Okay, this is my first real Intel build, so be gentle with me.
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I was not overly impressed with the Bentham (and similar ships), having a mere Lt. station for Intel (at the expense of Sci). So, yesterday I bought the Phantom Escort. Not to give the story away directly, but this thing totally rocks!!
I decided to go full Intel on it. Lo and behold!
U.S.S. Swiftie
I used the Lt. station for Intel too, so as to use:
Dual Evasive Target Lock I
Dual Override Subsystem Safeties II
That is already a very solid basis. The single lowly ET1 is just there to counter any negative effect of OSS. As an Engineer I have plenty 'real' heals already.
I wasn't sure how the dual Surgical Strikes I/III would work out; and for the longest time I even considered just going the traditional CRF route. Well, what can I say?! This thing slices thru everything like a knife thru butter! It far exceeded my expectations! Holy TRIBBLE, this thing puts everything else I have to shame!
And I can use my human Tact boffs again.
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Don't I miss the CrtH from the usual Embassy boffs? Nope! Surgical Strikes comes with +40% CrtH! (For 10 seconds). That's the equivalent of 20 (!) SRO boffs! Holy Frak!
In fact, CrtH is so overwhelming, I might as well dump the Proton Particle Stabilizer/Experimental Proton Beam Array (for that extra 3.0% CrtH), and just add an extra DHC + Bioneural Infusion Circuits (for the 20%+ CrtD).
I have many T5-U lockbox ships. In all honestly, though, my initial reluctance towards T6 despite, this nimble baby clearly settles the dispute: T6 wins. Overwhelmingly. Can't wait to get the Fleet version of it!
See what I did there?
I read about that CD, yes. Looks truly awesome! I eagerly await the moment I reach it.
I have to admit as a phantom owner this has been a really fun ship to fly. Reprobate is awesome, I have speced my ship to get as much defense on my ship as possible, that way it procs more often. I have average over 130% defense and gets as high as 200, which means I dodge so much reprocity keeps my abilities to almost global constantly. Which means I only need to run one copy of Surgical Strikes 2( working on 3) which is awesome. Obviously when your not being center of attention reprocity loses its value but its far in between when something isn't trying to shoot me.
Thanks for your feedback!
Reprobate? What trait is that?! Can't seem to find it.
Yes, I've been looking for ways to get my Defensense value up too. In fact, I'm hoping ere long people will have some solid numbers on how to best work Reciprocity, as it's difficult to measure (for obvious reasons). Wouldn't mind seeing your build one day.
Also, where do you get Surgical Strikes 2? I can only train Surgical Strikes 3, and the other copy available is Lt. Cmdr, but that is only trainable as Surgical Strikes 1, it appears.
People are using the Eclipse trait that gives 22% defense (something like that) along with the phantom trait and the Pilot tree to boost their defense to some really good numbers so they can keep tac and intel powers at global.
SS2 is the same level as SS3 just like how APO2 and APO3 are both commander level so you're not going to want SS2. People who know more about this game than I do say SS3 + apo1 is better than apo3 + SS1.
If you get bored of Argala, I recommend getting a few friends and doing private runs of starbase 24 to fill your ship mastery. Lots of NPCs to kill. I can max out my mastery in just a few runs. You don't need a full team to start a private queue for SB24.
Yes, I'm using APO1 + SS3 (the boff layout is perfect for it). And damn, now I have to get an Eclipse too.
N.B. I maxed out my Mastery in a few rounds of Argala already.
I'm using SS1 too; but yeah, the Reciprocity should make that unnecessary (that's my goal, at least).
EDIT: Wouldn't it be hilarious if I could use 2 copies of ATO1 and bring em both down to global!? (Maybe with just 1 Zemok)
I have to agree. I've flown the phantom and dauntless, and as a cruiser skipper, I had a lot of fun in both. I DID go beamboat but the phantom is just killer to fly
Ultimately, my main ship will be my Guardian, I'm a Cruiser Captain at heart, but the Phantom performs really well. I put 3 DHC and a DBB up front with Beam Overload for spike damage and it's very impressive.
I picked it up for something different and of course to get the Starship Trait. I originally thought I would just fly it to get the trait then mothball it, but it's actually a really fun ship. I can see myself using it from time to time as a change of pace from my trusty beam boat.
Well for my setup im using the following:
For weapons i have this set up as a beam boat so i can keep flying at max speed and not really lose my arc on target,also to keep my defense up as well.
En-Uni: EPTE
LTC -Tact: TT1,TT2,APO1
Com Intel/Tact IT1,OSS2,APO1,SS2(working on 3)
LT Intel/Sci: HE1,ST2
For doffs:
2x dmg ctrl engineers,
2x energy weapon officer(reduce CD on beams) sidenote: the beams and cannon version both work with Surgical Strikes
1x warp core engineer for power boost
1x conn officer to reduce CD on evasive.
I do have some copies of abilities but only because there are situations where reprocity doesn't proc and i want to at least keep my defenses up. When it procs then the abilities do become redundant but id rather have it than not. The only thing is running a single copy of SS does hinder damage when it doesn't but the trade off is i have survivability by rarely getting hit.
For my defense except for maxing the intel tree which i am working on, i think i got as much + defense gear as i can get without sacrificing too much DPS. I got the eclipse trait,(+22%), pattern recognition (+6%), elusive (+10%), Counter Command engines(+5%), Counter Command Deflector(5% set bonus with engines), Dyson Res All Engi Console VR mk14 (+2.8%)
APO gives bonus defense and i usually have that running as much as i can, also keeping evasive up adds another I think 25% so it right now peaks over 200 at max but stays about 130-150 during a fight.
Still looking for a way to bring down the CD on SS3 (other than thru Reciprocity); we need Intel doffs.
If you are running Phaser of any flavour, seriously consider equipping the phaser lance console. I have ripped 250K criticals through ships with it. (Fully buffed, of course.)
Due to the way Intel exposes work, it is not a decloak spike weapon, but for finishing off a foe, it has no equal. I love it as much as I love the Mat'ha Raptor's massive disruptor cannon console.
And yes, I have paired Reciprocity with the Battle Ready trait (from the Eclipse). Once I am able to train SS3/OSS3 I plan on running both intel and tac traits at system cooldown, and no doubling up.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
you could try single a2b. There's talk in the PvP forums about doing the same for a cruiser.
Just thinking, but maybe, move epts to the ens universal station and change the intel/science powers to just science for heals, because you wont be needing to double up on the intel powers.
This looks a very promising.
So far the results are excellent!
I may not have enough bonus Defense yet, though (between 109-124). I guess I really need the 9/9. And, of course, the Eclipse. Well played, Cryptic!
Nonetheless, I can nearly get them at global already (and part is due to poor piloting, LOL, as my eye is more on the open stats screen and tray-bar than on the actual fight now).
Thanks, guys! Very good stuff here!
Btw, forgot to mention, I can train those for you, if you want.
How can you train Intel Abilities?
I have been trying to figure out how I'm supposed to get OSS3 since the only way I know is the Bridge officer trainer. Is there a perk in the Intelligence Specialization that lets you train it?
Ah, thank you!
I was not aware of that. Guess I need to focus those skill points.
Are you able to train other people's BOFFs in Intel like you can other powers? If you can, I'd really appreciate that. I have a common-quality Intel BOFF (I bought it with DL) that I'd love to get trained up in OSS3 and SS3.
Hopefully this BOFF isn't bound in any way...
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
They don't look bound to me.
I only bought it to put the nacelles on my Scryer, makes the Scryer look like an updated Oberth that way.
Now take the Phantom, and put the Scryer nacelles on it, and it is rather sharp as well. Black hull and aegis shield, and you really get that Tron look.
I promise I will.
Unfortunately all the Intel BOffs are bound. (including the common ones bought from the vendor with Dil). I know because I've tried to trade them to see if I can train other people's.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Shucks! Leave it to Craptic to pull a lame stunt like that.
So, what then if I want to have BFAW3 trained, by a Fleetie? Brilliant thinking, Craptic!
Sorry for letting people's hopes up.
Only another 7 "Levels" of grind for me to get my OSS3/SS3 build going then.
Thanks anyway for the offer though, Kira.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
That truly is a brilliant piece of information! Too bad I won't be able to reciprocate (pun intended), as it turns out Intel boffs are untradable.
hmmm...maybe I should file a ticket then... Just hit 15 in intel and I can't train any intel powers
You need to have spent 22 (or 23?) spec points in the Intel tree before you can train Intel powers.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
I find this truly hilarious because the rommy embassy Boffs ARE tradeable.
Suppose you just invite me to your bridge and we just keep trying anyway?
I'll bring pizza!
Yes, so are mine.