB. Zero-Point console is good even aside from the set bonus.
The above should score over 15k easily.
Using cannons is also possible, going with CSV2 instead of FAW3, but it will be more difficult to do good DPS as the difficulty in positioning properly is higher. You're also a little more squish, because when you use Beam Arrays with FAW you can stay at full throttle while circling your victim, which maxes out your Defense bonus. don't stop moving!
Reprocity makes building this ship vary depending on the situation where having double abilites becomes redundant. I agree on most of the boff layout except i prefer Surgical Strikes over FAW. I like it cause i have my targeting set to attack the closest thing without having it selected, which kind of makes SS behave like FAW but when i select a target all my beams hit one target which is awesome.
Reciprocity isn't reliable enough to build around unless you're able to hold aggro, though it does depend on who you're flying with. I wouldn't want the aggro necessary to build around Reciprocity if I'm flying around in a Phantom with a Tactical captain.
For more survivability you could use two Conn DOffs so you can put Eng Team on that universal, and go EPtS1/Aux2SIF/EPtW3 on the Eng. Having three Tac BOffs instead of two means an extra SRO trait, though.
Testing shows a little growth to DPS but greatly increased survivability. I think as I put in new phaser relays and maybe find a good beam array to replace the dual beam, that the dps will improve. And practice wit this build will help too.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
trait-wise drop the shield penetration in favor of the armor penetration. most enemies have more HP than shields.
another thing you could try: replace the OSS2 with ionic turbulence. it lowers the resistances as well and you should get decent results in combination with APB. Another thing: i would swap the EptW2 + A2SIF II to EptW3 + A2SIF I
Reciprocity is very reliable, and it's absolutely perfect for beamscorts. I've never had a problem keeping all Tac and Intel abilities at global. Though it's best to use FAW to pick up aggro, and zip around at max speed. I used this build. Acutally, I found that Reciprocity is so good at maintaining global, I was wasting boff seats running FAW and Surgical Strikes (as they share a cooldown). So I switched my seating around a bit.
My build though has a lot of bells and whistles, and has enough investment in defense (embassy boffs) and FAW + DEM goodness (marion) that it's clearly out of the range of the OP.
I've taken to the Eclipse lately. Whatever the Phantom can do, the Eclipse can do better. If you have the DR Pack, I'd highly suggest switching to that ship. Honestly, cheap DPS is only really available to cannons. Otherwise you're looking at some big investments to making beams put up serious numbers. Surgical Strikes is a decent budget minded answer though, as it is essentially a multi-beam overload effect.
Budget Phantom
Total costs (at the time of this post):
5 Mk XII U Disruptors: 150k
4 Mk X R Disruptor Coils: 600k
2 Mk X VR Neutronium: 800k
2 Mk X VR Field Gens: 500k
3 R Damage Control Engineers: 2.7 million
1 R Matter Antimatter Engineer: 100k
1 R Fabrication Engineer: 600k
- Alternatley, replace Reverse Shield Polarity with Auxillary to SIF 2 and run a -
1 R Warp Core Engineer (Remove Debuff Variant): 400k
So assuming you have none of this, it'll cost about 5 million ec. That's far cheaper than those dilithium rep guns in the long run. My suggestion would be to sell some bulk materials on the exchange to raise the capital. Or if you have the Zen, a few keys would do it.
Then look up the Hilbert Guide, set up the spacebar keybind (a little bit down the page, you're looking for spacebar.txt). This will help you focus on piloting effectively at max speed to keep your defense up.
Finally, no clicky console (the lance) will ever be better than a constant passive stat boost. Clickly consoles are pretty much solely good in PvP. Though I will say, if it's fun to you, go ahead and use it.
Again, it depends on who you're running with.
My Fed Eng's JHDC and my Rom Eng's Scimitar both do ~40k DPS. In spite of that, I don't have aggro more than at best 30% of the time because I'm running with DPS channel people.
I'll grant at that level it probably doesn't work full time. I just roll with fleetmates and 10/20k channel members. The only time I have a problem is if there's only a single target left, like the Tac Cube at the end of Infected Space.