These projects don't get queued because they are a waste of resources and don't actually progress the holdings by much at all. If there are other means of earning fleet credits (we have a few small allies who let us donate to their holdings) then why would you bother with the useless projects?
if the holdings are already fully progressed and the members are taking their frustration at the inability to earn credits in their fleet to the forums then that is exactly why you would queue up these projects.
Our fleet is almost T5 on everything, and we're running into that problem. Earning FM isn't an issue; our practice runs on NWS generate more than we can use.
And that's the problem.
For us, for every 100 FM people wish to donate, an accompanying 20 doffs must also be donated. We open up the smaller projects 2 at a time, and they get filled.
But it's slow going, especially for full time players. And tougher when the occasional fleetie dumps all of his/her marks with the accompanying deposits.
A personal project for converting FM to ANYTHING would be very helpful.
Our fleet is almost T5 on everything, and we're running into that problem. Earning FM isn't an issue; our practice runs on NWS generate more than we can use.
And that's the problem.
For us, for every 100 FM people wish to donate, an accompanying 20 doffs must also be donated. We open up the smaller projects 2 at a time, and they get filled.
But it's slow going, especially for full time players. And tougher when the occasional fleetie dumps all of his/her marks with the accompanying deposits.
A personal project for converting FM to ANYTHING would be very helpful.
And that about sums it up.
It's not the fleet size thats the problem its the lack of projects. you can slot 3 per holding, plus a special now and again. But the Fleet marks its such a paltry amount for how much people earn.
So yeah i want to unstockpile my fleet marks in any way possible. But as its usually FM people want to dump into something anything, Assisting a smaller fleet wont help nor will starting an alt fleetbase wont solve squat as you would have to dump ALLLLLL those other things in to get the project finished to slot another.
We need a personal project to dump FM's into for FC or Dil.
Just to be a dink i want to have a way to earn Expertise in an alternate manner also.
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Idea: Event reputation project that would allow us to exchange Fleet Marks for Fleet Credits, but at a loss.
1FM is worth 50FC when contributed to a starbase project. Event reputation project could be lowered to grant only 25FC for 1FM.
This way people with excess of FM could still earn some FC (although less than normal), while it would also be completely optional, so it wouldn't interfere in daily starbase construction or project requirements.
And yeah, although we're still building our T5 facilities, I and many fleetmates already have way too many FM with no way to spend them. Some people tend to throw their FM the moment they see a new project, but rarely bother buying any duty officers for the FC they've earned. Meanwhile, other fleetmates don't have enough FC to buy those doffs from the starbase, so everything slows down as a result. It's really annoying...
And don't even get me started on those horrendous Embassy, Mine and Spire Provisions...
Even though I am doing the small fleet thing myself - and am sorely tempted to open up the "you got marks to offload, I'll take them" post - it's expensive enough to buy the rest of the stuff, paying extra for fleet marks is real tough for me...
The main thrust of this post is what's truly missing from the fleet system - the ability to convert fleet marks into a "useful currency" that does not require the contribution of anything else...
Reputation marks of all sorts? Has a dilithium conversion. BNPs? Conversion. These new Voth-doodads? Conversion. Fleet Marks - only can be deposited into a project. They sit in people's inventories unless (until) they stumble on a project that gives them a place to dump them...
On that note, having seen lots of posts complaining about Dilithium contributions, how about making it where - only in fleet projects - 10 fleet marks = 1 dil - so that people with "excess" fleet marks can convert them into Dil and force-fill what is arguably one of the hardest blocks to get filled, even in larger fleets...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Even though I am doing the small fleet thing myself - and am sorely tempted to open up the "you got marks to offload, I'll take them" post - it's expensive enough to buy the rest of the stuff, paying extra for fleet marks is real tough for me...
The main thrust of this post is what's truly missing from the fleet system - the ability to convert fleet marks into a "useful currency" that does not require the contribution of anything else...
Reputation marks of all sorts? Has a dilithium conversion. BNPs? Conversion. These new Voth-doodads? Conversion. Fleet Marks - only can be deposited into a project. They sit in people's inventories unless (until) they stumble on a project that gives them a place to dump them...
On that note, having seen lots of posts complaining about Dilithium contributions, how about making it where - only in fleet projects - 10 fleet marks = 1 dil - so that people with "excess" fleet marks can convert them into Dil and force-fill what is arguably one of the hardest blocks to get filled, even in larger fleets...
I have two small fleets that I am in contact with to offload fleet marks and dilithium. They have ratios of what you can give so that people are not just dumping FM and leaving. Trust me the opportunity to dump 2000 FM in a moment is worth 20000 dilithium which helps my fleet credit accumulation anyways.
Start a small fleet coordination channel and advertise it. I bet you get some good hits!
PvE Jem'Hadar motto:Participation Ribbonsare life.
small fleets: hey! is to hard for us to fill up those projects, please make them smaller.
large fleets: hey! is to hard for us to get fleet credits 'cuz we are too many in the fleet, please make the projects bigger.
in this moment i'm really sorry for the guys from pwe/cryptic...
ps: now the fleet admiral can cancel the project; so why not create a project fill up the FMs and cancel it. repeat it over and over again until you done with your FMs and then come here to qq that FMs are so hard to farm and your projects are empty...
small fleets: hey! is to hard for us to fill up those projects, please make them smaller.
large fleets: hey! is to hard for us to get fleet credits 'cuz we are too many in the fleet, please make the projects bigger.
Easy solution: Make project requirements automatically scale by the number of fleet members.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
what will stop a big fleet to kick players start the project and reinvite them back? "the almighty god"?
The solution is to make teh starbase projects very cheap and teh provisions very expensive. That way large fleets get starbase quick but foot the bill on provisions. Small fleets take a bit longer on starbase, but manage it and make up on the large fleets for provisions. Cant kick/invite exploit this one. If people contribute they can use the provisions. There will be some dirtbags out there using people then kicking them, but they won't have anyeon for future holdings. Most fleets are stand up fleets.
PvE Jem'Hadar motto:Participation Ribbonsare life.
An easy way for a large fleet to keep generating FC is start multiple sub fleets and run projects on them. Once a sub fleet dings T2+ across the board sell it and divide the EC profits between everyone who contributed based on percentage of total contributed. wash rinse and repeat.
Members make the FC they want, they make extra EC when sold off, and it is all internal so asking for an invite back and forth is made easy.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Couldnt there be an FC reputation tab for characters? If it was given a 20hr cool down like the contribution ones for Omega Marks and such, it would allow those players in large fleets and occasional players who miss fleet projects to convert their Marks into credits.
You would still need to earn the required level within a fleet before you could spend the credits, so you would still need to contribute items over time, but whilst doing this you could build up your stockpile. If it is capped at 500/1000 Fleet Marks per 20 hours at least this would allow for an individuals character to keep ticking them over.
I'll tell you how to end up with more fleet credits than you will ever use. Start a two-person fleet and level it up with just that one fleet mate. So far, we've unlocked Tac tier 3, Eng Tier 2, and are working towards Sci tier IV. Plus whatever the category was to unlock "advanced fleet warp cores," and we're working towards the Mk XII Fleet Armor consoles. Yes, it's an insanely long grind to get that far, but I never have to worry about having enough fleet credits.
The problem is that, in large fleets, the projects fill up so fast and so erratically that a lot of people cannot get an opportunity to earn credits.
Um, there are projects that can be run every 30 minutes that were made to alleviate this very situation in Large Fleets (I know because we use them and don't really have this issue as a result.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
So basically you are complaining being part of a massive fleet that they and, they alone should benefit from some means to gain more FC's. While you can simply start a dump fleet or join someone else's to aid with their need of FM's. This is the price massive fleets pay for their numbers and making use of the dilithium mine that lowers the amount of FC's that can potentially be earned. There are already work arounds available, you just need use them.
Um, there are projects that can be run every 30 minutes that were made to alleviate this very situation in Large Fleets (I know because we use them and don't really have this issue as a result.)
The issue is those 30 minute projects require to few marks, only 500-600 depending on the mine, and at the same time the all require a bunch of doffs and/or commodities, neither of which offer a good return in FC. As I have said before the solution to this problem is to add new 30 minute projects that either require allot more marks, like 2,000+, or just give us one that takes maybe 1k marks but very little if any commodities and doffs. These projects can offer 0 starbase xp, its not about the measly 5xp per category, we just need a better way to use up marks.
So basically you are complaining being part of a massive fleet that they and, they alone should benefit from some means to gain more FC's. While you can simply start a dump fleet or join someone else's to aid with their need of FM's. This is the price massive fleets pay for their numbers and making use of the dilithium mine that lowers the amount of FC's that can potentially be earned. There are already work arounds available, you just need use them.
The idea of making extra fleets and having to move people between them just to earn fleet credits is absurd. As to this is the price you pay for leveling your mine, what we are supposed to leave our mine at tier 0 just so we can have more fleet marks required on projects, that is equally absurd. There is no option to turn the discount off, nor was it a separate project we could just choose not to do.
You guys are all welcome to join our small fleet for a week, bust out a few projects for us, and then leave with your newly-earned fleet marks...
That would solve both our problems, by the way... We'd get to a Tier 1 or 2 quicker, and you'd get your fleet marks. Thing is, you'd have to have a buddy in your other fleet to let you back in once your done with your "drive-by shooting" of our smaller fleet.
PM me if you want an invite!
"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
I'd have to agree with the OP. As a very new player, I joined a large fleet based in my time zone ... I eagerly opened the Fleet window to see how I could contribute to my new fleet, and of course earn FC's to by that shiny new ship I wanted, only to discover their is pretty much nowhere left to contribute! Even buying Z and converting it to Dil, the bars are all full in the projects window, so I can't make FC's!
Even just a simple Fleet "Bank" to dump into and convert to FC's would be useful, so even if there wasn't a current project available, when the next one started, the Guild Leader could give it a "kick" by drawing from the "bank" first ... Or how about a "Currency Converter/NPC" for EC/ Dil / GPL / Lobi / FC's / FM's / Zen / Q Portraits / xxxx Marks (FFS is there really that many currencies in STO???)
allowing people to go to the ops officer in a small fleet to donate marks and other things to them without joining would solve that.
Late to this party.. but indeed if they could make this work, I think it would be a boon for us small fleet peeps.
If small fleets could make "contracts" (think EVE).
A BIG fleet user visits their own special OPS console, finds other job needed from other fleets in need.
Now to keep things for being abused, maybe limit small Fleet contracts to max 2 or 3 a week, so it gives a chance to spread the love, and maybe stems off any exploits.
**Keep the Jobs Anonymous so no favoring fleet?***
If this sounds like a good idea, lets give this process a "Project name" so we can reference it on interviews/tweets/social. Only way to get it out there.
Last randoms thought.
(Oddly enough coming up with Doffs is the 1st issue we have.. but that is a different story.)
Even better if FC were account bound, then ppl could take their Alts to smaller fleets.
Many good ideas, in the mean time, off to look for a suggestions box.... be back in a few millennium.
Hey, one option i know that happens is to create a sort of mini fleet within the fleet. Basically, some of your fleet leaders create a new fleet with alts, then instead of just opening the specials, you can join the mini fleet, dump into the projects then go back to your normal fleet. So instead of having specials opened for you, they will just invite you to the secondry fleet, let you earn your credits then get you back into the main one
sort of like AA ball clubs affiliated with Major league teams
sad to see cryptic/pwi havent listened to the player base over this.
Yes it may be a thread necro but this threads even more relevant now than it was back when it was started with just 5 ppl able to fill fleet marks with minimal work while having to farm for 150+ doffs or spend dili(I still dont get how dili has such a low fleet credit value)
They really need to wake up as people in small fleets with 5+ active or med/large fleets are building up so many credits from events / stfs etc that its becoming a joke.
- give fleets the opportunity to start and close (when more important projects show up - when starbase t6 launches for example) a second special project that never ends with a defined amount of fc for everything ppl want to get rid of (fm, dil, commodities, consumables, doffs, ... , and tribbles )
- give ppl the opportunity to donate without leaving their fleet (of course agreement of the fleet needed that has projects open)
- adjust the amount of fc ppl get (for donating dil and doffs for example)
(and maybe give ppl a choice of things that are needed for fleet projects as reward for fleet actions - for example with "bound to donation" so ppl could choose dil as reward too)
Btw: if someone needs to get fc, feel free to send a donation request via ingame mail - we are thanksfull for every donation we can get.
As others have said, I think this is designed as a Dilithium and money sink.
Personally I've spent millions of EC in the past week or so just to get enough FC to buy my first decent consoles. I've contributed mostly consumables, doffs, Dilithium, and as many Fleet Marks as I can if I find an open project that needs them.
It gets expensive -- a stack of the more expensive provisions costs up to 150,000 EC and doesn't yield much FC. Likewise, to get enough doffs to yield any significant FC, you've gotta grind assignments *and* buy off the Exchange.
So if there are no current projects to donate Fleet Marks to, it can cost millions of EC just to raise 50k Fleet Credits to buy a console. And like everyone else, my Dil problem is the refinement backlog, not overall Dil.
if the holdings are already fully progressed and the members are taking their frustration at the inability to earn credits in their fleet to the forums then that is exactly why you would queue up these projects.
And that's the problem.
For us, for every 100 FM people wish to donate, an accompanying 20 doffs must also be donated. We open up the smaller projects 2 at a time, and they get filled.
But it's slow going, especially for full time players. And tougher when the occasional fleetie dumps all of his/her marks with the accompanying deposits.
A personal project for converting FM to ANYTHING would be very helpful.
And that about sums it up.
It's not the fleet size thats the problem its the lack of projects. you can slot 3 per holding, plus a special now and again. But the Fleet marks its such a paltry amount for how much people earn.
So yeah i want to unstockpile my fleet marks in any way possible. But as its usually FM people want to dump into something anything, Assisting a smaller fleet wont help nor will starting an alt fleetbase wont solve squat as you would have to dump ALLLLLL those other things in to get the project finished to slot another.
We need a personal project to dump FM's into for FC or Dil.
Just to be a dink i want to have a way to earn Expertise in an alternate manner also.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
1FM is worth 50FC when contributed to a starbase project. Event reputation project could be lowered to grant only 25FC for 1FM.
This way people with excess of FM could still earn some FC (although less than normal), while it would also be completely optional, so it wouldn't interfere in daily starbase construction or project requirements.
And yeah, although we're still building our T5 facilities, I and many fleetmates already have way too many FM with no way to spend them. Some people tend to throw their FM the moment they see a new project, but rarely bother buying any duty officers for the FC they've earned. Meanwhile, other fleetmates don't have enough FC to buy those doffs from the starbase, so everything slows down as a result. It's really annoying...
And don't even get me started on those horrendous Embassy, Mine and Spire Provisions...
The main thrust of this post is what's truly missing from the fleet system - the ability to convert fleet marks into a "useful currency" that does not require the contribution of anything else...
Reputation marks of all sorts? Has a dilithium conversion. BNPs? Conversion. These new Voth-doodads? Conversion. Fleet Marks - only can be deposited into a project. They sit in people's inventories unless (until) they stumble on a project that gives them a place to dump them...
On that note, having seen lots of posts complaining about Dilithium contributions, how about making it where - only in fleet projects - 10 fleet marks = 1 dil - so that people with "excess" fleet marks can convert them into Dil and force-fill what is arguably one of the hardest blocks to get filled, even in larger fleets...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I have two small fleets that I am in contact with to offload fleet marks and dilithium. They have ratios of what you can give so that people are not just dumping FM and leaving. Trust me the opportunity to dump 2000 FM in a moment is worth 20000 dilithium which helps my fleet credit accumulation anyways.
Start a small fleet coordination channel and advertise it. I bet you get some good hits!
large fleets: hey! is to hard for us to get fleet credits 'cuz we are too many in the fleet, please make the projects bigger.
in this moment i'm really sorry for the guys from pwe/cryptic...
ps: now the fleet admiral can cancel the project; so why not create a project fill up the FMs and cancel it. repeat it over and over again until you done with your FMs and then come here to qq that FMs are so hard to farm and your projects are empty...
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
what will stop a big fleet to kick players start the project and reinvite them back? "the almighty god"?
The solution is to make teh starbase projects very cheap and teh provisions very expensive. That way large fleets get starbase quick but foot the bill on provisions. Small fleets take a bit longer on starbase, but manage it and make up on the large fleets for provisions. Cant kick/invite exploit this one. If people contribute they can use the provisions. There will be some dirtbags out there using people then kicking them, but they won't have anyeon for future holdings. Most fleets are stand up fleets.
Members make the FC they want, they make extra EC when sold off, and it is all internal so asking for an invite back and forth is made easy.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
You would still need to earn the required level within a fleet before you could spend the credits, so you would still need to contribute items over time, but whilst doing this you could build up your stockpile. If it is capped at 500/1000 Fleet Marks per 20 hours at least this would allow for an individuals character to keep ticking them over.
Um, there are projects that can be run every 30 minutes that were made to alleviate this very situation in Large Fleets (I know because we use them and don't really have this issue as a result.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
The issue is those 30 minute projects require to few marks, only 500-600 depending on the mine, and at the same time the all require a bunch of doffs and/or commodities, neither of which offer a good return in FC. As I have said before the solution to this problem is to add new 30 minute projects that either require allot more marks, like 2,000+, or just give us one that takes maybe 1k marks but very little if any commodities and doffs. These projects can offer 0 starbase xp, its not about the measly 5xp per category, we just need a better way to use up marks.
The idea of making extra fleets and having to move people between them just to earn fleet credits is absurd. As to this is the price you pay for leveling your mine, what we are supposed to leave our mine at tier 0 just so we can have more fleet marks required on projects, that is equally absurd. There is no option to turn the discount off, nor was it a separate project we could just choose not to do.
That would solve both our problems, by the way... We'd get to a Tier 1 or 2 quicker, and you'd get your fleet marks. Thing is, you'd have to have a buddy in your other fleet to let you back in once your done with your "drive-by shooting" of our smaller fleet.
PM me if you want an invite!
Even just a simple Fleet "Bank" to dump into and convert to FC's would be useful, so even if there wasn't a current project available, when the next one started, the Guild Leader could give it a "kick" by drawing from the "bank" first ... Or how about a "Currency Converter/NPC" for EC/ Dil / GPL / Lobi / FC's / FM's / Zen / Q Portraits / xxxx Marks (FFS is there really that many currencies in STO???)
what we need the most is Fm's and dil
pm or mail me @papertoasty
Late to this party.. but indeed if they could make this work, I think it would be a boon for us small fleet peeps.
If small fleets could make "contracts" (think EVE).
A BIG fleet user visits their own special OPS console, finds other job needed from other fleets in need.
Now to keep things for being abused, maybe limit small Fleet contracts to max 2 or 3 a week, so it gives a chance to spread the love, and maybe stems off any exploits.
**Keep the Jobs Anonymous so no favoring fleet?***
If this sounds like a good idea, lets give this process a "Project name" so we can reference it on interviews/tweets/social. Only way to get it out there.
Last randoms thought.
(Oddly enough coming up with Doffs is the 1st issue we have.. but that is a different story.)
Even better if FC were account bound, then ppl could take their Alts to smaller fleets.
Many good ideas, in the mean time, off to look for a suggestions box.... be back in a few millennium.
sort of like AA ball clubs affiliated with Major league teams
Yes it may be a thread necro but this threads even more relevant now than it was back when it was started with just 5 ppl able to fill fleet marks with minimal work while having to farm for 150+ doffs or spend dili(I still dont get how dili has such a low fleet credit value)
They really need to wake up as people in small fleets with 5+ active or med/large fleets are building up so many credits from events / stfs etc that its becoming a joke.
- give fleets the opportunity to start and close (when more important projects show up - when starbase t6 launches for example) a second special project that never ends with a defined amount of fc for everything ppl want to get rid of (fm, dil, commodities, consumables, doffs, ... , and tribbles
- give ppl the opportunity to donate without leaving their fleet (of course agreement of the fleet needed that has projects open)
- adjust the amount of fc ppl get (for donating dil and doffs for example)
(and maybe give ppl a choice of things that are needed for fleet projects as reward for fleet actions - for example with "bound to donation" so ppl could choose dil as reward too)
Btw: if someone needs to get fc, feel free to send a donation request via ingame mail - we are thanksfull for every donation we can get.
Personally I've spent millions of EC in the past week or so just to get enough FC to buy my first decent consoles. I've contributed mostly consumables, doffs, Dilithium, and as many Fleet Marks as I can if I find an open project that needs them.
It gets expensive -- a stack of the more expensive provisions costs up to 150,000 EC and doesn't yield much FC. Likewise, to get enough doffs to yield any significant FC, you've gotta grind assignments *and* buy off the Exchange.
So if there are no current projects to donate Fleet Marks to, it can cost millions of EC just to raise 50k Fleet Credits to buy a console. And like everyone else, my Dil problem is the refinement backlog, not overall Dil.