Tested on both my characers and now the two cant remove the module anymore: "You may only have one of a unique item. Inventory full." this is the error you will get.
If you attempt to swap it out with another kit module, the game will supply the only one of a unique item may be equipped message.
If you attempt to unequip the module, it will supply an Inventory full and unique item message. If you attempt to drag the module out of the kit frame, it will supply two unique item messages, in addition to the Inventory full message.
For reference, this occurred and was tested on the Undine Ground Set Kit on Niza@nPoon.
Ok... have sent tickets, asked around... now here.... how do I get this elachi mod off my kit. getting on my nerves. I now have my rommy embassy kit with the elachi mod on it in the tact slot (do to a miss click when I was trying to take it off) and now can only get 4 mods on not 5. please help.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
If you attempt to swap it out with another kit module, the game will supply the only one of a unique item may be equipped message.
If you attempt to unequip the module, it will supply an Inventory full and unique item message. If you attempt to drag the module out of the kit frame, it will supply two unique item messages, in addition to the Inventory full message.
For reference, this occurred and was tested on the Undine Ground Set Kit on Niza@nPoon.
Joined January 2009
No winter module here.